
Dotplot class adapted from with modifications for suitability to cell-cell communication and interaction analyses

Development notes: some of the methods mention dendrograms/other extra plots and there is currently no capability to generate those- coming in future update…additions that will have to be made: functions for plot_dendrogram, plot_totals, additional if condition in make_figure()…



Simultaneous visualization of two variates that are encoded by the dot size and the dot color. Size usually


Because of the often much smaller values dealt with in cell-cell communication inference, this class creates a


adata_to_frame(adata, var_names, cat_key[, ...])

For the purposes of dot plotting, converts the information given in AnnData object to a dataframe in which the

make_grid_spec(→ Tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, ...)

Initialize grid layout to place subplots within a figure environment

dotplot(adata, var_names, cat_key[, num_categories, ...])

Makes a dot plot of the expression values of var_names. For each var_name and each groupby category a dot

Module Contents

spateo.plotting.static.dotplot.adata_to_frame(adata: anndata.AnnData, var_names: Sequence[str], cat_key: str | Sequence[str], num_categories: int = 7, layer: None | str = None, gene_symbols_key: None | str = None)[source]

For the purposes of dot plotting, converts the information given in AnnData object to a dataframe in which the row names are categories defined by groups and column names correspond to variable names.


class anndata.AnnData


Should be a subset of adata.var_names


The key(s) in .obs of the grouping to consider. Should be a categorical observation; if not, will be subdivided into ‘num_categories’.


Only used if groupby observation is not categorical. This value determines the number of groups into which the groupby observation should be subdivided.


Key in .layers specifying layer to use. If not given, will use .X.


Key in .var containing gene symbols

spateo.plotting.static.dotplot.make_grid_spec(ax_or_figsize: Tuple[int, int] | matplotlib.axes.Axes, nrows: int, ncols: int, wspace: float | None = None, hspace: float | None = None, width_ratios: Sequence[float] | None = None, height_ratios: Sequence[float] | None = None) Tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecBase][source]

Initialize grid layout to place subplots within a figure environment


Either already-existing ax object or the width and height to create a figure window


Number of rows in the grid


Number of columns in the grid


The amount of width reserved for space between subplots, expressed as a fraction of the average axis width


The amount of height reserved for space between subplots, expressed as a fraction of the average axis height


Defines the relative widths of the columns. Each column gets a relative width of width_ratios[i] / sum( width_ratios). If not given, all columns will have the same width.


Defines the relative heights of the rows. Each row gets a relative width of height_ratios[i] / sum( height_ratios). If not given, all columns will have the same width.


Instantiated Figure object gs: Instantiated gridspec object

Return type:


class spateo.plotting.static.dotplot.Dotplot(adata: anndata.AnnData, var_names: Sequence[str], cat_key: str | Sequence[str], num_categories: int = 7, prescale_adata: bool = False, categories_order: None | Sequence[str] = None, title: None | str = None, figsize: None | Tuple[float, float] = None, gene_symbols_key: None | str = None, var_group_positions: None | Sequence[Tuple[int, int]] = None, var_group_labels: None | Sequence[str] = None, var_group_rotation: None | float = None, layer: None | str = None, expression_cutoff: float = 0.0, mean_only_expressed: bool = False, standard_scale: Literal['var', 'group'] = None, dot_color_df: pandas.DataFrame | None = None, dot_size_df: pandas.DataFrame | None = None, ax: None | matplotlib.axes.Axes = None, vmin: None | float = None, vmax: None | float = None, vcenter: None | float = None, norm: matplotlib.colors.Normalize | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Simultaneous visualization of two variates that are encoded by the dot size and the dot color. Size usually represents the fraction of samples that have non-zero values, and color usually represents the magnitude of the value.


class anndata.AnnData


Should be a subset of adata.var_names


The key(s) in .obs of the grouping to consider. Should be a categorical observation; if not, will be subdivided into ‘num_categories’.


Only used if groupby observation is not categorical. This value determines the number of groups into which the groupby observation should be subdivided.


Sets order of categories given by ‘cat_key’ along the plotting axis


Sets title for figure window


The width and height of a figure


Key in .var containing gene symbols


Each item in the list should contain the start and end position that the bracket should cover. Eg. [(0, 4), (5, 8)] means that there are two brackets, one for the var_names in positions 0-4 and other for positions 5-8.


