Check the proper backend for the device. |
Check and return the spatial coordinate information from an AnnData object. |
Check expression matrix. |
Check that the number of occurrences of 'obs' in the list of representation fields is no more than one. |
Check if specified representations exist in the .layers, .obsm, or .obs attributes of AnnData objects. |
Check the label transfer dictionary for consistency with given categories. |
Check and generate label transfer matrices for the given samples. |
Generate a label transfer dictionary with normalized values. |
Get the specified representation from the AnnData object. |
Filters for the intersection of genes between all samples. |
Normalize the spatial coordinate. |
Normalize the gene expression matrices. |
Preprocess the data before alignment. |
Preprocess guidance pairs by normalizing them. |
Compute the pairwise KL divergence between all pairs of samples in matrices X and Y. |
Compute the pairwise cosine similarity between all pairs of samples in matrices X and Y. |
Compute the pairwise Euclidean distance between all pairs of samples in matrices X and Y. |
Generate a matrix of size (N, M) by indexing into the label_transfer matrix using the values in X and Y. |
Calculate the distance between all pairs of samples in matrices X and Y using the specified metric. |
Calculate probability based on the distance matrix and specified probability type. |
Compute assignment matrix P and additional results based on given distances and parameters. |
Calculate sparse assignment matrix P using spatial and expression / representation distances. |
con_K constructs the Squared Exponential (SE) kernel, where K(i,j)=k(X_i,Y_j)=exp(-beta*||X_i-Y_j||^2). |
Construct a kernel matrix for spatial data. |
Returns pairwise KL divergence (over all pairs of samples) of two matrices X and Y. |
Calculate the KL distance between two vectors |
Calculate expression dissimilarity. |
Calculate the distance between two vectors |
Calculate the matrix multiplication of two matrices |
Get the optimal rotation matrix R |
Voxelization of the data. |
Initialize probability parameters for the given expression layers. |
Module Contents¶
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.check_backend(device: str = 'cpu', dtype: str = 'float32', verbose: bool = True)[source]¶
Check the proper backend for the device.
- Parameters:
- device
Equipment used to run the program. You can also set the specified GPU for running. E.g.: ‘0’.
- dtype
The floating-point number type. Only float32 and float64.
- verbose
, print progress updates.
- Returns:
The proper backend. type_as: The type_as.device is the device used to run the program and the type_as.dtype is the floating-point number type.
- Return type:
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.check_spatial_coords(sample: anndata.AnnData, spatial_key: str = 'spatial') numpy.ndarray [source]¶
Check and return the spatial coordinate information from an AnnData object.
- Parameters:
- sample AnnData
An AnnData object containing the sample data.
- spatial_key str, optional
The key in .obsm that corresponds to the raw spatial coordinates. Defaults to “spatial”.
- Returns:
The spatial coordinates.
- Return type:
- Raises:
KeyError – If the specified spatial_key is not found in sample.obsm.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.check_exp(sample: anndata.AnnData, layer: str = 'X') numpy.ndarray [source]¶
Check expression matrix.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.check_obs(rep_layer: List[str], rep_field: List[str]) str | None [source]¶
Check that the number of occurrences of ‘obs’ in the list of representation fields is no more than one.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The representation key if ‘obs’ occurs exactly once, otherwise None.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If ‘obs’ occurs more than once in the list.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.check_rep_layer(samples: List[anndata.AnnData], rep_layer: str | List[str] = 'X', rep_field: str | List[str] = 'layer') bool [source]¶
Check if specified representations exist in the .layers, .obsm, or .obs attributes of AnnData objects.
- Parameters:
- samples List[AnnData]
A list of AnnData objects containing the data samples.
- rep_layer Union[str, List[str]], optional
The representation layer(s) to check. Defaults to “X”.
- rep_field Union[str, List[str]], optional
The field(s) indicating the type of representation. Acceptable values are “layer”, “obsm”, and “obs”. Defaults to “layer”.
