Characterizing cell-to-cell variability within spatial domains
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union
import anndata
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
from anndata import AnnData
from matplotlib import rcParams
from tqdm import tqdm
from ..configuration import SKM, config_spateo_rcParams
from ..logging import logger_manager as lm
from ..plotting.static.utils import save_return_show_fig_utils
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Comparative statistics for gene expression between groups
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def compute_gene_groups_p_val(gene: str, group1: anndata.AnnData, group2: anndata.AnnData) -> Tuple[str, float]:
"""Calculate the Mann-Whitney U test p-value for a gene between two groups.
gene: Name of the gene
group1: AnnData object containing cells from the first group to compare
group2: AnnData object containing cells from the second group to compare
gene: Name of the gene
p_val: Mann-Whitney U test p-value
group1_gene = group1[:, gene].X
group2_gene = group2[:, gene].X
_, p_val = scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu(group1_gene, group2_gene, alternative="two-sided")
return (gene, p_val)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compute highly variable genes
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_highvar_genes(
expression: Union[np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, scipy.sparse.csc_matrix, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix],
expected_fano_threshold: Optional[float] = None,
numgenes: Optional[int] = None,
minimal_mean: float = 0.5,
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Dict]:
"""Find highly-variable genes in single-cell data matrices.
expression: Gene expression matrix
expected_fano_threshold: Optionally can be used to set a manual dispersion threshold (for definition of
numgenes: Optionally can be used to find the n most variable genes
minimal_mean: Sets a threshold on the minimum mean expression to consider
gene_mean = expression.mean(axis=0)
gene2_mean = np.square(expression).mean(axis=0)
gene_var = gene2_mean - np.square(gene_mean)
gene_mean = pd.Series(gene_mean)
gene_fano = gene_var / gene_mean
# Find parameters for expected fano line
top_genes = gene_mean.sort_values(ascending=False)[:20].index
A = (np.sqrt(gene_var) / gene_mean)[top_genes].min()
w_mean_low, w_mean_high = gene_mean.quantile([0.10, 0.90])
w_fano_low, w_fano_high = gene_fano.quantile([0.10, 0.90])
winsor_box = (
(gene_fano > w_fano_low) & (gene_fano < w_fano_high) & (gene_mean > w_mean_low) & (gene_mean < w_mean_high)
fano_median = gene_fano[winsor_box].median()
B = np.sqrt(fano_median)
gene_expected_fano = (A**2) * gene_mean + (B**2)
fano_ratio = gene_fano / gene_expected_fano
# Identify high var genes
if numgenes is not None:
highvargenes = fano_ratio.sort_values(ascending=False).index[:numgenes]
high_var_genes_ind = fano_ratio.index.isin(highvargenes)
T = None
if not expected_fano_threshold:
T = 1.0 + gene_fano[winsor_box].std()
T = expected_fano_threshold
high_var_genes_ind = (fano_ratio > T) & (gene_mean > minimal_mean)
gene_counts_stats = pd.DataFrame(
"mean": gene_mean,
"var": gene_var,
"fano": gene_fano,
"expected_fano": gene_expected_fano,
"high_var": high_var_genes_ind,
"fano_ratio": fano_ratio,
gene_fano_parameters = {
"A": A,
"B": B,
"T": T,
"minimal_mean": minimal_mean,
return (gene_counts_stats, gene_fano_parameters)
[docs]def get_highvar_genes_sparse(
expression: Union[
expected_fano_threshold: Optional[float] = None,
numgenes: Optional[int] = None,
minimal_mean: float = 0.5,
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Dict]:
"""Find highly-variable genes in sparse single-cell data matrices.
expression: Gene expression matrix
expected_fano_threshold: Optionally can be used to set a manual dispersion threshold (for definition of
numgenes: Optionally can be used to find the n most variable genes
minimal_mean: Sets a threshold on the minimum mean expression to consider
gene_counts_stats: Results dataframe containing pertinent information for each gene
gene_fano_parameters: Additional informative dictionary (w/ records of dispersion for each gene, threshold,
gene_mean = np.array(expression.mean(axis=0)).astype(float).reshape(-1)
E2 = expression.copy()
E2.data **= 2
gene2_mean = np.array(E2.mean(axis=0)).reshape(-1)
gene_var = pd.Series(gene2_mean - (gene_mean**2))
del E2
gene_mean = pd.Series(gene_mean)
gene_fano = gene_var / gene_mean
# Find parameters for expected fano line
top_genes = gene_mean.sort_values(ascending=False)[:20].index
A = (np.sqrt(gene_var) / gene_mean)[top_genes].min()
w_mean_low, w_mean_high = gene_mean.quantile([0.10, 0.90])
w_fano_low, w_fano_high = gene_fano.quantile([0.10, 0.90])
winsor_box = (
(gene_fano > w_fano_low) & (gene_fano < w_fano_high) & (gene_mean > w_mean_low) & (gene_mean < w_mean_high)
fano_median = gene_fano[winsor_box].median()
B = np.sqrt(fano_median)
gene_expected_fano = (A**2) * gene_mean + (B**2)
fano_ratio = gene_fano / gene_expected_fano
# Identify high var genes
if numgenes is not None:
highvargenes = fano_ratio.sort_values(ascending=False).index[:numgenes]
high_var_genes_ind = fano_ratio.index.isin(highvargenes)
T = None
if not expected_fano_threshold:
T = 1.0 + gene_fano[winsor_box].std()
T = expected_fano_threshold
high_var_genes_ind = (fano_ratio > T) & (gene_mean > minimal_mean)
gene_counts_stats = pd.DataFrame(
"mean": gene_mean,
"var": gene_var,
"fano": gene_fano,
"expected_fano": gene_expected_fano,
"high_var": high_var_genes_ind,
"fano_ratio": fano_ratio,
gene_fano_parameters = {
"A": A,
"B": B,
"T": T,
"minimal_mean": minimal_mean,
return (gene_counts_stats, gene_fano_parameters)
### ----------------------------------- Cell-to-cell variability ----------------------------------- ###
@SKM.check_adata_is_type(SKM.ADATA_UMI_TYPE, "adata")
[docs]def compute_variance_decomposition(
adata: AnnData,
spatial_label_id: str,
celltype_label_id: str,
genes: Union[None, str, List[str]] = None,
figsize: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = None,
save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return", "both", "all"] = "show",
save_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {},
"""Computes and then optionally visualizes the variance decomposition for an AnnData object.
Within spatial regions, determines the proportion of the total variation that occurs within the same cell type,
the proportion of the variation that occurs between cell types in the region, and the proportion of the variation
that comes from baseline differences in the expression levels of the genes in the data. The within-cell type
variation could potentially come from differences in cell-cell communication.
adata: AnnData object containing data
spatial_label_id: Key in .obs containing spatial domain labels
celltype_label_id: Key in .obs containing cell type labels
genes: Can be used to filter to chosen subset of genes for variance computation
figsize: Can be optionally used to set the size of the plotted figure
save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure. Only used if 'visualize' is True
If "both", it will save and plot the figure at the same time. If "all", the figure will be saved, displayed
and the associated axis and other object will be return.
save_kwargs: A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function. Only used if 'visualize' is True.
By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the
{"path": None, "prefix": 'scatter', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True,
"verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise you can provide a dictionary that properly modifies those
keys according to your needs.
var_decomposition: Dataframe containing four columns, for the category label, celltype variation,
inter-celltype variation and gene-level variation
adata_copy = adata.copy()
if genes is not None:
if not isinstance(genes, list):
genes = [genes]
adata_copy = adata_copy[:, genes]
# Dataframe containing gene expression, cell type labels and spatial domain labels:
data = adata_copy.X.toarray() if scipy.sparse.issparse(adata_copy.X) else adata_copy.X
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=adata_copy.var_names)
df["Spatial Domain"] = pd.Series(list(adata.obs[spatial_label_id]), dtype="category")
df["Cell Type"] = pd.Series(list(adata.obs[celltype_label_id]), dtype="category")
domains = np.unique(df["Spatial Domain"])
var_decomposition_list = []
# For reference, within each spatial domain:
# intra-cell type variance: for all cells of a given celltype, how much does each gene vary from the mean within
# that cell type?
# inter-cell type variance: for each gene, how much does the mean expression within each cell type vary compared
# to the overall mean of the spatial domain for that gene?
# gene variance: for each spatial domain, how much does the mean expression of each gene vary compared to the
# overall mean of all genes?
with tqdm(total=len(domains)) as pbar:
for domain in domains:
# For each gene, compute mean within the domain:
mean_domain_genes = np.mean(df[df["Spatial Domain"] == domain][::-2], axis=0)
# Compute average for all genes:
mean_domain_global = np.mean(mean_domain_genes)
intra_ct_var = []
inter_ct_var = []
gene_var = []
for celltype in np.unique(df["Cell Type"]):
# Gene expression (take all but last two columns) for each cell type within each spatial domain
domain_celltype = np.array(df[(df["Spatial Domain"] == domain) & (df["Cell Type"] == celltype)])[:, :-2]
if domain_celltype.shape[0] == 0:
# For each cell type, compute the mean expression for each gene
mean_domain_celltype = np.mean(domain_celltype, axis=0)
# Compute variances for each cell:
for i in range(domain_celltype.shape[0]):
# Within the cell type, variance for each gene from the mean of the cell type
intra_ct_var.append((domain_celltype[i, :] - mean_domain_celltype) ** 2)
# For each cell type, the difference in mean expression within the cell type as compared to the
# mean of the domain
inter_ct_var.append((mean_domain_celltype - mean_domain_genes) ** 2)
# Within each domain, variance for the domain from the mean of the domain
gene_var.append((mean_domain_genes - mean_domain_global) ** 2)
intra_ct_var = np.sum(intra_ct_var)
inter_ct_var = np.sum(inter_ct_var)
gene_var = np.sum(gene_var)
var_decomposition_list.append(np.array([domain, intra_ct_var, inter_ct_var, gene_var]))
df = (
pd.DataFrame(var_decomposition_list, columns=["Domain", "intra_celltype_var", "inter_celltype_var", "gene_var"])
"Domain": str,
"intra_celltype_var": "float32",
"inter_celltype_var": "float32",
"gene_var": "float32",
df["Total variance"] = df.intra_celltype_var + df.inter_celltype_var + df.gene_var
# Normalize to sum to 1:
df["Intra-cell type variance"] = df.intra_celltype_var / df["Total variance"]
df["Inter-cell type variance"] = df.inter_celltype_var / df["Total variance"]
df["Gene variance"] = df.gene_var / df["Total variance"]
# Optionally plot with default plotting parameters if appropriate option is given to 'save_show_or_return':
if len(genes) == 1:
title = f"Variance Decomposition for Spatial Domains: {genes}"
title = None
df, title=title, figsize=figsize, save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, save_kwargs=save_kwargs
return df
[docs]def genewise_variance_decomposition(
adata: AnnData,
celltype_label_id: str,
genes: Union[str, List[str]],
figsize: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = None,
save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return", "both", "all"] = "show",
save_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {},
"""For each gene in the chosen subset, computes a variance decomposition by computing the intra-cell type variance
and the inter-cell type variance.
adata: AnnData object containing data
celltype_label_id: Key in .obs containing cell type labels
genes: Can be used to filter to chosen subset of genes for variance computation
figsize: Can be used to optionally set the size of the plotted figure
save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure. Only used if 'visualize' is True
If "both", it will save and plot the figure at the same time. If "all", the figure will be saved, displayed
and the associated axis and other object will be return.
save_kwargs: A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function. Only used if 'visualize' is True.