List of group labels for the variable names (e.g. can group var_names in positions 0-4 as being “group A”)


Rotation in degrees of the variable name labels. If not given, small labels (<4 characters) are not rotated, but otherwise labels are rotated 90 degrees.


Key in .layers specifying layer to use. If not given, will use .X.


Used for binarizing feature expression- feature is considered to be expressed only if the expression value is greater than this threshold


If True, gene expression is averaged only over the cells expressing the given features


Whether or not to standardize that dimension between 0 and 1, meaning for each variable or group, subtract the minimum and divide each by its maximum. ‘val’ or ‘group’ is used to specify whether this should be done over variables or groups.


Pre-prepared dataframe with features as indices, categories as columns, and indices corresponding to color intensities


Pre-prepared dataframe with features as indices, categories as columns, and indices corresponding to dot sizes


Can be used to provide pre-existing plotting axis


The data value that defines 0.0 in the normalization. Defaults to the min value of the dataset.


The data value that defines 1.0 in the normalization. Defaults to the the max value of the dataset.


The data value that defines 0.5 in the normalization


Optional already-initialized normalizing object that scales data, typically into the interval [0, 1], for the purposes of mapping to color intensities for plotting. Do not pass both ‘norm’ and ‘vmin’/’vmax’, etc.


Additional arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.scatter()

default_colormap = 'winter'[source]
default_color_on = 'dot'[source]
default_dot_max = None[source]
default_dot_min = None[source]
default_smallest_dot = 0.0[source]
default_largest_dot = 200.0[source]
default_dot_edgecolor = 'black'[source]
default_dot_edgelw = 0.2[source]
default_size_exponent = 1.5[source]
default_size_legend_title = Multiline-String[source]
Show Value
"""Fraction of cells
in group (%)"""
default_color_legend_title = Multiline-String[source]
Show Value
"""Mean expression
in group"""
default_base = 10[source]
default_num_colorbar_ticks = 5[source]
default_num_size_legend_dots = 5[source]
default_legends_width = 1.5[source]
default_plot_x_padding = 0.8[source]
default_plot_y_padding = 1.0[source]
default_category_height = 0.35[source]
default_category_width = 0.37[source]
min_figure_height = 2.5[source]
default_wspace = 0[source]
var_group_labels = None[source]
var_group_positions = None[source]
var_group_rotation = None[source]
has_var_groups = True[source]
fig_title = None[source]
max_num_categories = 100[source]
dot_size_df = None[source]
cmap = 'winter'[source]
dot_max = None[source]
dot_min = None[source]
smallest_dot = 0.0[source]
largest_dot = 200.0[source]
color_on = 'dot'[source]
size_exponent = 1.5[source]
grid = False[source]
plot_x_padding = 0.8[source]
plot_y_padding = 1.0[source]
dot_edge_color = 'black'[source]
dot_edge_lw = 0.2[source]
color_legend_title = Multiline-String[source]
Show Value
"""Mean expression
in group"""
size_title = Multiline-String[source]
Show Value
"""Fraction of cells
in group (%)"""
num_colorbar_ticks = 5[source]
num_size_legend_dots = 5[source]
base = 10[source]
legends_width = 1.5[source]
show_size_legend = True[source]
show_colorbar = True[source]
wspace = 0[source]
are_axes_swapped = False[source]
categories_order = None[source]
var_names_idx_order = None[source]
group_extra_size = 0[source]
plot_group_extra = None[source]
fig = None[source]
ax_dict = None[source]
ax = None[source]

Modifies variables to flip x- and y-axes of dotplot.

By default, the x axis contains ‘var_names’ (e.g. genes) and the y axis the groupby categories. By setting ‘swap_axes’ the x-axis becomes the categories and the y-axis becomes the variable names.

add_dendrogram(show: bool = True, dendrogram_key: None | str = None, size: float = 0.8)[source]

Show dendrogram based on the hierarchical clustering between the cat_key categories. Categories are reordered to match the dendrogram order.

The dendrogram information is computed using utils.dendrogram() within Spateo. If utils.dendrogram has not been called previously the function is called with default parameters here.

The dendrogram is by default shown on the right side of the plot or on top if the axes are swapped.


Boolean to turn on (True) or off (False) ‘add_dendrogram’


Needed if :func utils.dendrogram saved the dendrogram using a key different than the default name.