- Returns:
True if all specified representations exist in the corresponding attributes of all AnnData objects, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If the specified representation is not found in the specified attribute or if the attribute type is invalid.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.check_label_transfer_dict(catA: List[str], catB: List[str], label_transfer_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]])[source]¶
Check the label transfer dictionary for consistency with given categories.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.check_label_transfer(nx: ot.backend.TorchBackend | ot.backend.NumpyBackend, type_as: torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray, samples: List[anndata.AnnData], obs_key: str, label_transfer_dict: List[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]] | None = None) List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor] [source]¶
Check and generate label transfer matrices for the given samples.
- Parameters:
- nx module
Backend module (e.g., numpy or torch).
- type_as type
Type to which the output should be cast.
- samples List[AnnData]
List of AnnData objects containing the samples.
- obs_key str
The key in .obs that corresponds to the labels.
- label_transfer_dict Optional[List[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]], optional
List of dictionaries defining the label transfer cost between categories of each pair of samples. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
List of label transfer matrices, each as either a NumPy array or torch Tensor.
- Return type:
List[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]]
- Raises:
ValueError – If the length of label_transfer_dict does not match len(samples) - 1.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.generate_label_transfer_dict(cat1: List[str], cat2: List[str], positive_pairs: List[Dict[str, List[str] | float]] | None = None, negative_pairs: List[Dict[str, List[str] | float]] | None = None, default_positve_value: float = 10.0) Dict[str, Dict[str, float]] [source]¶
Generate a label transfer dictionary with normalized values.
- Parameters:
- cat1 List[str]
List of categories from the first dataset.
- cat2 List[str]
List of categories from the second dataset.
- positive_pairs Optional[List[Dict[str, Union[List[str], float]]]], optional
List of positive pairs with transfer values. Each dictionary should have ‘left’, ‘right’, and ‘value’ keys. Defaults to None.
- negative_pairs Optional[List[Dict[str, Union[List[str], float]]]], optional
List of negative pairs with transfer values. Each dictionary should have ‘left’, ‘right’, and ‘value’ keys. Defaults to None.
- default_positive_value float, optional
Default value for positive pairs if none are provided. Defaults to 10.0.
- Returns:
A normalized label transfer dictionary.
- Return type:
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.get_rep(nx: ot.backend.TorchBackend | ot.backend.NumpyBackend, type_as: torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray, sample: anndata.AnnData, rep: str = 'X', rep_field: str = 'layer', genes: list | numpy.ndarray | None = None) numpy.ndarray [source]¶
Get the specified representation from the AnnData object.
- Parameters:
- nx module
Backend module (e.g., numpy or torch).
- type_as type
Type to which the output should be cast.
- sample AnnData
The AnnData object containing the sample data.
- rep str, optional
The name of the representation to retrieve. Defaults to “X”.
- rep_field str, optional
The type of representation. Acceptable values are “layer”, “obs” and “obsm”. Defaults to “layer”.
- genes Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray]], optional
List of genes to filter if rep_field is “layer”. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
The requested representation from the AnnData object, cast to the specified type.
- Return type:
Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
- Raises:
ValueError – If rep_field is not one of the expected values.
KeyError – If the specified representation is not found in the AnnData object.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.filter_common_genes(*genes, verbose: bool = True) list [source]¶
Filters for the intersection of genes between all samples.
- Parameters:
- genes
List of genes.
- verbose
, print progress updates.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.normalize_coords(nx: ot.backend.TorchBackend | ot.backend.NumpyBackend, coords: List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor], verbose: bool = True, separate_scale: bool = True, separate_mean: bool = True) Tuple[List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor], List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor], List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor]] [source]¶
Normalize the spatial coordinate.
- Parameters:
- coords List[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]]
Spatial coordinates of the samples. Each element in the list can be a numpy array or a torch tensor.
- nx Union[ot.backend.TorchBackend, ot.backend.NumpyBackend], optional
The backend to use for computations. Default is ot.backend.NumpyBackend.
- verbose bool, optional
If True, print progress updates. Default is True.
- separate_scale bool, optional
If True, normalize each coordinate axis independently. When doing the global refinement, this weill be set to False. Default is True.
- separate_mean bool, optional
If True, normalize each coordinate axis to have zero mean independently. When doing the global refinement, this weill be set to False. Default is True.
