Source code for

Additional functionalities to characterize signaling patterns from spatial transcriptomics

These include:
    - prediction of the effects of spatial perturbation on gene expression- this can include the effect of perturbing
    known regulators of ligand/receptor expression or the effect of perturbing the ligand/receptor itself.
    - following spatially-aware regression (or a sequence of spatially-aware regressions), combine regression results
    with data such that each cell can be associated with region-specific coefficient(s).
    - following spatially-aware regression (or a sequence of spatially-aware regressions), overlay the directionality
    of the predicted influence of the ligand on downstream expression.
import argparse
import collections
import gc
import itertools
import math
import os
from collections import Counter
from itertools import product
from typing import List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union

import anndata
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.stats
import seaborn as sns
from adjustText import adjust_text
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from matplotlib import rcParams
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu, pearsonr, spearmanr, ttest_1samp, ttest_ind
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.metrics import (
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
from import tqdm

from ...configuration import config_spateo_rcParams
from ...logging import logger_manager as lm
from ...plotting.static.colorlabel import godsnot_102, vega_10
from ...plotting.static.networks import plot_network
from ...plotting.static.utils import save_return_show_fig_utils
from import neighbors
from import filter_adata_spatial
from ..dimensionality_reduction import find_optimal_pca_components, pca_fit
from ..utils import compute_corr_ci, create_new_coordinate
from .MuSIC import MuSIC
from .regression_utils import assign_significance, multitesting_correction, wald_test
from .SWR import define_spateo_argparse

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Statistical testing, correlated differential expression analysis
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class MuSIC_Interpreter(MuSIC): """ Interpretation and downstream analysis of spatially weighted regression models. Args: parser: ArgumentParser object initialized with argparse, to parse command line arguments for arguments pertinent to modeling. args_list: If parser is provided by function call, the arguments to parse must be provided as a separate list. It is recommended to use the return from :func `define_spateo_argparse()` for this. keep_coeff_threshold_proportion_cells: If provided, will threshold columns to only keep those that are nonzero in a proportion of cells greater than this threshold. For example, if this is set to 0.5, more than half of the cells must have a nonzero value for a given column for it to be retained for further inspection. Intended to be used to filter out likely false positives. """ def __init__( self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, args_list: Optional[List[str]] = None, keep_column_threshold_proportion_cells: Optional[float] = None, ): # Don't need to re-save the subsampling results, they have already been defined: super().__init__(parser, args_list, verbose=False, save_subsampling=False) self.k = self.arg_retrieve.top_k_receivers # Coefficients: if not self.set_up: "Running :func `SWR._set_up_model()` to organize predictors and targets for downstream " "analysis now..." ) self._set_up_model(verbose=False) #"Finished preprocessing, getting fitted coefficients and standard errors.") # Dictionary containing coefficients: self.coeffs, self.standard_errors = self.return_outputs(adjust_for_subsampling=False, load_for_interpreter=True) n_cells_expressing_targets = self.targets_expr.apply(lambda x: sum(x > 0), axis=0) if keep_column_threshold_proportion_cells is not None: keep_column_threshold_proportion_cells = 0.01 for target, df in self.coeffs.items(): # Threshold columns to only keep those that are nonzero in a proportion of cells greater than this # threshold: threshold = int(keep_column_threshold_proportion_cells * n_cells_expressing_targets[target]) for col in df.columns: if sum(df[col] != 0) < threshold: df[col] = 0 self.standard_errors[target][col] = 0 self.coeffs[target] = df # Check for coefficients and feature names of downstream models as well:"Checking for coefficients of possible downstream models as well...") downstream_parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0]) id = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0]) self.downstream_model_ligand_coeffs, self.downstream_model_ligand_standard_errors = self.return_outputs( adjust_for_subsampling=False, load_for_interpreter=True, load_from_downstream="ligand" ) dm_dir = os.path.join( downstream_parent_dir, "cci_deg_detection", "ligand_analysis", id, "downstream_design_matrix", "design_matrix.csv", ) self.downstream_model_ligand_design_matrix = ( pd.read_csv(dm_dir, index_col=0) if os.path.exists(dm_dir) else None ) self.downstream_model_receptor_coeffs, self.downstream_model_receptor_standard_errors = self.return_outputs( adjust_for_subsampling=False, load_for_interpreter=True, load_from_downstream="receptor" ) dm_dir = os.path.join( downstream_parent_dir, "cci_deg_detection", "receptor_analysis", id, "downstream_design_matrix", "design_matrix.csv", ) self.downstream_model_receptor_design_matrix = ( pd.read_csv(dm_dir, index_col=0) if os.path.exists(dm_dir) else None ) self.downstream_model_target_coeffs, self.downstream_model_target_standard_errors = self.return_outputs( adjust_for_subsampling=False, load_for_interpreter=True, load_from_downstream="target_gene" ) dm_dir = os.path.join( downstream_parent_dir, "cci_deg_detection", "target_gene_analysis", id, "downstream_design_matrix", "design_matrix.csv", ) self.downstream_model_target_design_matrix = ( pd.read_csv(dm_dir, index_col=0) if os.path.exists(dm_dir) else None ) # Design matrix: self.design_matrix = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "design_matrix", "design_matrix.csv"), index_col=0 ) # If predictions of an L:R model have been computed, load these as well: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "predictions.csv")): self.predictions = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "predictions.csv"), index_col=0 ) # Save directory: parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(parent_dir, "significance")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(parent_dir, "significance")) # Arguments for cell type coupling computation: self.filter_targets = self.arg_retrieve.filter_targets self.filter_target_threshold = self.arg_retrieve.filter_target_threshold # Get targets for the downstream ligand(s), receptor(s), target(s), etc. to use for analysis: self.ligand_for_downstream = self.arg_retrieve.ligand_for_downstream self.receptor_for_downstream = self.arg_retrieve.receptor_for_downstream self.pathway_for_downstream = self.arg_retrieve.pathway_for_downstream self.target_for_downstream = self.arg_retrieve.target_for_downstream self.sender_ct_for_downstream = self.arg_retrieve.sender_ct_for_downstream self.receiver_ct_for_downstream = self.arg_retrieve.receiver_ct_for_downstream # Other downstream analysis-pertinent argparse arguments: self.cci_degs_model_interactions = self.arg_retrieve.cci_degs_model_interactions self.no_cell_type_markers = self.arg_retrieve.no_cell_type_markers self.compute_pathway_effect = self.arg_retrieve.compute_pathway_effect self.diff_sending_or_receiving = self.arg_retrieve.diff_sending_or_receiving
[docs] def compute_coeff_significance(self, method: str = "fdr_bh", significance_threshold: float = 0.05): """Computes local statistical significance for fitted coefficients. Args: method: Method to use for correction. Available methods can be found in the documentation for statsmodels.stats.multitest.multipletests(), and are also listed below (in correct case) for convenience: - Named methods: - bonferroni - sidak - holm-sidak - holm - simes-hochberg - hommel - Abbreviated methods: - fdr_bh: Benjamini-Hochberg correction - fdr_by: Benjamini-Yekutieli correction - fdr_tsbh: Two-stage Benjamini-Hochberg - fdr_tsbky: Two-stage Benjamini-Krieger-Yekutieli method significance_threshold: p-value (or q-value) needed to call a parameter significant. Returns: is_significant: Dataframe of identical shape to coeffs, where each element is True or False if it meets the threshold for significance pvalues: Dataframe of identical shape to coeffs, where each element is a p-value for that instance of that feature qvalues: Dataframe of identical shape to coeffs, where each element is a q-value for that instance of that feature """ "Computing significance for all coefficients, note this may take a long time for large " "datasets (> 10k cells)..." ) for target in self.coeffs.keys(): # Check for existing file: parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(parent_dir, "significance", f"{target}_is_significant.csv")):"Significance already computed for target {target}, moving to the next...") continue # Get coefficients and standard errors for this key coef = self.coeffs[target] columns = [col for col in coef.columns if col.startswith("b_") and "intercept" not in col] coef = coef[columns] se = self.standard_errors[target] se_feature_match = [c.replace("se_", "") for c in se.columns] def compute_p_value(cell_name, feat): return wald_test(coef.loc[cell_name, f"b_{feat}"], se.loc[cell_name, f"se_{feat}"]) filtered_tasks = [ (cell_name, feat) for cell_name, feat in product(self.sample_names, self.feature_names) if feat in se_feature_match and se.loc[cell_name, f"se_{feat}"] != 0 and coef.loc[cell_name, f"b_{feat}"] != 0 ] # Parallelize computations for filtered tasks results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)( delayed(compute_p_value)(cell_name, feat) for cell_name, feat in tqdm(filtered_tasks, desc=f"Processing for target {target}") ) # Convert results to a DataFrame results_df = pd.DataFrame( results, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(filtered_tasks, names=["sample", "feature"]) ) p_values_all = pd.DataFrame(1, index=self.sample_names, columns=self.feature_names) p_values_all.update(results_df.unstack(level="feature").droplevel(0, axis=1)) # Multiple testing correction for each observation: qvals = np.zeros_like(p_values_all.values) for i in range(p_values_all.shape[0]): qvals[i, :] = multitesting_correction( p_values_all.iloc[i, :], method=method, alpha=significance_threshold ) q_values_df = pd.DataFrame(qvals, index=self.sample_names, columns=self.feature_names) # Significance: is_significant_df = q_values_df < significance_threshold # Save dataframes: parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) p_values_all.to_csv(os.path.join(parent_dir, "significance", f"{target}_p_values.csv")) q_values_df.to_csv(os.path.join(parent_dir, "significance", f"{target}_q_values.csv")) is_significant_df.to_csv(os.path.join(parent_dir, "significance", f"{target}_is_significant.csv"))"Finished computing significance for target {target}.")
[docs] def filter_adata_spatial(self, instructions: List[str]): """Based on spatial coordinates, filter the adata object to only include cells that meet the criteria. Criteria provided in the form of a list of instructions of the form "x less than 0.5 and y greater than 0.5", etc., where each instruction is executed sequentially. Args: instructions: List of instructions to filter adata object by. Each instruction is a string of the form "x less than 0.5 and y greater than 0.5", etc., where each instruction is executed sequentially. """ adata_filt = filter_adata_spatial(self.adata, self.coords_key, instructions) # Cells still left post-filter self.remaining_cells = adata_filt.obs_names self.remaining_indices = np.where(self.adata.obs_names.isin(self.remaining_cells))[0]
[docs] def filter_adata_custom(self, cell_ids: List[str]): """Filter AnnData object to only the cells specified by the custom list. Args: cell_ids: List of cell IDs to keep. Each ID must be found in adata.obs_names """ self.remaining_cells = cell_ids self.remaining_indices = np.where(self.adata.obs_names.isin(self.remaining_cells))[0]
[docs] def add_interaction_effect_to_adata( self, targets: Union[str, List[str]], interactions: Union[str, List[str]], visualize: bool = False, ) -> anndata.AnnData: """For each specified interaction/list of interactions, add the predicted interaction effect to the adata object. Args: targets: Target(s) to add interaction effect for. Can be a single target or a list of targets. interactions: Interaction(s) to add interaction effect for. Can be a single interaction or a list of interactions. Should be the name of a gene for ligand models, or an L:R pair for L:R models (for example, "Igf1:Igf1r"). visualize: Whether to visualize the interaction effect for each target/interaction pair. If True, will generate spatial scatter plot and save to HTML file. Returns: adata: AnnData object with interaction effects added to .obs. """ if visualize: figure_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures") if not os.path.exists(figure_folder): os.makedirs(figure_folder) if not isinstance(targets, list): targets = [targets] if not isinstance(interactions, list): interactions = [interactions] if hasattr(self, "remaining_indices"): adata = self.adata[self.remaining_cells, :].copy() else: adata = self.adata.copy() combinations = list(product(targets, interactions)) for target, interaction in combinations: if f"b_{interaction}" not in self.coeffs[target].columns: f"Information for interaction {interaction} not found for target {target}, " f"skipping..." ) continue if hasattr(self, "remaining_indices"): target_coefs = self.coeffs[target].loc[self.remaining_cells, f"b_{interaction}"] else: target_coefs = self.coeffs[target][f"b_{interaction}"] # Add to adata: adata.obs[f"{target}_{interaction}_effect"] = target_coefs if visualize: # plotly to create 3D scatter plot: spatial_coords = adata.obsm[self.coords_key] if spatial_coords.shape[1] == 2: x, y = spatial_coords[:, 0], spatial_coords[:, 1] z = np.zeros(len(x)) else: x, y, z = spatial_coords[:, 0], spatial_coords[:, 1], spatial_coords[:, 2] plot_data = adata.obs[f"{target}_{interaction}_effect"] p997 = np.percentile(plot_data.values, 99.7) plot_data[plot_data > p997] = p997 plot_vals = plot_data.values scatter = go.Scatter3d( x=x, y=y, z=z, mode="markers", marker=dict( color=plot_vals, colorscale="Magma", size=2, colorbar=dict( title=f"{interaction.title()} Effect on {target.title()}", x=0.8, titlefont=dict(size=16), tickfont=dict(size=18), ), ), showlegend=False, ) fig = go.Figure(data=scatter) title_dict = dict( text=f"{interaction.title()} Effect on {target.title()}", y=0.9, yanchor="top", x=0.5, xanchor="center", font=dict(size=28), ) # Turn off the grid fig.update_layout( showlegend=True, legend=dict(x=0.65, y=0.85, orientation="v", font=dict(size=18)), scene=dict( aspectmode="data", xaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), yaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), zaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), ), margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=50), # Adjust margins to minimize spacing title=title_dict, ) path = os.path.join(figure_folder, f"{interaction}_effect_on_{target}.html") fig.write_html(path) return adata
[docs] def compute_and_visualize_diagnostics( self, type: Literal["correlations", "confusion", "rmse"], n_genes_per_plot: int = 20 ): """ For true and predicted gene expression, compute and generate either: confusion matrices, or correlations, including the Pearson correlation, Spearman correlation, or root mean-squared-error (RMSE). Args: type: Type of diagnostic to compute and visualize. Options: "correlations" for Pearson & Spearman correlation, "confusion" for confusion matrix, "rmse" for root mean-squared-error. n_genes_per_plot: Only used if "type" is "confusion". Number of genes to plot per figure. If there are more than this number of genes, multiple figures will be generated. """ # Plot title: file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.adata_path))[0] parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) pred_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, "predictions.csv") predictions = pd.read_csv(pred_path, index_col=0) all_genes = predictions.columns width = 0.5 * len(all_genes) pred_vals = predictions.values if type == "correlations": # Pearson and Spearman dictionary for all cells: pearson_dict = {} spearman_dict = {} # Pearson and Spearman dictionary for only the expressing subset of cells: nz_pearson_dict = {} nz_spearman_dict = {} for i, gene in enumerate(all_genes): y = self.adata[:, gene].X.toarray().reshape(-1) music_results_target = pred_vals[:, i] # Remove index of the largest predicted value (to mitigate sensitivity of these metrics to outliers): outlier_index = np.where(np.max(music_results_target))[0] music_results_target_to_plot = np.delete(music_results_target, outlier_index) y_plot = np.delete(y, outlier_index) # Indices where target is nonzero: nonzero_indices = y_plot != 0 rp, _ = pearsonr(y_plot, music_results_target_to_plot) r, _ = spearmanr(y_plot, music_results_target_to_plot) rp_nz, _ = pearsonr(y_plot[nonzero_indices], music_results_target_to_plot[nonzero_indices]) r_nz, _ = spearmanr(y_plot[nonzero_indices], music_results_target_to_plot[nonzero_indices]) pearson_dict[gene] = rp spearman_dict[gene] = r nz_pearson_dict[gene] = rp_nz nz_spearman_dict[gene] = r_nz # Mean of diagnostic metrics: mean_pearson = sum(pearson_dict.values()) / len(pearson_dict.values()) mean_spearman = sum(spearman_dict.values()) / len(spearman_dict.values()) mean_nz_pearson = sum(nz_pearson_dict.values()) / len(nz_pearson_dict.values()) mean_nz_spearman = sum(nz_spearman_dict.values()) / len(nz_spearman_dict.values()) data = [] for gene in pearson_dict.keys(): data.append( { "Gene": gene, "Pearson coefficient": pearson_dict[gene], "Spearman coefficient": spearman_dict[gene], "Pearson coefficient (expressing cells)": nz_pearson_dict[gene], "Spearman coefficient (expressing cells)": nz_spearman_dict[gene], } ) # Color palette: colors = { "Pearson coefficient": "#FF7F00", "Spearmann coefficient": "#87CEEB", "Pearson coefficient (expressing cells)": "#0BDA51", "Spearmann coefficient (expressing cells)": "#FF6961", } df = pd.DataFrame(data) # Plot Pearson correlation barplot: sns.set(font_scale=2) sns.set_style("white") plt.figure(figsize=(width, 6)) plt.xticks(rotation="vertical") ax = sns.barplot( data=df, x="Gene", y="Pearson coefficient", palette=colors["Pearson coefficient"], edgecolor="black", dodge=True, ) # Mean line: line_style = "--" line_thickness = 2 ax.axhline(mean_pearson, color="black", linestyle=line_style, linewidth=line_thickness) # Update legend: legend_label = f"Mean: {mean_pearson}" handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles.append(plt.Line2D([0], [0], color="black", linewidth=line_thickness, linestyle=line_style)) labels.append(legend_label) ax.legend(handles, labels, loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) plt.title(f"Pearson correlation {file_name}") plt.tight_layout() # Plot Spearman correlation barplot: plt.figure(figsize=(width, 6)) plt.xticks(rotation="vertical") ax = sns.barplot( data=df, x="Gene", y="Spearman coefficient", palette=colors["Spearman coefficient"], edgecolor="black", dodge=True, ) # Mean line: ax.axhline(mean_spearman, color="black", linestyle=line_style, linewidth=line_thickness) # Update legend: legend_label = f"Mean: {mean_spearman}" handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles.append(plt.Line2D([0], [0], color="black", linewidth=line_thickness, linestyle=line_style)) labels.append(legend_label) ax.legend(handles, labels, loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) plt.title(f"Spearman correlation {file_name}") plt.tight_layout() # Plot Pearson correlation barplot (expressing cells): plt.figure(figsize=(width, 6)) plt.xticks(rotation="vertical") ax = sns.barplot( data=df, x="Gene", y="Pearson coefficient (expressing cells)", palette=colors["Pearson coefficient (expressing cells)"], edgecolor="black", dodge=True, ) # Mean line: ax.axhline(mean_nz_pearson, color="black", linestyle=line_style, linewidth=line_thickness) # Update legend: legend_label = f"Mean: {mean_nz_pearson}" handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles.append(plt.Line2D([0], [0], color="black", linewidth=line_thickness, linestyle=line_style)) labels.append(legend_label) ax.legend(handles, labels, loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) plt.title(f"Pearson correlation (expressing cells) {file_name}") plt.tight_layout() # Plot Spearman correlation barplot (expressing cells): plt.figure(figsize=(width, 6)) plt.xticks(rotation="vertical") ax = sns.barplot( data=df, x="Gene", y="Spearman coefficient (expressing cells)", palette=colors["Spearman coefficient (expressing cells)"], edgecolor="black", dodge=True, ) # Mean line: ax.axhline(mean_nz_spearman, color="black", linestyle=line_style, linewidth=line_thickness) # Update legend: legend_label = f"Mean: {mean_nz_spearman}" handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles.append(plt.Line2D([0], [0], color="black", linewidth=line_thickness, linestyle=line_style)) labels.append(legend_label) ax.legend(handles, labels, loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) plt.title(f"Spearman correlation (expressing cells) {file_name}") plt.tight_layout() elif type == "confusion": confusion_matrices = {} for i, gene in enumerate(all_genes): y = self.adata[:, gene].X.toarray().reshape(-1) music_results_target = pred_vals[:, i] predictions_binary = (music_results_target > 0).astype(int) y_binary = (y > 0).astype(int) confusion_matrices[gene] = confusion_matrix(y_binary, predictions_binary) total_figs = int(math.ceil(len(all_genes) / n_genes_per_plot)) for fig_index in range(total_figs): start_index = fig_index * n_genes_per_plot end_index = min(start_index + n_genes_per_plot, len(all_genes)) genes_to_plot = all_genes[start_index:end_index] fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, len(genes_to_plot), figsize=(width, width / 5)) axs = axs.flatten() for i, gene in enumerate(genes_to_plot): sns.heatmap( confusion_matrices[gene], annot=True, fmt="d", cmap="Blues", ax=axs[i], cbar=False, xticklabels=["Predicted \nnot expressed", "Predicted \nexpressed"], yticklabels=["Actual \nnot expressed", "Actual \nexpressed"], ) axs[i].set_title(gene) # Hide any unused subplots on the last figure if total genes don't fill up the grid for j in range(len(genes_to_plot), len(axs)): axs[j].axis("off") plt.tight_layout() # Save confusion matrices: parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) plt.savefig(os.path.join(parent_dir, f"confusion_matrices_{fig_index}.png"), bbox_inches="tight") elif type == "rmse": rmse_dict = {} nz_rmse_dict = {} for i, gene in enumerate(all_genes): y = self.adata[:, gene].X.toarray().reshape(-1) music_results_target = pred_vals[:, i] rmse_dict[gene] = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y, music_results_target)) # Indices where target is nonzero: nonzero_indices = y != 0 nz_rmse_dict[gene] = np.sqrt( mean_squared_error(y[nonzero_indices], music_results_target[nonzero_indices]) ) mean_rmse = sum(rmse_dict.values()) / len(rmse_dict.values()) mean_nz_rmse = sum(nz_rmse_dict.values()) / len(nz_rmse_dict.values()) data = [] for gene in rmse_dict.keys(): data.append({"Gene": gene, "RMSE": rmse_dict[gene], "RMSE (expressing cells)": mean_nz_rmse[gene]}) # Color palette: colors = {"RMSE": "#FF7F00", "RMSE (expressing cells)": "#87CEEB"} df = pd.DataFrame(data) # Plot RMSE barplot: sns.set(font_scale=2) sns.set_style("white") plt.figure(figsize=(width, 6)) plt.xticks(rotation="vertical") ax = sns.barplot( data=df, x="Gene", y="RMSE", palette=colors["RMSE"], edgecolor="black", dodge=True, ) # Mean line: line_style = "--" line_thickness = 2 ax.axhline(mean_rmse, color="black", linestyle=line_style, linewidth=line_thickness) # Update legend: legend_label = f"Mean: {mean_rmse}" handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles.append(plt.Line2D([0], [0], color="black", linewidth=line_thickness, linestyle=line_style)) labels.append(legend_label) ax.legend(handles, labels, loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) plt.title(f"RMSE {file_name}") plt.tight_layout() # Plot RMSE barplot (expressing cells): plt.figure(figsize=(width, 6)) plt.xticks(rotation="vertical") ax = sns.barplot( data=df, x="Gene", y="RMSE (expressing cells)", palette=colors["RMSE (expressing cells)"], edgecolor="black", dodge=True, ) # Mean line: ax.axhline(mean_nz_rmse, color="black", linestyle=line_style, linewidth=line_thickness) # Update legend: legend_label = f"Mean: {mean_nz_rmse}" handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles.append(plt.Line2D([0], [0], color="black", linewidth=line_thickness, linestyle=line_style)) labels.append(legend_label) ax.legend(handles, labels, loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) plt.title(f"RMSE (expressing cells) {file_name}") plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def plot_interaction_effect_3D( self, target: str, interaction: str, save_path: str, pcutoff: Optional[float] = 99.7, min_value: Optional[float] = 0, zero_opacity: float = 1.0, size: float = 2.0, n_neighbors_smooth: Optional[int] = 0, ): """Quick-visualize the magnitude of the predicted effect on target for a given interaction. Args: target: Target gene to visualize interaction: Interaction to visualize (e.g. "Igf1:Igf1r" for L:R model, "Igf1" for ligand model) save_path: Path to save the figure to (will save as HTML file) pcutoff: Percentile cutoff for the colorbar. Will set all values above this percentile to this value. min_value: Minimum value to set the colorbar to. Will set all values below this value to this value. Defaults to 0. zero_opacity: Opacity of points with zero expression. Between 0.0 and 1.0. Default is 1.0. size: Size of the points in the scatter plot. Default is 2. n_neighbors_smooth: Number of neighbors to use for smoothing (to make effect patterns more apparent). If 0, no smoothing is applied. Default is 0. """ targets = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "design_matrix", "targets.csv"), index_col=0 ) if target not in targets.columns: raise ValueError(f"Target {target} not found in this model's directory. Please provide a valid target.") if interaction not in self.X_df.columns: raise ValueError(f"Interaction {interaction} not found in this model's directory.") if hasattr(self, "remaining_cells"): adata = self.adata[self.remaining_cells, :].copy() else: adata = self.adata.copy() coords = adata.obsm[self.coords_key] x, y, z = coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], coords[:, 2] target_interaction_coef = self.coeffs[target].loc[adata.obs_names, f"b_{interaction}"]"{(target_interaction_coef > 0).sum()} {target}-expressing cells affected by {interaction}.") if n_neighbors_smooth > 0: from scipy.spatial import cKDTree tree = cKDTree(coords) distances, indices = tree.query(coords, k=n_neighbors_smooth + 1) smoothed_values = np.zeros(len(target_interaction_coef)) for i in range(len(smoothed_values)): neighbor_indices = indices[i, 1:] neighbor_coeffs = target_interaction_coef.iloc[neighbor_indices] # Filter to keep only nonzero values nonzero_neighbor_coeffs = neighbor_coeffs[neighbor_coeffs != 0] # Proceed only if there are at least 5 nonzero neighbors if len(nonzero_neighbor_coeffs) >= 5: # Calculate the mean of the nonzero target interaction coefficients smoothed_values[i] = np.mean(nonzero_neighbor_coeffs) target_interaction_coef = pd.Series(smoothed_values, index=target_interaction_coef.index)"{(target_interaction_coef > 0).sum()} {target} affected cells post-smoothing.") # Lenient w/ the max value cutoff so that the colored dots are more distinct from black background cutoff = np.percentile(target_interaction_coef.values, pcutoff) if pcutoff == 0: cutoff = np.percentile(target_interaction_coef.values, 99.9) target_interaction_coef[target_interaction_coef > cutoff] = cutoff target_interaction_coef[target_interaction_coef < min_value] = min_value plot_vals = target_interaction_coef.values # Separate data into zero and non-zero (keeping one zero with non-zeros) is_zero = plot_vals == 0.0 if np.any(is_zero): non_zeros = np.where(is_zero, 0, plot_vals) # Select the first zero to keep first_zero_idx = np.where(is_zero)[0][0] # Temp- to get the correct indices of nonzeros non_zeros[first_zero_idx] = 1 is_nonzero = non_zeros != 0 non_zeros[first_zero_idx] = 0 else: is_nonzero = np.ones(len(plot_vals), dtype=bool) # Two plots, one for the zeros and one for the nonzeros scatter_effect = go.Scatter3d( x=x[is_nonzero], y=y[is_nonzero], z=z[is_nonzero], mode="markers", marker=dict( color=plot_vals[is_nonzero], colorscale="Hot", size=size, colorbar=dict( title=f"{interaction.title()} Effect on {target.title()}", x=0.75, titlefont=dict(size=24), tickfont=dict(size=24), ), ), showlegend=False, ) # Plot zeros separately (if there are any): scatter_zeros = None if np.any(is_zero): scatter_zeros = go.Scatter3d( x=x[is_zero], y=y[is_zero], z=z[is_zero], mode="markers", marker=dict( color="#000000", # Use zero values for color to match the scale size=size, opacity=zero_opacity, ), showlegend=False, ) fig = go.Figure(data=[scatter_effect]) if scatter_zeros is not None: fig.add_trace(scatter_zeros) title_dict = dict( text=f"{interaction.title()} Effect on {target.title()}", y=0.9, yanchor="top", x=0.5, xanchor="center", font=dict(size=36), ) fig.update_layout( scene=dict( aspectmode="data", xaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), yaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), zaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), ), margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=50), # Adjust margins to minimize spacing title=title_dict, ) fig.write_html(save_path)