Size of the dendrogram. Corresponds to width when dendrogram shown on the right of the plot,

matplotlib or height when shown on top. The unit is the same as in

style(cmap: str = default_colormap, color_on: Literal['dot', 'square'] | None = default_color_on, dot_max: float | None = default_dot_max, dot_min: float | None = default_dot_min, smallest_dot: float | None = default_smallest_dot, largest_dot: float | None = default_largest_dot, dot_edge_color: float | None = default_dot_edgecolor, dot_edge_lw: float | None = default_dot_edgelw, size_exponent: float | None = default_size_exponent, grid: float | None = False, x_padding: float | None = default_plot_x_padding, y_padding: float | None = default_plot_y_padding)[source]

Modifies visual aspects of the dot plot

Args: cmap: Name of Matplotlib color map to use color_on: Options are ‘dot’ or ‘square’. By default the colormap is applied to the color of the dot,

but ‘square’ changes this to be applied to a square region behind the dot, in which case the dot becomes transparent with only the edge of the dot shown.

dot_max: If none, the maximum dot size is set to the maximum fraction value found (e.g. 0.6). If given,

the value should be a number between 0 and 1. All fractions larger than dot_max are clipped to this value.

dot_min: If none, the minimum dot size is set to 0. If given, the value should be a number between 0 and 1.

All fractions smaller than dot_min are clipped to this value.

smallest_dot: If none, the smallest dot has size 0. All expression fractions with dot_min are plotted with this size. largest_dot: If none, the largest dot has size 200. All expression fractions with dot_max are plotted with this size. dot_edge_color: Only used if ‘color_on’ is ‘square’. Sets dot edge color dot_edge_lw: Only used if ‘color_on’ is ‘square’. Sets dot edge line width size_exponent: Dot size is computed as:

fraction ** size exponent

and is afterwards scaled to match the ‘smallest_dot’ and ‘largest_dot’ size parameters. Using a different size exponent changes the relative sizes of the dots to each other.

grid: Set to true to show grid lines. By default grid lines are not shown. Further configuration of the grid

lines can be achieved directly on the returned ax.

x_padding: Space between the plot left/right borders and the dots center. A unit is the distance between the x

ticks. Only applied when ‘color_on’ = ‘dot’

y_padding: Space between the plot top/bottom borders and the dots center. A unit is the distance between the x

ticks. Only applied when ‘color_on’ = ‘dot’


self (instance of class DotPlot)


Creating a modified dot plot (w/ a loaded AnnData object given name ‘adata’): markers = [‘C1QA’, ‘PSAP’, ‘CD79A’, ‘CD79B’, ‘CST3’, ‘LYZ’], var_names=markers, cat_key=’Celltype’).style(cmap=’RdBu_r’, color_on=’square’).show()

legend(show: bool = True, show_size_legend: bool = True, show_colorbar: bool = True, size_title: str | None = default_size_legend_title, colorbar_title: str | None = default_color_legend_title, base: int | None = default_base, num_colorbar_ticks: int | None = default_num_colorbar_ticks, num_size_legend_dots: int | None = default_num_size_legend_dots, width: float | None = default_legends_width)[source]

Configures colorbar and other legends for dotplot


Set to False to hide the default plot of the legends. This sets the legend width to zero, which will result in a wider main plot.


Set to False to hide the dot size legend


Set to False to hide the colorbar legend


Title for the dot size legend. Use ‘n’ to add line breaks. Will be shown at the top of the dot size legend box


Title for the color bar. Use ‘n’ to add line breaks. Will be shown at the top of the color bar.


To determine the size of each “benchmark” dot in the size legend, will use a logscale; this parameter sets the base of that scale.


Number of ticks for the colorbar


Number of “benchmark” dots to include in the dot size legend


Width of the legends area. The unit is the same as in matplotlib (inches)


self (instance of class DotPlot)


Setting the colorbar title (w/ a loaded AnnData object given name ‘adata’): markers = {{‘T-cell’: ‘CD3D’, ‘B-cell’: ‘CD79A’, ‘myeloid’: ‘CST3’}} dp =, markers, groupby=’Celltype’) dp.legend(colorbar_title=’log(UMI counts + 1)’).show()

_plot_size_legend(size_legend_ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes)[source]

Given axis object, generates dot size legend and displays on plot

For the dot size “benchmarks” on the legend, adjust the difference in size between consecutive benchmarks based on how different ‘self.dot_max’ and ‘self.dot_min’ are.