- Returns:
A tuple containing: - coords: List of normalized spatial coordinates. - normalize_scales: List of normalization scale factors applied to each coordinate axis. - normalize_means: List of mean values used for normalization of each coordinate axis.
- Return type:
Tuple[List[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]], List[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]], List[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]]]
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.normalize_exps(nx: ot.backend.TorchBackend | ot.backend.NumpyBackend, exp_layers: List[List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor]], rep_field: str | List[str] = 'layer', verbose: bool = True) List[List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor]] [source]¶
Normalize the gene expression matrices.
- Parameters:
- nx Union[ot.backend.TorchBackend, ot.backend.NumpyBackend], optional
The backend to use for computations. Defaults to ot.backend.NumpyBackend.
- exp_layers List[List[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]]]
Gene expression and optionally the representation matrices of the samples. Each element in the list can be a numpy array or a torch tensor.
- rep_field Union[str, List[str]], optional
Field(s) indicating the type of representation. If ‘layer’, normalization can be applied. Defaults to “layer”.
- verbose bool, optional
If True, print progress updates. Default is True.
- Returns:
A list of lists containing normalized gene expression matrices. Each matrix in the list is a numpy array or a torch tensor.
- Return type:
List[List[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]]]
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.align_preprocess(samples: List[anndata.AnnData], rep_layer: str | List[str] = 'X', rep_field: str | List[str] = 'layer', genes: list | numpy.ndarray | None = None, spatial_key: str = 'spatial', label_transfer_dict: dict | List[dict] | None = None, normalize_c: bool = False, normalize_g: bool = False, dtype: str = 'float64', device: str = 'cpu', verbose: bool = True) Tuple[ot.backend.TorchBackend | ot.backend.NumpyBackend, torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray, List[List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor]], List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray] [source]¶
Preprocess the data before alignment.
- Parameters:
- samples List[AnnData]
A list of AnnData objects containing the data samples.
- genes Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray]], optional
Genes used for calculation. If None, use all common genes for calculation. Default is None.
- spatial_key str, optional
The key in .obsm that corresponds to the raw spatial coordinates. Default is “spatial”.
- layer str, optional
If ‘X’, uses sample.X to calculate dissimilarity between spots, otherwise uses the representation given by sample.layers[layer]. Default is “X”.
- use_rep Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional
Specify the representation to use. If None, do not use the representation.
- rep_type Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional
Specify the type of representation. Accept types: “obs” and “obsm”. If None, use the “obsm” type.
- normalize_c bool, optional
Whether to normalize spatial coordinates. Default is False.
- normalize_g bool, optional
Whether to normalize gene expression. Default is False.
- dtype str, optional
The floating-point number type. Only float32 and float64 are allowed. Default is “float64”.
- device str, optional
The device used to run the program. Can specify the GPU to use, e.g., ‘0’. Default is “cpu”.
- verbose bool, optional
If True, print progress updates. Default is True.
- Returns:
A tuple containing the following elements: - backend: The backend used for computations (TorchBackend or NumpyBackend). - type_as: The type used for computations which contains the dtype and device. - exp_layers: A list of processed expression layers. - spatial_coords: A list of spatial coordinates. - normalize_scales: Optional scaling factors for normalization. - normalize_means: Optional mean values for normalization.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If the specified representation is not found in the attributes of the AnnData objects.
AssertionError – If the spatial coordinate dimensions are different.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.guidance_pair_preprocess(nx: ot.backend.TorchBackend | ot.backend.NumpyBackend, type_as: torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray, guidance_pair: List[numpy.ndarray], normalize_scales: torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray, normalize_means: torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray) List[torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray] [source]¶
Preprocess guidance pairs by normalizing them.
- Parameters:
- nx Union[ot.backend.TorchBackend, ot.backend.NumpyBackend], optional
Backend module for computations (e.g., numpy or torch). Defaults to ot.backend.NumpyBackend.
- type_as Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]
Type to which the output should be cast.
- guidance_pair List[np.ndarray]
List containing the guidance pairs as numpy arrays.
- normalize_scales Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]
Tensor or array of normalization scales.
- normalize_means Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]
Tensor or array of normalization means.
- Returns:
List containing the normalized guidance pairs.