[docs] def plot_multiple_interaction_effects_3D( self, effects: List[str], save_path: str, include_combos_of_two: bool = False ): """Quick-visualize the magnitude of the predicted effect on target for a given interaction. Args: effects: List of effects to visualize (e.g. ["Igf1:Igf1r", "Igf1:InsR"] for L:R model, ["Igf1"] for ligand model) save_path: Path to save the figure to (will save as HTML file) include_combos_of_two: Whether to include paired combinations of effects (e.g. "Igf1:Igf1r and Igf1:InsR") as separate categories. If False, will include these in the generic "Multiple interactions" category. """ if hasattr(self, "remaining_cells"): adata = self.adata[self.remaining_cells, :].copy() else: adata = self.adata.copy() coords = adata.obsm[self.coords_key] x, y, z = coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], coords[:, 2] mean_values = {} adata.obs["interaction_categories"] = "Other" for effect in effects: interaction, target = effect.split(":") if target not in self.coeffs.keys(): f"{target} not found in this model's directory. Skipping this interaction-target pair." ) continue if f"b_{interaction}" not in self.coeffs[target].columns:"{interaction} not found for {target}. Skipping this interaction-target pair.") continue target_interaction_coef = self.coeffs[target].loc[adata.obs_names, f"b_{interaction}"] mean_values[effect] = np.mean(target_interaction_coef[target_interaction_coef > 0]) adata.obs[f"{effect} nonzero"] = target_interaction_coef > 0 # Temporarily, the key labeled with the effect name stores whether the interaction is nonzero to a # substantial degree: adata.obs.loc[target_interaction_coef >= mean_values[effect], effect] = True # Categorize cells based on their interaction effects for idx, row in tqdm(adata.obs.iterrows(), total=len(adata.obs_names), desc="Categorizing cells..."): active_effects = [effect for effect in effects if row[f"{effect} nonzero"]] strong_active_effects = [effect for effect in effects if row[effect]] if include_combos_of_two: if len(strong_active_effects) >= 3: adata.obs.loc[idx, "interaction_categories"] = "Multiple interactions" elif len(strong_active_effects) == 2: adata.obs.loc[ idx, "interaction_categories" ] = f"{strong_active_effects[0]} and {strong_active_effects[1]}" elif len(active_effects) == 1: adata.obs.loc[idx, "interaction_categories"] = active_effects[0] else: if len(strong_active_effects) >= 2: adata.obs.loc[idx, "interaction_categories"] = "Multiple interactions" elif len(active_effects) == 1: adata.obs.loc[idx, "interaction_categories"] = active_effects[0] cat_counts = adata.obs["interaction_categories"].value_counts() # Map each category to color: if include_combos_of_two: color_mapping = dict(zip(cat_counts.index, godsnot_102)) else: color_mapping = dict(zip(cat_counts.index, vega_10)) color_mapping["Multiple interactions"] = "#71797E" color_mapping["Other"] = "#D3D3D3" traces = [] for group, color in color_mapping.items(): marker_size = 1.25 if group == "Other" else 2 mask = adata.obs["interaction_categories"] == group scatter = go.Scatter3d( x=x[mask], y=y[mask], z=z[mask], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=marker_size, color=color), showlegend=False, ) traces.append(scatter) # Invisible trace for the legend (so the colored point is larger than the plot points): legend_target = go.Scatter3d( x=[None], y=[None], z=[None], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=30, color=color), # Adjust size as needed name=group, showlegend=True, ) traces.append(legend_target) fig = go.Figure(data=traces) title = ( "L:R Interaction Effect on Target (format Ligand:Receptor-Target)" if self.mod_type == "lr" else "Ligand Effect on Target (format Ligand-Target)" ) title_dict = dict( text=title, y=0.9, yanchor="top", x=0.5, xanchor="center", font=dict(size=28), ) fig.update_layout( showlegend=True, legend=dict(x=0.7, y=0.85, orientation="v", font=dict(size=14)), scene=dict( aspectmode="data", xaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), yaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), zaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), ), margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=50), # Adjust margins to minimize spacing title=title_dict, ) fig.write_html(save_path)
[docs] def plot_tf_effect_3D( self, target: str, tf: str, save_path: str, ligand_targets: bool = True, receptor_targets: bool = False, target_gene_targets: bool = False, pcutoff: float = 99.7, min_value: float = 0, zero_opacity: float = 1.0, size: float = 2.0, ): """Quick-visualize the magnitude of the predicted effect on target for a given TF. Can only find the files necessary for this if :func `CCI_deg_detection()` has been run. Args: target: Target gene of interest tf: TF of interest (e.g. "Foxo1") save_path: Path to save the figure to (will save as HTML file) ligand_targets: Set True if ligands were used as the target genes for the :func `CCI_deg_detection()` model. receptor_targets: Set True if receptors were used as the target genes for the :func `CCI_deg_detection()` model. target_gene_targets: Set True if target genes were used as the target genes for the :func `CCI_deg_detection()` model. pcutoff: Percentile cutoff for the colorbar. Will set all values above this percentile to this value. min_value: Minimum value to set the colorbar to. Will set all values below this value to this value. zero_opacity: Opacity of points with zero expression. Between 0.0 and 1.0. Default is 1.0. size: Size of the points in the scatter plot. Default is 2. """ downstream_parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0]) id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.output_path))[0] if ligand_targets: target_type = "ligand" folder = "ligand_analysis" elif receptor_targets: target_type = "receptor" folder = "receptor_analysis" elif target_gene_targets: target_type = "target_gene" folder = "target_gene_analysis" else: raise ValueError( "Please set either 'ligand_targets', 'receptor_targets', or 'target_gene_targets' to True." ) targets = pd.read_csv( os.path.join( downstream_parent_dir, "cci_deg_detection", folder, id, "downstream_design_matrix", "targets.csv", ), index_col=0, ) regulators = pd.read_csv( os.path.join( downstream_parent_dir, "cci_deg_detection", folder, id, "downstream_design_matrix", "design_matrix.csv", ), index_col=0, ) regulators.columns = [col.replace("regulator_", "") for col in regulators.columns] if target not in targets.columns: raise ValueError(f"Target {target} not found in this model's directory. Please provide a valid target.") if tf not in regulators.columns: raise ValueError(f"TF {tf} not found in this model's directory.") if hasattr(self, "remaining_cells"): adata = self.adata[self.remaining_cells, :].copy() else: adata = self.adata.copy() coords = adata.obsm[self.coords_key] x, y, z = coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], coords[:, 2] downstream_coeffs, downstream_standard_errors = self.return_outputs( adjust_for_subsampling=False, load_from_downstream=target_type, load_for_interpreter=True ) target_tf_coef = downstream_coeffs[target].loc[adata.obs_names, f"b_{tf}"] # Lenient w/ the max value cutoff so that the colored dots are more distinct from black background cutoff = np.percentile(target_tf_coef.values, pcutoff) target_tf_coef[target_tf_coef > cutoff] = cutoff target_tf_coef[target_tf_coef < min_value] = min_value plot_vals = target_tf_coef.values # Separate data into zero and non-zero (keeping one zero with non-zeros) is_zero = plot_vals == 0 if np.any(is_zero): non_zeros = np.where(is_zero, 0, plot_vals) # Select the first zero to keep first_zero_idx = np.where(is_zero)[0][0] # Temp- to get the correct indices of nonzeros non_zeros[first_zero_idx] = 1 is_nonzero = non_zeros != 0 non_zeros[first_zero_idx] = 0 else: is_nonzero = np.ones(len(plot_vals), dtype=bool) # Two plots, one for the zeros and one for the nonzeros scatter_effect = go.Scatter3d( x=x[is_nonzero], y=y[is_nonzero], z=z[is_nonzero], mode="markers", marker=dict( color=plot_vals[is_nonzero], colorscale="Hot", size=size, colorbar=dict( title=f"{tf.title()} Effect on {target.title()}", x=0.75, titlefont=dict(size=24), tickfont=dict(size=24), ), ), showlegend=False, ) # Plot zeros separately (if there are any): scatter_zeros = None if np.any(is_zero): scatter_zeros = go.Scatter3d( x=x[is_zero], y=y[is_zero], z=z[is_zero], mode="markers", marker=dict( color="#000000", # Use zero values for color to match the scale size=size, opacity=zero_opacity, ), showlegend=False, ) fig = go.Figure(data=[scatter_effect]) if scatter_zeros is not None: fig.add_trace(scatter_zeros) title_dict = dict( text=f"{tf.title()} Effect on {target.title()}", y=0.9, yanchor="top", x=0.5, xanchor="center", font=dict(size=36), ) fig.update_layout( scene=dict( aspectmode="data", xaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), yaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), zaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), ), margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=50), # Adjust margins to minimize spacing title=title_dict, ) fig.write_html(save_path)
[docs] def visualize_overlap_between_interacting_components_3D( self, target: str, interaction: str, save_path: str, size: float = 2.0 ): """Visualize the spatial distribution of signaling features (ligand, receptor, or L:R field) and target gene, as well as the overlapping region. Intended for use with 3D spatial coordinates. Args: target: Target gene to visualize interaction: Interaction to visualize (e.g. "Igf1:Igf1r" for L:R model, "Igf1" for ligand model) save_path: Path to save the figure to (will save as HTML file) size: Size of the points in the plot. Defaults to 2. """ from ...plotting.static.colorlabel import godsnot_102 # Rearrange slightly: godsnot_102[1] = "#B200ED" godsnot_102[2] = "#FFA500" godsnot_102[3] = "#1CE6FF" targets = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "design_matrix", "targets.csv"), index_col=0 ) if target not in targets.columns: raise ValueError(f"Target {target} not found in this model's directory. Please provide a valid target.") if interaction not in self.X_df.columns: raise ValueError(f"Interaction {interaction} not found in this model's directory.") if hasattr(self, "remaining_cells"): adata = self.adata[self.remaining_cells, :].copy() else: adata = self.adata.copy() coords = adata.obsm[self.coords_key] x, y, z = coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], coords[:, 2] # Label cells expressing target: target_expressing = adata.obs_names[adata[:, target].X.toarray().reshape(-1) != 0] # Label cells and with nonzero interaction feature value (for ligand model, cells that have expression of the # ligand in their neighborhood (in addition to other caveats incorported in model setup), for L:R model, # cells that have expression of the ligand in their neighborhood and expression of the receptor): interaction_expressing = self.X_df[self.X_df[interaction] != 0].index # Label cells expressing target and with nonzero interaction feature value: overlap = target_expressing.intersection(interaction_expressing) adata.obs[f"{interaction}_{target}"] = "Other" adata.obs.loc[ target_expressing, f"{interaction}_{target}" ] = f"{target} only (no {interaction} in neighborhood and/or receptor)" if self.mod_type == "lr": ligand, receptor = interaction.split(":") adata.obs.loc[ interaction_expressing, f"{interaction}_{target}" ] = f"{ligand.title()} in Neighborhood and {receptor}, no {target}" adata.obs.loc[ overlap, f"{interaction}_{target}" ] = f"{ligand.title()} in Neighborhood, {receptor} and {target}" elif self.mod_type == "ligand": adata.obs.loc[ interaction_expressing, f"{interaction}_{target}" ] = f"{interaction.title()} in Neighborhood and Receptor, no {target}" adata.obs.loc[ overlap, f"{interaction}_{target}" ] = f"{interaction.title()} in Neighborhood, Receptor and {target}" color_mapping = dict(zip(adata.obs[f"{interaction}_{target}"].value_counts().index, godsnot_102)) color_mapping["Other"] = "#D3D3D3" traces = [] for group, color in color_mapping.items(): marker_size = size * 0.75 if group == "Other" else size opacity = 0.5 if group == "Other" else 1.0 mask = adata.obs[f"{interaction}_{target}"] == group scatter = go.Scatter3d( x=x[mask], y=y[mask], z=z[mask], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=marker_size, color=color, opacity=opacity), showlegend=False, ) traces.append(scatter) # Invisible trace for the legend (so the colored point is larger than the plot points): legend_target = go.Scatter3d( x=[None], y=[None], z=[None], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=30, color=color), # Adjust size as needed name=group, showlegend=True, ) traces.append(legend_target) fig = go.Figure(data=traces) if self.mod_type == "lr": title = f"Distribution of interacting components: <br>{interaction} and {target}" elif self.mod_type == "ligand": title = ( f"Distribution of interacting components: <br>{interaction}, {interaction} receptor/downstream " f"components and {target}" ) title_dict = dict( text=title, y=0.9, yanchor="top", x=0.5, xanchor="center", font=dict(size=36), ) fig.update_layout( showlegend=True, legend=dict(x=0.65, y=0.85, orientation="v", font=dict(size=18)), scene=dict( aspectmode="data", xaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), yaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), zaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), ), margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=50), # Adjust margins to minimize spacing title=title_dict, ) fig.write_html(save_path)
[docs] def gene_expression_heatmap( self, use_ligands: bool = False, use_receptors: bool = False, use_target_genes: bool = False, genes: Optional[List[str]] = None, position_key: str = "spatial", coord_column: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, reprocess: bool = False, neatly_arrange_y: bool = True, window_size: int = 3, recompute: bool = False, title: Optional[str] = None, fontsize: Union[None, int] = None, figsize: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = None, cmap: str = "magma", save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return", "both", "all"] = "show", save_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {}, ): """Visualize the distribution of gene expression across cells in the spatial coordinates of cells; provides an idea of the simultaneous relative positions/patternings of different genes. Args: use_ligands: Set True to use ligands as the genes to visualize. If True, will ignore "genes" argument. "ligands_expr" file must be present in the model's directory. use_receptors: Set True to use receptors as the genes to visualize. If True, will ignore "genes" argument. "receptors_expr" file must be present in the model's directory. use_target_genes: Set True to use target genes as the genes to visualize. If True, will ignore "genes" argument. "targets" file must be present in the model's directory. genes: Optional list of genes to visualize. If "use_ligands", "use_receptors", and "use_target_genes" are all False, this must be given. This can also be used to visualize only a subset of the genes once processing & saving has already completed using e.g. "use_ligands", "use_receptors", etc. position_key: Key in adata.obs or adata.obsm that provides a relative indication of the position of cells. i.e. spatial coordinates. Defaults to "spatial". For each value in the position array (each coordinate, each category), multiple cells must have the same value. coord_column: Optional, only used if "position_key" points to an entry in .obsm. In this case, this is the index or name of the column to be used to provide the positional context. Can also provide "xy", "yz", "xz", "-xy", "-yz", "-xz" to draw a line between the two coordinate axes. "xy" will extend the new axis in the direction of increasing x and increasing y starting from x=0 and y=0 (or min. x/min. y), "-xy" will extend the new axis in the direction of decreasing x and increasing y starting from x=minimum x and y=maximum y, and so on. reprocess: Set to True to reprocess the data and overwrite the existing files. Use if the genes to visualize have changed compared to the saved file (if existing), e.g. if "use_ligands" is True when the initial analysis used "use_target_genes". neatly_arrange_y: Set True to order the y-axis in terms of how early along the position axis the max z-scores for each row occur in. Used for a more uniform plot where similarly patterned interaction-target pairs are grouped together. If False, will sort this axis by the identity of the interaction (i.e. all "Fgf1" rows will be grouped together). window_size: Size of window to use for smoothing. Must be an odd integer. If 1, no smoothing is applied. recompute: Set to True to recompute the data and overwrite the existing files title: Optional, can be used to provide title for plot fontsize: Size of font for x and y labels. figsize: Size of figure. cmap: Colormap to use. Options: Any divergent matplotlib colormap. save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure. If "both", it will save and plot the figure at the same time. If "all", the figure will be saved, displayed and the associated axis and other object will be return. save_kwargs: A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function. By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'scatter', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise you can provide a dictionary that properly modifies those keys according to your needs. """ logger = lm.get_main_logger() if window_size % 2 == 0: raise ValueError("Window size must be an odd integer.") if not use_ligands and not use_receptors and not use_target_genes and genes is None: raise ValueError( "Please set either 'use_ligands', 'use_receptors', or 'use_target_genes' to True, or provide a list " "of genes to visualize." ) # Check if custom genes are given: custom_genes = genes if use_ligands: if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "design_matrix", "ligands_expr.csv") ): raise FileNotFoundError("ligands_expr.csv not found in this model's directory.") expr_df = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "design_matrix", "ligands_expr.csv"), index_col=0 ) genes = expr_df.columns genes = [ g for g in genes if g not in [ "Lta4h", "Fdx1", "Tfrc", "Trf", "Lamc1", "Aldh1a2", "Dhcr24", "Rnaset2a", "Ptges3", "Nampt", "Trf", "Fdx1", "Kdr", "Apoa2", "Apoe", "Dhcr7", "Enho", "Ptgr1", "Agrp", "Akr1b3", "Daglb", "Ubash3d", ] ] file_id = "ligand_expression" elif use_receptors: if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "design_matrix", "receptors_expr.csv") ): raise FileNotFoundError("receptors_expr.csv not found in this model's directory.") expr_df = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "design_matrix", "receptors_expr.csv"), index_col=0 ) genes = expr_df.columns file_id = "receptor_expression" elif use_target_genes: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "design_matrix", "targets.csv")): raise FileNotFoundError("targets.csv not found in this model's directory.") expr_df = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "design_matrix", "targets.csv"), index_col=0 ) genes = expr_df.columns file_id = "target_gene_expression" else: expr_df = pd.DataFrame(self.adata[:, genes].X.toarray(), index=self.adata.obs_names, columns=genes) file_id = "expression" if hasattr(self, "remaining_cells"): adata = self.adata[self.remaining_cells, :].copy() else: adata = self.adata.copy() if position_key not in self.adata.obsm.keys() and position_key not in self.adata.obs.keys(): raise ValueError( f"Position key {position_key} not found in adata.obsm or adata.obs. Please provide a valid key." ) if position_key in self.adata.obsm.keys(): if coord_column in ["xy", "yz", "xz", "-xy", "-yz", "-xz"]: self.adata = create_new_coordinate(self.adata, position_key, coord_column) pos = self.adata.obs[f"{coord_column} Coordinate"] x_label = f"Relative position along custom {coord_column} axis" if title is None: title = f"Signaling effect distribution along {coord_column} axis" save_id = f"{coord_column}_axis" else: if coord_column is not None and isinstance(coord_column, str): if not isinstance(self.adata.obsm[position_key], pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError( f"Array stored at position key {position_key} has no column names; provide the column " f"index." ) else: pos = self.adata.obsm[position_key][coord_column] elif coord_column is not None and isinstance(coord_column, int): if isinstance(self.adata.obsm[position_key], pd.DataFrame): pos = self.adata.obsm[position_key].iloc[:, coord_column] x_label = f"Relative position along {coord_column}" if title is None: title = f"Signaling effect distribution along {coord_column}" save_id = coord_column else: pos = pd.Series(self.adata.obsm[position_key][:, coord_column], index=self.adata.obs_names) if coord_column == 0: x_label = "Relative position along X" if title is None: title = "Signaling effect distribution along X" save_id = "x_axis" elif coord_column == 1: x_label = "Relative position along Y" if title is None: title = "Signaling effect distribution along Y" save_id = "y_axis" elif coord_column == 2: x_label = "Relative position along Z" if title is None: title = "Signaling effect distribution along Z" save_id = "z_axis" elif self.adata.obsm[position_key].shape[1] != 1: raise ValueError( f"Array stored at position key {position_key} has more than one column; provide the column " f"index." ) else: pos = ( pd.Series(self.adata.obsm[position_key].flatten(), index=self.adata.obs_names) if isinstance(self.adata.obsm[position_key], np.ndarray) else self.adata.obsm[position_key] ) x_label = "Relative position" if title is None: title = f"Signaling effect distribution along axis given by {position_key} key" save_id = position_key else: pos = self.adata.obs[position_key] x_label = "Relative position" if title is None: title = f"Signaling effect distribution along axis given by {position_key} key" save_id = position_key # If position array is numerical, there may not be an exact match- convert the data type to integer: if pos.dtype == float: pos = pos.astype(int) if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")) figure_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures", "temp") if not os.path.exists(figure_folder): os.makedirs(figure_folder) output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "analyses") if not os.path.exists(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) # Use the saved name for the AnnData object to define part of the name of the saved file: base_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path) adata_id = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0] # If divergent colormap is specified, center the colormap at 0: divergent_cmaps = [ "seismic", "coolwarm", "bwr", "RdBu", "RdGy", "PuOr", "PiYG", "PRGn", "BrBG", "RdYlBu", "RdYlGn", "Spectral", ] # Check for existing dataframe: if ( os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_folder, f"{adata_id}_distribution_{file_id}_along_{save_id}.csv")) and not recompute ): to_plot = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(output_folder, f"{adata_id}_distribution_{file_id}_along_{save_id}.csv"), index_col=0, ) # Can plot a subset once this is already processed & saved: if custom_genes is not None: custom_genes = [g for g in custom_genes if g in to_plot.index] to_plot = to_plot.loc[custom_genes] else: # For each gene, compute the mean expression: mean_expr = pd.Series(index=genes) for g in genes: mean_expr[g] = expr_df[g].mean() # For each cell, compute the fold change over the average for each combination: all_fc = pd.DataFrame(index=self.adata.obs_names, columns=genes) for g in tqdm(genes, desc="Computing fold changes for each gene..."): g_expr = expr_df[g] all_fc[g] = g_expr / mean_expr[g] # Log fold change: all_fc = np.log1p(all_fc) # z-score the fold change values: all_fc = all_fc.apply(scipy.stats.zscore, axis=0) all_fc["pos"] = pos all_fc_coord_sorted = all_fc.sort_values(by="pos") # Mean z-score at each coordinate position: all_fc_coord_sorted = all_fc_coord_sorted.groupby("pos").mean() # Smooth in the case of dropouts: all_fc_coord_sorted = all_fc_coord_sorted.rolling(window_size, center=True, min_periods=1).mean() # For each unique value in 'pos', find the top genes with the highest mean z-score top_genes = all_fc_coord_sorted.apply(lambda x: x.nlargest(30).index.tolist(), axis=1) # Find interesting interaction effects by position- get features that are in the top features for at least # five consecutive positions: consecutive_counts = {g: 0 for g in genes} genes_of_interest = set() for pos in top_genes.index: for g in top_genes[pos]: consecutive_counts[g] += 1 if consecutive_counts[g] >= 5: genes_of_interest.add(g) for g in genes: if g not in top_genes[pos]: consecutive_counts[g] = 0 to_plot = all_fc_coord_sorted[genes_of_interest] if to_plot.index.is_numeric(): # Minmax scale to normalize positional context: to_plot.index = (to_plot.index - to_plot.index.min()) / (to_plot.index.max() - to_plot.index.min()) to_plot = to_plot.T # so that the features are labeled along the y-axis # Sort by "heat" if applicable (i.e. in order roughly determined by how early along the relative position # the highest z-scores occur in for each interaction-target pair): if neatly_arrange_y:"Sorting by position of enrichment along axis...") column_indices = np.tile(np.arange(len(to_plot.columns)), (len(to_plot), 1)) # Column indices array # Look only at the indices corresponding to the highest changes: percentile_95 = to_plot.apply( lambda row: np.percentile(row[row > 0], 95) if row[row > 0].size > 0 else 0, axis=1 ) # Create a DataFrame that replicates the shape of to_plot weights_matrix =, axis=0) * to_plot weighted_sum = np.sum(weights_matrix.values * column_indices, axis=1) total_weight = np.sum(weights_matrix.values, axis=1) weighted_avg = pd.Series(np.where(total_weight != 0, weighted_sum / total_weight, 0), index=to_plot.index) top_cols_sorted = weighted_avg.sort_values().index to_plot = to_plot.loc[top_cols_sorted] flattened = to_plot.values.flatten() flattened_series = pd.Series(flattened) percentile_95 = flattened_series.quantile(0.95) max_val = percentile_95 if figsize is None: m = len(to_plot) * 40 / 200 n = 8 figsize = (n, m) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=figsize) if fontsize is None: fontsize = rcParams.get("font.size") # Format the numerical columns for the plot: # First check whether the columns contain duplicates: if all(isinstance(name, str) for name in to_plot.columns): if any([name.count(".") > 1 for name in to_plot.columns]): to_plot.columns = [".".join(name.split(".")[:2]) for name in to_plot.columns] to_plot.columns = [float(col) for col in to_plot.columns] col_series = pd.Series(to_plot.columns) if set(col_series) != len(col_series): unique_values, counts = np.unique(col_series, return_counts=True) # Iterate through unique values for value, count in zip(unique_values, counts): if count > 1: # Find indices of the repeated value indices = col_series[col_series == value].index # Calculate step size if value == unique_values[-1]: next_value = value + (value - unique_values[-2]) else: next_index = np.where(unique_values == value)[0][0] + 1 next_value = unique_values[next_index] step = (next_value - value) / count # Update the values for i in range(count): col_series.iloc[indices[i]] = value + step * i to_plot.columns = col_series.values if all(isinstance(name, float) for name in to_plot.columns): to_plot.columns = [f"{float(col):.3f}" for col in to_plot.columns] to_plot.columns = [str(col) for col in to_plot.columns] if genes is not None and not neatly_arrange_y: to_plot = to_plot.reindex(genes) m = sns.heatmap(to_plot, vmin=-max_val, vmax=max_val, ax=ax, cmap=cmap) cbar = m.collections[0].colorbar cbar.set_label("Z-score", fontsize=fontsize * 1.5, labelpad=10) # Adjust colorbar tick font size * 1.25)[len(to_plot), 70])) ax.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.set_ylabel("Gene", fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize) ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize * 1.5, pad=20) if ( not os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_folder, f"{adata_id}_distribution_{file_id}_along_{save_id}.csv")) and not recompute ): to_plot.to_csv( os.path.join( output_folder, f"{adata_id}_distribution_{file_id}_along_{save_id}.csv", ) ) if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: save_kwargs["ext"] = "png" save_kwargs["dpi"] = 300 if "figure_folder" in locals(): save_kwargs["path"] = figure_folder # Save figure: save_return_show_fig_utils( save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, show_legend=False, background="white", prefix=f"distribution_{file_id}_along_{save_id}", save_kwargs=save_kwargs, total_panels=1, fig=fig, axes=ax, return_all=False, return_all_list=None, )