_plot_colorbar(color_legend_ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, normalize: None | matplotlib.colors.Normalize = None)[source]

Given axis object, plots a horizontal colorbar


mpl.axes.Axes object Matplotlib axis object to plot onto


mpl.colors.Normalize object The normalizing object that scales data, typically into the interval [0, 1], for the purposes of mapping to color intensities for plotting. If None, norm defaults to a colors.Normalize object and automatically scales based on min/max values in the data.

_plot_legend(legend_ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, return_ax_dict: dict, normalize: None | matplotlib.colors.Normalize = None)[source]

Organizes the size legend and color legend.

The structure for the legends is: First row: Empty space of variable size to control the size of the other rows Second row: Dot size legend Third row: Spacer to prevent titles/labels of the color and dot size legends overlapping Fourth row: Colorbar


mpl.axes.Axes Matplotlib axis object to plot onto


_mainplot(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes)[source]
static _dotplot(dot_size: pandas.DataFrame, dot_color: pandas.DataFrame, dot_ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, cmap: str = 'Reds', color_on: str = 'dot', y_label: None | str = None, dot_max: None | float = None, dot_min: None | float = None, standard_scale: None | Literal['var', 'group'] = None, smallest_dot: float = 0.0, largest_dot: float = 200, size_exponent: float = 2, edge_color: None | str = None, edge_lw: None | float = None, grid: bool = False, x_padding: float = 0.8, y_padding: float = 1.0, vmin: None | float = None, vmax: None | float = None, vcenter: None | float = None, norm: None | matplotlib.colors.Normalize = None, **kwargs)[source]

Generate a dotplot given the axis object and two dataframes containing the dot size and dot color. The indices and columns of the dataframes are used to label the resultant image.

The dots are plotted using matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(). Thus, additional arguments can be passed.


pd.DataFrame Data frame containing the dot_size.


pd.DataFrame Data frame containing the dot_color, should have the same shape, columns and indices as dot_size.


matplotlib Axes object Axis to plot figure onto


str, default ‘Reds’ String denoting matplotlib color map


str, default ‘dot’ Options: ‘dot’ or ‘square’. By default the colormap is applied to the color of the dot. Optionally, the colormap can be applied to an square behind the dot, in which case the dot is transparent and only the edge is shown.


optional str Label for y-axis


optional float If none, the maximum dot size is set to the maximum fraction value found (e.g. 0.6). If given, the value should be a number between 0 and 1. All fractions larger than dot_max are clipped to this value.


optional float If none, the minimum dot size is set to 0. If given, the value should be a number between 0 and 1. All fractions smaller than dot_min are clipped to this value.


‘None’, ‘val’, or ‘group’ Whether or not to standardize that dimension between 0 and 1, meaning for each variable or group, subtract the minimum and divide each by its maximum. ‘val’ or ‘group’ is used to specify whether this should be done over variables or groups.


optional float If none, the smallest dot has size 0. All expression fractions with dot_min are plotted with this size.


optional float If none, the largest dot has size 200. All expression fractions with dot_max are plotted with this size.


float, default 1.5 Dot size is computed as:

fraction ** size exponent

and is afterwards scaled to match the ‘smallest_dot’ and ‘largest_dot’ size parameters. Using a different size exponent changes the relative sizes of the dots to each other.


str, default ‘black’ Only used if ‘color_on’ is ‘square’. Sets dot edge color


float, default 0.2 Only used if ‘color_on’ is ‘square’. Sets dot edge line width


bool, default False Set to true to show grid lines. By default grid lines are not shown. Further configuration of the grid lines can be achieved directly on the returned ax.


float, default 0.8 Space between the plot left/right borders and the dots center. A unit is the distance between the x ticks. Only applied when ‘color_on’ = ‘dot’


float, default 1.0 Space between the plot top/bottom borders and the dots center. A unit is the distance between the x ticks. Only applied when ‘color_on’ = ‘dot’


optional float The data value that defines 0.0 in the normalization. Defaults to the min value of the dataset.


optional float The data value that defines 1.0 in the normalization. Defaults to the the max value of the dataset.


optional float The data value that defines 0.5 in the normalization


optional matplotlib.colors.Normalize object Optional already-initialized normalizing object that scales data, typically into the interval [0, 1], for the purposes of mapping to color intensities for plotting. Do not pass both ‘norm’ and ‘vmin’/’vmax’, etc.