- Return type:
List[Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]]
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils._kl_distance_backend(X: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, Y: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, probabilistic: bool = True, eps: float = 1e-08) numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor [source]¶
Compute the pairwise KL divergence between all pairs of samples in matrices X and Y.
- Parameters:
- X np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Matrix with shape (N, D), where each row represents a sample.
- Y np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Matrix with shape (M, D), where each row represents a sample.
- probabilistic bool, optional
If True, normalize the rows of X and Y to sum to 1 (to interpret them as probabilities). Default is True.
- eps float, optional
A small value to avoid division by zero. Default is 1e-8.
- Returns:
Pairwise KL divergence matrix with shape (N, M).
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – If the number of features in X and Y do not match.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils._cosine_distance_backend(X: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, Y: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, eps: float = 1e-08) numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor [source]¶
Compute the pairwise cosine similarity between all pairs of samples in matrices X and Y.
- Parameters:
- X np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Matrix with shape (N, D), where each row represents a sample.
- Y np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Matrix with shape (M, D), where each row represents a sample.
- eps float, optional
A small value to avoid division by zero. Default is 1e-8.
- Returns:
Pairwise cosine similarity matrix with shape (N, M).
- Return type:
np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
- Raises:
AssertionError – If the number of features in X and Y do not match.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils._euc_distance_backend(X: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, Y: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, squared: bool = True) numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor [source]¶
Compute the pairwise Euclidean distance between all pairs of samples in matrices X and Y.
- Parameters:
- X np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Matrix with shape (N, D), where each row represents a sample.
- Y np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Matrix with shape (M, D), where each row represents a sample.
- squared bool, optional
If True, return squared Euclidean distances. Default is True.
- Returns:
Pairwise Euclidean distance matrix with shape (N, M).
- Return type:
np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
- Raises:
AssertionError – If the number of features in X and Y do not match.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils._label_distance_backend(X: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, Y: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, label_transfer: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor) numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor [source]¶
Generate a matrix of size (N, M) by indexing into the label_transfer matrix using the values in X and Y.
- Parameters:
- X np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Array with shape (N, ) containing integer values ranging from 0 to K.
- Y np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Array with shape (M, ) containing integer values ranging from 0 to L.
- label_transfer np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Matrix with shape (K, L) containing the label transfer cost.
- Returns:
Matrix with shape (N, M) where each element is the value from label_transfer indexed by the corresponding values in X and Y.
- Return type:
np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
- Raises:
AssertionError – If the shape of X or Y is not one-dimensional or if they contain non-integer values.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.calc_distance(X: List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor] | numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, Y: List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor] | numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, metric: List[str] | str = 'euc', label_transfer: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor | None = None) numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor [source]¶
Calculate the distance between all pairs of samples in matrices X and Y using the specified metric.
- Parameters:
- X np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Matrix with shape (N, D), where each row represents a sample.
- Y np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Matrix with shape (M, D), where each row represents a sample.
- metric str, optional
The metric to use for calculating distances. Options are ‘euc’, ‘euclidean’, ‘square_euc’, ‘square_euclidean’, ‘kl’, ‘sym_kl’, ‘cos’, ‘cosine’, ‘label’. Default is ‘euc’.
- label_transfer Optional[np.ndarray or torch.Tensor], optional
Matrix with shape (K, L) containing the label transfer cost. Required if metric is ‘label’. Default is None.
- Returns:
Pairwise distance matrix with shape (N, M).
- Return type:
np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
- Raises:
AssertionError – If the number of features in X and Y do not match. If metric is not one of the supported metrics. If label_transfer is required but not provided.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.calc_probability(distance_matrix: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, probability_type: str = 'gauss', probability_parameter: float | None = None) numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor [source]¶
Calculate probability based on the distance matrix and specified probability type.
- Parameters:
- distance_matrix np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
The distance matrix.
- probability_type str, optional
The type of probability to calculate. Options are ‘Gauss’, ‘cos_prob’, and ‘prob’. Default is ‘Gauss’.
- probability_parameter Optional[float], optional
The parameter for the probability calculation. Required for certain probability types. Default is None.
- Returns:
The calculated probability matrix.
- Return type:
np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
- Raises:
ValueError – If probability_type is not one of the supported types or if required parameters are missing.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.get_P_core(nx: ot.backend.TorchBackend | ot.backend.NumpyBackend, type_as: torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray, Dim: torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray, spatial_dist: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, exp_dist: List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor], sigma2: int | float | numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, model_mul: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, gamma: float | numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, samples_s: List[float] | None = None, sigma2_variance: float = 1, probability_type: str | List[str] = 'Gauss', probability_parameters: List | None = None, eps: float = 1e-08, sparse_calculation_mode: bool = False, top_k: int = -1)[source]¶
Compute assignment matrix P and additional results based on given distances and parameters.
- Parameters:
- nx module
Backend module (e.g., numpy or torch).
- type_as type
Type to which the output should be cast.
- spatial_dist np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Spatial distance matrix.
- exp_dist List[np.ndarray or torch.Tensor]
List of expression distance matrices.
- sigma2 int, float, np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Sigma squared value.
- alpha np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Alpha values.
- gamma float, np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Gamma value.
- Sigma np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Sigma values.
- samples_s Optional[List[float]], optional
Samples. Default is None.
- sigma2_variance float, optional
Sigma squared variance. Default is 1.
- probability_type Union[str, List[str]], optional
Probability type. Default is ‘Gauss’.
- probability_parameters Optional[List[float]], optional
Probability parameters. Default is None.
- Returns:
np.ndarray or torch.Tensor – Assignment matrix P.
dict – Additional results.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.get_P(nx: ot.backend.TorchBackend | ot.backend.NumpyBackend, type_as: torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray, Dim: torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray, spatial_dist: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, exp_dist: List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor], sigma2: int | float | numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, alpha: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, gamma: float | numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, Sigma: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, samples_s: List[float] | None = None, sigma2_variance: float = 1, probability_type: str | List[str] = 'Gauss', probability_parameters: List[float] | None = None)[source]¶
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.get_P_sparse(nx: ot.backend.TorchBackend | ot.backend.NumpyBackend, type_as: torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray, Dim: torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray, spatial_XA: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, spatial_XB: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, exp_layer_A: List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor], exp_layer_B: List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor], label_transfer: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, sigma2: int | float | numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, alpha: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, gamma: float | numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, Sigma: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, samples_s: List[float] | None = None, sigma2_variance: float = 1, probability_type: str | List[str] = 'Gauss', probability_parameters: List[float] | None = None, use_chunk: bool = False, chunk_capacity_scale: int = 1, top_k: int = 1024, metrics: str | List[str] = 'kl')[source]¶
Calculate sparse assignment matrix P using spatial and expression / representation distances.
- Parameters:
- nx module
Backend module (e.g., numpy or torch).
- type_as type
Type to which the output should be cast.
- Dim int
Dimensionality of the spatial data.
- spatial_XA np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Spatial coordinates of sample A.
- spatial_XB np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Spatial coordinates of sample B.
- exp_layer_A np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Expression / representation data of sample A.
- exp_layer_B np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Expression / representation data of sample B.
- label_transfer np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Label transfer cost matrix.
- sigma2 int, float, np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Sigma squared value.
- alpha np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Alpha values.
- gamma float, np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Gamma value.
- Sigma np.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Sigma values.
- samples_s Optional[List[float]], optional
Samples. Default is None.
- sigma2_variance float, optional
Sigma squared variance. Default is 1.
- probability_type Union[str, List[str]], optional
Probability type. Default is ‘Gauss’.
- probability_parameters Optional[List[float]], optional
Probability parameters. Default is None.
- use_chunk bool, optional
Whether to use chunking for large datasets. Default is False.
- chunk_capacity_scale int, optional
Scale factor for chunk capacity. Default is 1.
- top_k int, optional
Number of top elements to keep in the sparse matrix. Default is 1024.
- metrics Union[str, List[str]], optional
Distance metrics to use. Default is ‘kl’.
