Source code for

from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union

import anndata
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse as sp
from anndata import AnnData
from pyvista import PolyData
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, diags, issparse, lil_matrix, spmatrix
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull, Delaunay, cKDTree
from scipy.stats import norm
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..configuration import SKM
from ..logging import logger_manager as lm

[docs]def rescaling(mat: Union[np.ndarray, spmatrix], new_shape: Union[List, Tuple]) -> Union[np.ndarray, spmatrix]: """This function rescale the resolution of the input matrix that represents a spatial domain. For example, if you want to decrease the resolution of a matrix by a factor of 2, the new_shape will be `mat.shape / 2`. Args: mat: The input matrix of the spatial domain (or an image). new_shape: The rescaled shape of the spatial domain, each dimension must be an factorial of the original dimension. Returns: res: the spatial resolution rescaled matrix. """ shape = (new_shape[0], mat.shape[0] // mat[0], new_shape[1], mat.shape[1] // mat[1]) res = mat.reshape(shape).sum(-1).sum(1) return res
[docs]def get_mapper(smoothed=True): mapper = { "X_spliced": "M_s" if smoothed else "X_spliced", "X_unspliced": "M_u" if smoothed else "X_unspliced", "X_new": "M_n" if smoothed else "X_new", "X_old": "M_o" if smoothed else "X_old", "X_total": "M_t" if smoothed else "X_total", # "X_uu": "M_uu" if smoothed else "X_uu", # "X_ul": "M_ul" if smoothed else "X_ul", # "X_su": "M_su" if smoothed else "X_su", # "X_sl": "M_sl" if smoothed else "X_sl", # "X_protein": "M_p" if smoothed else "X_protein", "X": "X" if smoothed else "X", } return mapper
[docs]def update_dict(dict1, dict2): dict1.update((k, dict2[k]) for k in dict1.keys() & dict2.keys()) return dict1
[docs]def flatten(arr): if type(arr) == pd.core.series.Series: ret = arr.values.flatten() elif sp.issparse(arr): ret = arr.toarray().flatten() else: ret = arr.flatten() return ret
[docs]def compute_corr_ci( r: float, n: int, confidence: float = 95, decimals: int = 2, alternative: Literal["two-sided", "less", "greater"] = "two-sided", ): """Parametric confidence intervals around a correlation coefficient Args: r: Correlation coefficient n: Length of x vector and y vector (the vectors used to compute the correlation) confidence: Confidence level, as a percent (so 95 = 95% confidence interval). Must be between 0 and 100. decimals: Number of rounded decimals alternative: Defines the alternative hypothesis, or tail for the correlation coefficient. Must be one of "two-sided" (default), "greater" or "less" Returns: ci: Confidence interval """ assert alternative in [ "two-sided", "greater", "less", ], "Alternative must be one of 'two-sided' (default), 'greater' or 'less'." # r-to-z transform: z = np.arctanh(r) se = 1 / np.sqrt(n - 3) if alternative == "two-sided": critical_val = np.abs(norm.ppf((1 - confidence) / 2)) ci_z = np.array([z - critical_val * se, z + critical_val * se]) elif alternative == "greater": critical_val = norm.ppf(confidence) ci_z = np.array([z - critical_val * se, np.inf]) else: critical_val = norm.ppf(confidence) ci_z = np.array([-np.inf, z + critical_val * se]) # z-to-r transform: ci = np.tanh(ci_z) ci = np.round(ci, decimals) return ci
[docs]def calc_1nd_moment(X, W, normalize_W=True): if normalize_W: if type(W) == np.ndarray: d = np.sum(W, 1).flatten() else: d = np.sum(W, 1).A.flatten() W = diags(1 / d) @ W if issparse(W) else np.diag(1 / d) @ W return W @ X, W else: return W @ X
[docs]def affine_transform(X, A, b): X = np.array(X) A = np.array(A) b = np.array(b) return (A @ X.T).T + b
[docs]def gen_rotation_2d(degree: float): from math import cos, radians, sin rad = radians(degree) R = [ [cos(rad), -sin(rad)], [sin(rad), cos(rad)], ] return np.array(R)
[docs]def compute_smallest_distance( coords: np.ndarray, leaf_size: int = 40, sample_num=None, use_unique_coords=True ) -> float: """Compute and return smallest distance. A wrapper for sklearn API Parameters ---------- coords: NxM matrix. N is the number of data points and M is the dimension of each point's feature. leaf_size : int, optional Leaf size parameter for building Kd-tree, by default 40. sample_num: The number of cells to be sampled. use_unique_coords: Whether to remove duplicate coordinates Returns ------- min_dist: float the minimum distance between points """ if len(coords.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("Coordinates should be a NxM array.") if use_unique_coords: # main_info("using unique coordinates for computing smallest distance") coords = [tuple(coord) for coord in coords] coords = np.array(list(set(coords))) # use cKDTree which is implmented in C++ and is much faster than KDTree kd_tree = cKDTree(coords, leafsize=leaf_size) if sample_num is None: sample_num = len(coords) N, _ = min(len(coords), sample_num), coords.shape[1] selected_estimation_indices = np.random.choice(len(coords), size=N, replace=False) # Note k=2 here because the nearest query is always a point itself. distances, _ = kd_tree.query(coords[selected_estimation_indices, :], k=2) min_dist = min(distances[:, 1]) return min_dist
[docs]def polyhull(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, z: np.ndarray) -> PolyData: """Create a PolyData object from the convex hull constructed with the input data points. scipy's ConvexHull to be 500X faster than using vtkDelaunay3D and vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter because you skip the expensive 3D tesselation of the volume. Args: x: x coordinates of the data points. y: y coordinates of the data points. z: z coordinates of the data points. Returns: poly: a PolyData object generated with the convex hull constructed based on the input data points. """ hull = ConvexHull(np.column_stack((x, y, z))) faces = np.column_stack((3 * np.ones((len(hull.simplices), 1),, hull.simplices)).flatten() poly = PolyData(hull.points, faces) return hull, poly
[docs]def in_hull(p: np.ndarray, hull: Tuple[Delaunay, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Test if points in `p` are in `hull` Args: p: a `N x K` coordinates of `N` points in `K` dimensions hull: either a scipy.spatial.Delaunay object or the `MxK` array of the coordinates of `M` points in `K` dimensions for which Delaunay triangulation will be computed. Returns: res: A numpy array with boolean values indicating whether the input points is in the convex hull. """ from scipy.spatial import Delaunay if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay): hull = Delaunay(hull) res = hull.find_simplex(p) >= 0 return res
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For filtering dataframe by written instructions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def parse_instruction(instruction: str, axis_map: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None): """ Parses a single filtering instruction and returns the equivalent pandas query string. Args: instruction: Filtering condition, in a form similar to the following: "x less than 950 and z less than or equal to 350". This is equivalent to ((x < 950) & (z <= 350)). Here, x is the name of one dataframe column and z is the name of another. For negation, use "not (x less than 950)". axis_map: In the case that an alias can be used for the dataframe column names (e.g. "x-axis" -> "x"), this dictionary maps these optional aliases to column names. Returns: query: The equivalent pandas query string. """ # Replace the axis names with the corresponding column names for axis, col in axis_map.items(): instruction = instruction.replace(axis, col) # Replace the human-readable operators with their Python equivalents instruction = instruction.replace("less than or equal to", "<=") instruction = instruction.replace("less than", "<") instruction = instruction.replace("greater than or equal to", ">=") instruction = instruction.replace("greater than", ">") instruction = instruction.replace("equal to", "==") instruction = instruction.replace("not (", "~(") return instruction
@SKM.check_adata_is_type(SKM.ADATA_UMI_TYPE, "adata")
[docs]def filter_adata_spatial( adata: AnnData, coords_key: str, instructions: List[str], col_alias_map: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None ): """Filters the AnnData object by spatial coordinates based on the provided instructions list, to be executed sequentially. Args: adata: AnnData object containing spatial coordinates in .obsm coords_key: Key in .obsm containing spatial coordinates instructions: List of filtering instructions, in a form similar to the following: "x less than 950 and z less than or equal to 350". This is equivalent to ((x < 950) & (z <= 350)). Here, x is the name of one dataframe column and z is the name of another. For negation, use "not (x less than 950)". col_alias_dict: In the case that an alias can be used for the dataframe column names (e.g. "x-axis" is used to refer to the dataframe column "x"), this dictionary maps these optional aliases to column names. Returns: adata: Filtered AnnData object """ logger = lm.get_main_logger() # Default alias map will map "x" -> "points_x", "y" -> "points_y", etc. if col_alias_map is None: col_alias_map = {"x": "points_x", "y": "points_y", "z": "points_z"} coordinates = adata.obsm[coords_key] if coordinates.shape[1] == 2: df = pd.DataFrame(coordinates, index=adata.obs_names, columns=["points_x", "points_y"]) elif coordinates.shape[1] == 3: df = pd.DataFrame(coordinates, index=adata.obs_names, columns=["points_x", "points_y", "points_z"]) else: raise ValueError(f"Coordinates must be 2D or 3D. Given shape: {coordinates.shape}.") # Process each instruction: for instruction in instructions: query = parse_instruction(instruction, col_alias_map) df = df.query(query)"Filtered {len(adata)} cells to {len(df)} cells.") # Filter AnnData object: adata = adata[df.index, :].copy() return adata
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For creating arbitrary axes between two existing axes # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @SKM.check_adata_is_type(SKM.ADATA_UMI_TYPE, "adata")
[docs]def create_new_coordinate( adata: anndata.AnnData, position_key: str = "spatial", plane: Literal["xy", "yz", "xz", "-xy", "-yz", "-xz"] = "xy" ): """Projects points from an AnnData object onto a specified plane and direction, calculate the distances along this projection, and add the results to the AnnData object. Args: adata: AnnData object containing spatial coordinates in .obsm position_key: Key in .obsm containing spatial coordinates. Defaults to "spatial". plane: Plane to project points onto. Must be one of "xy", "yz", "xz", "-xy", "-yz", "-xz". The "-" prefix indicates that the direction along the first axis is reversed (i.e. instead of starting from the minimum value, it starts from the maximum value). Defaults to "xy". Returns: adata: AnnData object with new column added to .obs """ if "z" in plane and adata.obsm[position_key].shape[1] < 3: raise ValueError("Cannot project onto z-axis if there are only 2 spatial dimensions.") if position_key in adata.obsm.keys(): if adata.obsm[position_key].shape[1] == 2: pos_df = pd.DataFrame(adata.obsm[position_key], index=adata.obs_names, columns=["X", "Y"]) else: pos_df = pd.DataFrame(adata.obsm[position_key], index=adata.obs_names, columns=["X", "Y", "Z"]) # Extracting the relevant columns based on the plane if plane in ["xy", "-xy"]: cols = ["X", "Y"] elif plane in ["yz", "-yz"]: cols = ["Y", "Z"] elif plane in ["xz", "-xz"]: cols = ["X", "Z"] else: raise ValueError("Invalid coord_column") # Projection and calculation of distance if plane in ["xy", "yz", "xz"]: # Positive planes min_point = pos_df[cols].min() max_point = pos_df[cols].max() else: # Negative planes min_point = pos_df[cols].min() max_point = pos_df[cols].max() min_point[cols[1]] = pos_df[cols[1]].max() max_point[cols[1]] = pos_df[cols[1]].min() if "-" in plane: reference_point = max_point else: reference_point = min_point c0, d0 = min_point c1, d1 = max_point dc = c1 - c0 dd = d1 - d0 if dc != 0: m = dd / dc b = d0 - m * c0 else: # Vertical line: m = np.inf b = c0 projected_points = [] distances = [] for _, row in tqdm(pos_df.iterrows(), desc="Creating new coordinate..."): p0, p1 = row[cols] if m != np.inf: # Calculate the projected point onto the line proj_p0 = (m * p1 + p0 - m * b) / (m**2 + 1) proj_p1 = (m**2 * p1 + m * p0 + b) / (m**2 + 1) else: # Projection onto a vertical line proj_p0 = b proj_p1 = p1 projected_points.append((proj_p0, proj_p1)) # Calculate the distance along the line from the reference point distances.append(np.sqrt((proj_p0 - reference_point[0]) ** 2 + (proj_p1 - reference_point[1]) ** 2)) # Return dataframe new_coord = pd.DataFrame(projected_points, index=pos_df.index, columns=["proj_x", "proj_y"]) new_coord["distance"] = distances adata.obs[f"{plane} Coordinate"] = new_coord["distance"] # Also store information to draw the line: adata.uns[f"{plane} Line"] = {"start": min_point, "end": max_point, "m": m, "b": b} return adata