Additional arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.scatter


matplotlib.colors.Normalize object

The normalizing object that scales data, typically into the interval [0, 1], for the purposes of mapping to color intensities for plotting.


The minimum dot size represented on the plot, given as a fration of the maximum value in the data


The maximum dot size represented on the plot, given as a fraction of the maximum value in the data

Return type:



Reorders categorical observations along plot axis based on dendrogram results.

The function checks if a dendrogram has already been precomputed. If not, utils.dendrogram is run with default parameters.

The results found in .uns[dendrogram_key] are used to reorder var_group_labels and var_group_positions.

static _plot_var_groups_brackets(gene_groups_ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, group_positions: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]], group_labels: Sequence[str], left_adjustment: float = -0.3, right_adjustment: float = 0.3, rotation: float | None = None, orientation: Literal['top', 'right'] = 'top')[source]

Draws brackets that represent groups of features on the given axis.

The ‘gene_groups_ax’ Axes object should share the x-axis/y-axis (depending on the axis along which the features are plotted) with the main plot axis. For example, in instantiation: gene_groups_ax = fig.add_subplot(axs[0,0], sharex=dot_ax)


matplotlib.axes.Axes object Axis to plot on, should correspond to the axis of the main plot on which the feature names/feature ticks are drawn


list of tuples of form (int, int) Each item in the list, should contain the start and end position that the bracket should cover. Eg. [(0, 4), (5, 8)] means that there are two brackets, one for the var_names (eg genes) in positions 0-4 and the second for positions 5-8.


list of str List of labels for the feature groups


float, default -0.3 Adjustment to plot the bracket start slightly before or after the first feature position. If the value is negative the start is moved before.


float, default 0.3 Adjustment to plot the bracket end slightly before or after the first feature position. If the value is negative the end is moved before, if positive the end is moved after.


optional float In degrees, angle of rotation for the labels. If not given, small labels (<4 characters) are not rotated, otherwise, they are rotated 90 degrees


str Options: ‘top’ or ‘right’ to set the location of the brackets


Checks if var_names is a dict. Is this is the cases, then set the correct values for var_group_labels and var_group_positions

Updates var_names, var_group_labels, var_group_positions


Renders the image, but does not call

class spateo.plotting.static.dotplot.CCDotplot(minn: float, delta: float, alpha: float, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Dotplot

Because of the often much smaller values dealt with in cell-cell communication inference, this class creates a modified legend.


optional float Distance between the largest value to consider and the smallest value to consider (see ‘minn’ parameter below)


optional float For the dot size legend, sets the value corresponding to the smallest dot on the legend


optional float Significance threshold. If given, all elements w/ p-values <= ‘alpha’ will be marked by rings instead of dots.


Positional arguments to initialize :class Dotplot


Keyword arguments to initialize :class Dotplot

base = 10[source]
default_largest_dot = 50.0[source]
largest_dot = 50.0[source]
_plot_size_legend(size_legend_ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes)[source]

Given axis object, generates dot size legend and displays on plot

Overwrites the default :func plot_size_legend for :class Dotplot

spateo.plotting.static.dotplot.dotplot(adata: anndata.AnnData, var_names: Sequence[str], cat_key: str | Sequence[str], num_categories: int = 7, cell_cell_dp: bool = False, delta: None | float = None, minn: None | float = None, alpha: None | float = None, prescale_adata: bool = False, expression_cutoff: float = 0.0, mean_only_expressed: bool = False, cmap: str = 'Reds', dot_max: float = Dotplot.default_dot_max, dot_min: float = Dotplot.default_dot_min, standard_scale: Literal['var', 'group'] = None, smallest_dot: float = Dotplot.default_smallest_dot, largest_dot: float = Dotplot.default_largest_dot, title: str = None, colorbar_title: str = Dotplot.default_color_legend_title, size_title: str = Dotplot.default_size_legend_title, figsize: None | Tuple[float, float] = None, dendrogram: bool | str = False, gene_symbols_key: None | str = None, var_group_positions: None | Sequence[Tuple[int, int]] = None, var_group_labels: None | Sequence[str] = None, var_group_rotation: None | float = None, layer: None | str = None, swap_axes: bool = False, dot_color_df: None | pandas.DataFrame = None, save_show_or_return: Literal['save', 'show', 'return', 'both', 'all'] = 'save', save_kwargs: dict = {}, ax: None | matplotlib.axes.Axes = None, vmin: None | float = None, vmax: None | float = None, vcenter: None | float = None, norm: None | matplotlib.colors.Normalize = None, **kwargs)[source]