[docs] def effect_distribution_heatmap( self, target_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, interaction_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, position_key: str = "spatial", coord_column: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, effect_threshold: Optional[float] = None, check_downstream_ligand_effects: bool = False, check_downstream_receptor_effects: bool = False, check_downstream_target_effects: bool = False, use_significant: bool = False, sort_by_target: bool = False, neatly_arrange_y: bool = True, window_size: int = 3, recompute: bool = False, title: Optional[str] = None, fontsize: Union[None, int] = None, figsize: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = None, cmap: str = "magma", save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return", "both", "all"] = "show", save_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {}, ): """Visualize the distribution of interaction effects across cells in the spatial coordinates of cells; provides an idea of the simultaneous relative positions of different interaction effects. Args: target_subset: List of targets to consider. If None, will use all targets used in model fitting. interaction_subset: List of interactions to consider. If None, will use all interactions used in model. position_key: Key in adata.obs or adata.obsm that provides a relative indication of the position of cells. i.e. spatial coordinates. Defaults to "spatial". For each value in the position array (each coordinate, each category), multiple cells must have the same value. coord_column: Optional, only used if "position_key" points to an entry in .obsm. In this case, this is the index or name of the column to be used to provide the positional context. Can also provide "xy", "yz", "xz", "-xy", "-yz", "-xz" to draw a line between the two coordinate axes. "xy" will extend the new axis in the direction of increasing x and increasing y starting from x=0 and y=0 (or min. x/min. y), "-xy" will extend the new axis in the direction of decreasing x and increasing y starting from x=minimum x and y=maximum y, and so on. effect_threshold: Optional threshold minimum effect size to consider an effect for further analysis, as an absolute value. Use this to choose only the cells for which an interaction is predicted to have a strong effect. If None, use the median interaction effect. check_downstream_ligand_effects: Set True to check the coefficients of downstream ligand models instead of coefficients of the upstream CCI model. Note that this may not necessarily look nice because TF-target relationships are not spatially dependent like L:R effects are. check_downstream_receptor_effects: Set True to check the coefficients of downstream receptor models instead of coefficients of the upstream CCI model. Note that this may not necessarily look nice because TF-target relationships are not spatially dependent like L:R effects are. check_downstream_target_effects: Set True to check the coefficients of downstream target models instead of coefficients of the upstream CCI model. Note that this may not necessarily look nice because TF-target relationships are not spatially dependent like L:R effects are. use_significant: Whether to use only significant effects in computing the specificity. If True, will filter to cells + interactions where the interaction is significant for the target. Only valid if :func `compute_coeff_significance()` has been run. sort_by_target: Set True to order the y-axis in terms of the identity of the target gene. Incompatible with "neatly_arrange_y". If both this and "neatly_arrange_y" are False, will sort this axis by the identity of the interaction (i.e. all "Fgf1" rows will be grouped together). neatly_arrange_y: Set True to order the y-axis in terms of how early along the position axis the max z-scores for each row occur in. Used for a more uniform plot where similarly patterned interaction-target pairs are grouped together. If False, will sort this axis by the identity of the interaction (i.e. all "Fgf1" rows will be grouped together). window_size: Size of window to use for smoothing. Must be an odd integer. If 1, no smoothing is applied. recompute: Set to True to recompute the data and overwrite the existing files title: Optional, can be used to provide title for plot fontsize: Size of font for x and y labels. figsize: Size of figure. cmap: Colormap to use. Options: Any divergent matplotlib colormap. save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure. If "both", it will save and plot the figure at the same time. If "all", the figure will be saved, displayed and the associated axis and other object will be return. save_kwargs: A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function. By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'scatter', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise you can provide a dictionary that properly modifies those keys according to your needs. """ logger = lm.get_main_logger() if window_size % 2 == 0: raise ValueError("Window size must be an odd integer.") if position_key not in self.adata.obsm.keys() and position_key not in self.adata.obs.keys(): raise ValueError( f"Position key {position_key} not found in adata.obsm or adata.obs. Please provide a valid key." ) if position_key in self.adata.obsm.keys(): if coord_column in ["xy", "yz", "xz", "-xy", "-yz", "-xz"]: self.adata = create_new_coordinate(self.adata, position_key, coord_column) pos = self.adata.obs[f"{coord_column} Coordinate"] x_label = f"Relative position along custom {coord_column} axis" if title is None: title = f"Signaling effect distribution along {coord_column} axis" save_id = f"{coord_column}_axis" else: if coord_column is not None and isinstance(coord_column, str): if not isinstance(self.adata.obsm[position_key], pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError( f"Array stored at position key {position_key} has no column names; provide the column " f"index." ) else: pos = self.adata.obsm[position_key][coord_column] elif coord_column is not None and isinstance(coord_column, int): if isinstance(self.adata.obsm[position_key], pd.DataFrame): pos = self.adata.obsm[position_key].iloc[:, coord_column] x_label = f"Relative position along {coord_column}" if title is None: title = f"Signaling effect distribution along {coord_column}" save_id = coord_column else: pos = pd.Series(self.adata.obsm[position_key][:, coord_column], index=self.adata.obs_names) if coord_column == 0: x_label = "Relative position along X" if title is None: title = "Signaling effect distribution along X" save_id = "x_axis" elif coord_column == 1: x_label = "Relative position along Y" if title is None: title = "Signaling effect distribution along Y" save_id = "y_axis" elif coord_column == 2: x_label = "Relative position along Z" if title is None: title = "Signaling effect distribution along Z" save_id = "z_axis" elif self.adata.obsm[position_key].shape[1] != 1: raise ValueError( f"Array stored at position key {position_key} has more than one column; provide the column " f"index." ) else: pos = ( pd.Series(self.adata.obsm[position_key].flatten(), index=self.adata.obs_names) if isinstance(self.adata.obsm[position_key], np.ndarray) else self.adata.obsm[position_key] ) x_label = "Relative position" if title is None: title = f"Signaling effect distribution along axis given by {position_key} key" save_id = position_key else: pos = self.adata.obs[position_key] x_label = "Relative position" if title is None: title = f"Signaling effect distribution along axis given by {position_key} key" save_id = position_key # If position array is numerical, there may not be an exact match- convert the data type to integer: if pos.dtype == float: pos = pos.astype(int) if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")) figure_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures", "temp") if not os.path.exists(figure_folder): os.makedirs(figure_folder) output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "analyses") if not os.path.exists(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) # Use the saved name for the AnnData object to define part of the name of the saved file: base_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path) adata_id = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0] # If divergent colormap is specified, center the colormap at 0: divergent_cmaps = [ "seismic", "coolwarm", "bwr", "RdBu", "RdGy", "PuOr", "PiYG", "PRGn", "BrBG", "RdYlBu", "RdYlGn", "Spectral", ] # Check for existing dataframe: if check_downstream_ligand_effects: "Checking downstream TF-ligand effects...note that this may not look very nice because TF-target " "relationships are not spatially dependent like L:R effects are." ) df_path = os.path.join( output_folder, f"{adata_id}_distribution_downstream_ligand_effects_along_{save_id}.csv" ) elif check_downstream_receptor_effects: "Checking downstream TF-receptor effects...note that this may not look very nice because TF-target " "relationships are not spatially dependent like L:R effects are." ) df_path = os.path.join( output_folder, f"{adata_id}_distribution_downstream_receptor_effects_along_{save_id}.csv" ) elif check_downstream_target_effects: "Checking downstream TF-target effects...note that this may not look very nice because TF-target " "relationships are not spatially dependent like L:R effects are." ) df_path = os.path.join( output_folder, f"{adata_id}_distribution_downstream_target_effects_along_{save_id}.csv" ) else: df_path = os.path.join(output_folder, f"{adata_id}_distribution_interaction_effects_along_{save_id}.csv") if os.path.exists(df_path) and not recompute: to_plot = pd.read_csv(df_path, index_col=0) if interaction_subset is not None: selected_interactions = [i for i in to_plot.index if i.split("-")[1] in interaction_subset] to_plot = to_plot.loc[selected_interactions] if target_subset is not None: selected_targets = [t for t in to_plot.index if t.split("-")[0] if t in target_subset] to_plot = to_plot.loc[selected_targets] else: # Determine where to look for coefficients: if check_downstream_ligand_effects: all_coeffs = self.downstream_model_ligand_coeffs.copy() if len(all_coeffs) == 0: raise ValueError("No downstream model results found for ligands.") elif check_downstream_receptor_effects: all_coeffs = self.downstream_model_receptor_coeffs.copy() if len(all_coeffs) == 0: raise ValueError("No downstream model results found for receptors.") elif check_downstream_target_effects: all_coeffs = self.downstream_model_target_coeffs.copy() if len(all_coeffs) == 0: raise ValueError("No downstream model results found for targets.") else: all_coeffs = self.coeffs.copy() if target_subset is None: target_subset = list(all_coeffs.keys()) else: target_subset = [t for t in target_subset if t in all_coeffs.keys()] removed = [t for t in target_subset if t not in all_coeffs.keys()] if len(removed) > 0: logger.warning( f"Targets {removed} were not found in the model, and will be removed from the target subset." ) if check_downstream_ligand_effects: if self.downstream_model_ligand_design_matrix is None: raise ValueError( "No downstream model design matrix found for ligands. Run " "`CCI_deg_detection_setup` with use_ligands=True first." ) all_feature_names = [ feat.replace("regulator_", "") for feat in self.downstream_model_ligand_design_matrix.columns ] elif check_downstream_receptor_effects: if self.downstream_model_receptor_design_matrix is None: raise ValueError( "No downstream model design matrix found for receptors. Run " "`CCI_deg_detection_setup` with use_receptors=True first." ) all_feature_names = [ feat.replace("regulator_", "") for feat in self.downstream_model_receptor_design_matrix.columns ] elif check_downstream_target_effects: if self.downstream_model_target_design_matrix is None: raise ValueError( "No downstream model design matrix found for target genes. Run " "`CCI_deg_detection_setup` with use_targets=True first." ) all_feature_names = [ feat.replace("regulator_", "") for feat in self.downstream_model_target_design_matrix.columns ] else: all_feature_names = [feat for feat in self.feature_names if feat != "intercept"] if interaction_subset is None: feature_names = all_feature_names else: feature_names = [feat for feat in all_feature_names if feat in interaction_subset] removed = [feat for feat in interaction_subset if feat not in all_feature_names] if len(removed) > 0: logger.warning( f"Interactions {removed} were not found in the model, and will be removed from the interaction " f"subset." ) if use_significant: for target in target_subset: parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) sig = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(parent_dir, "significance", f"{target}_is_significant.csv"), index_col=0 ) all_coeffs[target] *= sig if effect_threshold is not None: for target in target_subset: all_coeffs[target] = all_coeffs[target].clip(lower=effect_threshold) # For each feature-target combination, compute the mean effect across cells: combinations = list(product(target_subset, feature_names)) combinations = [ (target, feature) for target, feature in combinations if f"b_{feature}" in all_coeffs[target].columns ] # Remove combinations where the effect is hardly present (arbitrarily defined at 0.5% of cells): combinations = [ f"{target}:{feature}" for target, feature in combinations if (all_coeffs[target][f"b_{feature}"] != 0).mean() >= 0.005 ] mean_effect = pd.Series(index=combinations) for combo in combinations: target, feature = combo.split(":") target_coefs = all_coeffs[target][f"b_{feature}"] mean_effect[combo] = target_coefs.mean() # For each cell, compute the fold change over the average for each combination: all_fc = pd.DataFrame(index=self.adata.obs_names, columns=combinations) for combo in tqdm(combinations, desc="Computing fold changes for interaction-target combinations..."): target, feature = combo.split(":") target_coefs = all_coeffs[target][f"b_{feature}"] all_fc[combo] = target_coefs / mean_effect[combo] # Log fold change: all_fc = np.log1p(all_fc) # z-score the fold change values: all_fc = all_fc.apply(scipy.stats.zscore, axis=0) all_fc["pos"] = pos all_fc_coord_sorted = all_fc.sort_values(by="pos") # Mean z-score at each coordinate position: all_fc_coord_sorted = all_fc_coord_sorted.groupby("pos").mean() # Smooth in the case of dropouts: all_fc_coord_sorted = all_fc_coord_sorted.rolling(window_size, center=True, min_periods=1).mean() # For each unique value in 'pos', find the top features with the highest mean z-score top_combinations = all_fc_coord_sorted.apply(lambda x: x.nlargest(30).index.tolist(), axis=1) # Find interesting interaction effects by position- get features that are in the top features for at least # window size positions: consecutive_counts = {feature: 0 for feature in combinations} feats_of_interest = set() for pos in top_combinations.index: for feature in top_combinations[pos]: consecutive_counts[feature] += 1 if consecutive_counts[feature] >= int(window_size * 1.67): feats_of_interest.add(feature) for feature in combinations: if feature not in top_combinations[pos]: consecutive_counts[feature] = 0 to_plot = all_fc_coord_sorted[feats_of_interest] if to_plot.index.is_numeric(): # Minmax scale to normalize positional context: to_plot.index = (to_plot.index - to_plot.index.min()) / (to_plot.index.max() - to_plot.index.min()) to_plot = to_plot.T # so that the features are labeled along the y-axis if sort_by_target:"Sorting by target gene...") to_plot["temp"] = to_plot.index.to_series().apply(lambda x: x.split("-")[0]) to_plot = to_plot.sort_values(by="temp") to_plot = to_plot.drop(columns="temp") # Sort by "heat" if applicable (i.e. in order roughly determined by how early along the relative position # the highest z-scores occur in for each interaction-target pair): elif neatly_arrange_y:"Sorting by position of enrichment along axis...") column_indices = np.tile(np.arange(len(to_plot.columns)), (len(to_plot), 1)) # Column indices array # Look only at the indices corresponding to the highest changes: percentile_95 = to_plot.apply( lambda row: np.percentile(row[row > 0], 95) if row[row > 0].size > 0 else 0, axis=1 ) # Create a DataFrame that replicates the shape of to_plot weights_matrix =, axis=0) * to_plot weighted_sum = np.sum(weights_matrix.values * column_indices, axis=1) total_weight = np.sum(weights_matrix.values, axis=1) weighted_avg = pd.Series(np.where(total_weight != 0, weighted_sum / total_weight, 0), index=to_plot.index) top_cols_sorted = weighted_avg.sort_values().index to_plot = to_plot.loc[top_cols_sorted] else:"Sorting by interaction...") to_plot["temp"] = to_plot.index.to_series().apply(lambda x: x.split("-")[-1]) to_plot = to_plot.sort_values(by="temp") to_plot = to_plot.drop(columns="temp") flattened = to_plot.values.flatten() flattened_series = pd.Series(flattened) percentile_95 = flattened_series.quantile(0.95) max_val = percentile_95 if figsize is None: m = len(to_plot) * 40 / 200 n = 8 figsize = (n, m) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=figsize) if fontsize is None: fontsize = rcParams.get("font.size") # Format the numerical columns for the plot: # First check whether the columns contain duplicates: if all(isinstance(name, str) for name in to_plot.columns): if any([name.count(".") > 1 for name in to_plot.columns]): to_plot.columns = [".".join(name.split(".")[:2]) for name in to_plot.columns] to_plot.columns = [float(col) for col in to_plot.columns] col_series = pd.Series(to_plot.columns) if set(col_series) != len(col_series): unique_values, counts = np.unique(col_series, return_counts=True) # Iterate through unique values for value, count in zip(unique_values, counts): if count > 1: # Find indices of the repeated value indices = col_series[col_series == value].index # Calculate step size if value == unique_values[-1]: next_value = value + (value - unique_values[-2]) else: next_index = np.where(unique_values == value)[0][0] + 1 next_value = unique_values[next_index] step = (next_value - value) / count # Update the values for i in range(count): col_series.iloc[indices[i]] = value + step * i to_plot.columns = col_series.values if all(isinstance(name, float) for name in to_plot.columns): to_plot.columns = [f"{float(col):.3f}" for col in to_plot.columns] to_plot.columns = [str(col) for col in to_plot.columns] to_plot.index = [i.replace(":", "-") for i in to_plot.index] if not sort_by_target and not neatly_arrange_y: to_plot["sort"] = to_plot.index.to_series().apply(lambda x: x.split("-")[1]) to_plot = to_plot.sort_values(by="sort") to_plot = to_plot.drop("sort", axis=1) m = sns.heatmap(to_plot, vmin=-max_val, vmax=max_val, ax=ax, cmap=cmap) cbar = m.collections[0].colorbar cbar.set_label("Z-score", fontsize=fontsize * 1.5, labelpad=10) # Adjust colorbar tick font size * 1.25)[len(to_plot), 70])) ax.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.set_ylabel("Interaction Effect on Target (formatted target-interaction)", fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize) ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize * 1.5, pad=20) if not os.path.exists(df_path): to_plot.to_csv(df_path) if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: save_kwargs["ext"] = "png" save_kwargs["dpi"] = 300 if "figure_folder" in locals(): save_kwargs["path"] = figure_folder # Save figure: save_return_show_fig_utils( save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, show_legend=False, background="white", prefix=f"distribution_interaction_effects_along_{save_id}", save_kwargs=save_kwargs, total_panels=1, fig=fig, axes=ax, return_all=False, return_all_list=None, )
[docs] def effect_distribution_density( self, effect_names: List[str], position_key: str = "spatial", coord_column: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, max_coord_val: float = 1.0, title: Optional[str] = None, x_label: Optional[str] = None, region_lower_bound: Optional[float] = None, region_upper_bound: Optional[float] = None, region_label: Optional[str] = None, fontsize: Union[None, int] = None, figsize: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = None, save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return", "both", "all"] = "show", save_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {}, ): """Visualize the spatial enrichment of cell-cell interaction effects using density plots over spatial coordinates. Uses existing dataframe saved by :func:`effect_distribution_heatmap()`, which must be run first. Args: effect_names: List of interaction effects to include in plot, in format "Target-Ligand:Receptor" (for L:R models) or "Target-Ligand" (for ligand models). position_key: Key in adata.obs or adata.obsm that provides a relative indication of the position of cells. i.e. spatial coordinates. Defaults to "spatial". For each value in the position array (each coordinate, each category), multiple cells must have the same value. coord_column: Optional, only used if "position_key" points to an entry in .obsm. In this case, this is the index or name of the column to be used to provide the positional context. Can also provide "xy", "yz", "xz", "-xy", "-yz", "-xz" to draw a line between the two coordinate axes. "xy" will extend the new axis in the direction of increasing x and increasing y starting from x=0 and y=0 (or min. x/min. y), "-xy" will extend the new axis in the direction of decreasing x and increasing y starting from x=minimum x and y=maximum y, and so on. max_coord_val: Optional, can be used to adjust the numbers displayed along the x-axis for the relative position along the coordinate axis. Defaults to 1.0. title: Optional, can be used to provide title for plot x_label: Optional, can be used to provide x-axis label for plot region_lower_bound: Optional, can be used to provide a lower bound for the region of interest to label on the plot- this can correspond to a spatial domain, etc. region_upper_bound: Optional, can be used to provide an upper bound for the region of interest to label on the plot- this can correspond to a spatial domain, etc. region_label: Optional, can be used to provide a label for the region of interest to label on the plot fontsize: Size of font for x and y labels. figsize: Size of figure. cmap: Colormap to use. Options: Any divergent matplotlib colormap. save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure. If "both", it will save and plot the figure at the same time. If "all", the figure will be saved, displayed and the associated axis and other object will be return. save_kwargs: A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function. By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'scatter', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise you can provide a dictionary that properly modifies those keys according to your needs. """ logger = lm.get_main_logger() if position_key not in self.adata.obsm.keys() and position_key not in self.adata.obs.keys(): raise ValueError( f"Position key {position_key} not found in adata.obsm or adata.obs. Please provide a valid key." ) if position_key in self.adata.obsm.keys(): if coord_column in ["xy", "yz", "xz", "-xy", "-yz", "-xz"]: if title is None: title = f"Signaling effect density along {coord_column} axis" if x_label is None: x_label = f"Relative position along custom {coord_column} axis" save_id = f"{coord_column}_axis" else: if coord_column is not None and not isinstance(coord_column, int): if not isinstance(self.adata.obsm[position_key], pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError( f"Array stored at position key {position_key} has no column names; provide the column " f"index." ) elif coord_column is not None and isinstance(coord_column, int): if isinstance(self.adata.obsm[position_key], pd.DataFrame): if x_label is None: x_label = f"Relative position along {coord_column}" if title is None: title = f"Signaling effect density along {coord_column}" save_id = coord_column else: if coord_column == 0: if x_label is None: x_label = "Relative position along X" if title is None: title = "Signaling effect density along X" save_id = "x_axis" elif coord_column == 1: if x_label is None: x_label = "Relative position along Y" if title is None: title = "Signaling effect density along Y" save_id = "y_axis" elif coord_column == 2: if x_label is None: x_label = "Relative position along Z" if title is None: title = "Signaling effect density along Z" save_id = "z_axis" elif self.adata.obsm[position_key].shape[1] != 1: raise ValueError( f"Array stored at position key {position_key} has more than one column; provide the column " f"index." ) else: if x_label is None: x_label = "Relative position" if title is None: title = f"Signaling effect density along axis given by {position_key} key" save_id = position_key else: if x_label is None: x_label = "Relative position" if title is None: title = f"Signaling effect density along axis given by {position_key} key" save_id = position_key # Check for existing dataframe: output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "analyses") # Use the saved name for the AnnData object to define part of the name of the saved file: base_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path) adata_id = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0] if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(output_folder, f"{adata_id}_distribution_interaction_effects_along_{save_id}.csv") ): raise ValueError( f"Could not find dataframe saved by effect_distribution_heatmap() for position key {position_key}. " f"Please run effect_distribution_heatmap() before running this function." ) to_plot = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(output_folder, f"{adata_id}_distribution_interaction_effects_along_{save_id}.csv"), index_col=0, ) # Format the numerical columns for the plot: # First check whether the columns contain duplicates: if all(isinstance(name, str) for name in to_plot.columns): if any([name.count(".") > 1 for name in to_plot.columns]): to_plot.columns = [".".join(name.split(".")[:2]) for name in to_plot.columns] to_plot.columns = [float(col) for col in to_plot.columns] col_series = pd.Series(to_plot.columns) if set(col_series) != len(col_series): unique_values, counts = np.unique(col_series, return_counts=True) # Iterate through unique values for value, count in zip(unique_values, counts): if count > 1: # Find indices of the repeated value indices = col_series[col_series == value].index # Calculate step size if value == unique_values[-1]: next_value = value + (value - unique_values[-2]) else: next_index = np.where(unique_values == value)[0][0] + 1 next_value = unique_values[next_index] step = (next_value - value) / count # Update the values for i in range(count): col_series.iloc[indices[i]] = value + step * i to_plot.columns = col_series.values if all(isinstance(name, float) for name in to_plot.columns): to_plot.columns = [f"{float(col):.3f}" for col in to_plot.columns] # Normalize to custom max value if desired: float_columns = [float(col) for col in to_plot.columns] current_min = min(float_columns) current_max = max(float_columns) normalized_columns = [ (col - current_min) / (current_max - current_min) * max_coord_val for col in float_columns ] to_plot.columns = [f"{col:.3f}" for col in normalized_columns] # Rearrange dataframe such that each interaction is its own column: to_plot = to_plot.T if not pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(to_plot.index): to_plot.index = pd.to_numeric(to_plot.index) # For this function, weights cannot be negative, so set all negative values to 0: to_plot[to_plot < 0] = 0 to_plot["Coord"] = to_plot.index # Check if any inputs are not included in the dataframe: missing = [name for name in effect_names if name not in to_plot.columns] if len(missing) > 0: logger.warning( f"Interactions {missing} were not found in the dataframe. They will be removed from the plot." ) effect_names = [name for name in effect_names if name in to_plot.columns] if figsize is None: figsize = (8, 6) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=figsize) if fontsize is None: fontsize = rcParams.get("font.size") sns.set_style("white") for effect, color in zip(effect_names, godsnot_102): sns.kdeplot(x="Coord", weights=effect, data=to_plot, color=color, label=effect, lw=2, ax=ax) if region_lower_bound is not None and region_upper_bound is not None: width = region_upper_bound - region_lower_bound region_box = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle( (region_lower_bound, ax.get_ylim()[0]), width, ax.get_ylim()[1] - ax.get_ylim()[0], linewidth=1, edgecolor="#1CE6FF", facecolor="#1CE6FF", alpha=0.2, ) ax.add_patch(region_box) region_box_legend = matplotlib.patches.Patch(color="#1CE6FF", alpha=0.2, label=region_label) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles.append(region_box_legend) labels.append(region_label) ax.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) else: ax.legend(loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.set_ylabel("Density", fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize) ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize, labelleft=False, left=False) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize * 1.5, pad=20) if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: save_kwargs["ext"] = "png" save_kwargs["dpi"] = 300 if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")) figure_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures", "temp") if not os.path.exists(figure_folder): os.makedirs(figure_folder) save_kwargs["path"] = figure_folder # Save figure: save_return_show_fig_utils( save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, show_legend=True, background="white", prefix=f"density_interaction_effects_along_{save_id}", save_kwargs=save_kwargs, total_panels=1, fig=fig, axes=ax, return_all=False, return_all_list=None, )
[docs] def visualize_effect_specificity( self, agg_method: Literal["mean", "percentage"] = "mean", plot_type: Literal["heatmap", "volcano"] = "heatmap", target_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, interaction_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, ct_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_key: Optional[str] = None, n_anchors: Optional[int] = None, effect_threshold: Optional[float] = None, use_significant: bool = False, target_cooccurrence_threshold: float = 0.1, significance_cutoff: float = 1.3, fold_change_cutoff: float = 1.5, fold_change_cutoff_for_labels: float = 3.0, fontsize: Union[None, int] = None, figsize: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = None, cmap: str = "seismic", save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return", "both", "all"] = "show", save_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {}, save_df: bool = False, ): """Computes and visualizes the specificity of each interaction on each target. This is done by first separating the target-expressing cells (and their neighbors) from the rest of the cells (conditioned on predicted effect and also conditioned on receptor expression if L:R model is used). Then, computing the fold change of the average expression of the ligand in the neighborhood of the first subset vs. the neighborhoods of the second subset. Args: agg_method: Method to use for aggregating the specificity of each interaction on each target. Options: "mean" for mean ligand expression, "percentage" for the percentage of cells expressing the ligand. plot_type: Type of plot to use for visualization. Options: "heatmap" for heatmap, "volcano" for volcano plot. target_subset: List of targets to consider. If None, will use all targets used in model fitting. interaction_subset: List of interactions to consider. If None, will use all interactions used in model. ct_subset: Can be used to constrain the first group of cells (the query group) to the target-expressing cells of a particular type (conditioned on any other relevant variables). If given, will search for cell types in "group_key" attribute from model initialization. If not given, will use all cell types. group_key: Can be used to specify entry in adata.obs that contains cell type groupings. If None, will use :attr `group_key` from model initialization. n_anchors: Optional, number of target gene-expressing cells to use as anchors for analysis. Will be selected randomly from the set of target gene-expressing cells (conditioned on any other relevant values). effect_threshold: Optional threshold minimum effect size to consider an effect for further analysis, as an absolute value. Use this to choose only the cells for which an interaction is predicted to have a strong effect. If None, use the median interaction effect. use_significant: Whether to use only significant effects in computing the specificity. If True, will filter to cells + interactions where the interaction is significant for the target. Only valid if :func `compute_coeff_significance()` has been run. significance_cutoff: Cutoff for negative log-10 q-value to consider an interaction/effect significant. Only used if "plot_type" is "volcano". Defaults to 1.3 (corresponding to an approximate q-value of 0.05). fold_change_cutoff: Cutoff for fold change to consider an interaction/effect significant. Only used if "plot_type" is "volcano". Defaults to 1.5. fold_change_cutoff_for_labels: Cutoff for fold change to include the label for an interaction/effect. Only used if "plot_type" is "volcano". Defaults to 3.0. fontsize: Size of font for x and y labels. figsize: Size of figure. cmap: Colormap to use. Options: Any divergent matplotlib colormap. save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure. If "both", it will save and plot the figure at the same time. If "all", the figure will be saved, displayed and the associated axis and other object will be return. save_kwargs: A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function. By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'scatter', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise you can provide a dictionary that properly modifies those keys according to your needs. save_df: Set True to save the metric dataframe in the end """ from ..find_neighbors import neighbors logger = lm.get_main_logger() config_spateo_rcParams() # But set display DPI to 300: plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 300 if self.mod_type != "lr" and self.mod_type != "ligand": raise ValueError("This function is only applicable for ligand-based models.") if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")) figure_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures", "temp") if not os.path.exists(figure_folder): os.makedirs(figure_folder) if save_df: output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "analyses") if not os.path.exists(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) # Use the saved name for the AnnData object to define part of the name of the saved file: base_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path) adata_id = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0] # Colormap should be divergent: divergent_cmaps = [ "seismic", "coolwarm", "bwr", "RdBu", "RdGy", "PuOr", "PiYG", "PRGn", "BrBG", "RdYlBu", "RdYlGn", "Spectral", ] if cmap not in divergent_cmaps: logger.warning( f"Colormap {cmap} is not divergent, which is recommended for this plot type. Using 'seismic' instead." ) cmap = "seismic" if target_subset is None: target_subset = list(self.coeffs.keys()) else: target_subset = [t for t in target_subset if t in self.coeffs.keys()] removed = [t for t in target_subset if t not in self.coeffs.keys()] if len(removed) > 0: logger.warning( f"Targets {removed} were not found in the model, and will be removed from the target subset." ) all_feature_names = [feat for feat in self.feature_names if feat != "intercept"] if interaction_subset is None: feature_names = all_feature_names else: feature_names = [feat for feat in all_feature_names if feat in interaction_subset] removed = [feat for feat in interaction_subset if feat not in all_feature_names] if len(removed) > 0: logger.warning( f"Interactions {removed} were not found in the model, and will be removed from the interaction " f"subset." ) if ct_subset is not None and group_key is None: group_key = self.group_key if fontsize is None: fontsize = rcParams.get("font.size") if plot_type == "heatmap": x_label = "Neighboring Ligand" if self.mod_type == "ligand" else "L:R Interaction" y_label = "Target Gene" title = "Fold Change Interaction Enrichment \n Target-Expressing Cells vs. Others" cbar_label = "$\\log_2$(Fold change Interaction Enrichment \n Target-Expressing Cells vs. Others" else: x_label = "$\\log_2$(Fold change Interaction Enrichment \n Target-Expressing Cells vs. Others" y_label = r"$-log_10$(qval)" title = "Fold Change Interaction Enrichment \n Target-Expressing Cells vs. Others" # Check for already-existing dataframe: try: output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "analyses") df = pd.read_csv( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "analyses", f"{plot_type}_{adata_id}_interaction_enrichment_fold_change_target_expressing_v_nonexpressing.csv", ), index_col=0, ) if interaction_subset is not None: df = df.loc[[i for i in df.index if i.split(":")[0] in interaction_subset]] if target_subset is not None: df = df.loc[[i for i in df.index if i.split(":")[1] in target_subset]] except: if plot_type == "heatmap": df = pd.DataFrame(index=target_subset, columns=feature_names) else: combinations = product(feature_names, target_subset) combinations = [f"{feature}-{target}" for feature, target in combinations] df = pd.DataFrame( index=combinations, columns=["log2FC", "p-value", "q-value", "Significance", "-log10(qval)"] ) if ( "spatial_connectivities_secreted" in self.adata.obsp.keys() and "spatial_connectivities_membrane_bound" in self.adata.obsp.keys() ): conn_secreted = self.adata.obsp["spatial_connectivities_secreted"] conn_membrane_bound = self.adata.obsp["spatial_connectivities_membrane_bound"] else:"Spatial graph not found, computing...") adata = self.adata.copy() _, adata = neighbors( adata, n_neighbors=self.n_neighbors_secreted, basis="spatial", spatial_key=self.coords_key, n_neighbors_method="ball_tree", ) conn_secreted = adata.obsp["spatial_connectivities"] adata = self.adata.copy() _, adata = neighbors( adata, n_neighbors=self.n_neighbors_membrane_bound, basis="spatial", spatial_key=self.coords_key, n_neighbors_method="ball_tree", ) conn_membrane_bound = adata.obsp["spatial_connectivities"] self.adata.obsp["spatial_connectivities_secreted"] = conn_secreted self.adata.obsp["spatial_connectivities_membrane_bound"] = conn_membrane_bound # For each target, split cells into two groups: target-expressing and all neighbors of target-expressing # cells, and the remainder. for target in target_subset: coef_target = self.coeffs[target].loc[adata.obs_names] if effect_threshold is None: nonzero_values = coef_target.values.flatten() nonzero_values = nonzero_values[nonzero_values != 0] effect_threshold = pd.Series(nonzero_values).quantile(0.75) if use_significant: parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) sig = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(parent_dir, "significance", f"{target}_is_significant.csv"), index_col=0 ) coef_target *= sig # Taking the first group (the query group)- first subset to cell types of interest, if given: if ct_subset is not None: query_adata = self.adata[self.adata.obs[group_key].isin(ct_subset)].copy() else: query_adata = self.adata.copy() # Define masks for target expression: target_expression = query_adata[:, target].X.toarray().reshape(-1) target_expressing_mask = target_expression > 0 target_expressing_cells = query_adata.obs_names[target_expressing_mask] # Define interaction-specific masks: (optionally, if L:R model) for cells expressing receptor, # for cells predicted to be affected by an interaction and all of the neighbors of these cells: for interaction in feature_names: if f"b_{interaction}" not in coef_target.columns: # Significance for this interaction-target combination: if plot_type == "volcano": df.loc[f"{interaction}-{target}", "p-value"] = 1.0 df.loc[f"{interaction}-{target}", "log2FC"] = 0.0 else: df.loc[target, interaction] = 0.0 continue if self.mod_type == "lr": ligand, receptor = interaction.split(":") receptor_expressing_mask = np.ones(query_adata.shape[0], dtype=bool) for r in receptor.split("_"): receptor_expression = query_adata[:, r].X.toarray().reshape(-1) receptor_expressing_mask &= receptor_expression > 0 receptor_expressing_cells = query_adata.obs_names[receptor_expressing_mask] coef_interaction_target = coef_target[f"b_{interaction}"] coef_interaction_target_mask = coef_interaction_target > effect_threshold coef_interaction_target_cells = query_adata.obs_names[coef_interaction_target_mask] # Get mask for any neighbors of these cells: # Check whether to use the neighbors found for membrane-bound interaction or those for secreted # interactions: to_check = interaction.split(":")[0] if ":" in interaction else interaction if "/" in to_check: interaction_components = to_check.split("/") separator = "/" elif "_" in to_check: interaction_components = to_check.split("_") separator = "_" else: interaction_components = [to_check] separator = None matching_rows = self.lr_db[self.lr_db["from"].isin(interaction_components)] if ( matching_rows["type"].str.contains("Secreted Signaling").any() or matching_rows["type"].str.contains("ECM-Receptor").any() ): conn = conn_secreted else: conn = conn_membrane_bound if self.mod_type != "lr": # Get the intersection of cells expressing target and predicted to be affected by the interaction: adata_mask = target_expressing_cells.intersection(coef_interaction_target_cells) else: # Get the intersection of cells expressing target and receptor and are predicted to be affected by # interaction: adata_mask = target_expressing_cells.intersection(receptor_expressing_cells) adata_mask = adata_mask.intersection(coef_interaction_target_cells) # This object contains samples that can constitute the query group: query_adata_sub = query_adata[adata_mask].copy() # This object contains the other samples, that can constitute the reference: neg_mask = [ n for n in self.adata.obs_names if n not in target_expressing_cells and n not in coef_interaction_target_cells ] reference_adata_sub = self.adata[neg_mask].copy() if query_adata_sub.n_obs <= 30: f"Insufficient query cells found for this interaction-target combination (likely based on " f"absence of strong interaction effect)- {interaction}-{target}. Skipping." ) del conn, query_adata_sub, reference_adata_sub gc.collect() if plot_type == "volcano": df.loc[f"{interaction}-{target}", "p-value"] = 1 df.loc[f"{interaction}-{target}", "log2FC"] = 0.0 else: df.loc[target, interaction] = 0.0 continue # Query group: # If applicable, select a subset of these cells to use as anchors: if n_anchors is not None: if query_adata_sub.n_obs < n_anchors: logger.warning( f"Number of anchors ({n_anchors}) is greater than number of target-expressing cells " f"({query_adata_sub.n_obs}) for target {target} and interaction {interaction}. " f"Skipping." ) del conn, query_adata_sub, reference_adata_sub gc.collect() if plot_type == "volcano": df.loc[f"{interaction}-{target}", "p-value"] = 1 df.loc[f"{interaction}-{target}", "log2FC"] = 0.0 else: df.loc[target, interaction] = 0.0 continue else: if query_adata_sub.n_obs < 200: logger.warning( f"Number of target-expressing cells ({query_adata_sub.n_obs}) is less than 100 for " f"target {target} and interaction {interaction}. Skipping." ) del conn, query_adata_sub, reference_adata_sub gc.collect() if plot_type == "volcano": df.loc[f"{interaction}-{target}", "p-value"] = 1 df.loc[f"{interaction}-{target}", "log2FC"] = 0.0 else: df.loc[target, interaction] = 0.0 continue anchors = np.random.choice(query_adata_sub.obs_names, size=n_anchors, replace=False) selected_indices = [np.where(self.adata.obs_names == string)[0][0] for string in anchors] # Get neighbors of these cells: neighbors = conn[selected_indices].nonzero()[1] neighbors = np.unique(neighbors) # Remove the anchor cells from the neighbors: neighbors = neighbors[~np.isin(neighbors, selected_indices)] neighbors_selected = self.adata.obs_names[neighbors] # The query group: anchors and their neighbors: query_group = anchors.tolist() + neighbors_selected.tolist() # Reference group: # If applicable, select a subset of these cells to use as anchors: anchors = np.random.choice(reference_adata_sub.obs_names, size=n_anchors, replace=False) selected_indices = [np.where(self.adata.obs_names == string)[0][0] for string in anchors] # Get neighbors of these cells: neighbors = conn[selected_indices].nonzero()[1] neighbors = np.unique(neighbors) # Remove the anchor cells from the neighbors: neighbors = neighbors[~np.isin(neighbors, selected_indices)] neighbors_selected = self.adata.obs_names[neighbors] # The reference group: anchors and their neighbors: reference_group = anchors.tolist() + neighbors_selected.tolist() # Ligand expression in the selected cells: ligand = interaction.split(":")[0] if ":" in interaction else interaction components = ligand.split(separator) if separator is not None else [ligand] # Compute ligand values for query + reference together before separating them for fold change # calculation: ligand_values = self.adata[query_group + reference_group, components].X.toarray() if separator == "/": # Arithmetic mean of the genes ligand_values = np.mean(ligand_values, axis=1) elif separator == "_": # Geometric mean of the genes # Replace zeros with np.nan ligand_values[ligand_values == 0] = np.nan # Compute product along the rows products = np.nanprod(ligand_values, axis=1) # Count non-nan values in each row for nth root calculation non_nan_counts = np.sum(~np.isnan(ligand_values), axis=1) # Avoid division by zero non_nan_counts[non_nan_counts == 0] = np.nan ligand_values = np.power(products, 1 / non_nan_counts) ligand_values = pd.DataFrame(ligand_values, index=query_group + reference_group, columns=[ligand]) ligand_query = ligand_values.loc[query_group, :] ligand_reference = ligand_values.loc[reference_group, :] # Significance for this interaction-target combination: if plot_type == "volcano": if (ligand_reference == 0).all().all(): df.loc[f"{interaction}-{target}", "p-value"] = 0 else: df.loc[f"{interaction}-{target}", "p-value"] = mannwhitneyu(ligand_query, ligand_reference)[ 1 ] if agg_method == "mean": ligand_query = ligand_query.mean().values ligand_reference = ligand_reference.mean().values elif agg_method == "percentage": ligand_query = (ligand_query > 0).mean().values ligand_reference = (ligand_reference > 0).mean().values if ligand_reference == 0: # Prevent division by zero, this will get set to the max threshold anyways: ligand_reference = 0.001 fold_change = np.log2(ligand_query / ligand_reference) if plot_type == "volcano": df.loc[f"{interaction}-{target}", "log2FC"] = fold_change else: df.loc[target, interaction] = fold_change del conn, query_adata_sub, reference_adata_sub gc.collect()"Finished computing specificity for target {target}.") # If relevant, compute adjusted p-values: if plot_type == "volcano": df["log2FC"] = df["log2FC"].apply(lambda x: x[0] if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else x) df["p-value"] = df["p-value"].apply(lambda x: x[0] if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else x) df["q-value"] = multitesting_correction(df["p-value"].values, method="fdr_bh") df["Significance"] = df["q-value"] < 0.05 df["-log10(qval)"] = -np.log10(df["q-value"]) # And if relevant, perform hierarchical clustering- first to group interactions w/ similar fold changes # across targets: if plot_type == "heatmap": col_linkage = sch.linkage(df.transpose(), method="ward") col_dendro = sch.dendrogram(col_linkage, no_plot=True) col_clustered_order = col_dendro["leaves"] df = df.iloc[:, col_clustered_order] # Then to group targets w/ similar fold changes across interactions: row_linkage = sch.linkage(df, method="ward") row_dendro = sch.dendrogram(row_linkage, no_plot=True) row_clustered_order = row_dendro["leaves"] df = df.iloc[row_clustered_order, :] # Plot: if figsize is None: if plot_type == "heatmap": # Set figure size based on the number of interaction features and targets: m = len(target_subset) * 50 / 200 n = len(feature_names) * 50 / 200 else: m = 6 n = 6 figsize = (n, m) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=figsize) cmap = # Center colormap at 0 for heatmap: if plot_type == "heatmap": max_distance = max(abs(df.max().max()), abs(df.min().min())) norm = plt.Normalize(-max_distance, max_distance) colors = cmap(norm(df)) custom_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("custom", colors) else: max_distance = max(abs(df["log2FC"].max()), abs(df["log2FC"].min())) if plot_type == "volcano": if len(df) > 20: size = 20 else: size = 40 significant = df["-log10(qval)"] > significance_cutoff significant_up = df["log2FC"] > fold_change_cutoff significant_down = df["log2FC"] < -fold_change_cutoff # Check if max -log10(qval) is greater than 8 if df["-log10(qval)"].max() > 8: ax.set_yscale("log", base=2) # Set y-axis to log y_label = r"$-log_10$(qval) ($log_2$ scale)" sns.scatterplot( x=df["log2FC"][significant & significant_up], y=df["-log10(qval)"][significant & significant_up], hue=df["log2FC"][significant & significant_up], palette="Reds", vmin=0, edgecolor="black", ax=ax, s=size, legend=False, ) sns.scatterplot( x=df["log2FC"][significant & significant_down], y=df["-log10(qval)"][significant & significant_down], hue=df["log2FC"][significant & significant_down], palette="Blues_r", vmax=0, edgecolor="black", ax=ax, s=size, legend=False, ) sns.scatterplot( x=df["log2FC"][~(significant & (significant_up | significant_down))], y=df["-log10(qval)"][~(significant & (significant_up | significant_down))], color="grey", edgecolor="black", ax=ax, s=size, ) # Add labels for significant interactions: high_fold_change = df[abs(df["log2FC"]) > fold_change_cutoff_for_labels] while high_fold_change.empty: fold_change_cutoff_for_labels /= 2 # Halve the cutoff high_fold_change = df[abs(df["log2FC"]) > fold_change_cutoff_for_labels] text_labels = high_fold_change.index.tolist() x_coord_text_labels = high_fold_change["log2FC"].tolist() y_coord_text_labels = high_fold_change["-log10(qval)"].tolist() text_objects = [] for i, label in enumerate(text_labels): t = ax.text( x_coord_text_labels[i], y_coord_text_labels[i], label, fontsize=fontsize * 0.75, color="black", ha="center", va="center", ) text_objects.append(t) adjust_text(text_objects, ax=ax, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-", color="black", lw=0.5)) ax.axhline(y=significance_cutoff, color="grey", linestyle="--", linewidth=1.5) ax.axvline(x=fold_change_cutoff, color="grey", linestyle="--", linewidth=1.5) ax.axvline(x=-fold_change_cutoff, color="grey", linestyle="--", linewidth=1.5) ax.set_xlim(df["log2FC"].min() - 0.2, max_distance + 0.2) ax.set_xticklabels(["{:.2f}".format(x) for x in ax.get_xticks()], fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_yticklabels(["{:.2f}".format(y) for y in ax.get_yticks()], fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.set_ylabel(y_label, fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize * 1.5) prefix = "volcano" elif plot_type == "heatmap": vmin = -max_distance vmax = max_distance thickness = 0.3 * figsize[0] / 10 mask = np.abs(df) < 0.1 m = sns.heatmap( df, square=True, linecolor="grey", linewidths=thickness, cbar_kws={"label": cbar_label, "location": "top", "pad": 0}, cmap=custom_cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, mask=mask, ax=ax, ) # Outer frame: for _, spine in m.spines.items(): spine.set_visible(True) spine.set_linewidth(thickness * 2.5) # Adjust colorbar settings: divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # Append axes to the top of the plot, where the colorbar will be placed if df.shape[0] > df.shape[1]: cax = divider.append_axes("top", size="30%", pad=0) else: cax = divider.append_axes("top", size="30%", pad="30%") # Create the colorbar manually in the appended axes cbar = plt.colorbar(m.collections[0], cax=cax, orientation="horizontal") cbar.set_label(cbar_label.title(), fontsize=fontsize * 1.5, labelpad=10)"top") # Move ticks to the top"top") # Move the label (title) to the top * 1.5) ax.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.set_ylabel("Cell Type-Specific Target", fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize, rotation=90) ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize * 1.5, pad=20) prefix = "heatmap" if save_df: df.to_csv( os.path.join( output_folder, f"{prefix}_{adata_id}_interaction_enrichment_fold_change_target_expressing_v_nonexpressing.csv", ) ) if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: save_kwargs["ext"] = "png" save_kwargs["dpi"] = 300 if "figure_folder" in locals(): save_kwargs["path"] = figure_folder # Save figure: save_return_show_fig_utils( save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, show_legend=False, background="white", prefix=prefix, save_kwargs=save_kwargs, total_panels=1, fig=fig, axes=ax, return_all=False, return_all_list=None, )
[docs] def visualize_neighborhood( self, target: str, interaction: str, interaction_type: Literal["secreted", "membrane-bound"], select_examples_criterion: Literal["positive", "negative"] = "positive", effect_threshold: Optional[float] = None, cell_type: Optional[str] = None, group_key: Optional[str] = None, use_significant: bool = False, n_anchors: int = 100, n_neighbors_expressing: int = 20, display_plot: bool = True, ) -> anndata.AnnData: """Sets up AnnData object for visualization of interaction effects- cells will be colored by expression of the target gene, potentially conditioned on receptor expression, and neighboring cells will be colored by ligand expression. Args: target: Target gene of interest interaction: Interaction feature to visualize, given in the same form as in the design matrix (if model is a ligand-based model or receptor-based model, this will be of form "Col4a1". If model is a ligand-receptor based model, this will be of form "Col4a1:Itgb1", for example). interaction_type: Specifies whether the chosen interaction is secreted or membrane-bound. Options: "secreted" or "membrane-bound". select_examples_criterion: Whether to select cells with positive or negative interaction effects for visualization. Defaults to "positive", which searches for cells for which the predicted interaction effect is above the given threshold. "Negative" will select cells for which the predicted interaction has no effect on the target expression. effect_threshold: Optional threshold for the effect size of an interaction/effect to be considered for analysis; only used if "to_plot" is "percentage". If not given, will use the upper quartile value among all interaction effect values to determine the threshold. cell_type: Optional, can be used to select anchor cells from only a particular cell type. If None, will select from all cells. group_key: Can be used to specify entry in adata.obs that contains cell type groupings. If None, will use :attr `group_key` from model initialization. Only used if "cell_type" is not None. use_significant: Whether to use only significant effects in computing the specificity. If True, will filter to cells + interactions where the interaction is significant for the target. Only valid if :func `compute_coeff_significance()` has been run. n_anchors: Number of target gene-expressing cells to use as anchors for visualization. Will be selected randomly from the set of target gene-expressing cells. n_neighbors_expressing: Filters the set of cells that can be selected as anchors based on the number of their neighbors that express the chosen ligand. Only used for models that incorporate ligand expression. display_plot: Whether to save a plot. If False, will return the AnnData object without doing anything else- this can then be visualized e.g. using spateo-viewer. Returns: adata: Modified AnnData object containing the expression information for the target gene and neighboring ligand expression. """ # Compute connectivity matrix if not already existing- only needed for ligand and L:R models: from ..find_neighbors import neighbors logger = lm.get_main_logger() if display_plot: figure_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures") if not os.path.exists(figure_folder): os.makedirs(figure_folder) path = os.path.join( figure_folder, f"{target}_{select_examples_criterion}_cells_example_neighborhoods_{interaction}.html" )"Saving plot to {path}") if self.mod_type != "lr" and self.mod_type != "ligand": raise ValueError("This function is only applicable for ligand-based models.") if select_examples_criterion not in ["positive", "negative"]: raise ValueError("Invalid criterion for selecting examples. Options: 'positive', 'negative'.") try: membrane_bound_path = os.path.join( os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "spatial_weights", "spatial_weights_membrane_bound.npz" ) secreted_path = os.path.join( os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "spatial_weights", "spatial_weights_secreted.npz" ) spatial_weights_membrane_bound = scipy.sparse.load_npz(membrane_bound_path) conn_membrane_bound = spatial_weights_membrane_bound > 0 spatial_weights_secreted = scipy.sparse.load_npz(secreted_path) conn_secreted = spatial_weights_secreted > 0 except: if ( "spatial_connectivities_secreted" in self.adata.obsp.keys() and "spatial_connectivities_membrane_bound" in self.adata.obsp.keys() ): conn_secreted = self.adata.obsp["spatial_connectivities_secreted"] conn_membrane_bound = self.adata.obsp["spatial_connectivities_membrane_bound"] else:"Spatial graph not found, computing...") if interaction_type == "secreted": adata = self.adata.copy() _, adata_secreted = neighbors( adata, n_neighbors=self.n_neighbors_secreted, basis="spatial", spatial_key=self.coords_key, n_neighbors_method="ball_tree", ) conn_secreted = adata_secreted.obsp["spatial_connectivities"] self.adata.obsp["spatial_connectivities_secreted"] = conn_secreted conn = conn_secreted elif interaction_type == "membrane-bound": adata = self.adata.copy() _, adata_membrane_bound = neighbors( adata, n_neighbors=self.n_neighbors_membrane_bound, basis="spatial", spatial_key=self.coords_key, n_neighbors_method="ball_tree", ) conn_membrane_bound = adata_membrane_bound.obsp["spatial_connectivities"] self.adata.obsp["spatial_connectivities_membrane_bound"] = conn_membrane_bound conn = conn_membrane_bound else: raise ValueError("Invalid interaction type. Options: 'secreted', 'membrane-bound'.") if interaction_type == "secreted": conn = conn_secreted elif interaction_type == "membrane-bound": conn = conn_membrane_bound else: raise ValueError("Invalid interaction type. Options: 'secreted', 'membrane-bound'.") adata = self.adata.copy() if cell_type is not None: if group_key is None: group_key = self.group_key # Get the cells of the specified cell type: cell_type_mask = adata.obs[group_key] == cell_type adata_ct = adata[cell_type_mask, :].copy() adata_ct_cells = adata_ct.obs_names coef_target = self.coeffs[target].loc[adata.obs_names] if effect_threshold is None: nonzero_values = coef_target.values.flatten() nonzero_values = nonzero_values[nonzero_values != 0] effect_threshold = pd.Series(nonzero_values).quantile(0.75) if use_significant: parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) sig = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(parent_dir, "significance", f"{target}_is_significant.csv"), index_col=0) coef_target *= sig if hasattr(self, "remaining_cells"): adata = adata[self.remaining_cells, :].copy() conn = conn[self.remaining_indices, :][:, self.remaining_indices].copy() # Compute the multiple possible masks that can be used to subset to the cells of interest: # Get the target gene expression: target_expression = adata[:, target].X.toarray().reshape(-1) # Get the interaction effect: interaction_effect = coef_target.loc[adata.obs_names, f"b_{interaction}"].values # Get the cells expressing the target gene: target_expressing_mask = target_expression > 0 target_expressing_cells = adata.obs_names[target_expressing_mask] # Cells with significant interaction effect on target: if select_examples_criterion == "positive": interaction_mask = np.abs(interaction_effect) > effect_threshold else: interaction_mask = interaction_effect == 0 interaction_cells = adata.obs_names[interaction_mask] # If applicable, split the interaction feature and get the ligand and receptor- for features w/ multiple # ligands or multiple receptors, process accordingly: to_check = interaction.split(":")[0] if ":" in interaction else interaction if "/" in to_check: genes = to_check.split("/") separator = "/" elif "_" in to_check: genes = to_check.split("_") separator = "_" else: genes = [to_check] separator = None if separator == "/": # Cells expressing any of the genes ligand_expr_mask = np.zeros(len(adata), dtype=bool) for gene in genes: ligand_expr_mask |= adata[:, gene].X.toarray().squeeze() > 0 elif separator == "_": # Cells expressing all of the genes ligand_expr_mask = np.ones(len(adata), dtype=bool) for gene in genes: ligand_expr_mask &= adata[:, gene].X.toarray().squeeze() > 0 else: # Single gene ligand_expr_mask = adata[:, to_check].X.toarray().squeeze() > 0 # Check how many cells have sufficient number of neighbors expressing the ligand: neighbor_counts = np.zeros(len(adata)) for i in range(len(adata)): # Get neighbors neighbors = conn[i].nonzero()[1] neighbor_counts[i] = np.sum(ligand_expr_mask[neighbors]) # Get the cells with sufficient number of neighbors expressing the ligand: cells_meeting_neighbor_ligand_threshold = adata.obs_names[neighbor_counts > n_neighbors_expressing] if self.mod_type == "lr": to_check = interaction.split(":")[1] if ":" in interaction else interaction if "_" in to_check: genes = to_check.split("_") separator = "_" else: genes = [to_check] separator = None if separator == "_": # Cells expressing all of the genes receptor_expr_mask = np.ones(len(adata), dtype=bool) for gene in genes: receptor_expr_mask &= adata[:, gene].X.toarray().squeeze() > 0 else: # Single gene receptor_expr_mask = adata[:, to_check].X.toarray().squeeze() > 0 # Get the cells expressing the receptor, to further subset the target-expressing cells to also : receptor_expressing_cells = adata.obs_names[receptor_expr_mask] elif self.mod_type == "ligand": # True negative examples will express the target, but not be predicted to be affected by the interaction # and either not have evidence of receptor/TF expression or not have ligand expression in the neighborhood: X_df = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "design_matrix", "design_matrix.csv"), index_col=0 ) if select_examples_criterion == "positive": factor_expr_mask = X_df.loc[adata.obs_names, interaction] > 0 else: factor_expr_mask = X_df.loc[adata.obs_names, interaction] == 0 factor_expr_cells = adata.obs_names[factor_expr_mask] if select_examples_criterion == "positive": if self.mod_type == "lr": # Get the intersection of cells expressing target, predicted to be affected by interaction, # with sufficient number of neighbors expressing the chosen ligand and expressing receptor: adata_mask = ( target_expressing_cells & interaction_cells & cells_meeting_neighbor_ligand_threshold & receptor_expressing_cells ) else: # Get the intersection of cells expressing target, predicted to be affected by interaction, # with sufficient number of neighbors expressing the chosen ligand and expressing the receptor or the # downstream factors of the receptor: adata_mask = ( target_expressing_cells & interaction_cells & cells_meeting_neighbor_ligand_threshold & factor_expr_cells ) else: # In this case, note that "interaction_cells" are actually those cells that are predicted not to be # affected by the interaction (and "factor_expr_cells" are actually those that don't express any of the # key downstream factors or the receptor): adata_mask = target_expressing_cells & interaction_cells & factor_expr_cells adata_sub = adata[adata_mask].copy() if cell_type is not None: adata_sub = adata_sub[adata_sub.obs[group_key] == cell_type].copy() f"Randomly selecting {select_examples_criterion} example cells from a pool of {adata_sub.n_obs} for target" f" {target} and interaction {interaction}." ) if adata_sub.n_obs < n_anchors: f"Given the constraints, not enough cells remain to choose {n_anchors} cells. Selecting all " f"{adata_sub.n_obs} eligible cells instead." ) n_anchors = min(n_anchors, adata_sub.n_obs) # Randomly choose a subset of target cells to use as anchors: if n_anchors == adata_sub.n_obs: target_expressing_selected = adata_sub.obs_names else: target_expressing_selected = np.random.choice(adata_sub.obs_names, size=n_anchors, replace=False) selected_indices = [np.where(adata.obs_names == string)[0][0] for string in target_expressing_selected] # Find the neighbors of these anchor cells: neighbors = conn[selected_indices].nonzero()[1] neighbors = np.unique(neighbors) # Remove the anchor cells from the neighbors: neighbors = neighbors[~np.isin(neighbors, selected_indices)] neighbors_selected = adata.obs_names[neighbors] # Also make note of the nonselected cells & their neighbors if cell type parameter was given: if cell_type is not None: selected_and_neighbors = target_expressing_selected.tolist() + neighbors_selected.tolist() ct_other_cells = [cell for cell in adata_ct_cells if cell not in selected_and_neighbors] ct_other_indices = [np.where(adata.obs_names == string)[0][0] for string in ct_other_cells] # Target expression in the selected cells: target_expression = adata_sub[target_expressing_selected, target].X.toarray().squeeze() # Ligand expression in the neighbors: ligand = interaction.split(":")[0] if ":" in interaction else interaction genes = ligand.split(separator) if separator is not None else [ligand] gene_values = adata[neighbors_selected, genes].X.toarray() if separator == "/": # Arithmetic mean of the genes ligand_expression = np.mean(gene_values, axis=1) elif separator == "_": # Geometric mean of the genes # Replace zeros with np.nan gene_values[gene_values == 0] = np.nan # Compute product along the rows products = np.nanprod(gene_values, axis=1) # Count non-nan values in each row for nth root calculation non_nan_counts = np.sum(~np.isnan(gene_values), axis=1) # Avoid division by zero non_nan_counts[non_nan_counts == 0] = np.nan ligand_expression = np.power(products, 1 / non_nan_counts) else: ligand_expression = adata[neighbors_selected, ligand].X.toarray().squeeze() adata.obs[f"{interaction}_{target}_{select_examples_criterion}_example_points"] = 0.0 adata.obs.loc[ target_expressing_selected, f"{interaction}_{target}_{select_examples_criterion}_example_points" ] = target_expression adata.obs.loc[ neighbors_selected, f"{interaction}_{target}_{select_examples_criterion}_example_points" ] = ligand_expression if display_plot: # plotly to create 3D scatter plot: spatial_coords = adata.obsm[self.coords_key] if spatial_coords.shape[1] == 2: x, y = spatial_coords[:, 0], spatial_coords[:, 1] z = np.zeros(len(x)) else: x, y, z = spatial_coords[:, 0], spatial_coords[:, 1], spatial_coords[:, 2] # Color assignment: default_color = "#D3D3D3" if cell_type is not None: ct_other_color = "#71797E" target_color = "#39FF14" # target_data = adata.obs.loc[target_expressing_selected, f"{interaction}_{target}_example_points"] # p997 = np.percentile(target_data.values, 99.7) # target_data[target_data > p997] = p997 # plot_vals = target_data.values scatter_target = go.Scatter3d( x=x[selected_indices], y=y[selected_indices], z=z[selected_indices], mode="markers", # Draw target cells larger marker=dict(color=target_color, size=6.5), showlegend=False, # marker=dict( # color=plot_vals, colorscale="Plotly3", size=6, colorbar=dict(title=f"{target} Expression", x=1.05) # ), ) nbr_data = adata.obs.loc[ neighbors_selected, f"{interaction}_{target}_{select_examples_criterion}_example_points" ] # Lenient w/ the max value cutoff so that the colored dots are more distinct from black background p95 = np.percentile(nbr_data.values, 95) nbr_data[nbr_data > p95] = p95 plot_vals = nbr_data.values scatter_ligand = go.Scatter3d( x=x[neighbors], y=y[neighbors], z=z[neighbors], mode="markers", marker=dict( color=plot_vals, colorscale="Hot", size=2.5, colorbar=dict(title=f"{ligand} Expression", x=0.8, titlefont=dict(size=16), tickfont=dict(size=18)), ), showlegend=False, ) rest_indices = list(set(range(len(x))) - set(selected_indices) - set(neighbors)) scatter_rest = go.Scatter3d( x=x[rest_indices], y=y[rest_indices], z=z[rest_indices], mode="markers", marker=dict(color=default_color, size=2), name="Other Cells", showlegend=False, ) if cell_type is not None: scatter_ct = go.Scatter3d( x=x[ct_other_indices], y=y[ct_other_indices], z=z[ct_other_indices], mode="markers", marker=dict(color=ct_other_color, size=2), name=f"Other Cells of Type {cell_type}", showlegend=False, ) # Invisible traces for the legend legend_ct = go.Scatter3d( x=[None], y=[None], z=[None], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=10, color=ct_other_color), # Adjust size as needed name=f"Other Cells of Type <br>{cell_type}", showlegend=True, ) # Invisible traces for the legend name = ( f"{target}-Expressing Cells <br>(w/ Receptor Expression)" if select_examples_criterion == "positive" else f"{target}-Expressing Cells <br>(w/o Receptor Expression)" ) legend_target = go.Scatter3d( x=[None], y=[None], z=[None], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=30, color=target_color), # Adjust size as needed name=name, showlegend=True, ) legend_rest = go.Scatter3d( x=[None], y=[None], z=[None], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=15, color=default_color), # Adjust size as needed name="Other Cells", showlegend=True, ) # Create the figure and add the scatter plots if cell_type is not None: fig = go.Figure( data=[ scatter_rest, scatter_target, scatter_ligand, scatter_ct, legend_target, legend_rest, legend_ct, ] ) else: fig = go.Figure(data=[scatter_rest, scatter_target, scatter_ligand, legend_target, legend_rest]) if cell_type is None: title_dict = dict( text=f"Target: {target}, Ligand: {ligand} " f"<br>(Example {select_examples_criterion.title()} Predicted Effects)", y=0.9, yanchor="top", x=0.5, xanchor="center", font=dict(size=28), ) else: title_dict = dict( text=f"Target: {target}, Ligand: {ligand}, <br>Cell Type: {cell_type} " f"(Example {select_examples_criterion.title()} Predicted Effects)", y=0.9, yanchor="top", x=0.5, xanchor="center", font=dict(size=28), ) # Turn off the grid fig.update_layout( showlegend=True, legend=dict(x=0.65, y=0.85, orientation="v", font=dict(size=18)), scene=dict( aspectmode="data", xaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), yaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), zaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), ), margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=50), # Adjust margins to minimize spacing title=title_dict, ) fig.write_html(path) return adata
[docs] def cell_type_specific_interactions( self, to_plot: Literal["mean", "percentage"] = "mean", plot_type: Literal["heatmap", "barplot"] = "heatmap", group_key: Optional[str] = None, ct_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, target_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, interaction_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, lower_threshold: float = 0.3, upper_threshold: float = 1.0, effect_threshold: Optional[float] = None, use_significant: bool = False, row_normalize: bool = False, col_normalize: bool = False, normalize_targets: bool = False, hierarchical_cluster_ct: bool = False, group_y_cell_type: bool = False, fontsize: Union[None, int] = None, figsize: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = None, center: Optional[float] = None, cmap: str = "Reds", save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return", "both", "all"] = "show", save_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {}, save_df: bool = False, ): """Map interactions and interaction effects that are specific to particular cell type groupings. Returns a heatmap representing the enrichment of the interaction/effect within cells of that grouping (if "to_plot" is effect, this will be enrichment of the effect on cell type-specific expression). Enrichment determined by mean effect size or expression. Args: to_plot: Whether to plot the mean effect size or the proportion of cells in a cell type w/ effect on target. Options are "mean" or "percentage". plot_type: Whether to plot the results as a heatmap or barplot. Options are "heatmap" or "barplot". If "barplot", must provide a subset of up to four interactions to visualize. group_key: Can be used to specify entry in adata.obs that contains cell type groupings. If None, will use :attr `group_key` from model initialization. ct_subset: Can be used to restrict the enrichment analysis to only cells of a particular type. If given, will search for cell types in "group_key" attribute from model initialization. Recommended to use to subset to cell types with sufficient numbers. target_subset: List of targets to consider. If None, will use all targets used in model fitting. interaction_subset: List of interactions to consider. If None, will use all interactions used in model. Is necessary if "plot_type" is "barplot", since the barplot is only designed to accomodate up to three interactions at once. lower_threshold: Lower threshold for the proportion of cells in a cell type group that must express a particular interaction/effect for it to be colored on the plot, as a proportion of the max value. Threshold will be applied to the non-normalized values (if normalization is applicable). Defaults to 0.3. upper_threshold: Upper threshold for the proportion of cells in a cell type group that must express a particular interaction/effect for it to be colored on the plot, as a proportion of the max value. Threshold will be applied to the non-normalized values (if normalization is applicable). Defaults to 1.0 (the max value). effect_threshold: Optional threshold for the effect size of an interaction/effect to be considered for analysis; only used if "to_plot" is "percentage". If not given, will use the upper quartile value among all interaction effect values to determine the threshold. use_significant: Whether to use only significant effects in computing the specificity. If True, will filter to cells + interactions where the interaction is significant for the target. Only valid if :func `compute_coeff_significance()` has been run. row_normalize: Whether to minmax scale the metric values by row (i.e. for each interaction/effect). Helps to alleviate visual differences that result from scale rather than differences in mean value across cell types. col_normalize: Whether to minmax scale the metric values by column (i.e. for each interaction/effect). Helps to alleviate visual differences that result from scale rather than differences in mean value across cell types. normalize_targets: Whether to minmax scale the metric values by column for each target (i.e. for each interaction/effect), to remove differences that occur as a result of scale of expression. Provides a clearer picture of enrichment for each target. hierarchical_cluster_ct: Whether to cluster the x-axis (target gene in cell type) using hierarchical clustering. If False, will order the x-axis by the order of the target genes for organization purposes. group_y_cell_type: Whether to group the y-axis (target gene in cell type) by cell type. If False, will group by target gene instead. Defaults to False. fontsize: Size of font for x and y labels. figsize: Size of figure. center: Optional, determines position of the colormap center. Between 0 and 1. cmap: Colormap to use for heatmap. If metric is "number", "proportion", "specificity", the bottom end of the range is 0. It is recommended to use a sequential colormap (e.g. "Reds", "Blues", "Viridis", etc.). For metric = "fc", if a divergent colormap is not provided, "seismic" will automatically be used. save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure. If "both", it will save and plot the figure at the same time. If "all", the figure will be saved, displayed and the associated axis and other object will be return. save_kwargs: A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function. By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'scatter', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise you can provide a dictionary that properly modifies those keys according to your needs. save_df: Set True to save the metric dataframe in the end """ logger = lm.get_main_logger() config_spateo_rcParams() # But set display DPI to 300: plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 300 if to_plot not in ["mean", "percentage"]: raise ValueError("Unrecognized input for plotting. Options are 'mean' or 'percentage'.") if plot_type == "barplot" and interaction_subset is None: raise ValueError("Must provide a subset of interactions to visualize if 'plot_type' is 'barplot'.") if plot_type == "barplot" and len(interaction_subset) > 4: raise ValueError( "Can only visualize up to four interactions at once with 'barplot' (for practical/plot " "readability reasons)." ) if self.mod_type not in ["lr", "ligand", "receptor"]: raise ValueError("Model type must be one of 'lr', 'ligand', or 'receptor'.") if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")) figure_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures", "temp") if not os.path.exists(figure_folder): os.makedirs(figure_folder) if save_df: output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "analyses") if not os.path.exists(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) # Colormap should be sequential: sequential_colormaps = [ "Blues", "BuGn", "BuPu", "GnBu", "Greens", "Greys", "Oranges", "OrRd", "PuBu", "PuBuGn", "PuRd", "Purples", "RdPu", "Reds", "YlGn", "YlGnBu", "YlOrBr", "YlOrRd", "afmhot", "autumn", "bone", "cool", "copper", "gist_heat", "gray", "hot", "pink", "spring", "summer", "winter", "viridis", "plasma", "inferno", "magma", "cividis", ] if cmap not in sequential_colormaps:"For option {to_plot}, colormap should be sequential: using 'viridis'.") cmap = "viridis" if group_key is None: group_key = self.group_key # Get appropriate adata: if isinstance(ct_subset, str): ct_subset = [ct_subset] if ct_subset is None: adata = self.adata.copy() else: adata = self.adata[self.adata.obs[group_key].isin(ct_subset)].copy() cell_types = adata.obs[group_key].unique() all_targets = list(self.coeffs.keys()) all_feature_names = [feat for feat in self.feature_names if feat != "intercept"] if isinstance(interaction_subset, str): interaction_subset = [interaction_subset] feature_names = all_feature_names if interaction_subset is None else interaction_subset if fontsize is None: fontsize = rcParams.get("font.size") if isinstance(target_subset, str): target_subset = [target_subset] targets = all_targets if target_subset is None else target_subset combinations = product(cell_types, targets) combinations = [f"{ct}-{target}" for ct, target in combinations] if figsize is None: if plot_type == "heatmap": # Set figure size based on the number of interaction features and cell type-target combos: m = len(combinations) * 50 / 200 n = len(feature_names) * 50 / 200 else: # Set figure size based on the number of cell type-target combos: n = len(combinations) * 50 / 200 m = 3 * len(feature_names) figsize = (n, m) df = pd.DataFrame(0, index=combinations, columns=feature_names) for ct in cell_types: cell_type_mask = adata.obs[group_key] == ct cell_in_ct = adata[cell_type_mask].copy() # Get appropriate coefficient arrays: for target in targets: expressing_target = pd.DataFrame( adata[:, target].X.toarray().reshape(-1) > 0, index=adata.obs_names, columns=[target] ) total_mask = cell_type_mask & expressing_target[target] total_mask = total_mask[total_mask].index if to_plot == "mean": mean_effects = [] coef_target = self.coeffs[target].loc[adata.obs_names] coef_target = coef_target[[c for c in coef_target.columns if "intercept" not in c]] if effect_threshold is None: # Cell type-specific threshold: nonzero_values = coef_target.loc[cell_type_mask].values.flatten() nonzero_values = nonzero_values[nonzero_values != 0] target_effect_threshold = pd.Series(nonzero_values).quantile(0.75) else: target_effect_threshold = effect_threshold coef_target[coef_target < target_effect_threshold] = 0 if use_significant: parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) sig = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(parent_dir, "significance", f"{target}_is_significant.csv"), index_col=0 ) coef_target *= sig for feat in feature_names: if f"b_{feat}" in coef_target.columns: # If a given cell type does not have much expression of the target gene, mask out the # mean effect (use an arbitrary cutoff of 2% of cells): if len(total_mask) < 0.02 * cell_in_ct.n_obs: mean_effects.append(0) else: # Get mean effect size for each interaction feature in each cell type, from among the # cells that express the target gene: mean_effects.append(coef_target.loc[total_mask, f"b_{feat}"].values.mean()) else: mean_effects.append(0) df.loc[f"{ct}-{target}", :] = mean_effects elif to_plot == "percentage": percentages = [] coef_target = self.coeffs[target].loc[adata.obs_names] coef_target = coef_target[[c for c in coef_target.columns if "intercept" not in c]] if effect_threshold is None: # Cell type-specific threshold: nonzero_values = coef_target.loc[cell_type_mask].values.flatten() nonzero_values = nonzero_values[nonzero_values != 0] target_effect_threshold = pd.Series(nonzero_values).quantile(0.75) else: target_effect_threshold = effect_threshold coef_target[coef_target < target_effect_threshold] = 0 for feat in feature_names: if f"b_{feat}" in coef_target.columns: # If a given cell type does not have much expression of the target gene, mask out the # mean effect (use an arbitrary cutoff of 2% of cells): if len(total_mask) < 0.02 * cell_in_ct.n_obs: percentages.append(0) else: # Get percentage of cells in each cell type that express each interaction feature: percentages.append( (coef_target.loc[total_mask, f"b_{feat}"].values > target_effect_threshold).mean() ) else: percentages.append(0) df.loc[f"{ct}-{target}", :] = percentages # Apply metric threshold (do this in a grouped manner, for each target): # Split the index to get the targets portion of the tuples grouping_element = x: x.split("-")[1]) # Compute the maximum (and optionally used minimum) for each group group_max = df.groupby(grouping_element).max() # Apply the threshold in a grouped fashion for group in group_max.index: # Select the rows belonging to the current group group_rows = df.index[df.index.str.contains(f"-{group}$")] # Apply the lower threshold specific to this group df.loc[group_rows] = df.loc[group_rows].where( df.loc[group_rows].ge(lower_threshold * group_max.loc[group]), 0 ) if normalize_targets: # Take 0 to be the min. value in all cases: df.loc[group_rows] = df.loc[group_rows] / group_max.loc[group] if upper_threshold != 1.0: df[df >= upper_threshold * df.max().max()] = df.max().max() # Optionally, normalize each row by minmax scaling (to get an idea of the top effects for each target), # or each column by minmax scaling: if row_normalize or col_normalize or normalize_targets: normalize = True else: normalize = False if row_normalize: # Calculate row-wise min and max row_min = df.min(axis=1).values.reshape(-1, 1) row_max = df.max(axis=1).values.reshape(-1, 1) df = (df - row_min) / (row_max - row_min) elif col_normalize: df = (df - df.min()) / (df.max() - df.min()) df.fillna(0, inplace=True) if plot_type == "heatmap": # Hierarchical clustering- first to group interactions w/ similar patterns across cell types: col_linkage = sch.linkage(df.transpose(), method="ward") col_dendro = sch.dendrogram(col_linkage, no_plot=True) col_clustered_order = col_dendro["leaves"] df = df.iloc[:, col_clustered_order] # Then to group cell types w/ similar interaction patterns, if specified: if hierarchical_cluster_ct: row_linkage = sch.linkage(df, method="ward") row_dendro = sch.dendrogram(row_linkage, no_plot=True) row_clustered_order = row_dendro["leaves"] df = df.iloc[row_clustered_order, :] else: # Sort by target: # Create a temporary MultiIndex df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(df.index.str.split("-").map(tuple), names=["first", "second"]) if group_y_cell_type: # Sort by the first element, then the second df.sort_index(level=["first", "second"], inplace=True) else: # Sort by the second element, then the first df.sort_index(level=["second", "first"], inplace=True) # Revert to the original index format df.index ="-".join) else: # Sort by target: # Create a temporary MultiIndex df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(df.index.str.split("-").map(tuple), names=["first", "second"]) if group_y_cell_type: # Sort by the first element, then the second df.sort_index(level=["first", "second"], inplace=True) else: # Sort by the second element, then the first df.sort_index(level=["second", "first"], inplace=True) # Revert to the original index format df.index ="-".join) # Delete all-zero rows and all-zero columns: df = df.loc[:, ~(df == 0).all()]"Final dataframe for {ct} shape: {df.shape}") if normalize and to_plot == "mean": if plot_type == "heatmap": label = ( "Normalized avg. effect per cell type for cells expressing target" if not normalize_targets else "Normalized avg. effect per cell type \nfor cells expressing target (normalized within target)" ) else: label = ( "Normalized avg. effect\n per cell type \nfor cells expressing target" if not normalize_targets else "Normalized avg. effect\n per cell type \nfor cells expressing target \n(normalized within " "target)" ) elif normalize and to_plot == "percentage": if plot_type == "heatmap": label = ( "Normalized enrichment of effect per cell type \nfor cells expressing target" if not normalize_targets else "Normalized enrichment of effect per cell type \nfor cells expressing target (normalized " "within target)" ) else: label = ( "Normalized enrichment of\n effect per cell type \nfor cells expressing target" if not normalize_targets else "Normalized enrichment \nof effect per cell type\n for cells expressing target\n(normalized " "within target)" ) elif not normalize and to_plot == "mean": label = ( "Avg. effect per cell type \nfor cells expressing target" if plot_type == "heatmap" else "Avg. effect\n per cell type \nfor cells expressing target" ) else: label = ( "Enrichment of effect per cell type \nfor cells expressing target" if plot_type == "heatmap" else "Enrichment of effect\n per cell type \nfor cells expressing target" ) if self.mod_type == "lr": x_label = "Interaction" title = "Enrichment of L:R interaction in each cell type" elif self.mod_type == "ligand": x_label = "Neighboring ligand expression" title = "Enrichment of neighboring ligand expression in each cell type for each target" elif self.mod_type == "receptor": x_label = "Receptor expression" title = "Enrichment of receptor expression in each cell type" # Formatting color legend: if group_y_cell_type: group_labels = [idx.split("-")[0] for idx in df.index] else: group_labels = [idx.split("-")[1] for idx in df.index] target_colors ="tab20").colors if group_y_cell_type: color_mapping = { annotation: target_colors[i % len(target_colors)] for i, annotation in enumerate(set(cell_types)) } else: color_mapping = { annotation: target_colors[i % len(target_colors)] for i, annotation in enumerate(set(targets)) } max_annotation_length = max([len(annotation) for annotation in color_mapping.keys()]) if max_annotation_length > 30: ax2_size = "30%" elif max_annotation_length > 20: ax2_size = "20%" else: ax2_size = "10%" if plot_type == "heatmap": # Plot heatmap: vmin = 0 vmax = 1 if normalize else df.max().max() fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=figsize) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) ax2 = divider.append_axes("right", size=ax2_size, pad=0) # Keep track of groups: current_group = None group_start = None # Color legend: for i, annotation in enumerate(group_labels): if annotation != current_group: if current_group is not None: group_center = len(df) - ((group_start + i - 1) / 2) - 1 ax2.text(0.22, group_center, current_group, va="center", ha="left", fontsize=fontsize) current_group = annotation group_start = i color = color_mapping[annotation] ax2.add_patch(plt.Rectangle((0, i), 0.2, 1, color=color)) # Add label for the last group: group_center = len(df) - ((group_start + len(df) - 1) / 2) - 1 ax2.text(0.22, group_center, current_group, va="center", ha="left", fontsize=fontsize) ax2.set_ylim(0, len(df.index)) ax2.axis("off") thickness = 0.3 * figsize[0] / 10 mask = df == 0 m = sns.heatmap( df, square=True, linecolor="grey", linewidths=thickness, cbar_kws={"label": label, "location": "top", "pad": 0}, cmap=cmap, center=center, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, mask=mask, ax=ax, ) # Outer frame: for _, spine in m.spines.items(): spine.set_visible(True) spine.set_linewidth(thickness * 2.5) # Adjust colorbar settings: divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # Append axes to the top of the plot, where the colorbar will be placed if df.shape[0] > df.shape[1]: cax = divider.append_axes("top", size="30%", pad=0) else: cax = divider.append_axes("top", size="30%", pad="30%") # Create the colorbar manually in the appended axes cbar = plt.colorbar(m.collections[0], cax=cax, orientation="horizontal") cbar.set_label(to_plot.title(), fontsize=fontsize * 1.5, labelpad=10)"top") # Move ticks to the top"top") # Move the label (title) to the top * 1.5) ax.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.set_ylabel("Cell Type-Specific Target", fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize, rotation=90) ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize * 1.5, pad=20) # Use the saved name for the AnnData object to define part of the name of the saved file: base_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path) adata_id = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0] prefix = f"{adata_id}_{to_plot}_enrichment_cell_type" else: rem_interactions = [i for i in interaction_subset if i in df.columns] fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=len(rem_interactions), ncols=1, figsize=figsize) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4) colormap = # Determine the order of the plot based on averaging over the chosen interactions (if there is more than # one): df_sub = df[rem_interactions] df_sub["Group"] = group_labels # Ranks within each group: grouped_ranked_df = df_sub.groupby("Group").rank(ascending=False) # Average rank across groups: avg_ranked_df = grouped_ranked_df.mean() # Sort by average rank: sorted_features = avg_ranked_df.sort_values().index.tolist() df = df[sorted_features] # Color legend: if not isinstance(axes, (list, np.ndarray)): divider = make_axes_locatable(axes) else: # If 'axes' is an array, and we want to apply to the first one if len(axes) > 0: divider = make_axes_locatable(axes[0]) else: raise ValueError("No axes found in the 'axes' array") ax2 = divider.append_axes("top", size=ax2_size, pad=0) current_group = None group_start = None for i, annotation in enumerate(group_labels): if annotation != current_group: if current_group is not None: group_center = (group_start + i - 1) / 2 ax2.text(group_center, 0.42, current_group, va="bottom", ha="center", fontsize=fontsize) current_group = annotation group_start = i color = color_mapping[annotation] ax2.add_patch(plt.Rectangle((i, 0), 1, 0.4, color=color)) # Add label for the last group: group_center = (group_start + len(df) - 1) / 2 ax2.text(group_center, 0.42, current_group, va="bottom", ha="center", fontsize=fontsize) ax2.set_xlim(0, len(df.index)) ax2.axis("off") if not isinstance(axes, (list, np.ndarray)): vmin = 0 vmax = 1 if normalize else df[interaction_subset].max().values norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) colors = [colormap(norm(val)) for val in df[interaction_subset].values] sns.barplot( x=df[interaction_subset].index, y=df[interaction_subset].values.flatten(), edgecolor="black", linewidth=1, palette=colors, ax=axes, ) axes.set_title(interaction_subset[0], fontsize=fontsize * 1.5, pad=35) axes.set_xlabel("Cell Type-Specific Target", fontsize=fontsize) axes.set_ylabel(label, fontsize=fontsize) axes.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize * 1.1) axes.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize * 0.9, rotation=90) else: for i, ax in enumerate(axes): # From the larger dataframe, get the column for the chosen interaction as a series: interaction = interaction_subset[i] interaction_series = df[interaction] vmin = 0 vmax = 1 if normalize else interaction_series.max() norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) colors = [colormap(norm(val)) for val in interaction_series] sns.barplot( x=interaction_series.index, y=interaction_series.values, edgecolor="black", linewidth=1, palette=colors, ax=ax, ) if ax is axes[0]: ax.set_title(interaction, fontsize=fontsize * 1.5, pad=35) else: ax.set_title(interaction, fontsize=fontsize * 1.5, pad=10) ax.set_xlabel("Cell Type-Specific Target", fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(label, fontsize=fontsize) ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize * 1.1) if ax is axes[-1]: ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize * 0.9, rotation=90) else: ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelbottom=False) # Use the saved name for the AnnData object to define part of the name of the saved file: base_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path) adata_id = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0] prefix = f"{adata_id}_{to_plot}_enrichment_cell_type" # Save figure: save_kwargs["ext"] = "png" save_kwargs["dpi"] = 300 if "figure_folder" in locals(): save_kwargs["path"] = figure_folder save_return_show_fig_utils( save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, show_legend=False, background="white", prefix=prefix, save_kwargs=save_kwargs, total_panels=1, fig=fig, axes=axes, return_all=False, return_all_list=None, ) if save_df: df.to_csv(os.path.join(output_folder, f"{prefix}.csv"))
[docs] def cell_type_interaction_fold_change( self, ref_ct: str, query_ct: str, group_key: Optional[str] = None, target_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, interaction_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, to_plot: Literal["mean", "percentage"] = "mean", plot_type: Literal["volcano", "barplot"] = "barplot", source_data: Literal["interaction", "effect", "target"] = "effect", top_n_to_plot: Optional[int] = None, significance_cutoff: float = 1.3, fold_change_cutoff: float = 1.5, fold_change_cutoff_for_labels: float = 3.0, plot_query_over_ref: bool = False, plot_ref_over_query: bool = False, plot_only_significant: bool = False, fontsize: Union[None, int] = None, figsize: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = None, cmap: str = "seismic", save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return", "both", "all"] = "show", save_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {}, save_df: bool = False, ): """Computes fold change in predicted interaction effects between two cell types, and visualizes result. Args: ref_ct: Label of the first cell type to consider. Fold change will be computed with respect to the level in this cell type. query_ct: Label of the second cell type to consider group_key: Name of the key in .obs containing cell type information. If not given, will use :attr `group_key` from model initialization. target_subset: List of targets to consider. If None, will use all targets used in model fitting. interaction_subset: List of interactions to consider. If None, will use all interactions used in model. to_plot: Whether to plot the mean effect size or the proportion of cells in a cell type w/ effect on target. Options are "mean" or "percentage". plot_type: Whether to plot the results as a volcano plot or barplot. Options are "volcano" or "barplot". source_data: Selects what to use in computing fold changes. Options: - "interaction": will use the design matrix (e.g. neighboring ligand expression or L:R mapping) - "effect": will use the coefficient arrays for each target - "target": will use the target gene expression top_n_to_plot: If given, will only include the top n features in the visualization. Recommended if "source_data" is "effect", as all combinations of interaction and target will be considered in this case. significance_cutoff: Cutoff for negative log-10 q-value to consider an interaction/effect significant. Only used if "plot_type" is "volcano". Defaults to 1.3 (corresponding to an approximate q-value of 0.05). fold_change_cutoff: Cutoff for fold change to consider an interaction/effect significant. Only used if "plot_type" is "volcano". Defaults to 1.5. fold_change_cutoff_for_labels: Cutoff for fold change to include the label for an interaction/effect. Only used if "plot_type" is "volcano". Defaults to 3.0. plot_query_over_ref: Whether to plot/visualize only the portion that corresponds to the fold change of the query cell type over the reference cell type (and the portion that is significant). If False (and "plot_ref_over_query" is False), will plot the entire volcano plot. Only used if "plot_type" is "volcano". plot_ref_over_query: Whether to plot/visualize only the portion that corresponds to the fold change of the reference cell type over the query cell type (and the portion that is significant). If False (and "plot_query_over_ref" is False), will plot the entire volcano plot. Only used if "plot_type" is "volcano". plot_only_significant: Whether to plot/visualize only the portion that passes the "significance_cutoff" p-value threshold. Only used if "plot_type" is "volcano". fontsize: Size of font for x and y labels. figsize: Size of figure. cmap: Colormap to use for heatmap. If metric is "number", "proportion", "specificity", the bottom end of the range is 0. It is recommended to use a sequential colormap (e.g. "Reds", "Blues", "Viridis", etc.). For metric = "fc", if a divergent colormap is not provided, "seismic" will automatically be used. save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure. If "both", it will save and plot the figure at the same time. If "all", the figure will be saved, displayed and the associated axis and other object will be return. save_kwargs: A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function. By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'scatter', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise you can provide a dictionary that properly modifies those keys according to your needs. save_df: Set True to save the metric dataframe in the end """ config_spateo_rcParams() # But set display DPI to 300: plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 300 parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")) figure_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures", "temp") if not os.path.exists(figure_folder): os.makedirs(figure_folder) # Use the saved name for the AnnData object to define part of the name of the saved figure & file (if # applicable): base_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path) adata_id = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0] prefix = f"{adata_id}_fold_changes_{source_data}_{ref_ct}_{query_ct}" output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "analyses") if not os.path.exists(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) if fontsize is None: fontsize = rcParams.get("font.size") if group_key is None: group_key = self.group_key if target_subset is None: target_subset = self.targets_expr.columns if interaction_subset is None: interaction_subset = self.feature_names # Formatting: if source_data == "effect": x_label = f"$\\log_2$(Fold change effect on target- \n{ref_ct} and {query_ct})" title = f"Fold change effect on target \n{ref_ct} and {query_ct}" if self.mod_type == "lr": y_label = "L:R effect on target" elif self.mod_type == "ligand": y_label = "Ligand effect on target" elif source_data == "interaction": x_label = f"$\\log_2$(Fold change interaction enrichment \n {ref_ct} and {query_ct})" title = f"Fold change interaction enrichment \n{ref_ct} and {query_ct}" if self.mod_type == "lr": y_label = "L:R interaction" elif self.mod_type == "ligand": y_label = "Ligand" elif source_data == "target": x_label = f"$\\log_2$(Fold change target expression \n {ref_ct} and {query_ct})" title = f"Fold change target expression \n {ref_ct} and {query_ct}" y_label = "Target" # Check for already-existing dataframe: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(parent_dir, output_folder, f"{prefix}.csv")): results = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(parent_dir, output_folder, f"{prefix}.csv"), index_col=0) else: ref_names = self.adata[self.adata.obs[group_key] == ref_ct].obs_names query_names = self.adata[self.adata.obs[group_key] == query_ct].obs_names # Series/dataframes for each group: if source_data == "interaction": ref_data = self.X_df.loc[ref_names, interaction_subset] query_data = self.X_df.loc[query_names, interaction_subset] elif source_data == "effect": # Coefficients for all targets in subset: for target in target_subset: if target not in self.coeffs.keys(): raise ValueError(f"Target {target} not found in model.") else: coef_target = self.coeffs[target].loc[self.adata.obs_names] coef_target.columns = coef_target.columns.str.replace("b_", "") coef_target = coef_target[[col for col in coef_target.columns if col != "intercept"]] coef_target.columns = [replace_col_with_collagens(col) for col in coef_target.columns] coef_target.columns = [f"{col}-> target {target}" for col in coef_target.columns] duplicates = coef_target.columns[coef_target.columns.duplicated(keep=False)] for item in duplicates.unique(): # Calculate mean for collagens: mean_series = coef_target.filter(like=item).mean(axis=1) coef_target.drop(columns=coef_target.filter(like=item).columns, inplace=True) coef_target[item] = mean_series target_interaction_subset = [replace_col_with_collagens(i) for i in interaction_subset] target_interaction_subset = list( set([f"{i}-> target {target}" for i in target_interaction_subset]) ) target_interaction_subset = [i for i in target_interaction_subset if i in coef_target.columns] if "effect_df" not in locals(): effect_df = coef_target.loc[:, target_interaction_subset] else: effect_df = pd.concat([effect_df, coef_target.loc[:, target_interaction_subset]], axis=1) ref_data = effect_df.loc[ref_names, :] query_data = effect_df.loc[query_names, :] elif source_data == "target": ref_data = self.targets_expr.loc[ref_names, target_subset] query_data = self.targets_expr.loc[query_names, target_subset] else: raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized input for source_data: {source_data}. Options are 'interaction', 'effect', or " f"'target'." ) # Compute significance for each column: pvals = [] for col in tqdm(ref_data.columns, desc="Computing significance..."): if source_data == "effect" or source_data == "interaction": pvals.append(ttest_ind(ref_data[col], query_data[col])[1]) elif source_data == "target": pvals.append(mannwhitneyu(ref_data[col], query_data[col])[1]) # Correct for multiple hypothesis testing: qvals = multitesting_correction(pvals, method="fdr_bh") results = pd.DataFrame(qvals, index=ref_data.columns, columns=["qval"]) results["qval"] = results["qval"].apply(lambda x: x[0] if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else x) results["Significance"] = results.apply(assign_significance, axis=1) # Negative log q-value (in the case of volcano plot): results["-log10(qval)"] = -np.log10(qvals) # Threshold at the highest non-infinity q-value: max_non_inf = results[results["-log10(qval)"] != np.inf]["-log10(qval)"].max() results["-log10(qval)"] = results["-log10(qval)"].apply(lambda x: x if x != np.inf else max_non_inf) if to_plot == "mean": ref_data = ref_data.mean(axis=0) query_data = query_data.mean(axis=0) elif to_plot == "percentage": ref_data = (ref_data > 0).mean(axis=0) query_data = (query_data > 0).mean(axis=0) # Add small offset to ensure reference value is not 0: ref_data += 1e-3 query_data += 1e-3 # Compute fold change: fold_change = query_data / ref_data results["Fold Change"] = fold_change results["Fold Change"] = results["Fold Change"].apply(lambda x: x[0] if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else x) # Take the log of the fold change: results["Fold Change"] = np.log2(results["Fold Change"]) # Remove NaNs: results = results[~results["Fold Change"].isna()] results = results.sort_values("Fold Change") if top_n_to_plot is not None: results = results.iloc[:top_n_to_plot, :] # Plot: if figsize is None: # Set figure size based on the number of interaction features and targets: if plot_type == "barplot": m = len(results) / 2 n = m / 2 elif plot_only_significant or plot_query_over_ref or plot_ref_over_query: m = 7 n = m * 2 else: m = 10 n = m figsize = (n, m) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=figsize) cmap = # Center colormap at 0: max_distance = max(abs(results["Fold Change"]).max(), abs(results["Fold Change"]).min()) max_pos = results["Fold Change"].max() max_neg = results["Fold Change"].min() norm = plt.Normalize(-max_distance, max_distance) colors = cmap(norm(results["Fold Change"])) if plot_type == "barplot": barplot = sns.barplot( x="Fold Change", y=results.index, data=results, orient="h", palette=colors, edgecolor="black", linewidth=1, ax=ax, ) for index, row in results.iterrows(): ax.text(row["Fold Change"], index, f"{row['Significance']}", color="black", ha="right") ax.axvline(x=0, color="grey", linestyle="--", linewidth=2) ax.set_xlim(max_neg * 1.1, max_pos * 1.1) ax.set_xticklabels(results.index, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_yticklabels(["{:.2f}".format(y) for y in ax.get_yticks()], fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.set_ylabel(y_label, fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize * 1.5) elif plot_type == "volcano": if len(results) > 20: size = 20 else: size = 40 # Check if max -log10(qval) is greater than 8 if results["-log10(qval)"].max() > 8: ax.set_yscale("log", base=2) # Set y-axis to log y_label = r"$-log_{10}$(qval) ($log_2$ scale)" else: y_label = r"$-log_{10}$(qval)" significant = results["-log10(qval)"] > significance_cutoff significant_up = results["Fold Change"] > fold_change_cutoff significant_down = results["Fold Change"] < -fold_change_cutoff if plot_only_significant: results = results[significant] size *= 1.5 positive_fold_change = results["Fold Change"] > 0 negative_fold_change = results["Fold Change"] < 0 # Check if only plotting query over ref or ref over query: if plot_query_over_ref: size *= 1.5 fc_up = ax.scatter( x=results["Fold Change"][significant & significant_up & positive_fold_change], y=results["-log10(qval)"][significant & significant_up & positive_fold_change], c=results["Fold Change"][significant & significant_up & positive_fold_change], cmap="Reds", edgecolor="black", s=size, ) elif plot_ref_over_query: size *= 1.5 fc_down = ax.scatter( x=results["Fold Change"][significant & significant_down & negative_fold_change], y=results["-log10(qval)"][significant & significant_down & negative_fold_change], c=results["Fold Change"][significant & significant_down & negative_fold_change], cmap="Blues_r", edgecolor="black", s=size, ) else: fc_up = ax.scatter( x=results["Fold Change"][significant & significant_up], y=results["-log10(qval)"][significant & significant_up], c=results["Fold Change"][significant & significant_up], cmap="Reds", edgecolor="black", s=size, ) fc_down = ax.scatter( x=results["Fold Change"][significant & significant_down], y=results["-log10(qval)"][significant & significant_down], c=results["Fold Change"][significant & significant_down], cmap="Blues_r", edgecolor="black", s=size, ) ax.scatter( x=results["Fold Change"][~(significant & (significant_up | significant_down))], y=results["-log10(qval)"][~(significant & (significant_up | significant_down))], color="grey", edgecolor="black", s=size, ) # Add color bars if "fc_up" in locals(): cbar_red = fig.colorbar(fc_up, ax=ax, orientation="vertical", pad=0.0, aspect=40) f"Fold Changes- {query_ct} over {ref_ct}", rotation=90, labelpad=15, fontsize=fontsize )"left")"right"), 1.0)) for label in label.set_fontsize(fontsize) if "fc_down" in locals(): cbar_blue = fig.colorbar(fc_down, ax=ax, orientation="vertical", pad=0.1, aspect=40) f"Fold Changes- {ref_ct} over {query_ct}", rotation=90, labelpad=15, fontsize=fontsize )"left")"right"), 1.0)) for label in label.set_fontsize(fontsize) # Add text for most significant interactions: # Get the highest fold changes: high_fold_change = results[abs(results["Fold Change"]) > fold_change_cutoff_for_labels] while high_fold_change.empty: fold_change_cutoff_for_labels /= 2 high_fold_change = results[abs(results["Fold Change"]) > fold_change_cutoff_for_labels] # Take only the top few (it is impossible to view all at once clearly): if len(high_fold_change) > 3: high_fold_change = high_fold_change.sort_values(by="Fold Change", ascending=False) high_fold_change_selected = high_fold_change.iloc[:3, :] else: high_fold_change_selected = high_fold_change # And a few more from not as high but still significant q-values: max_log10_qval = high_fold_change["-log10(qval)"].max() log10_qval_steps = [] i = 0 current_value = max_log10_qval while current_value >= 10: log10_qval_steps.append(current_value) i += 1 # Add to labels in descending half steps, with smaller steps taken if only visualizing the positive # or the negative fold changes: if plot_query_over_ref or plot_ref_over_query or plot_only_significant: step_size = 1.25 else: step_size = 1.5 current_value = max_log10_qval / (step_size**i) selected_rows = [] for value in log10_qval_steps: # Find the row closest to the current value without duplicates closest_index = abs(high_fold_change["-log10(qval)"] - value).idxmin() if closest_index not in high_fold_change_selected.index: selected_rows.append(high_fold_change.loc[closest_index]) high_fold_change_log10_qval = pd.DataFrame(selected_rows) # Combine with high_fold_change and remove duplicates high_fold_change_selected = pd.concat( [high_fold_change_selected, high_fold_change_log10_qval] ).drop_duplicates() text_labels = high_fold_change_selected.index.tolist() x_coord_text_labels = high_fold_change_selected["Fold Change"].tolist() y_coord_text_labels = high_fold_change_selected["-log10(qval)"].tolist() text_objects = [] for i, label in enumerate(text_labels): t = ax.text( x_coord_text_labels[i], y_coord_text_labels[i], label, fontsize=fontsize * 0.75, color="black", ha="center", va="center", ) text_objects.append(t) adjust_text(text_objects, ax=ax, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="<|-", color="black", lw=1.0)) y_label = r"$-log_{10}$(qval)" if "y_label" not in locals() else y_label ax.axhline(y=significance_cutoff, color="grey", linestyle="--", linewidth=1.5) ax.axvline(x=fold_change_cutoff, color="grey", linestyle="--", linewidth=1.5) ax.axvline(x=-fold_change_cutoff, color="grey", linestyle="--", linewidth=1.5) ax.set_xlim(max_neg * 1.1, max_pos * 1.1) ax.set_xticklabels(["{:.2f}".format(x) for x in ax.get_xticks()], fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_yticklabels(["{:.2f}".format(y) for y in ax.get_yticks()], fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.set_ylabel(y_label, fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize * 1.5) save_kwargs["ext"] = "png" save_kwargs["dpi"] = 300 if "figure_folder" in locals(): save_kwargs["path"] = figure_folder # Save figure: save_return_show_fig_utils( save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, show_legend=False, background="white", prefix=prefix, save_kwargs=save_kwargs, total_panels=1, fig=fig, axes=ax, return_all=False, return_all_list=None, ) if save_df: results.to_csv(os.path.join(output_folder, f"{prefix}.csv"))
[docs] def enriched_interactions_barplot( self, interactions: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, targets: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, plot_type: Literal["average", "proportion"] = "average", effect_size_threshold: float = 0.0, fontsize: Union[None, int] = None, figsize: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = None, cmap: str = "Reds", top_n: Optional[int] = None, save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return", "both", "all"] = "show", save_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {}, ): """Visualize the top predicted effect sizes for each interaction on particular target gene(s). Args: interactions: Optional subset of interactions to focus on, given in the form ligand(s):receptor(s), following the formatting in the design matrix. If not given, will consider all interactions that were specified in model fitting. targets: Can optionally specify a subset of the targets to compute this on. If not given, will use all targets that were specified in model fitting. If multiple targets are given, "save_show_or_return" should be "save" (and provide appropriate keyword arguments for saving using "save_kwargs"), otherwise only the last target will be shown. plot_type: Options: "average" or "proportion". Whether to plot the average effect size or the proportion of cells expressing the target predicted to be affected by the interaction. effect_size_threshold: Lower bound for average effect size to include a particular interaction in the barplot fontsize: Size of font for x and y labels figsize: Size of figure cmap: Colormap to use for barplot. It is recommended to use a sequential colormap (e.g. "Reds", "Blues", "Viridis", etc.). top_n: If given, will only include the top n features in the visualization. If not given, will include all features that pass the "effect_size_threshold". save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure If "both", it will save and plot the figure at the same time. If "all", the figure will be saved, displayed and the associated axis and other object will be return. save_kwargs: A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'scatter', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise you can provide a dictionary that properly modifies those keys according to your needs. """ config_spateo_rcParams() # But set display DPI to 300: plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 300 if fontsize is None: fontsize = rcParams.get("font.size") if interactions is None: interactions = self.X_df.columns.tolist() elif isinstance(interactions, str): interactions = [interactions] elif not isinstance(interactions, list): raise TypeError(f"Interactions must be a list or string, not {type(interactions)}.") # Predictions: parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) pred_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, "predictions.csv") predictions = pd.read_csv(pred_path, index_col=0) if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")) figure_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures", "temp") if not os.path.exists(figure_folder): os.makedirs(figure_folder) if targets is None: targets = self.targets_expr.columns elif isinstance(targets, str): targets = [targets] elif not isinstance(targets, list): raise TypeError(f"targets must be a list or string, not {type(targets)}.") for target in targets: # Get coefficients for this key coef = self.coeffs[target] effects = coef[[col for col in coef.columns if col.startswith("b_") and "intercept" not in col]] effects.columns = [col.split("_")[1] for col in effects.columns] # Subset to only the interactions of interest: interactions = [interaction for interaction in interactions if interaction in effects.columns] effects = effects[interactions] target_expr = self.adata[:, target].X.toarray().squeeze() > 0 target_pred = predictions[target] target_pred_np = target_pred.values.astype(bool) if plot_type == "average": # Subset to cells expressing the target that are predicted to be expressing the target: target_true_pos_indices = np.where(target_expr & target_pred_np)[0] target_expr_sub = self.adata[target_true_pos_indices, :].copy() # Subset effects dataframe to same subset: effects_sub = effects.loc[target_expr_sub.obs_names, :] # Compute average for each column: to_plot = effects_sub.mean(axis=0) elif plot_type == "proportion": # Get proportion of cells expressing the target that are predicted to be affected by particular # molecule: effects_sub = effects.loc[target_expr == 1, :] to_plot = (effects_sub > 0).mean(axis=0) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized input for to_plot: {plot_type}. Options are 'average' or 'proportion'.") # Filter based on the threshold to_plot = to_plot[to_plot > effect_size_threshold] # Sort the average_expression in descending order to_plot = to_plot.sort_values(ascending=False) if self.mod_type == "ligand": to_plot.index = [replace_col_with_collagens(idx) for idx in to_plot.index] to_plot.index = [replace_hla_with_hlas(idx) for idx in to_plot.index] if top_n is not None: to_plot = to_plot.iloc[:top_n] # Plot: if figsize is None: # Set figure size based on the number of interaction features and targets: m = len(to_plot) / 2 figsize = (m, 5) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=figsize) palette = sns.color_palette(cmap, n_colors=len(to_plot)) sns.barplot( x=to_plot.index, y=to_plot.values, edgecolor="black", linewidth=1, palette=palette, ax=ax, ) ax.set_xticklabels(to_plot.index, rotation=90, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_yticklabels(["{:.2f}".format(y) for y in ax.get_yticks()], fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel("Interaction (ligand(s):receptor(s))", fontsize=fontsize) if plot_type == "average": title = f"Average Predicted Interaction Effects on {target}" ylabel = "Mean Coefficient \nMagnitude" elif plot_type == "proportion": if top_n is not None and top_n < 20: title = f"Proportion of {target}-Expressing Cells \nPredicted to be Affected by Interaction" else: title = f"Proportion of {target}-Expressing Cells Predicted to be Affected by Interaction" ylabel = "Proportion of Cells" ax.set_ylabel("Mean Coefficient \nMagnitude", fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) # Use the saved name for the AnnData object to define part of the name of the saved file: base_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path) adata_id = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0] prefix = f"{adata_id}_interaction_barplot_{target}" save_kwargs["ext"] = "png" save_kwargs["dpi"] = 300 if "figure_folder" in locals(): save_kwargs["path"] = figure_folder # Save figure: save_return_show_fig_utils( save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, show_legend=False, background="white", prefix=prefix, save_kwargs=save_kwargs, total_panels=1, fig=fig, axes=ax, return_all=False, return_all_list=None, )
[docs] def enriched_tfs_barplot( self, tfs: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, targets: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, target_type: Literal["ligand", "receptor", "target_gene"] = "target_gene", plot_type: Literal["average", "proportion"] = "average", effect_size_threshold: float = 0.0, fontsize: Union[None, int] = None, figsize: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = None, cmap: str = "Reds", top_n: Optional[int] = None, save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return", "both", "all"] = "show", save_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {}, ): """Visualize the top predicted effect sizes for each transcription factor on particular target gene(s). Args: tfs: Optional subset of transcription factors to focus on. If not given, will consider all transcription factors that were specified in model fitting. targets: Can optionally specify a subset of the targets to compute this on. If not given, will use all targets that were specified in model fitting. If multiple targets are given, "save_show_or_return" should be "save" (and provide appropriate keyword arguments for saving using "save_kwargs"), otherwise only the last target will be shown. target_type: Set whether the given targets are ligands, receptors or target genes. Used to determine which folder to check for outputs. plot_type: Options: "average" or "proportion". Whether to plot the average effect size or the proportion of cells expressing the target predicted to be affected by the interaction. effect_size_threshold: Lower bound for average effect size to include a particular interaction in the barplot fontsize: Size of font for x and y labels figsize: Size of figure cmap: Colormap to use for barplot. It is recommended to use a sequential colormap (e.g. "Reds", "Blues", "Viridis", etc.). top_n: If given, will only include the top n features in the visualization. If not given, will include all features that pass the "effect_size_threshold". save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure If "both", it will save and plot the figure at the same time. If "all", the figure will be saved, displayed and the associated axis and other object will be return. save_kwargs: A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'scatter', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise you can provide a dictionary that properly modifies those keys according to your needs. """ config_spateo_rcParams() # But set display DPI to 300: plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 300 if fontsize is None: fontsize = rcParams.get("font.size") if target_type == "ligand": coeffs = self.downstream_model_ligand_coeffs if tfs is None: tfs = self.downstream_model_ligand_design_matrix.columns.tolist() elif target_type == "receptor": coeffs = self.downstream_model_receptor_coeffs if tfs is None: tfs = self.downstream_model_receptor_design_matrix.columns.tolist() elif target_type == "target_gene": coeffs = self.downstream_model_target_coeffs if tfs is None: tfs = self.downstream_model_target_design_matrix.columns.tolist() tfs = [tf.replace("regulator_", "") for tf in tfs] if isinstance(tfs, str): interactions = [tfs] elif not isinstance(tfs, list): raise TypeError(f"TFs must be a list or string, not {type(tfs)}.") # Predictions: downstream_parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0]) id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.output_path))[0] if target_type == "ligand": folder = "ligand_analysis" elif target_type == "receptor": folder = "receptor_analysis" elif target_type == "target_gene": folder = "target_gene_analysis" pred_path = os.path.join(downstream_parent_dir, "cci_deg_detection", folder, "downstream/predictions.csv") predictions = pd.read_csv(pred_path, index_col=0) if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")) figure_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures", "temp") if not os.path.exists(figure_folder): os.makedirs(figure_folder) if targets is None: if target_type == "ligand": targets = self.ligand_for_downstream elif target_type == "receptor": targets = self.receptor_for_downstream elif target_type == "target_gene": targets = self.custom_targets elif isinstance(targets, str): targets = [targets] elif not isinstance(targets, list): raise TypeError(f"targets must be a list or string, not {type(targets)}.") for target in targets: # Get coefficients for this key coef = coeffs[target] effects = coef[[col for col in coef.columns if col.startswith("b_") and "intercept" not in col]] effects.columns = [col.split("_")[1] for col in effects.columns] # Subset to only the TFs of interest: tfs = [tf for tf in tfs if tf in effects.columns] effects = effects[tfs] target_expr = self.adata[:, target].X.toarray().squeeze() > 0 target_pred = predictions[target] target_pred_np = target_pred.values.astype(bool) if plot_type == "average": # Subset to cells expressing the target that are predicted to be expressing the target: target_true_pos_indices = np.where(target_expr & target_pred_np)[0] target_expr_sub = self.adata[target_true_pos_indices, :].copy() # Subset effects dataframe to same subset: effects_sub = effects.loc[target_expr_sub.obs_names, :] # Compute average for each column: to_plot = effects_sub.mean(axis=0) elif plot_type == "proportion": # Get proportion of cells expressing the target that are predicted to be affected by particular # molecule: effects_sub = effects.loc[target_expr == 1, :] to_plot = (effects_sub > 0).mean(axis=0) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized input for to_plot: {plot_type}. Options are 'average' or 'proportion'.") # Filter based on the threshold to_plot = to_plot[to_plot > effect_size_threshold] # Sort the average_expression in descending order to_plot = to_plot.sort_values(ascending=False) if top_n is not None: to_plot = to_plot.iloc[:top_n] # Plot: if figsize is None: # Set figure size based on the number of interaction features and targets: m = len(to_plot) / 2 figsize = (m, 5) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=figsize) palette = sns.color_palette(cmap, n_colors=len(to_plot)) sns.barplot( x=to_plot.index, y=to_plot.values, edgecolor="black", linewidth=1, palette=palette, ax=ax, ) ax.set_xticklabels(to_plot.index, rotation=90, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_yticklabels(["{:.2f}".format(y) for y in ax.get_yticks()], fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel("Transcription Factor", fontsize=fontsize) if plot_type == "average": title = f"Average Predicted TF Effects on {target}" ylabel = "Mean Coefficient \nMagnitude" elif plot_type == "proportion": if top_n is not None and top_n < 20: title = f"Proportion of {target}-Expressing Cells \nPredicted to be Affected by TF" else: title = f"Proportion of {target}-Expressing Cells Predicted to be Affected by TF" ylabel = "Proportion of Cells" ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) # Use the saved name for the AnnData object to define part of the name of the saved file: base_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path) adata_id = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0] prefix = f"{adata_id}_tf_barplot_{target}" save_kwargs["ext"] = "png" save_kwargs["dpi"] = 300 if "figure_folder" in locals(): save_kwargs["path"] = figure_folder # Save figure: save_return_show_fig_utils( save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, show_legend=False, background="white", prefix=prefix, save_kwargs=save_kwargs, total_panels=1, fig=fig, axes=ax, return_all=False, return_all_list=None, )
[docs] def partial_correlation_interactions( self, interactions: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, targets: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, method: Literal["pearson", "spearman"] = "pearson", filter_interactions_proportion_threshold: Optional[float] = None, plot_zero_threshold: Optional[float] = None, ignore_outliers: bool = True, alternative: Literal["two-sided", "less", "greater"] = "two-sided", fontsize: Union[None, int] = None, figsize: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = None, center: Optional[float] = None, cmap: str = "Reds", save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return", "both", "all"] = "show", save_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {}, save_df: bool = False, ): """Repression is more difficult to infer from single-cell data- this function computes semi-partial correlations to shed light on interactions that may be overall repressive. In this case, for a given interaction-target pair, all other interactions are used as covariates in a semi-partial correlation (to account for their effects on the target, but not the other interactions which should be more independent of each other compared to the target). Args: interactions: Optional, given in the form ligand(s):receptor(s), following the formatting in the design matrix. If not given, will use all interactions that were specified in model fitting. targets: Can optionally specify a subset of the targets to compute this on. If not given, will use all targets that were specified in model fitting. method: Correlation type, options: - Pearson :math:`r` product-moment correlation - Spearman :math:`\\rho` rank-order correlation filter_interactions_proportion_threshold: Optional, if given, will filter out interactions that are predicted to occur in below this proportion of cells beforehand (to reduce the number of computations) plot_zero_threshold: Optional, if given, will mask out values below this threshold in the heatmap (will keep the interactions in the dataframe, just will not color the elements in the plot). Can also be used together with filter_interactions_proportion_threshold. ignore_outliers: Whether to ignore extremely high values for target gene expression when computing partial correlations alternative: Defines the alternative hypothesis, or tail of the partial correlation. Must be one of "two-sided" (default), "greater" or "less". Both "greater" and "less" return a one-sided p-value. "greater" tests against the alternative hypothesis that the partial correlation is positive (greater than zero), "less" tests against the hypothesis that the partial correlation is negative. fontsize: Size of font for x and y labels figsize: Size of figure center: Optional, determines position of the colormap center. Between 0 and 1. cmap: Colormap to use for heatmap. If metric is "number", "proportion", "specificity", the bottom end of the range is 0. It is recommended to use a sequential colormap (e.g. "Reds", "Blues", "Viridis", etc.). For metric = "fc", if a divergent colormap is not provided, "seismic" will automatically be used. save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure If "both", it will save and plot the figure at the same time. If "all", the figure will be saved, displayed and the associated axis and other object will be return. save_kwargs: A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'scatter', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise you can provide a dictionary that properly modifies those keys according to your needs. save_df: Set True to save the metric dataframe in the end """ logger = lm.get_main_logger() config_spateo_rcParams() # But set display DPI to 300: plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 300 assert method in [ "pearson", "spearman", ], 'only "pearson" and "spearman" are supported for partial correlation.' if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")) figure_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures", "temp") if not os.path.exists(figure_folder): os.makedirs(figure_folder) if save_df: output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "analyses") if not os.path.exists(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) # Filter interactions based on prevalence, if specified: if filter_interactions_proportion_threshold is not None: interaction_proportions = (self.X_df != 0).sum() / self.X_df.shape[0] X_df = self.X_df.loc[:, interaction_proportions >= filter_interactions_proportion_threshold] else: X_df = self.X_df if interactions is None: interactions = X_df.columns.tolist() elif isinstance(interactions, str): interactions = [interactions] elif not isinstance(interactions, list): raise TypeError(f"Interactions must be a list or string, not {type(interactions)}.") if not all([c in X_df.columns for c in interactions]): logger.warning( "Some columns given in 'interactions' are not in dataframe. If " "'filter_interactions_proportion_threshold' is given, these may have gotten filtered out. Filtering to " "provided interactions that can be found in the dataframe." ) interactions = [c for c in interactions if c in X_df.columns] if targets is None: targets = self.custom_targets elif isinstance(targets, str): targets = [targets] elif not isinstance(targets, list): raise TypeError(f"targets must be a list or string, not {type(interactions)}.") # Predictions: parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) pred_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, "predictions.csv") predictions = pd.read_csv(pred_path, index_col=0) interactions_df = X_df.loc[:, interactions] targets_df = pd.DataFrame(self.adata[:, targets].X.toarray(), columns=targets, index=self.adata.obs_names) # Check that columns are numeric assert all([interactions_df[c].dtype.kind in "bfiu" for c in interactions]) assert all([targets_df[c].dtype.kind in "bfiu" for c in targets]) df = pd.concat([interactions_df, targets_df], axis=1) n = df.shape[0] # Number of samples # Optionally log-transform to remove the effect of outliers: if ignore_outliers: df = df.apply(np.log1p) # Get all unique combinations of interactions and targets: combinations = [f"{i}-{j}" for i in interactions for j in targets] all_stats = pd.DataFrame(0, index=combinations, columns=["n_samples", "r", "CI95%"]) all_stats["n_samples"] = n # Compute partial correlations for each interaction-target pair: for interaction in interactions: other_interactions = [c for c in interactions if c != interaction] for target in targets: # Subset to cells expressing the target that are predicted to be expressing the target: target_expr = self.adata[:, target].X.toarray().squeeze() > 0 target_pred = predictions[target].values.astype(bool) target_true_pos_indices = np.where(target_expr & target_pred)[0] target_true_pos_labels = df.index[target_true_pos_indices] # The dataframe to compute correlations from will consist of the interaction, the target and all other # interactions as covariates: data = df.loc[target_true_pos_labels, [interaction, target] + other_interactions] k = data.shape[1] - 2 # Number of covariates # Compute partial correlation: if method == "spearman": # Convert the data to rank, similar to R cov() V = data.rank(na_option="keep").cov() else: V = data.cov() # Inverse covariance matrix: Vi = np.linalg.pinv(V, hermitian=True) Vi_diag = Vi.diagonal() D = np.diag(np.sqrt(1 / Vi_diag)) pcor = -1 * (D @ Vi @ D) # Semi-partial correlation: with np.errstate(divide="ignore"): spcor = ( pcor / np.sqrt(np.diag(V))[..., None] / np.sqrt(np.abs(Vi_diag - Vi**2 / Vi_diag[..., None])).T ) # Remove x covariates r = spcor[1, 0] # Two-sided confidence interval: ci = compute_corr_ci(r, (n - k), confidence=95, decimals=6, alternative=alternative) all_stats.loc[f"{interaction}-{target}", "r"] = r all_stats.loc[f"{interaction}-{target}", "CI95%"] = ci all_stats["Interaction"] = [i.split("-")[0] for i in all_stats.index] all_stats["Target"] = [i.split("-")[1] for i in all_stats.index] base_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path) adata_id = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0] prefix = f"{adata_id}_semipartial_correlations" if save_df: all_stats.to_csv(os.path.join(output_folder, f"{prefix}_stats.csv")) all_stats_to_plot = all_stats.pivot(index="Interaction", columns="Target", values="r") if figsize is None: # Set figure size based on the number of interaction features and targets: m = len(all_stats_to_plot.index) * 40 / 300 n = len(all_stats_to_plot.columns) * 40 / 300 figsize = (n, m) # Plot heatmap: fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=figsize) if plot_zero_threshold is not None: mask = all_stats_to_plot.abs() < plot_zero_threshold else: mask = all_stats_to_plot == 0 vmax = np.max(np.abs(all_stats_to_plot.values)) m = sns.heatmap( all_stats_to_plot, square=True, linecolor="grey", linewidths=0.3, cbar_kws={"label": "Partial correlation", "location": "top"}, cmap=cmap, center=center, vmin=-vmax, vmax=vmax, mask=mask, ax=ax, ) # Outer frame: for _, spine in m.spines.items(): spine.set_visible(True) spine.set_linewidth(0.75) # Adjust colorbar settings: divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # Append axes to the top of the plot, where the colorbar will be placed if all_stats_to_plot.shape[0] > all_stats_to_plot.shape[1]: cax = divider.append_axes("top", size="30%", pad=0) else: cax = divider.append_axes("top", size="30%", pad="30%") # Create the colorbar manually in the appended axes cbar = plt.colorbar(m.collections[0], cax=cax, orientation="horizontal") cbar.set_label("Correlation", fontsize=fontsize * 1.5, labelpad=10)"top") # Move ticks to the top"top") # Move the label (title) to the top * 1.5) plt.xlabel("Target gene", fontsize=fontsize * 1.1) plt.ylabel("Interaction", fontsize=fontsize * 1.1) plt.title("Partial correlation", fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) plt.tight_layout() # Save figure: save_kwargs["ext"] = "png" save_kwargs["dpi"] = 300 if "figure_folder" in locals(): save_kwargs["path"] = figure_folder save_return_show_fig_utils( save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, show_legend=False, background="white", prefix=prefix, save_kwargs=save_kwargs, total_panels=1, fig=fig, axes=ax, return_all=False, return_all_list=None, )
[docs] def get_effect_potential( self, target: Optional[str] = None, ligand: Optional[str] = None, receptor: Optional[str] = None, sender_cell_type: Optional[str] = None, receiver_cell_type: Optional[str] = None, spatial_weights_membrane_bound: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix]] = None, spatial_weights_secreted: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix]] = None, spatial_weights_niche: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix]] = None, store_summed_potential: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[scipy.sparse.spmatrix, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """For each cell, computes the 'signaling effect potential', interpreted as a quantification of the strength of effect of intercellular communication on downstream expression in a given cell mediated by any given other cell with any combination of ligands and/or cognate receptors, as inferred from the model results. Computations are similar to those of :func ~`.inferred_effect_direction`, but stops short of computing vector fields. Args: target: Optional string to select target from among the genes used to fit the model to compute signaling effects for. Note that this function takes only one target at a time. If not given, will take the first name from among all targets. ligand: Needed if :attr `mod_type` is 'ligand'; select ligand from among the ligands used to fit the model to compute signaling potential. receptor: Needed if :attr `mod_type` is 'lr'; together with 'ligand', used to select ligand-receptor pair from among the ligand-receptor pairs used to fit the model to compute signaling potential. sender_cell_type: Can optionally be used to select cell type from among the cell types used to fit the model to compute sent potential. Must be given if :attr `mod_type` is 'niche'. receiver_cell_type: Can optionally be used to condition sent potential on receiver cell type. store_summed_potential: If True, will store both sent and received signaling potential as entries in .obs of the AnnData object. Returns: effect_potential: Sparse array of shape [n_samples, n_samples]; proxy for the "signaling effect potential" with respect to a particular target gene between each sender-receiver pair of cells. normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender: Array of shape [n_samples,]; for each sending cell, the sum of the signaling potential to all receiver cells for a given target gene, normalized between 0 and 1. normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver: Array of shape [n_samples,]; for each receiving cell, the sum of the signaling potential from all sender cells for a given target gene, normalized between 0 and 1. """ if self.mod_type == "receptor": raise ValueError("Sent potential is not defined for receptor models.") if target is None: if self.target_for_downstream is not None: target = self.target_for_downstream else: "Target gene not provided for :func `get_effect_potential`. Using first target listed." ) target = list(self.coeffs.keys())[0] # Check for valid inputs: if ligand is None: if self.ligand_for_downstream is not None: ligand = self.ligand_for_downstream else: if self.mod_type == "ligand" or self.mod_type == "lr": raise ValueError("Must provide ligand for ligand models.") if receptor is None: if self.receptor_for_downstream is not None: receptor = self.receptor_for_downstream else: if self.mod_type == "lr": raise ValueError("Must provide receptor for lr models.") if sender_cell_type is None: if self.sender_ct_for_downstream is not None: sender_cell_type = self.sender_ct_for_downstream else: if self.mod_type == "niche": raise ValueError("Must provide sender cell type for niche models.") if receiver_cell_type is None and self.receiver_ct_for_downstream is not None: receiver_cell_type = self.receiver_ct_for_downstream if spatial_weights_membrane_bound is None: # Try to load spatial weights, else re-compute them: membrane_bound_path = os.path.join( os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "spatial_weights", "spatial_weights_membrane_bound.npz" ) try: spatial_weights_membrane_bound = scipy.sparse.load_npz(membrane_bound_path) except: # Get spatial weights given bandwidth value- each row corresponds to a sender, each column to a receiver. # Note: this is the same process used in model setup. spatial_weights_membrane_bound = self._compute_all_wi( self.n_neighbors_membrane_bound, bw_fixed=False, exclude_self=True, verbose=False ) if spatial_weights_secreted is None: secreted_path = os.path.join( os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "spatial_weights", "spatial_weights_secreted.npz" ) try: spatial_weights_secreted = scipy.sparse.load_npz(secreted_path) except: spatial_weights_secreted = self._compute_all_wi( self.n_neighbors_secreted, bw_fixed=False, exclude_self=True, verbose=False ) # Testing: compare both ways: coeffs = self.coeffs[target] # Set negligible coefficients to zero: coeffs[coeffs.abs() < 1e-2] = 0 # Target indicator array: target_expr = self.targets_expr[target].values.reshape(1, -1) target_indicator = np.where(target_expr != 0, 1, 0) # For ligand models, "signaling potential" can only use the ligand information. For lr models, it can further # conditioned on the receptor expression: if self.mod_type == "ligand" or self.mod_type == "lr": if self.mod_type == "ligand" and ligand is None: raise ValueError("Must provide ligand name for ligand model.") elif self.mod_type == "lr" and (ligand is None or receptor is None): raise ValueError("Must provide both ligand name and receptor name for lr model.") if self.mod_type == "lr": if "/" in ligand: multi_interaction = True lr_pair = f"{ligand}:{receptor}" else: multi_interaction = False lr_pair = (ligand, receptor) if lr_pair not in self.lr_pairs and lr_pair not in self.feature_names: raise ValueError( "Invalid ligand-receptor pair given. Check that input to 'lr_pair' is given in " "the form of a tuple." ) else: multi_interaction = False # Check if ligand is membrane-bound or secreted: matching_rows = self.lr_db[self.lr_db["from"].isin(ligand.split("/"))] if ( matching_rows["type"].str.contains("Secreted Signaling").any() or matching_rows["type"].str.contains("ECM-Receptor").any() ): spatial_weights = spatial_weights_secreted else: spatial_weights = spatial_weights_membrane_bound # Use the non-lagged ligand expression to construct ligand indicator array: if not multi_interaction: ligand_expr = self.ligands_expr_nonlag[ligand].values.reshape(-1, 1) else: all_multi_ligands = ligand.split("/") ligand_expr = self.ligands_expr_nonlag[all_multi_ligands].mean(axis=1).values.reshape(-1, 1) # Referred to as "sent potential" sent_potential = spatial_weights.multiply(ligand_expr) sent_potential.eliminate_zeros() # If "lr", incorporate the receptor expression indicator array: if self.mod_type == "lr": receptor_expr = self.receptors_expr[receptor].values.reshape(1, -1) sent_potential = sent_potential.multiply(receptor_expr) sent_potential.eliminate_zeros() # Find the location of the correct coefficient: if self.mod_type == "ligand": ligand_coeff_label = f"b_{ligand}" idx = coeffs.columns.get_loc(ligand_coeff_label) elif self.mod_type == "lr": lr_coeff_label = f"b_{ligand}:{receptor}" idx = coeffs.columns.get_loc(lr_coeff_label) coeff = coeffs.iloc[:, idx].values.reshape(1, -1) effect_sign = np.where(coeff > 0, 1, -1) # Weight each column by the coefficient magnitude and finally by the indicator for expression/no # expression of the target and store as sparse array: sig_interm = sent_potential.multiply(coeff) sig_interm.eliminate_zeros() effect_potential = sig_interm.multiply(target_indicator) effect_potential.eliminate_zeros() elif self.mod_type == "niche": if sender_cell_type is None: raise ValueError("Must provide sending cell type name for niche models.") if spatial_weights_niche is None: niche_weights_path = os.path.join( os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "spatial_weights", "spatial_weights_niche.npz" ) try: spatial_weights_niche = scipy.sparse.load_npz(niche_weights_path) except: spatial_weights_niche = self._compute_all_wi( self.n_neighbors_secreted, bw_fixed=False, exclude_self=True, verbose=False ) sender_cell_type = self.cell_categories[sender_cell_type].values.reshape(-1, 1) # Get sending cells only of the specified type: sent_potential = spatial_weights_niche.multiply(sender_cell_type) sent_potential.eliminate_zeros() # Check whether to condition on receiver cell type: if receiver_cell_type is not None: receiver_cell_type = self.cell_categories[receiver_cell_type].values.reshape(1, -1) sent_potential = sent_potential.multiply(receiver_cell_type) sent_potential.eliminate_zeros() sending_ct_coeff_label = f"b_Proxim{sender_cell_type}" coeff = coeffs[sending_ct_coeff_label].values.reshape(1, -1) effect_sign = np.where(coeff > 0, 1, -1) # Weight each column by the coefficient magnitude and finally by the indicator for expression/no expression # of the target and store as sparse array: sig_interm = sent_potential.multiply(coeff) sig_interm.eliminate_zeros() effect_potential = sig_interm.multiply(target_indicator) effect_potential.eliminate_zeros() effect_potential_sum_sender = np.array(effect_potential.sum(axis=1)).reshape(-1) sign = np.where(effect_potential_sum_sender > 0, 1, -1) # Take the absolute value to get the overall measure of the effect- after normalizing, add the sign back in: effect_potential_sum_sender = np.abs(effect_potential_sum_sender) normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender = (effect_potential_sum_sender - np.min(effect_potential_sum_sender)) / ( np.max(effect_potential_sum_sender) - np.min(effect_potential_sum_sender) ) normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender = normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender * sign effect_potential_sum_receiver = np.array(effect_potential.sum(axis=0)).reshape(-1) sign = np.where(effect_potential_sum_receiver > 0, 1, -1) # Take the absolute value to get the overall measure of the effect- after normalizing, add the sign back in: effect_potential_sum_receiver = np.abs(effect_potential_sum_receiver) normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver = ( effect_potential_sum_receiver - np.min(effect_potential_sum_receiver) ) / (np.max(effect_potential_sum_receiver) - np.min(effect_potential_sum_receiver)) normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver = normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver * sign # Store summed sent/received potential: if store_summed_potential: if self.mod_type == "niche": if receiver_cell_type is None: self.adata.obs[ f"norm_sum_sent_effect_potential_{sender_cell_type}_for_{target}" ] = normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender self.adata.obs[ f"norm_sum_received_effect_potential_from_{sender_cell_type}_for_{target}" ] = normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver else: self.adata.obs[ f"norm_sum_sent_{sender_cell_type}_effect_potential_to_{receiver_cell_type}_for_{target}" ] = normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender self.adata.obs[ f"norm_sum_{receiver_cell_type}_received_effect_potential_from_{sender_cell_type}_for_{target}" ] = normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver elif self.mod_type == "ligand": if "/" in ligand: ligand = replace_col_with_collagens(ligand) ligand = replace_hla_with_hlas(ligand) self.adata.obs[ f"norm_sum_sent_effect_potential_{ligand}_for_{target}" ] = normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender self.adata.obs[ f"norm_sum_received_effect_potential_from_{ligand}_for_{target}" ] = normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver elif self.mod_type == "lr": if "/" in ligand: ligand = replace_col_with_collagens(ligand) ligand = replace_hla_with_hlas(ligand) self.adata.obs[ f"norm_sum_sent_effect_potential_{ligand}_for_{target}_via_{receptor}" ] = normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender self.adata.obs[ f"norm_sum_received_effect_potential_from_{ligand}_for_{target}_via_{receptor}" ] = normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver self.adata.obs["effect_sign"] = effect_sign.reshape(-1, 1) return effect_potential, normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender, normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver
[docs] def get_pathway_potential( self, pathway: Optional[str] = None, target: Optional[str] = None, spatial_weights_secreted: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix]] = None, spatial_weights_membrane_bound: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix]] = None, store_summed_potential: bool = True, ): """For each cell, computes the 'pathway effect potential', which is an aggregation of the effect potentials of all pathway member ligand-receptor pairs (or all pathway member ligands, for ligand-only models). Args: pathway: Name of pathway to compute pathway effect potential for. target: Optional string to select target from among the genes used to fit the model to compute signaling effects for. Note that this function takes only one target at a time. If not given, will take the first name from among all targets. spatial_weights_secreted: Optional pairwise spatial weights matrix for secreted factors spatial_weights_membrane_bound: Optional pairwise spatial weights matrix for membrane-bound factors store_summed_potential: If True, will store both sent and received signaling potential as entries in .obs of the AnnData object. Returns: pathway_sum_potential: Array of shape [n_samples, n_samples]; proxy for the combined "signaling effect potential" with respect to a particular target gene for ligand-receptor pairs in a pathway. normalized_pathway_effect_potential_sum_sender: Array of shape [n_samples,]; for each sending cell, the sum of the pathway sum potential to all receiver cells for a given target gene, normalized between 0 and 1. normalized_pathway_effect_potential_sum_receiver: Array of shape [n_samples,]; for each receiving cell, the sum of the pathway sum potential from all sender cells for a given target gene, normalized between 0 and 1. """ if self.mod_type not in ["lr", "ligand"]: raise ValueError("Cannot compute pathway effect potential, since fitted model does not use ligands.") # Columns consist of the spatial weights of each observation- convolve with expression of each ligand to # get proxy of ligand signal "sent", weight by the local coefficient value to get a proxy of the "signal # functionally received" in generating the downstream effect and store in .obsp. if target is None and self.target_for_downstream is not None: target = self.target_for_downstream else:"Target gene not provided for :func `get_effect_potential`. Using first target listed.") target = list(self.coeffs.keys())[0] if pathway is None and self.pathway_for_downstream is not None: pathway = self.pathway_for_downstream else: raise ValueError("Must provide pathway to analyze.") lr_db_subset = self.lr_db[self.lr_db["pathway"] == pathway] all_receivers = list(set(lr_db_subset["to"])) all_senders = list(set(lr_db_subset["from"])) if self.mod_type == "lr": "Computing pathway effect potential for ligand-receptor pairs in pathway, since :attr " "`mod_type` is 'lr'." ) # Get ligand-receptor combinations in the pathway from our model: valid_lr_combos = [] for col in self.design_matrix.columns: parts = col.split(":") if parts[1] in all_receivers: valid_lr_combos.append((parts[0], parts[1])) if len(valid_lr_combos) < 3: raise ValueError( f"Pathway effect potential computation for pathway {pathway} is unsuitable for this model, " f"since there are fewer than three valid ligand-receptor pairs in the pathway that were " f"incorporated in the initial model." ) all_pathway_member_effects = {} for j, col in enumerate(valid_lr_combos): ligand = col[0] receptor = col[1] effect_potential, _, _ = self.get_effect_potential( target=target, ligand=ligand, receptor=receptor, spatial_weights_secreted=spatial_weights_secreted, spatial_weights_membrane_bound=spatial_weights_membrane_bound, store_summed_potential=False, ) all_pathway_member_effects[f"effect_potential_{ligand}_{receptor}_on_{target}"] = effect_potential elif self.mod_type == "ligand": "Computing pathway effect potential for ligands in pathway, since :attr `mod_type` is " "'ligand'." ) all_pathway_member_effects = {} for j, col in enumerate(all_senders): ligand = col effect_potential, _, _ = self.get_effect_potential( target=target, ligand=ligand, spatial_weights_secreted=spatial_weights_secreted, spatial_weights_membrane_bound=spatial_weights_membrane_bound, store_summed_potential=False, ) all_pathway_member_effects[f"effect_potential_{ligand}_on_{target}"] = effect_potential # Combine results for all ligand-receptor pairs in the pathway: pathway_sum_potential = None for key in all_pathway_member_effects.keys(): if pathway_sum_potential is None: pathway_sum_potential = all_pathway_member_effects[key] else: pathway_sum_potential += all_pathway_member_effects[key] # self.adata.obsp[f"effect_potential_{pathway}_on_{target}"] = pathway_sum_potential pathway_effect_potential_sum_sender = np.array(pathway_sum_potential.sum(axis=1)).reshape(-1) normalized_pathway_effect_potential_sum_sender = ( pathway_effect_potential_sum_sender - np.min(pathway_effect_potential_sum_sender) ) / (np.max(pathway_effect_potential_sum_sender) - np.min(pathway_effect_potential_sum_sender)) pathway_effect_potential_sum_receiver = np.array(pathway_sum_potential.sum(axis=0)).reshape(-1) normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver = ( pathway_effect_potential_sum_receiver - np.min(pathway_effect_potential_sum_receiver) ) / (np.max(pathway_effect_potential_sum_receiver) - np.min(pathway_effect_potential_sum_receiver)) if store_summed_potential: if self.mod_type == "lr": send_key = f"norm_sum_sent_effect_potential_{pathway}_lr_for_{target}" receive_key = f"norm_sum_received_effect_potential_{pathway}_lr_for_{target}" elif self.mod_type == "ligand": send_key = f"norm_sum_sent_effect_potential_{pathway}_ligands_for_{target}" receive_key = f"norm_sum_received_effect_potential_{pathway}_ligands_for_{target}" self.adata.obs[send_key] = normalized_pathway_effect_potential_sum_sender self.adata.obs[receive_key] = normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver return ( pathway_sum_potential, normalized_pathway_effect_potential_sum_sender, normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver, )
[docs] def inferred_effect_direction( self, targets: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, compute_pathway_effect: bool = False, ): """For visualization purposes, used for models that consider ligand expression (:attr `mod_type` is 'ligand' or 'lr' (for receptor models, assigning directionality is impossible and for niche models, it makes much less sense to draw/compute a vector field). Construct spatial vector fields to infer the directionality of observed effects (the "sources" of the downstream expression). Parts of this function are inspired by 'communication_direction' from COMMOT: Args: targets: Optional string or list of strings to select targets from among the genes used to fit the model to compute signaling effects for. If not given, will use all targets. compute_pathway_effect: Whether to compute the effect potential for each pathway in the model. If True, will collectively take the effect potential of all pathway components. If False, will compute effect potential for each for each individual signal. """ if not self.mod_type == "ligand" or self.mod_type == "lr": raise ValueError( "Direction of effect can only be inferred if ligand expression is used as part of the " "model." ) if self.compute_pathway_effect is not None: compute_pathway_effect = self.compute_pathway_effect if self.target_for_downstream is not None: targets = self.target_for_downstream # Get spatial weights given bandwidth value- each row corresponds to a sender, each column to a receiver: # Try to load spatial weights for membrane-bound and secreted ligands, compute if not found: membrane_bound_path = os.path.join( os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "spatial_weights", "spatial_weights_membrane_bound.npz" ) secreted_path = os.path.join( os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "spatial_weights", "spatial_weights_secreted.npz" ) try: spatial_weights_membrane_bound = scipy.sparse.load_npz(membrane_bound_path) spatial_weights_secreted = scipy.sparse.load_npz(secreted_path) except: bw_mb = ( self.n_neighbors_membrane_bound if self.distance_membrane_bound is None else self.distance_membrane_bound ) bw_fixed = True if self.distance_membrane_bound is not None else False spatial_weights_membrane_bound = self._compute_all_wi( bw=bw_mb, bw_fixed=bw_fixed, exclude_self=True, verbose=False, )"Saving spatial weights for membrane-bound ligands to {membrane_bound_path}.") scipy.sparse.save_npz(membrane_bound_path, spatial_weights_membrane_bound) bw_s = self.n_neighbors_secreted if self.distance_secreted is None else self.distance_secreted bw_fixed = True if self.distance_secreted is not None else False # Autocrine signaling is much easier with secreted signals: spatial_weights_secreted = self._compute_all_wi( bw=bw_s, bw_fixed=bw_fixed, exclude_self=False, verbose=False, )"Saving spatial weights for secreted ligands to {secreted_path}.") scipy.sparse.save_npz(secreted_path, spatial_weights_secreted) # Columns consist of the spatial weights of each observation- convolve with expression of each ligand to # get proxy of ligand signal "sent", weight by the local coefficient value to get a proxy of the "signal # functionally received" in generating the downstream effect and store in .obsp. if targets is None: targets = self.coeffs.keys() elif isinstance(targets, str): targets = [targets] if self.filter_targets: pearson_dict = {} for target in targets: observed = self.adata[:, target].X.toarray().reshape(-1, 1) predicted = self.predictions[target].reshape(-1, 1) rp, _ = pearsonr(observed, predicted) pearson_dict[target] = rp targets = [target for target in targets if pearson_dict[target] > self.filter_target_threshold] queries = self.lr_pairs if self.mod_type == "lr" else self.ligands if compute_pathway_effect: # Find pathways that are represented among the ligands or ligand-receptor pairs: pathways = [] for query in queries: if self.mod_type == "lr": ligand = query.split(":")[0] receptor = query.split(":")[1] col_pathways = list( set( self.lr_db.loc[ (self.lr_db["from"] == ligand) & (self.lr_db["to"] == receptor), "pathway" ].values ) ) pathways.extend(col_pathways) elif self.mod_type == "ligand": col_pathways = list(set(self.lr_db.loc[self.lr_db["from"] == query, "pathway"].values)) pathways.extend(col_pathways) # Before taking the set of pathways, count number of occurrences of each pathway in the list- remove # pathways for which there are fewer than three ligands or ligand-receptor pairs- these are not enough to # constitute a pathway: pathway_counts = Counter(pathways) pathways = [pathway for pathway, count in pathway_counts.items() if count >= 3] # Take the set of pathways: queries = list(set(pathways)) for target in targets: for j, query in enumerate(queries): if self.mod_type == "lr": if compute_pathway_effect: ( effect_potential, normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender, normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver, ) = self.get_pathway_potential( target=target, pathway=query, spatial_weights_secreted=spatial_weights_secreted, spatial_weights_membrane_bound=spatial_weights_membrane_bound, ) else: ligand = query.split(":")[0] receptor = query.split(":")[1] ( effect_potential, normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender, normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver, ) = self.get_effect_potential( target=target, ligand=ligand, receptor=receptor, spatial_weights_secreted=spatial_weights_secreted, spatial_weights_membrane_bound=spatial_weights_membrane_bound, ) else: if compute_pathway_effect: ( effect_potential, normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender, normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver, ) = self.get_pathway_potential( target=target, pathway=query, spatial_weights_secreted=spatial_weights_secreted, spatial_weights_membrane_bound=spatial_weights_membrane_bound, ) else: ( effect_potential, normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender, normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver, ) = self.get_effect_potential( target=target, ligand=query, spatial_weights_secreted=spatial_weights_secreted, spatial_weights_membrane_bound=spatial_weights_membrane_bound, ) # Compute vector field: self.define_effect_vf( effect_potential, normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender, normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver, query, target, ) # Save AnnData object with effect direction information: adata_name = os.path.splitext(self.adata_path)[0] self.adata.write(f"{adata_name}_effect_directions.h5ad")