- Returns:
Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor] – Sparse assignment matrix P.
dict – Additional results.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.update_Sp(nx, type_as, step_size, batch_size, SVI_mode, assignment_results, Sp, Sp_spatial, Sp_sigma2)[source]¶
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.update_gamma(nx, type_as, gamma, batch_size, gamma_a, gamma_b, Sp_spatial, SVI_mode)[source]¶
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.update_alpha(nx, type_as, step_size, alpha, kappa, NA, assignment_results)[source]¶
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.update_nonrigid(nx, type_as, SVI_mode, guidance_effect, SigmaInv, step_size, sigma2, lambdaVF, GammaSparse, U, K_NA, PXB_term, P, coordsB, RnA, guidance_epsilon, U_I, R_AI, X_BI)[source]¶
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.con_K(X: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, Y: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, beta: int | float = 0.01) numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor [source]¶
con_K constructs the Squared Exponential (SE) kernel, where K(i,j)=k(X_i,Y_j)=exp(-beta*||X_i-Y_j||^2).
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The kernel Kinmathbb{R}^{N imes M}
- Return type:
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.get_kernel(spatial_coords: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, inducing_variables_num: int, kernel_bandwidth: float, sampling_method: str, kernel_type: str = 'euc', add_evaluation_points: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor | None = None) Tuple[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor | None] [source]¶
Construct a kernel matrix for spatial data.
- Parameters:
- spatial_coords Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
The spatial coordinates of the data points.
- inducing_variables_num int
The number of inducing variables to sample.
- sampling_method str
The method to use for sampling inducing variables.
- kernel_bandwidth float
The bandwidth parameter for the kernel.
- kernel_type str
The type of kernel to construct. Currently supports “euc”.
- add_evaluation_points Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]], optional
Additional points to evaluate the kernel at. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
A tuple containing the inducing variables, their indices, the sparse kernel matrix, the kernel matrix for spatial coordinates, and the evaluation kernel matrix (if provided).
- Return type:
Tuple[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]]]
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – If the specified kernel type is not implemented.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.kl_divergence_backend(X, Y, probabilistic=True)[source]¶
Returns pairwise KL divergence (over all pairs of samples) of two matrices X and Y. Takes advantage of POT backend to speed up computation. :param X: np array with dim (n_samples by n_features) :param Y: np array with dim (m_samples by n_features)
- Returns:
np array with dim (n_samples by m_samples). Pairwise KL divergence matrix.
- Return type:
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.kl_distance(X_A: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, X_B: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, use_gpu: bool = True, chunk_num: int = 1, symmetry: bool = True) numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor [source]¶
Calculate the KL distance between two vectors
- Parameters:
- X_A Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
The first input vector with shape n x d
- X_B Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
The second input vector with shape m x d
- use_gpu bool, optional
Whether to use GPU for chunk. Defaults to True.
- chunk_num int, optional
The number of chunks. The larger the number, the smaller the GPU memory usage, but the slower the calculation speed. Defaults to 20.
- symmetry bool, optional
Whether to use symmetric KL divergence. Defaults to True.
- Returns:
KL distance matrix of two vectors with shape n x m.
- Return type:
Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.calc_exp_dissimilarity(X_A: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, X_B: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, dissimilarity: str = 'kl', chunk_num: int = 1) numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor [source]¶
Calculate expression dissimilarity. :param X_A: Gene expression matrix of sample A. :param X_B: Gene expression matrix of sample B. :param dissimilarity: Expression dissimilarity measure:
, or'cosine'
.- Returns:
The dissimilarity matrix of two feature samples.
- Return type:
Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.cal_dist(X_A: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, X_B: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, use_gpu: bool = True, chunk_num: int = 1, return_gpu: bool = True) numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor [source]¶
Calculate the distance between two vectors
- Parameters:
- X_A Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
The first input vector with shape n x d
- X_B Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
The second input vector with shape m x d
- use_gpu bool, optional
Whether to use GPU for chunk. Defaults to True.
- chunk_num int, optional
The number of chunks. The larger the number, the smaller the GPU memory usage, but the slower the calculation speed. Defaults to 1.
- Returns:
Distance matrix of two vectors with shape n x m.
- Return type:
Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.cal_dot(mat1: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, mat2: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, use_chunk: bool = False, use_gpu: bool = True, chunk_num: int = 20) numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor [source]¶
Calculate the matrix multiplication of two matrices
- Parameters:
- mat1 Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
The first input matrix with shape n x d
- mat2 Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
The second input matrix with shape d x m. We suppose m << n and does not require chunk.