Makes a dot plot of the expression values of var_names. For each var_name and each groupby category a dot is plotted. Each dot represents two values: mean expression within each category (visualized by color) and fraction of cells expressing the var_name in the category (visualized by the size of the dot). If groupby is not given, the dotplot assumes that all data belongs to a single category.


object of class anndata.AnnData


Should be a subset of adata.var_names


The key(s) in .obs of the grouping to consider. Should be a categorical observation; if not, will be subdivided into ‘num_categories’.


Only used if groupby observation is not categorical. This value determines the number of groups into which the groupby observation should be subdivided.


Set True to initialize specialized cell-cell dotplot instead of gene expression dotplot


Only used if ‘cell_cell_dp’ is True- distance between the largest value to consider and the smallest value to consider (see ‘minn’ parameter below)


Only used if ‘cell_cell_dp’ is True- for the dot size legend, sets the value corresponding to the smallest dot on the legend


Only used if ‘cell_cell_dp’ is True- significance threshold. If given, all elements w/ p-values <= ‘alpha’ will be marked by rings instead of dots.


Set True to indicate that AnnData object should be scaled- if so, will use ‘delta’ and ‘minn’ to do so. If False, will proceed as though adata has already been processed as needed.


Used for binarizing feature expression- feature is considered to be expressed only if the expression value is greater than this threshold


If True, gene expression is averaged only over the cells expressing the given features


Name of Matplotlib color map to use


If none, the maximum dot size is set to the maximum fraction value found (e.g. 0.6). If given, the value should be a number between 0 and 1. All fractions larger than dot_max are clipped to this value.


If none, the minimum dot size is set to 0. If given, the value should be a number between 0 and 1. All fractions smaller than dot_min are clipped to this value.


Whether or not to standardize that dimension between 0 and 1, meaning for each variable or group, subtract the minimum and divide each by its maximum. ‘val’ or ‘group’ is used to specify whether this should be done over variables or groups.


If None, the smallest dot has size 0. All expression fractions with dot_min are plotted with this size.


If None, the largest dot has size 200. All expression fractions with dot_max are plotted with this size.


Title for the entire plot


Title for the color legend. If None will use generic default title


Title for the dot size legend. If None will use generic default title


Sets width and height of figure window


If True, adds dendrogram to plot. Will do the same thing if string is given here, but will recompute dendrogram and save using this argument to set key in .uns.


Key in .var containing gene symbols


Each item in the list should contain the start and end position that the bracket should cover. Eg. [(0, 4), (5, 8)] means that there are two brackets, one for the var_names in positions 0-4 and other for positions 5-8


List of group labels for the variable names (e.g. can group var_names in positions 0-4 as being “group A”)


Rotation in degrees of the variable name labels. If not given, small labels (<4 characters) are not rotated, but otherwise labels are rotated 90 degrees.


Key in .layers specifying layer to use. If not given, will use .X.


Set True to switch what is plotted on the x- and y-axes


Pre-prepared dataframe with features as indices, categories as columns, and indices corresponding to color intensities


Options: “save”, “show”, “return”, “both”, “all” - “both” for save and show


A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function. By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the {“path”: None, “prefix”: ‘scatter’, “dpi”: None, “ext”: ‘pdf’, “transparent”: True, “close”: True, “verbose”: True} as its parameters. But to change any of these parameters, this dictionary can be used to do so.


Pre-initialized axis object to plot on


The data value that defines 0.0 in the normalization. Defaults to the min value of the dataset.


The data value that defines 1.0 in the normalization. Defaults to the the max value of the dataset.


The data value that defines 0.5 in the normalization


Optional already-initialized normalizing object that scales data, typically into the interval [0, 1], for the purposes of mapping to color intensities for plotting. Do not pass both ‘norm’ and ‘vmin’/’vmax’, etc.


Additional keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.scatter()


Instantiated Figure object- only if ‘return’ is True axes: Instantiated Axes object- only if ‘return’ is True

Return type:
