Source code for

Defining the types of distributions that the dependent variable can be assumed to take.
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from scipy import special

from ...configuration import EPS, MAX
from ...logging import logger_manager as lm

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Link functions
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class Logit(Link): """ The logit link function to transform the probability of a binary response variable to the scale of a linear predictor. """
[docs] def clip(self, vals: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Clips values to avoid numerical issues. Args: vals: Values to clip Returns: vals: The clipped values """ vals = np.clip(vals, EPS, 1 - EPS) return vals
[docs] def __call__(self, p: np.ndarray): """Transforms the probabilities to logits. Args: p: Probabilities of an event, given predictor variables with specified values Returns: z: The transformed logits """ p = self.clip(p) z = np.log(p / (1 - p)) return z
[docs] def inverse(self, z: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Inverse of the transformation, transforms the linear predictor to the scale of the response variable. Args: z: The prediction of the logit-transformed dependent variable from the IRLS algorithm as applied with a generalized linear model Returns: inv: Transformed linear predictor """ z = np.asarray(z) inv = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z)) return inv
[docs] def inverse_deriv(self, z: np.ndarray): """Derivative of the inverse transformation g^(-1)(z). Args: z: The prediction of the transformed dependent variable from the IRLS algorithm as applied with a generalized linear model Returns: inv_deriv: The value of the derivative of the inverse of the logit function """ z = np.exp(z) inv_deriv = z / (1 + z) ** 2 return inv_deriv
[docs] def deriv(self, fitted: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Derivative of the logit transformation evaluated at the fitted mean response variable and with respect to the linear predictor. Args: fitted: The fitted mean response variable Returns: deriv: The value of the derivative of the logit function evaluated at the fitted mean response variable """ fitted = self.clip(fitted) deriv = 1.0 / (fitted * (1 - fitted)) return deriv
[docs] def second_deriv(self, p: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Second derivative of the logit transformation. Args: p: Logits to model the probability of an event, given predictor variables with specified values Returns: second_deriv: The value of the second derivative of the logit function at "p" """ p = self.clip(p) v = p * (1 - p) second_deriv = (2 * p - 1) / v**2 return second_deriv
[docs]class Power(Link): """ Transform by raising to a power to transform the mean parameter to the scale of the linear predictor. Aliases of Power: identity = Power(power=1) squared = Power(power=2) sqrt = Power(power=0.5) inverse = Power(power=-1) inverse_squared = Power(power=-2) Args: power: The exponent of the power transform """ def __init__(self, power: float): self.power = power
[docs] def __call__(self, fitted: np.ndarray): """Raises parameters to power. Args: fitted: Mean parameter values Returns: z: The transformed logits """ z = fitted**self.power return z
[docs] def inverse(self, z: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Inverse of the transformation, transforms the linear predictor to the scale of the response variable. Args: z: The prediction of the power-transformed dependent variable from the IRLS algorithm as applied with a generalized linear model Returns: inv: Transformed linear predictor """ z = np.asarray(z) inv = z ** (1 / self.power) return inv
[docs] def inverse_deriv(self, z: np.ndarray): """Derivative of the inverse transformation g^(-1)(z). Args: z: The prediction of the transformed dependent variable from the IRLS algorithm as applied with a generalized linear model Returns: inv_deriv: The value of the derivative of the inverse of the power transform """ inv_deriv = z ** ((1 - self.power) / self.power) / self.power return inv_deriv
[docs] def deriv(self, fitted: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Derivative of the logit transformation evaluated at the fitted mean response variable and with respect to the linear predictor. Args: fitted: The fitted mean response variable Returns: deriv: The value of the derivative of the logit function evaluated at the fitted mean response variable """ deriv = self.power * fitted ** (self.power - 1) return deriv
[docs] def second_deriv(self, p: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Second derivative of the power transformation. Args: p: (non-transformed) logits to model the probability of an event, given predictor variables with specified values Returns: second_deriv: The value of the second derivative of the logit function at "p" """ second_deriv = self.power * (self.power - 1) * p ** (self.power - 2) return second_deriv
[docs]class identity(Power): """Identity transform. g(p) = p Alias of Power(power=1.) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(power=1.0)
[docs]class inverse_power(Power): """Inverse power transform. g(p) = 1 / p Alias of Power(power=-1.) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(power=-1.0)