- use_chunk bool, optional
Whether to use chunk to reduce the GPU memory usage. Note that if set to ``True’’ it will slow down the calculation. Defaults to False.
- use_gpu bool, optional
Whether to use GPU for chunk. Defaults to True.
- chunk_num int, optional
The number of chunks. The larger the number, the smaller the GPU memory usage, but the slower the calculation speed. Defaults to 20.
- Returns:
Matrix multiplication result with shape n x m
- Return type:
Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.get_optimal_R(coordsA: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, coordsB: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, P: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, R_init: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor)[source]¶
Get the optimal rotation matrix R
- Parameters:
- coordsA Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
The first input matrix with shape n x d
- coordsB Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
The second input matrix with shape n x d
- P Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
The optimal transport matrix with shape n x n
- Returns:
The optimal rotation matrix R with shape d x d
- Return type:
Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils._cal_cosine_similarity(tensor1, tensor2, dim=1, eps=1e-08)[source]¶
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils._cos_similarity(mat1: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, mat2: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor)[source]¶
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils._dist(mat1: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, mat2: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, metric: str = 'euc') numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor [source]¶
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.coarse_rigid_alignment(nx, type_as, samples: List[anndata.AnnData], coordsA: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, coordsB: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, init_layer: str = 'X', init_field: str = 'layer', genes: list | numpy.ndarray | None = None, top_K: int = 10, allow_flip: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, n_sampling: int | None = 20000)[source]¶
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.coarse_rigid_alignment(coordsA: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, coordsB: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, X_A: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, X_B: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, transformed_points: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor | None = None, dissimilarity: str = 'kl', top_K: int = 10, allow_flip: bool = False, verbose: bool = True) Tuple[Any, Any, Any, Any, numpy.ndarray | Any, numpy.ndarray | Any] [source]¶
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.coarse_rigid_alignment_debug(coordsA: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, coordsB: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, DistMat: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, nx: ot.backend.TorchBackend | ot.backend.NumpyBackend, sub_sample_num: int = -1, top_K: int = 10, transformed_points: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor | None = None) numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor [source]¶
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils.voxel_data(nx: ot.backend.TorchBackend | ot.backend.NumpyBackend, coords: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, gene_exp: numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor, voxel_size: float | None = None, voxel_num: int | None = 10000)[source]¶
Voxelization of the data. :param coords: The coordinates of the data points. :type coords: np.ndarray or torch.Tensor :param gene_exp: The gene expression of the data points. :type gene_exp: np.ndarray or torch.Tensor :param voxel_size: The size of the voxel. :type voxel_size: float :param voxel_num: The number of voxels. :type voxel_num: int
- Returns:
voxel_coords (np.ndarray or torch.Tensor) – The coordinates of the voxels.
voxel_gene_exp (np.ndarray or torch.Tensor) – The gene expression of the voxels.
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils._init_probability_parameters(exp_layer_A: List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor], exp_layer_B: List[numpy.ndarray | torch.Tensor], dissimilarity: str | List[str] = 'kl', probability_type: str | List[str] = 'gauss', probability_parameters: float | List[float] | None = None, subsample=20000)[source]¶
Initialize probability parameters for the given expression layers.
- Parameters:
- exp_layer_A List[np.ndarray]
List of expression layers for dataset A.
- exp_layer_B List[np.ndarray]
List of expression layers for dataset B.
- dissimilarity List[str]
List of dissimilarity metrics.
- probability_type List[str]
List of probability types.
- probability_parameters List[Optional[float]]
List of probability parameters to be initialized.
- subsample int, optional
Number of subsamples to use. Defaults to 20000.
- Returns:
List of initialized probability parameters.
- Return type:
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils._get_anneling_factor(nx, type_as, start, end, iter)[source]¶
- spateo.alignment.methods.deprecated_utils._init_guess_beta2(nx, XA, XB, dissimilarity='kl', partial_robust_level=1, beta2=None, beta2_end=None, subsample=5000, verbose=False)[source]¶