Source code for

from typing import Optional

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

import anndata
import cv2
from scipy.sparse import isspmatrix

from ...configuration import SKM
from .leiden import calculate_leiden_partition
from .spagcn_utils import *
from .utils import spatial_adj

# Convert sparse matrix to dense matrix.
[docs]to_dense_matrix = lambda X: np.array(X.todense()) if isspmatrix(X) else X
[docs]def spagcn_pyg( adata: anndata.AnnData, n_clusters: int, p: float = 0.5, s: int = 1, b: int = 49, refine_shape: Optional[str] = None, his_img_path: Optional[str] = None, total_umi: Optional[str] = None, x_pixel: str = None, y_pixel: str = None, x_array: str = None, y_array: str = None, seed: int = 100, copy: bool = False, ) -> Optional[anndata.AnnData]: """Function to find clusters with spagcn. Reference: Jian Hu, Xiangjie Li, Kyle Coleman, Amelia Schroeder, Nan Ma, David J. Irwin, Edward B. Lee, Russell T. Shinohara & Mingyao Li. SpaGCN: Integrating gene expression, spatial location and histology to identify spatial domains and spatially variable genes by graph convolutional network. Nature Methods volume 18, pages1342–1351 (2021) Args: adata: an Anndata object, after normalization. n_clusters: Desired number of clusters. p: parameter `p` in spagcn algorithm. See `SpaGCN` for details. Defaults to 0.5. s: alpha to control the color scale in calculating adjacent matrix. Defaults to 1. b: beta to control the range of neighbourhood when calculate grey value for one spot in calculating adjacent matrix. Defaults to 49. refine_shape: Smooth the spatial domains with given spatial topology, "hexagon" for Visium data, "square" for ST data. Defaults to None. his_img_path: The file path of histology image used to calculate adjacent matrix in spagcn algorithm. Defaults to None. total_umi: By providing the key(colname) in `adata.obs` which contains total UMIs(counts) for each spot, the function use the total counts as a grayscale image when histology image is not provided. Ignored if his_img_path is not `None`. Defaults to "total_umi". x_pixel: The key(colname) in `adata.obs` which contains corresponding x-pixels in histology image. Defaults to None. y_pixel: The key(colname) in `adata.obs` which contains corresponding y-pixels in histology image. Defaults to None. x_array: The key(colname) in `adata.obs` which contains corresponding x-coordinates. Defaults to None. y_array: The key(colname) in `adata.obs` which contains corresponding y-coordinates. Defaults to None. seed: Global seed for `random`, `torch`, `numpy`. Defaults to 100. copy: Whether to return a new deep copy of `adata` instead of updating `adata` object passed in arguments. Defaults to False. Returns: class:`~anndata.AnnData`: An `~anndata.AnnData` object with cluster info in "spagcn_pred", and in "spagcn_pred_refined" if `refine_shape` is set. The adjacent matrix used in spagcn algorithm is saved in `adata.uns["adj_spagcn"]`. """ if x_array is None: x_array = [i[0] for i in adata.obsm["X_spatial"]] else: x_array = adata.obs[x_array].tolist() if y_array is None: y_array = [i[1] for i in adata.obsm["X_spatial"]] else: y_array = adata.obs[y_array].tolist() if x_pixel is None: x_pixel = [int(i) for i in x_array] else: x_pixel = adata.obs[x_pixel].tolist() if y_pixel is None: y_pixel = [int(i) for i in y_array] else: y_pixel = adata.obs[y_pixel].tolist() s = 1 b = 49 if his_img_path is None: if total_umi is None: adj = calculate_adj_matrix(x=x_array, y=y_array, histology=False) else: total_umi = adata.obs[total_umi].tolist() total_umi = [int(x / max(total_umi) * 254 + 1) for x in