[docs]class sqrt(Power): """Square root transform. g(p) = sqrt(p) Alias of Power(power=0.5) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(power=0.5)
[docs]class Log(Link): """Transform by taking the logarithm. g(p) = log(p) """
[docs] def clip(self, vals: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Clips values to avoid numerical issues. Args: vals: Values to clip Returns: vals: The clipped values """ vals = np.clip(vals, EPS, MAX) return vals
[docs] def __call__(self, p: np.ndarray): """Transforms the probabilities to logits. Args: p: Probabilities of an event, given predictor variables with specified values Returns: z: The transformed logits """ p = self.clip(p) z = np.log(p) return z
[docs] def inverse(self, z: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Inverse of the transformation, transforms the linear predictor to the scale of the response variable. Args: z: The prediction of the log-transformed dependent variable from the IRLS algorithm as applied with a generalized linear model Returns: inv: Transformed linear predictor """ z = np.asarray(z) inv = np.exp(z) return inv
[docs] def inverse_deriv(self, z: np.ndarray): """Derivative of the inverse transformation g^(-1)(z). Args: z: The prediction of the transformed dependent variable from the IRLS algorithm as applied with a generalized linear model Returns: inv_deriv: The value of the derivative of the inverse of the power transform """ inv_deriv = np.exp(z) return inv_deriv
[docs] def deriv(self, fitted: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Derivative of the log transformation evaluated at the fitted mean response variable and with respect to the linear predictor. Args: fitted: The fitted mean response variable Returns: deriv: The value of the derivative of the logit function evaluated at the fitted mean response variable """ fitted = self.clip(fitted) deriv = 1.0 / fitted return deriv
[docs] def second_deriv(self, y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Second derivative of the logit transformation evaluated at the mean response variable and with respect to the linear predictor. Args: y: The mean response variable Returns: second_deriv: The value of the second derivative of the logit function at "p" """ y = self.clip(y) second_deriv = -1.0 / y**2 return second_deriv
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variance functions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class VarianceFunction(object): """ Relates the variance of a random variable to its mean. """
[docs] def __call__(self, fitted): """Default variance function, assumes variance of each parameter is 1. Args: fitted: Mean parameter values Returns: var: Variance """ var = np.ones_like(fitted, dtype=np.float64) return var
[docs] def deriv(self, fitted): """Returns the derivative of the variance function. Args: fitted: Mean parameter values Returns: deriv: Derivative of the variance function """ deriv = np.zeros_like(fitted) return deriv
[docs]constant_var = VarianceFunction()
constant_var.__doc__ = """Constant variance function, assumes variance of each parameter is 1. This is an alias of VarianceFunction()."""
[docs]class Power_Variance(object): """ Variance function that is a power of the mean. Alias for Power_Variance: fitted = Power_Variance() fitted_squared = Power_Variance(power=2) fitted_cubed = Power_Variance(power=3) Args: power: Exponent used in the variance function """ def __init__(self, power=1.0): self.power = power
[docs] def __call__(self, fitted): """Computes variance by raising mean parameters to a power. Args: fitted: Mean parameter values Returns: var: Variance """ # Variance fitted must be positive: fitted_abs = np.fabs(fitted) var = fitted_abs**self.power return var
[docs] def deriv(self, fitted): """Returns the derivative of the variance function. Args: fitted: Mean parameter values Returns: deriv: Derivative of the variance function """ from import approx_fprime_cs deriv = np.diag(approx_fprime_cs(fitted, self)) return deriv
[docs]fitted = Power_Variance()
fitted.__doc__ = """ Computes variance using np.fabs(fitted). This is an alias of Power_Variance() for which the variance is equal in magnitude to the mean. """
[docs]fitted_squared = Power_Variance(power=2)
fitted_squared.__doc__ = """ Computes variance using np.fabs(fitted) ** 2. This is an alias of Power_Variance() for which the variance is equal in magnitude to the square of the mean. """
[docs]fitted_cubed = Power_Variance(power=3)
fitted_cubed.__doc__ = """ Computes variance using np.fabs(fitted) ** 3. This is an alias of Power_Variance() for which the variance is equal in magnitude to the cube of the mean. """
[docs]class Binomial_Variance(object): """ Variance function for binomial distribution. Equations: V(fitted) = p * (1 - p) * n, where p = mu / n Args: n: The number of trials. The default is 1, under which the assumption is that each observation is an independent trial with a binary outcome. """ def __init__(self, n=1): self.n = n
[docs] def clip(self, vals: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Clips values to avoid numerical issues. Args: vals: Values to clip Returns: vals: The clipped values """ vals = np.clip(vals, EPS, 1 - EPS) return vals
[docs] def __call__(self, fitted: np.ndarray): """Computes variance for the mean parameters by modeling the output probabilities as a binomial distribution. Args: fitted: Mean parameter values Returns: var: Variance """ fitted = self.clip(fitted / self.n) var = fitted * (1 - fitted) * self.n return var
[docs] def deriv(self, fitted: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the derivative of the variance function. Args: fitted: Mean parameter values Returns: deriv: Derivative of the variance function """ fitted = self.clip(fitted) deriv = 1 - 2 * fitted / self.n return deriv
[docs]binom_variance = Binomial_Variance()
binom_variance.__doc__ = """ Binomial distribution variance function. This is an alias of Binomial(n=1) """
[docs]class Negative_Binomial_Variance(object): """ Variance function for the negative binomial distribution. Equations: V(fitted) = fitted + disp * fitted ** 2 Args: disp: The dispersion parameter for the negative binomial. Assumed to be nonstochastic, defaults to 0.5. """ def __init__(self, disp: float = 0.5): self.disp = disp
[docs] def clip(self, vals: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Clips values to avoid numerical issues. Args: vals: Values to clip Returns: vals: The clipped values """ vals = np.clip(vals, EPS, MAX) return vals
[docs] def __call__(self, fitted: np.ndarray): """Computes variance for the mean parameters by modeling the output probabilities as a negative binomial distribution. Args: fitted: Mean parameter values Returns: var: Variance, given by fitted + disp * fitted ** 2 """ fitted = self.clip(fitted) var = fitted + self.disp * fitted**2 return var
[docs] def deriv(self, fitted): """Returns the derivative of the variance function. Args: fitted: Mean parameter values Returns: deriv: Derivative of the variance function """ deriv = self.clip(fitted) deriv = 1 + self.disp * 2 * deriv return deriv
[docs]nbinom_variance = Negative_Binomial_Variance()
nbinom_variance.__doc__ = """ Negative Binomial variance function. This is an alias of NegativeBinomial(disp=0.5) """ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Distributions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Distribution(object): """ Parent class for one-parameter exponential distributions that can be used with Spateo's modeling core. Some of the methods do nothing, but provide skeletons for the expected methods for the distributions themselves . Args: link: The link function to use for the distribution, for performing transformation of the linear outputs. See the individual distributions for the default link. variance: Measures the variance as a function of the mean probabilities. See the individual families that inherit from this class for the default variance function. """ def __init__(self, link, variance): self._link = link self.variance = variance
[docs] def clip(self, vals: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Clips values to avoid numerical issues. Args: vals: Values to clip Returns: vals: The clipped values """ vals = np.clip(vals, EPS, MAX) return vals
[docs] def initial_predictions(self, y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Starting value for linear predictions in the IRLS algorithm. Args: y: The untransformed dependent variable Returns: y_hat_0 : Array of shape [n_samples,]; the initial linear predictors. """ y_hat_0 = (y + y.mean()) / 2 return y_hat_0
[docs] def weights(self, fitted: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Weights for the IRLS algorithm. Args: fitted: Array of shape [n_samples,]; transformed mean response variable Returns: w: Weights for the IRLS steps """ fitted = np.where(fitted == 0, EPS, fitted) w = 1.0 / ( ** 2 * self.variance(fitted)) return w
[docs] def predict(self, fitted: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Given the linear predictors, map back to the scale of the dependent variable. Args: fitted: Linear predictors Returns: y_hat: The predicted dependent variable values """ y_hat = return y_hat
[docs] def get_predictors(self, outputs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Given model fit (outputs obtained from applying the link function), map back to the scale of the linear predictors. Args: outputs: The predicted dependent variable values Returns: predictor: The linear predictors """ predictors = return predictors
[docs] def deviance( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> float: """Deviance function to measure goodness-of-fit of model fitting. Defined as twice the log-likelihood ratio. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) freq_weights: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; 1D array of frequency weights, used to e.g. adjust for unequal sampling frequencies scale: Optional scale of the response variable Returns: dev: The value of the deviance function """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def deviance_residuals( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Deviance residuals for the model, representing the difference between the observed and expected values of the dependent variable. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) freq_weights: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; 1D array of frequency weights, used to e.g. adjust for unequal sampling frequencies scale: Optional scale of the response variable- residuals will be divided by the scale Returns: dev_res: The deviance residuals """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def log_likelihood( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Log-likelihood function for the model. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) freq_weights: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; 1D array of frequency weights, used to e.g. adjust for unequal sampling frequencies scale: Optional scale of the response variable Returns: ll: The value of the log-likelihood function """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Poisson(Distribution): """ Poisson distribution for modeling count data. Args: link: The link function to use for the distribution, for performing transformation of the linear outputs. The default link is the log link, but available links are "log", "identity", and "sqrt". """
[docs] variance = fitted
[docs] valid = [0, np.inf]
def __init__(self, link=Log): self.logger = lm.get_main_logger() if link not in Poisson.valid_links: raise ValueError("Invalid link for Poisson distribution. Valid links are: %s" % Poisson.valid_links) if link != Poisson.suggested_link: self.logger.warning( "The suggested link function for Poisson is the log link, but %s is currently " "chosen." % link ) self.variance = Poisson.variance = link()
[docs] def clip(self, vals: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Clips values to avoid numerical issues. Args: vals: Values to clip Returns: vals: The clipped values """ vals = np.clip(vals, EPS, MAX) return vals
[docs] def deviance( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> float: """Poisson deviance function. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) freq_weights: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; 1D array of frequency weights, used to e.g. adjust for unequal sampling frequencies scale: Optional scale of the response variable Returns: dev: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; the value of the deviance function evaluated for each sample. """ if freq_weights is None: freq_weights = 1.0 fitted = self.clip(fitted) endog_fitted = self.clip(endog / fitted) dev = 2 * np.sum(freq_weights * endog * np.log(endog_fitted)) / scale return dev
[docs] def deviance_residuals( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Poisson deviance residuals. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) scale: Optional scale of the response variable- residuals will be divided by the scale Returns: dev_resid: The deviance residuals """ if freq_weights is None: freq_weights = 1.0 fitted = self.clip(fitted) endog_fitted = self.clip(endog / fitted) dev_resid = ( np.sign(endog - fitted) * np.sqrt(2 * freq_weights * (endog * np.log(endog_fitted) - np.subtract(endog, fitted))) / scale ) return dev_resid
[docs] def log_likelihood( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Poisson log likelihood of the fitted mean response. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) freq_weights: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; 1D array of frequency weights, used to e.g. adjust for unequal sampling frequencies scale: Optional scale of the response variable Returns: ll: The value of the log-likelihood function """ if freq_weights is None: freq_weights = 1.0 fitted = self.clip(fitted) ll = np.sum(freq_weights * (endog * np.log(fitted) - fitted - special.gammaln(endog + 1))) ll = scale * ll return ll
[docs]class Gaussian(Distribution): """ Gaussian distribution for modeling continuous data. Args: link: The link function to use for the distribution, for performing transformation of the linear outputs. The default link is the identity link, but available links are "log", "identity", and "inverse". """
[docs] variance = constant_var
def __init__(self, link=identity): self.logger = lm.get_main_logger() if link not in Gaussian.valid_links: raise ValueError("Invalid link for Gaussian distribution. Valid links are: %s" % Gaussian.valid_links) if link != Gaussian.suggested_link: self.logger.warning( "The suggested link function for Gaussian is the identity link, but %s is currently " "chosen." % link ) self.variance = Gaussian.variance = link()
[docs] def deviance( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> float: """Gaussian deviance function. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) freq_weights: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; 1D array of frequency weights, used to e.g. adjust for unequal sampling frequencies scale: Optional scale of the response variable Returns: dev: The value of the deviance function """ if freq_weights is None: freq_weights = 1.0 if freq_weights is None: freq_weights = 1.0 dev = np.sum((freq_weights * (endog - fitted) ** 2)) / scale return dev
[docs] def deviance_residuals( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Gaussian deviance residuals. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) freq_weights: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; 1D array of frequency weights, used to e.g. adjust for unequal sampling frequencies scale: Optional scale of the response- residuals will be divided by the scale Returns: dev_resid: The deviance residuals """ if freq_weights is None: freq_weights = 1.0 dev_resid = (freq_weights * (endog - fitted) / np.sqrt(self.variance(fitted))) / scale return dev_resid
[docs] def log_likelihood( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ): """Gaussian log likelihood of the fitted mean response. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) freq_weights: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; 1D array of frequency weights, used to e.g. adjust for unequal sampling frequencies scale: Optional scale of the response variable Returns: ll: The value of the log-likelihood function """ if freq_weights is None: freq_weights = 1.0 ll = np.sum( freq_weights * ((endog * fitted - fitted**2 / 2) / scale - endog**2 / (2 * scale) - 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * scale)) ) return ll
[docs]class Gamma(Distribution): """ Gamma distribution for modeling continuous data. Args: link: The link function to use for the distribution, for performing transformation of the linear outputs. The default link is the inverse link, but available links are "log", "identity", and "inverse". """
[docs] variance = fitted_squared
def __init__(self, link=Log): self.logger = lm.get_main_logger() if link not in Gamma.valid_links: raise ValueError("Invalid link for Gamma distribution. Valid links are: %s" % Gamma.valid_links) if link != Gamma.suggested_link: self.logger.warning( "The suggested link function for Gamma is the log link, but %s is currently " "chosen." % link ) self.variance = Gamma.variance = link()
[docs] def clip(self, vals: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Clips values to avoid numerical issues. Args: vals: Values to clip Returns: vals: The clipped values """ vals = np.clip(vals, EPS, MAX) return vals
[docs] def deviance( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> float: """Gamma deviance function. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) freq_weights: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; 1D array of frequency weights, used to e.g. adjust for unequal sampling frequencies scale: Optional scale of the response variable Returns: dev: The value of the deviance function """ if freq_weights is None: freq_weights = 1.0 fitted = self.clip(fitted) endog_fitted = self.clip(endog / fitted) dev = 2 * np.sum(freq_weights * ((endog - fitted) / fitted - np.log(endog_fitted))) / scale return dev
[docs] def deviance_residuals( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Gamma deviance residuals. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) freq_weights: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; 1D array of frequency weights, used to e.g. adjust for unequal sampling frequencies scale: Optional scale of the response variable- residuals will be divided by the scale Returns: dev_resid: The deviance residuals """ if freq_weights is None: freq_weights = 1.0 fitted = self.clip(fitted) endog_fitted = self.clip(endog / fitted) dev_resid = ( np.sign(endog - fitted) * np.sqrt(-2 * (-(endog - fitted) / fitted + np.log(endog_fitted + EPS))) * np.sqrt(freq_weights) / scale ) return dev_resid
[docs] def log_likelihood( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Gamma log likelihood of the fitted mean response. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) freq_weights: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; 1D array of frequency weights, used to e.g. adjust for unequal sampling frequencies scale: Optional scale of the response variable Returns: ll: The value of the log-likelihood function """ if freq_weights is None: freq_weights = 1.0 ll = ( -1.0 / scale * np.sum( ( endog / fitted + np.log(fitted) + (scale - 1) * np.log(endog) + np.log(scale) + scale * special.gammaln(1.0 / scale) ) * freq_weights ) ) return ll
[docs]class Binomial(Distribution): """ Binomial distribution for modeling binary data. Args: link: The link function to use for the distribution, for performing transformation of the linear outputs. The default link is the logit link, but available links are "logit" and "log". """
[docs] variance = binom_variance
def __init__(self, link=Logit): self.logger = lm.get_main_logger() if link not in Binomial.valid_links: raise ValueError("Invalid link for Binomial distribution. Valid links are: %s" % Binomial.valid_links) if link != Binomial.suggested_link: self.logger.warning( "The suggested link function for Binomial is the logit link, but %s is currently chosen." % link ) self.n = 1 self.variance = Binomial.variance = link()
[docs] def initial_predictions(self, y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Initial predictions for the IRLS algorithm. Args: y: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable Returns: y_hat_0 : Array of shape [n_samples,]; the initial linear predictors. """ y_hat_0 = (y + 0.5) / 2 return y_hat_0
[docs] def deviance( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0, axis: Optional[int] = None, ) -> float: """Binomial deviance function. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) freq_weights: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; 1D array of frequency weights, used to e.g. adjust for unequal sampling frequencies scale: Optional scale of the response variable axis: Axis along which the deviance is calculated Returns: dev: The value of the deviance function """ if np.shape(self.n) == () and self.n == 1: one = np.equal(endog, 1) return -2 * np.sum( (one * np.log(fitted + 1e-88) + (1 - one) * np.log(1 - fitted + 1e-88)) * freq_weights, axis=axis ) else: return 2 * np.sum( self.n * freq_weights * (endog * np.log(endog / fitted + 1e-88) + (1 - endog) * np.log((1 - endog) / (1 - fitted) + 1e-88)), axis=axis, )
[docs] def deviance_residuals(self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, scale: float = 1.0) -> np.ndarray: """ Binomial deviance residuals. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) scale: Optional scale of the response variable- residuals will be divided by the scale Returns: dev_resid: The deviance residuals """ fitted = self.clip(fitted) if np.shape(self.n) == () and self.n == 1: one = np.equal(endog, 1) dev_resid = np.sign(endog - fitted) * np.sqrt(-2 * np.log(one * fitted + (1 - one) * (1 - fitted))) / scale return dev_resid else: dev_resid = ( np.sign(endog - fitted) * np.sqrt( 2 * self.n * ( endog * np.log(endog / fitted + 1e-88) + (1 - endog) * np.log((1 - endog) / (1 - fitted) + 1e-88) ) ) / scale ) return dev_resid
[docs] def log_likelihood( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Binomial log likelihood of the fitted mean response. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) freq_weights: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; optional 1D array of frequency weights, used to e.g. adjust for unequal sampling frequencies scale: Optional scale of the response variable Returns: ll: The value of the log-likelihood function """ if np.shape(self.n) == () and self.n == 1: ll = scale * np.sum((endog * np.log(fitted / (1 - fitted) + 1e-88) + np.log(1 - fitted)) * freq_weights) return ll else: y = endog * self.n ll = scale * np.sum( ( special.gammaln(self.n + 1) - special.gammaln(y + 1) - special.gammaln(self.n - y + 1) + y * np.log(fitted / (1 - fitted)) + self.n * np.log(1 - fitted) ) * freq_weights ) return ll
[docs]class NegativeBinomial(Distribution): """ Negative binomial distribution for modeling count data. Args: link: The link function to use for the distribution, for performing transformation of the linear outputs. The default link is the inverse link, but available links are "log", "identity", and "inverse". """
[docs] variance = nbinom_variance
def __init__(self, link=Log, disp: Optional[float] = None): self.logger = lm.get_main_logger() if link not in NegativeBinomial.valid_links: raise ValueError( "Invalid link for NegativeBinomial distribution. Valid links are: %s" % NegativeBinomial.valid_links ) if link != NegativeBinomial.suggested_link: self.logger.warning( "The suggested link function for NegativeBinomial is the log link, but %s is currently " "chosen." % link ) self.variance = NegativeBinomial.variance # Modify the variance function to update the dispersion parameter, if applicable: if disp is not None: self.variance.disp = disp = link()
[docs] def clip(self, vals: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Clips values to avoid numerical issues. Args: vals: Values to clip Returns: vals: The clipped values """ vals = np.clip(vals, EPS, MAX) return vals
[docs] def deviance( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> float: """Negative binomial deviance function. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) freq_weights: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; 1D array of frequency weights, used to e.g. adjust for unequal sampling frequencies scale: Optional scale of the response variable Returns: dev: The value of the deviance function """ if freq_weights is None: freq_weights = 1.0 fitted = self.clip(fitted) endog_fitted = self.clip(endog / fitted) dispersion = self.variance.disp dev = ( 2 * np.sum( freq_weights * ( endog * np.log(endog_fitted + dispersion) - endog * np.log(dispersion) - np.log(1 + fitted / dispersion) ) ) / scale ) return dev
[docs] def deviance_residuals( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Negative binomial deviance residuals. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) scale: Optional scale of the response variable- residuals will be divided by the scale Returns: dev_resid: The deviance residuals """ if freq_weights is None: freq_weights = 1.0 fitted = self.clip(fitted) endog_fitted = self.clip(endog / fitted) dev_resid = ( np.sign(endog - fitted) * np.sqrt(2 * freq_weights * (endog * np.log(endog_fitted) - np.subtract(endog, fitted))) / scale ) return dev_resid
[docs] def log_likelihood( self, endog: np.ndarray, fitted: np.ndarray, freq_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Negative binomial log likelihood of the fitted mean response. Args: endog: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; untransformed dependent variable fitted: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; fitted mean response variable (link function evaluated at the linear predicted values) freq_weights: Array of shape [n_samples, ]; optional 1D array of frequency weights, used to e.g. adjust for unequal sampling frequencies scale: Optional scale of the response variable Returns: ll: The value of the log-likelihood function """ if freq_weights is None: freq_weights = 1.0 dispersion = self.variance.disp endog = self.clip(endog) fitted = self.clip(fitted) ll = np.sum( freq_weights * ( special.gammaln(dispersion + endog) - special.gammaln(dispersion) - special.gammaln(endog + 1) + dispersion * np.log(dispersion / (dispersion + fitted * scale)) + endog * np.log(fitted * scale / (dispersion + fitted * scale)) ) ) return ll