By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the
{"path": None, "prefix": 'scatter', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True,
"verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise you can provide a dictionary that properly modifies those
keys according to your needs.
var_decomposition: Dataframe containing three columns, for the gene, intra-celltype variation and
inter-celltype variation
adata_copy = adata.copy()
# Dataframe containing gene expression and cell type labels:
data = adata_copy.X.toarray() if scipy.sparse.issparse(adata_copy.X) else adata_copy.X
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=adata_copy.var_names)
df["Cell Type"] = pd.Series(list(adata.obs[celltype_label_id]), dtype="category")
var_decomposition_list = []
with tqdm(total=len(genes)) as pbar:
for gene in genes:
# For each gene, compute mean across entire sample:
mean_expr = np.mean(df.loc[:, gene], axis=0)
intra_ct_var = []
inter_ct_var = []
for celltype in np.unique(df["Cell Type"]):
# Cell type-specific expression:
celltype_expr = np.array(df.loc[df["Cell Type"] == celltype, gene])
# Mean expression within cell type:
mean_celltype = np.mean(celltype_expr, axis=0)
for i in range(celltype_expr.shape[0]):
# Within the cell type, variance from the mean of the cell type
intra_ct_var.append((celltype_expr[i] - mean_celltype) ** 2)
# For each cell type, the difference in mean expression within the cell type as compared to the
# mean of the whole sample
inter_ct_var.append((mean_celltype - mean_expr) ** 2)
intra_ct_var = np.sum(intra_ct_var)
inter_ct_var = np.sum(inter_ct_var)
var_decomposition_list.append(np.array([gene, intra_ct_var, inter_ct_var]))
df = (
pd.DataFrame(var_decomposition_list, columns=["Gene", "intra_celltype_var", "inter_celltype_var"])
"Gene": str,
"intra_celltype_var": "float32",
"inter_celltype_var": "float32",
df["Total variance"] = df.intra_celltype_var + df.inter_celltype_var
# Normalize to sum to 1:
df["Intra-cell type variance"] = df.intra_celltype_var / df["Total variance"]
df["Inter-cell type variance"] = df.inter_celltype_var / df["Total variance"]
# Optionally plot with default plotting parameters if appropriate option is given to 'save_show_or_return':
title = f"Variance Decomposition for Each Gene"
df, title=title, figsize=figsize, save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, save_kwargs=save_kwargs
return df
[docs]def plot_variance_decomposition(
var_df: pd.DataFrame,
figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (6, 2),
cmap: str = "Blues_r",
multiindex: bool = False,
title: Union[None, str] = None,
save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return", "both", "all"] = "show",
save_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {},
"""Visualization of the parts-wise intra-cell type variation, cell type-independent gene variation to the total
variation within the data.
var_df: Output from :func `compute_variance_decomposition`
figsize: (width, height) of the figure window
cmap: Name of the matplotlib colormap to use
multiindex: Specifies whether to set labels to record multi-level index information. Should only be used if
var_df has a multi-index.
title: Optionally, provide custom title to plot. If not given, will use default title.
save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure. If "both", it will save and plot the figure
at the same time. If "all", the figure will be saved, displayed and the associated axis and other object
will be returned.
save_kwargs: A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function.
By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the
{"path": None, "prefix": 'scatter', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True,
"verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise you can provide a dictionary that properly modifies those
keys according to your needs.
logger = lm.get_main_logger()
if not isinstance(var_df.index, pd.MultiIndex) and multiindex:
logger.error("'var_df' index is not a multi-level index. 'Multiindex' cannot be set True.")
figsize = rcParams.get("figure.figsize") if figsize is None else figsize
y_plot = (
["Intra-cell type variance", "Inter-cell type variance", "Gene variance"]
if "Gene variance" in var_df.columns
else ["Intra-cell type variance", "Inter-cell type variance"]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize)
if multiindex:
def process_index(k):
return tuple(k.split("_"))
var_df["index1"], var_df["index2"] = zip(*map(process_index, var_df.index))
var_df = var_df.set_index(["index1", "index2"])
xlabel_mapping = OrderedDict()
for index1, index2 in var_df.index:
xlabel_mapping.setdefault(index1, [])
hline = []
new_xlabels = []
for _index1, index2_list in xlabel_mapping.items():
index2_list[0] = "{}".format(index2_list[0])
if hline:
hline.append(len(index2_list) + hline[-1])
# Configuring plot:
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left")
if title is None:
ax.set_title("Variance Decomposition for Spatial Domains")
ax.set_ylabel("Proportion of variance")