total_umi] total_umi_mtx = pd.DataFrame({"x_pos": x_pixel, "y_pos": y_pixel, "n_umis": total_umi}) total_umi_mtx = total_umi_mtx.pivot(index="x_pos", columns="y_pos", values="n_umis").fillna(1).to_numpy() umi_gs_img = np.dstack((total_umi_mtx, total_umi_mtx, total_umi_mtx)).astype(int) adj = calculate_adj_matrix( x=x_array, y=y_array, x_pixel=x_pixel, y_pixel=y_pixel, image=umi_gs_img, beta=b, alpha=s, histology=True, ) else: img = cv2.imread(his_img_path) adj = calculate_adj_matrix( x=x_array, y=y_array, x_pixel=x_pixel, y_pixel=y_pixel, image=img, beta=b, alpha=s, histology=True, ) adata.uns["adj_spagcn"] = adj l = search_l(p, adj, start=0.01, end=1000, tol=0.01, max_run=100) # Set seed r_seed = t_seed = n_seed = seed # Seaech for suitable resolution res = search_res( adata, adj, l, n_clusters, start=0.7, step=0.1, tol=5e-3, lr=0.05, max_epochs=20, r_seed=r_seed, t_seed=t_seed, n_seed=n_seed, ) clf = SpaGCN() clf.set_l(l) # Set seed random.seed(r_seed) torch.manual_seed(t_seed) np.random.seed(n_seed) # Run clf.train( adata, adj, init_spa=True, init="louvain", res=res, tol=5e-3, lr=0.05, max_epochs=200, ) y_pred, prob = clf.predict() adata.obs["spagcn_pred"] = y_pred adata.obs["spagcn_pred"] = adata.obs["spagcn_pred"].astype("category") adata.obs["spagcn_pred"] = [str(i) for i in adata.obs["spagcn_pred"]] if refine_shape is not None: # Do cluster refinement(optional) adj_2d = calculate_adj_matrix(x=x_array, y=y_array, histology=False) refined_pred = refine( sample_id=adata.obs.index.tolist(), pred=adata.obs["spagcn_pred"].tolist(), dis=adj_2d, shape=refine_shape, ) adata.obs["spagcn_pred_refined"] = refined_pred adata.obs["spagcn_pred_refined"] = adata.obs["spagcn_pred_refined"].astype("category") if copy: return adata return None
[docs]def scc( adata: anndata.AnnData, spatial_key: str = "spatial", key_added: Optional[str] = "scc", pca_key: str = "pca", e_neigh: int = 30, s_neigh: int = 6, resolution: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Optional[anndata.AnnData]: """Spatially constrained clustering (scc) to identify continuous tissue domains. Reference: Ao Chen, Sha Liao, Mengnan Cheng, Kailong Ma, Liang Wu, Yiwei Lai, Xiaojie Qiu, Jin Yang, Wenjiao Li, Jiangshan Xu, Shijie Hao, Xin Wang, Huifang Lu, Xi Chen, Xing Liu, Xin Huang, Feng Lin, Zhao Li, Yan Hong, Defeng Fu, Yujia Jiang, Jian Peng, Shuai Liu, Mengzhe Shen, Chuanyu Liu, Quanshui Li, Yue Yuan, Huiwen Zheng, Zhifeng Wang, H Xiang, L Han, B Qin, P Guo, PM Cánoves, JP Thiery, Q Wu, F Zhao, M Li, H Kuang, J Hui, O Wang, B Wang, M Ni, W Zhang, F Mu, Y Yin, H Yang, M Lisby, RJ Cornall, J Mulder, M Uhlen, MA Esteban, Y Li, L Liu, X Xu, J Wang. Spatiotemporal transcriptomic atlas of mouse organogenesis using DNA nanoball-patterned arrays. Cell, 2022. Args: adata: an Anndata object, after normalization. spatial_key: the key in `.obsm` that corresponds to the spatial coordinate of each bucket. key_added: adata.obs key under which to add the cluster labels. pca_key: label for the .obsm key containing PCA information (without the potential prefix "X_") e_neigh: the number of nearest neighbor in gene expression space. s_neigh: the number of nearest neighbor in physical space. resolution: the resolution parameter of the louvain clustering algorithm. Returns: adata: An `~anndata.AnnData` object with cluster info in .obs. """ # Calculate the adjacent matrix. adj = spatial_adj( adata=adata, spatial_key=spatial_key, pca_key=pca_key, e_neigh=e_neigh, s_neigh=s_neigh, ) # Perform Leiden clustering: clusters = calculate_leiden_partition( adj=adj, resolution=resolution, ) adata.obs[key_added] = clusters return adata