[docs] def define_effect_vf( self, effect_potential: scipy.sparse.spmatrix, normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender: np.ndarray, normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver: np.ndarray, sig: str, target: str, max_val: float = 0.05, ): """Given the pairwise effect potential array, computes the effect vector field. Args: effect_potential: Sparse array containing computed effect potentials- output from :func:`get_effect_potential` normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender: Array containing the sum of the effect potentials sent by each cell. Output from :func:`get_effect_potential`. normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver: Array containing the sum of the effect potentials received by each cell. Output from :func:`get_effect_potential`. max_val: Constrains the size of the vector field vectors. Recommended to set within the order of magnitude of 1/100 of the desired plot dimensions. sig: Label for the mediating interaction (e.g. name of a ligand, name of a ligand-receptor pair, etc.) target: Name of the target that the vector field describes the effect for """ sending_vf = np.zeros_like(self.coords) receiving_vf = np.zeros_like(self.coords) # Vector field for sent signal: effect_potential_lil = effect_potential.tolil() for i in range(self.n_samples): if len(effect_potential_lil.rows[i]) <= self.k: temp_idx = np.array(effect_potential_lil.rows[i], dtype=int) temp_val = np.array([i], dtype=float) else: row_np = np.array(effect_potential_lil.rows[i], dtype=int) data_np = np.array([i], dtype=float) temp_idx = row_np[np.argsort(-data_np)[: self.k]] temp_val = data_np[np.argsort(-data_np)[: self.k]] if len(temp_idx) == 0: continue elif len(temp_idx) == 1: avg_v = self.coords[temp_idx[0], :] - self.coords[i, :] else: temp_v = self.coords[temp_idx, :] - self.coords[i, :] temp_v = normalize(temp_v, norm="l2") avg_v = np.sum(temp_v * temp_val.reshape(-1, 1), axis=0) avg_v = normalize(avg_v.reshape(1, -1)) sending_vf[i, :] = avg_v[0, :] * normalized_effect_potential_sum_sender[i] sending_vf = np.clip(sending_vf, -max_val, max_val) # Vector field for received signal: effect_potential_lil = effect_potential.T.tolil() for i in range(self.n_samples): if len(effect_potential_lil.rows[i]) <= self.k: temp_idx = np.array(effect_potential_lil.rows[i], dtype=int) temp_val = np.array([i], dtype=float) else: row_np = np.array(effect_potential_lil.rows[i], dtype=int) data_np = np.array([i], dtype=float) temp_idx = row_np[np.argsort(-data_np)[: self.k]] temp_val = data_np[np.argsort(-data_np)[: self.k]] if len(temp_idx) == 0: continue elif len(temp_idx) == 1: avg_v = self.coords[temp_idx, :] - self.coords[i, :] else: temp_v = self.coords[temp_idx, :] - self.coords[i, :] temp_v = normalize(temp_v, norm="l2") avg_v = np.sum(temp_v * temp_val.reshape(-1, 1), axis=0) avg_v = normalize(avg_v.reshape(1, -1)) receiving_vf[i, :] = avg_v[0, :] * normalized_effect_potential_sum_receiver[i] receiving_vf = np.clip(receiving_vf, -max_val, max_val) del effect_potential # Shorten names if collagens/HLA in "sig": sig = replace_col_with_collagens(sig) sig = replace_hla_with_hlas(sig) self.adata.obsm[f"spatial_effect_sender_vf_{sig}_{target}"] = sending_vf self.adata.obsm[f"spatial_effect_receiver_vf_{sig}_{target}"] = receiving_vf
[docs] def visualize_effect_vf_3D( self, interaction: str, target: str, vf_key: Optional[str] = None, vector_magnitude_lower_bound: float = 0.0, manual_vector_scale_factor: Optional[float] = None, bin_size: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float]]] = None, plot_cells: bool = True, cell_size: float = 1.0, alpha: float = 0.3, no_color_coding: bool = False, only_view_effect_region: bool = False, add_group_label: Optional[str] = None, group_label_obs_key: Optional[str] = None, title_position: Tuple[float, float] = (0.5, 0.9), save_path: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """Visualize the directionality of the effect on target for a given interaction, overlaid onto the 3D spatial plot. Can only be used for models that use ligand expression (:attr `mod_type` is 'ligand' or 'lr'). Args: interaction: Interaction to incorporate into the visualization (e.g. "Igf1:Igf1r" for L:R model, "Igf1" for ligand model) target: Name of the target gene of interest. Will search key "spatial_effect_sender_vf_{interaction}_{ target}" to create vector field plot. vf_key: Optional key in .obsm to specify which vector field to use. If not given, will use the provided "interaction" and "target" to find the key specifying the vector field. vector_magnitude_lower_bound: Lower bound for the magnitude of the vector field vectors to be plotted, as a fraction of the maximum vector magnitude. Defaults to 0.0. manual_vector_scale_factor: If not None, will manually scale the vector field by this factor ( multiplicatively). Used for visualization purposes, not recommended to set above 2.0 (otherwise likely to get misleading results with vectors that are too long). bin_size: Optional, can be used to de-clutter plotting space by splitting the space into 3D bins and displaying one vector per bin. Can be given as a floating point number to create cubic bins, or as a tuple of floats to specify different bin sizes for each dimension. If not given, will plot one vector per cell. Defaults to None. plot_cells: If False, will not plot any of the cells (unless a group label is given), so will only visualize vector field. Defaults to True. cell_size: Size of the cells in the 3D plot. Defaults to 1.0. alpha: If visualizing cells not affected by the interaction, this argument specifies the transparency of those cells. no_color_coding: If True, will color all cells the same color (except cells of given category, if given). only_view_effect_region: If True, will only plot the region where the effect is predicted to be found, rather than the entire 3D object add_group_label: This optional argument represents a cell type category. Will color the cells belonging to this particular category orange. If given, it is recommended to also provide `group_label_obs_key` (which will be :attr `group_key` if not given). group_label_obs_key: If `add_group_label` is given, this argument represents the observation key in the AnnData object that contains the group label. If not given, will default to :attr `group_key`. title_position: Position of the title in the plot, given as a tuple of floats (i.e. (x, y)). Defaults to (0.5, 0.9). save_path: Path to save the figure to (will save as HTML file) kwargs: Additional arguments that can be passed to :func `plotly.graph_objects.Cone`. Common arguments: - "colorscale": Sets the colorscale. The colorscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an rgb, rgba, hex, hsl, hsv, or named color string. - "sizemode": Determines whether sizeref is set as a “scaled” (i.e unitless) scalar (normalized by the max u/v/w norm in the vector field) or as “absolute” value (in the same units as the vector field). Defaults to "scaled". - "sizeref": The scalar reference for the cone size. The cone size is determined by its u/v/w norm multiplied by sizeref. Defaults to 2.0. - "showscale": Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace. """ if "showscale" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["showscale"] = False if "sizemode" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["sizemode"] = "scaled" if "sizeref" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["sizeref"] = 2.0 if "colorscale" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["colorscale"] = "Reds" targets = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(os.path.splitext(self.output_path)[0], "design_matrix", "targets.csv"), index_col=0 ) if target not in targets.columns: raise ValueError(f"Target {target} not found in this model's directory. Please provide a valid target.") if interaction not in self.X_df.columns: raise ValueError(f"Interaction {interaction} not found in this model's directory.") # Check if chosen interaction is membrane-bound or secreted to determine which cells qualify as neighbors: if self.mod_type == "lr": ligand = interaction.split(":")[0] elif self.mod_type == "ligand": ligand = interaction else: raise ValueError("Invalid model type for this functionality. Must be 'ligand' or 'lr'.") if hasattr(self, "remaining_cells"): adata = self.adata[self.remaining_cells, :].copy() else: adata = self.adata.copy() # Gene expression vector for target gene: target_col = adata[:, target].X.toarray().flatten() coords = adata.obsm[self.coords_key] x, y, z = coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], coords[:, 2] # If a group label is provided, mask out only the cells of that group: if add_group_label is not None: if group_label_obs_key is None: group_label_obs_key = self.group_key # Get the vector field for the given interaction: if vf_key is None: vf_key = f"spatial_effect_sender_vf_{interaction}_{target}" sending_vf = adata.obsm[vf_key] # Use the connectivity graph and the length scale of the coordinate system to determine the scaling of the # vectors: matching_rows = self.lr_db[self.lr_db["from"] == ligand] if ( matching_rows["type"].str.contains("Secreted Signaling").any() or matching_rows["type"].str.contains("ECM-Receptor").any() ): if "spatial_connectivities_secreted" in adata.obsp.keys(): conn = adata.obsp["spatial_connectivities_secreted"] pairwise_distances = adata.obsp["spatial_distances_secreted"] else:"Spatial graph not found, computing...") _, adata = neighbors( adata, n_neighbors=self.n_neighbors_secreted, basis="spatial", spatial_key=self.coords_key, n_neighbors_method="ball_tree", ) conn = adata.obsp["spatial_connectivities"] pairwise_distances = adata.obsp["spatial_distances"] else: if "spatial_connectivities_membrane_bound" in adata.obsp.keys(): conn = self.adata.obsp["spatial_connectivities_membrane_bound"] pairwise_distances = self.adata.obsp["spatial_distances_membrane_bound"] else:"Spatial graph not found, computing...") _, adata = neighbors( adata, n_neighbors=self.n_neighbors_membrane_bound, basis="spatial", spatial_key=self.coords_key, n_neighbors_method="ball_tree", ) conn = adata.obsp["spatial_connectivities"] pairwise_distances = adata.obsp["spatial_distances"] # Gene expression vector for the ligand (process to remove overlap between target expression and ligand) nonzero_expr_indices = np.nonzero(target_col)[0] # Find neighbors of these cells: neighbor_indices = [] for i in nonzero_expr_indices: row = conn[i].toarray() neighbors_i = np.nonzero(row)[1] neighbor_indices.extend(neighbors_i) neighbor_indices = np.unique(np.concatenate((neighbor_indices, nonzero_expr_indices))) ligand_col = np.zeros_like(target_col) overlap_col = np.zeros_like(target_col) ligand_col[neighbor_indices] = adata[:, ligand].X.toarray().flatten()[neighbor_indices] for i in range(len(ligand_col)): if ligand_col[i] > 0 and target_col[i] > 0: overlap_col[i] = 1 ligand_col[i] = 0 # If particular group label is provided, mask out only the cells of that group: if add_group_label is not None: group_col = (adata.obs[group_label_obs_key] == add_group_label).astype(int).values # Define vectors: u, v, w = sending_vf[:, 0], sending_vf[:, 1], sending_vf[:, 2] vector_lengths = np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2 + w**2) # Scale vectors based on the length scale of the coordinate system- only available for non-bin plots: avg_distances = np.zeros(conn.shape[0]) for i in range(conn.shape[0]): connected_samples = conn[i, :].nonzero()[1] if len(connected_samples) > 0: avg_distances[i] = np.mean(pairwise_distances[i, connected_samples]) average_mean_distance = avg_distances.mean() for i in tqdm(range(conn.shape[0]), desc="Scaling vectors..."): if vector_lengths[i] > 0: scale_factor = average_mean_distance / vector_lengths[i] if manual_vector_scale_factor is not None: scale_factor *= manual_vector_scale_factor u[i] *= scale_factor v[i] *= scale_factor w[i] *= scale_factor # If bin_size is given, use it to bin the vectors: if bin_size is not None: if isinstance(bin_size, (float, int)): bin_size = (bin_size, bin_size, bin_size) x_edges = np.arange(min(x), max(x) + bin_size[0], bin_size[0]) y_edges = np.arange(min(y), max(y) + bin_size[1], bin_size[1]) z_edges = np.arange(min(z), max(z) + bin_size[2], bin_size[2])"Created {len(x_edges) - 1} x {len(y_edges) - 1} x {len(z_edges) - 1} bins.") # Initialize dictionaries to accumulate vectors and their counts per bin vector_sums = {} vector_counts = {} row_to_bin = {} # Mapping from row index (cells) to bin index bin_to_index = {} # Mapping from bin_idx to an enumerated index (to keep track of which bin is at which # position along the x_avg, y_avg, etc. vectors) # Assign vectors to bins and accumulate sums and counts for i in tqdm(range(len(x)), desc="Assigning vectors to bins..."): bin_idx = ( np.digitize(x[i], x_edges) - 1, np.digitize(y[i], y_edges) - 1, np.digitize(z[i], z_edges) - 1, ) # Bin mapping for each cell: row_to_bin[i] = bin_idx if bin_idx not in vector_sums: vector_sums[bin_idx] = np.array([u[i], v[i], w[i]]) vector_counts[bin_idx] = 1 else: vector_sums[bin_idx] += np.array([u[i], v[i], w[i]]) vector_counts[bin_idx] += 1 # Calculate average vectors per bin u_avg, v_avg, w_avg = [], [], [] x_avg, y_avg, z_avg = [], [], [] enumerated_index = 0 for bin_idx, sum_vec in vector_sums.items(): bin_to_index[bin_idx] = enumerated_index count = vector_counts[bin_idx] avg_vec = sum_vec / count u_avg.append(avg_vec[0]) v_avg.append(avg_vec[1]) w_avg.append(avg_vec[2]) # Calculate bin center for plotting x_bin_center = (x_edges[bin_idx[0]] + x_edges[bin_idx[0] + 1]) / 2 y_bin_center = (y_edges[bin_idx[1]] + y_edges[bin_idx[1] + 1]) / 2 z_bin_center = (z_edges[bin_idx[2]] + z_edges[bin_idx[2] + 1]) / 2 x_avg.append(x_bin_center) y_avg.append(y_bin_center) z_avg.append(z_bin_center) enumerated_index += 1 u_avg, v_avg, w_avg = np.array(u_avg), np.array(v_avg), np.array(w_avg) x_avg, y_avg, z_avg = np.array(x_avg), np.array(y_avg), np.array(z_avg) # If only viewing effect region, find the region where the effect is predicted to be found and mask out only # the sending cells and neighbors, along with cells of the chosen cell type, if applicable: if only_view_effect_region: magnitudes = np.linalg.norm(sending_vf, axis=1) threshold = np.quantile(magnitudes[magnitudes > 0], vector_magnitude_lower_bound) sending_cell_indices = np.where(magnitudes > threshold)[0] # If a group label is provided, mask out only the cells of that group: if add_group_label is not None: group_indices = np.where(adata.obs[group_label_obs_key] == add_group_label)[0] # For the visualization, use the 10 nearest neighbors: _, adata = neighbors( adata, n_neighbors=10, basis="spatial", spatial_key=self.coords_key, n_neighbors_method="ball_tree", ) conn_10_nearest = adata.obsp["spatial_connectivities"] neighbor_indices = set() for i in sending_cell_indices: row = conn_10_nearest[i].toarray() neighbors_i = np.nonzero(row)[1] neighbor_indices.update(neighbors_i) neighbor_mask = np.zeros(len(x), dtype=bool) neighbor_mask[list(neighbor_indices)] = True neighbor_mask[list(sending_cell_indices)] = True if add_group_label is not None: neighbor_mask[group_indices] = True in_effect_region = neighbor_mask if bin_size is not None: # Remaining bins post-filtering: filtered_bins = set() filtered_bin_indices = set() for i, in_effect in enumerate(in_effect_region): if in_effect: filtered_bins.add(row_to_bin[i]) for bin_idx in filtered_bins: filtered_bin_indices.add(bin_to_index[bin_idx]) # Separate visualization for zeros and nonzeros: if not only_view_effect_region: zeros = (target_col == 0) & (ligand_col == 0) nonzeros = (target_col > 0) & (ligand_col == 0) neighboring_ligand_nonzeros = (target_col == 0) & (ligand_col > 0) overlap = overlap_col > 0 else: zeros = (target_col == 0) & (ligand_col == 0) & in_effect_region nonzeros = (target_col > 0) & (ligand_col == 0) & in_effect_region neighboring_ligand_nonzeros = (target_col == 0) & (ligand_col > 0) & in_effect_region overlap = overlap_col > 0 & in_effect_region if add_group_label is not None: group = group_col > 0 scatters_zeros = go.Scatter3d( x=x[zeros], y=y[zeros], z=z[zeros], mode="markers", marker=dict( color="#4B2991", size=cell_size, opacity=0.3, ), showlegend=False, ) scatters_nonzeros = go.Scatter3d( x=x[nonzeros], y=y[nonzeros], z=z[nonzeros], mode="markers", marker=dict( color="#FFDF00" if not no_color_coding else "#4B2991", size=cell_size, opacity=0.9 if not no_color_coding else 0.3, ), showlegend=False, ) scatters_ligand_nonzeros = go.Scatter3d( x=x[neighboring_ligand_nonzeros], y=y[neighboring_ligand_nonzeros], z=z[neighboring_ligand_nonzeros], mode="markers", marker=dict( color="#0BDA51" if not no_color_coding else "#4B2991", size=cell_size, opacity=0.9 if not no_color_coding else 0.3, ), showlegend=False, ) scatters_overlap_nonzeros = go.Scatter3d( x=x[overlap], y=y[overlap], z=z[overlap], mode="markers", marker=dict( color="#0096FF" if not no_color_coding else "#4B2991", size=cell_size, opacity=0.9 if not no_color_coding else 0.3, ), showlegend=False, ) if add_group_label is not None: scatters_group = go.Scatter3d( x=x[group], y=y[group], z=z[group], mode="markers", marker=dict( color="#FFA500", size=2.5, opacity=0.9, ), showlegend=False, ) if not no_color_coding: # Invisible trace for the legend (so the colored point is larger than the plot points): legend_scatters_zeros = go.Scatter3d( x=[None], y=[None], z=[None], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=30, color="#4B2991", opacity=0.5), name=f"Cells not expressing {target} or {ligand}", showlegend=True, ) legend_scatters_nonzeros = go.Scatter3d( x=[None], y=[None], z=[None], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=30, color="#FFDF00"), name=f"Cells expressing {target}", showlegend=True, ) legend_scatters_ligand_nonzeros = go.Scatter3d( x=[None], y=[None], z=[None], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=30, color="#0BDA51"), name=f"Cells expressing {ligand}", showlegend=True, ) legend_scatters_overlap_nonzeros = go.Scatter3d( x=[None], y=[None], z=[None], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=30, color="#0096FF"), name=f"Cells expressing both {target} and {ligand}", showlegend=True, ) if add_group_label is not None: legend_scatters_group = go.Scatter3d( x=[None], y=[None], z=[None], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=30, color="#FFA500"), name=f"Cells of type {add_group_label}", showlegend=True, ) # Offset cones slightly so they don't overlap with and obscure the sending cells: if bin_size is None: if only_view_effect_region: x = x[in_effect_region] y = y[in_effect_region] z = z[in_effect_region] u = u[in_effect_region] v = v[in_effect_region] w = w[in_effect_region] x_offset = x + 0.1 * u y_offset = y + 0.1 * v z_offset = z + 0.1 * w quiver = go.Cone(x=x_offset, y=y_offset, z=z_offset, u=u, v=v, w=w, **kwargs) # Add dotted lines connecting vectors to sending cells: line_x = [] line_y = [] line_z = [] for i in range(len(x)): line_x.extend([x[i], x_offset[i], None]) line_y.extend([y[i], y_offset[i], None]) line_z.extend([z[i], z_offset[i], None]) # Create a single trace for all dotted lines dotted_lines = go.Scatter3d( x=line_x, y=line_y, z=line_z, mode="lines", line=dict(color="black", dash="dot", width=4), showlegend=False, ) else: if only_view_effect_region: x_avg = x_avg[filtered_bin_indices] y_avg = y_avg[filtered_bin_indices] z_avg = z_avg[filtered_bin_indices] u_avg = u_avg[filtered_bin_indices] v_avg = v_avg[filtered_bin_indices] w_avg = w_avg[filtered_bin_indices] quiver = go.Cone( x=x_avg, y=y_avg, z=z_avg, u=u_avg, v=v_avg, w=w_avg, **kwargs, ) if not no_color_coding and add_group_label is None: fig = go.Figure( data=[ scatters_zeros, scatters_nonzeros, scatters_ligand_nonzeros, scatters_overlap_nonzeros, quiver, ] ) elif no_color_coding and add_group_label is not None: fig = go.Figure( data=[ scatters_zeros, scatters_nonzeros, scatters_ligand_nonzeros, scatters_overlap_nonzeros, scatters_group, quiver, legend_scatters_group, ] ) elif add_group_label is not None: fig = go.Figure( data=[ scatters_zeros, legend_scatters_zeros, scatters_nonzeros, legend_scatters_nonzeros, scatters_ligand_nonzeros, legend_scatters_ligand_nonzeros, scatters_overlap_nonzeros, legend_scatters_overlap_nonzeros, scatters_group, legend_scatters_group, quiver, ] ) else: fig = go.Figure( data=[ scatters_zeros, legend_scatters_zeros, scatters_nonzeros, legend_scatters_nonzeros, scatters_ligand_nonzeros, legend_scatters_ligand_nonzeros, scatters_overlap_nonzeros, legend_scatters_overlap_nonzeros, quiver, ] ) if bin_size is None: fig.add_trace(dotted_lines) title_dict = dict( text=f"{interaction.title()} Effect on {target.title()}", y=title_position[1], yanchor="top", x=title_position[0], xanchor="center", font=dict(size=36), ) fig.update_layout( showlegend=True, legend=dict(x=0.65, y=0.85, orientation="v", font=dict(size=18)), scene=dict( aspectmode="data", xaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), yaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), zaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, linewidth=2, linecolor="black", backgroundcolor="white", title="", showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), ), margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=50), # Adjust margins to minimize spacing title=title_dict, ) fig.write_html(save_path)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constructing gene regulatory networks # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def CCI_deg_detection_setup( self, group_key: Optional[str] = None, custom_tfs: Optional[List[str]] = None, sender_receiver_or_target_degs: Literal["sender", "receiver", "target"] = "sender", use_ligands: bool = True, use_receptors: bool = False, use_pathways: bool = False, use_targets: bool = False, use_cell_types: bool = False, compute_dim_reduction: bool = False, ): """Computes differential expression signatures of cells with various levels of ligand expression. Args: group_key: Key to add to .obs of the AnnData object created by this function, containing cell type labels for each cell. If not given, will use :attr `group_key`. custom_tfs: Optional list of transcription factors to make sure to be included in analysis. If given, these TFs will be included among the regulators regardless of the expression-based thresholding done in preprocessing. sender_receiver_or_target_degs: Only makes a difference if 'use_pathways' or 'use_cell_types' is specified. Determines whether to compute DEGs for ligands, receptors or target genes. If 'use_pathways' is True, the value of this argument will determine whether ligands or receptors are used to define the model. Note that in either case, differential expression of TFs, binding factors, etc. will be computed in association w/ ligands/receptors/target genes (only valid if 'use_cell_types' and not 'use_pathways' is specified. use_ligands: Use ligand array for differential expression analysis. Will take precedent over sender/receiver cell type if also provided. use_receptors: Use receptor array for differential expression analysis. Will take precedent over sender/receiver cell type if also provided. use_pathways: Use pathway array for differential expression analysis. Will use ligands in these pathways to collectively compute signaling potential score. Will take precedent over sender cell types if also provided. use_targets: Use target array for differential expression analysis. use_cell_types: Use cell types to use for differential expression analysis. If given, will preprocess/construct the necessary components to initialize cell type-specific models. Note- should be used alongside 'use_ligands', 'use_receptors', 'use_pathways' or 'use_targets' to select which molecules to investigate in each cell type. compute_dim_reduction: Whether to compute PCA representation of the data subsetted to targets. """ if use_pathways and self.species != "human": raise ValueError("Pathway analysis is only available for human samples.") if group_key is None: group_key = self.group_key if (use_ligands and use_receptors) or (use_ligands and use_targets) or (use_receptors and use_targets): "Multiple of 'use_ligands', 'use_receptors', 'use_targets' are given as function inputs. Note that " "'use_ligands' will take priority." ) if sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "target" and use_pathways: raise ValueError("`sender_receiver_or_target_degs` cannot be 'target' if 'use_pathways' is True.") # Check if the array of additional molecules to query has already been created: output_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) file_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path).split(".")[0] if use_ligands: targets_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_all_ligands.txt") elif use_receptors: targets_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_all_receptors.txt") elif use_pathways: targets_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_all_pathways.txt") elif use_targets: targets_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_all_target_genes.txt") elif use_cell_types: targets_folder = os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection") if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection")) # Check for existing processed downstream-task AnnData object: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}.h5ad")): # Load files in case they are already existent: counts_plus = anndata.read_h5ad(os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}.h5ad")) if use_ligands or use_pathways or use_receptors or use_targets: with open(targets_path, "r") as file: targets = file.readlines() else: targets = pd.read_csv(targets_path, index_col=0) "Found existing files for downstream analysis- skipping processing. Can proceed by running " ":func ~`self.CCI_sender_deg_detection()`." ) # Else generate the necessary files: else:"Generating and saving AnnData object for downstream analysis...") if self.cci_dir is None: raise ValueError("Please provide :attr `cci_dir`.") if self.species == "human": grn = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.cci_dir, "human_GRN.csv"), index_col=0) lr_db = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.cci_dir, "lr_db_human.csv"), index_col=0) elif self.species == "mouse": grn = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.cci_dir, "mouse_GRN.csv"), index_col=0) lr_db = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.cci_dir, "lr_db_mouse.csv"), index_col=0) # Subset GRN and other databases to only include TFs that are in the adata object: grn = grn[[col for col in grn.columns if col in self.adata.var_names]] analyze_pathway_ligands = sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "sender" and use_pathways analyze_pathway_receptors = sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "receiver" and use_pathways analyze_celltype_ligands = sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "sender" and use_cell_types analyze_celltype_receptors = sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "receiver" and use_cell_types analyze_celltype_targets = sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "target" and use_cell_types if use_ligands or analyze_pathway_ligands or analyze_celltype_ligands: database_ligands = list(set(lr_db["from"])) l_complexes = [elem for elem in database_ligands if "_" in elem] # Get individual components if any complexes are included in this list: ligand_set = [l for item in database_ligands for l in item.split("_")] ligand_set = [l for l in ligand_set if l in self.adata.var_names] elif use_receptors or analyze_pathway_receptors or analyze_celltype_receptors: database_receptors = list(set(lr_db["to"])) r_complexes = [elem for elem in database_receptors if "_" in elem] # Get individual components if any complexes are included in this list: receptor_set = [r for item in database_receptors for r in item.split("_")] receptor_set = [r for r in receptor_set if r in self.adata.var_names] elif use_targets or analyze_celltype_targets: target_set = self.targets_expr.columns signal = {} subsets = {} if use_ligands: if self.mod_type != "ligand" and self.mod_type != "lr": raise ValueError( "Sent signal from ligands cannot be used because the original specified 'mod_type' " "does not use ligand expression." ) # Sent signal from ligand- use non-lagged version b/c the upstream factor effects on ligand expression # are an intrinsic property: # Some of the columns in the ligands dataframe may be complexes- identify the single genes that # compose these complexes: sig_df = self.ligands_expr_nonlag for col in sig_df.columns: if col in l_complexes: sig_df = sig_df.drop(col, axis=1) for l in col.split("_"): if scipy.sparse.issparse(self.adata.X): gene_expr = self.adata[:, l].X.A else: gene_expr = self.adata[:, l].X sig_df[l] = gene_expr nonzero_expr = (sig_df != 0).sum() / len(sig_df) * 100 # Filter out columns that don't meet the threshold- expression in 1% of cells sig_df = sig_df.loc[:, nonzero_expr > 1] sig_df = sig_df[ [ l for l in sig_df.columns if l not in [ "Lta4h", "Fdx1", "Tfrc", "Trf", "Lamc1", "Aldh1a2", "Dhcr24", "Rnaset2a", "Ptges3", "Nampt", "Trf", "Fdx1", "Kdr", "Apoa2", "Apoe", "Dhcr7", "Enho", "Ptgr1", "Agrp", "Akr1b3", "Daglb", "Ubash3d", ] ] ] signal["all"] = sig_df subsets["all"] = self.adata elif use_receptors: if self.mod_type != "receptor" and self.mod_type != "lr": raise ValueError( "Sent signal from receptors cannot be used because the original specified 'mod_type' " "does not use receptor expression." ) # Received signal from receptor: # Some of the columns in the receptors dataframe may be complexes- identify the single genes that # compose these complexes: sig_df = self.receptors_expr for col in sig_df.columns: if col in r_complexes: sig_df = sig_df.drop(col, axis=1) for r in col.split("_"): if scipy.sparse.issparse(self.adata.X): gene_expr = self.adata[:, r].X.A else: gene_expr = self.adata[:, r].X sig_df[r] = gene_expr nonzero_expr = (sig_df != 0).sum() / len(sig_df) * 100 # Filter out columns that don't meet the threshold- expression in 1% of cells sig_df = sig_df.loc[:, nonzero_expr > 1] signal["all"] = sig_df subsets["all"] = self.adata elif use_pathways and sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "sender": if self.mod_type != "ligand" and self.mod_type != "lr": raise ValueError( "Sent signal from ligands cannot be used because the original specified 'mod_type' " "does not use ligand expression." ) # Groupby pathways and take the arithmetic mean of the ligands/interactions in each relevant pathway: lig_to_pathway_map = lr_db.set_index("from")["pathway"].drop_duplicates().to_dict() mapped_ligands = self.ligands_expr_nonlag.copy() mapped_ligands.columns = signal["all"] = mapped_ligands.groupby(by=mapped_ligands.columns, axis=1).sum() subsets["all"] = self.adata elif use_pathways and sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "receiver": if self.mod_type != "receptor" and self.mod_type != "lr": raise ValueError( "Received signal from receptors cannot be used because the original specified 'mod_type' " "does not use receptor expression." ) # Groupby pathways and take the arithmetic mean of the receptors/interactions in each relevant pathway: rec_to_pathway_map = lr_db.set_index("to")["pathway"].drop_duplicates().to_dict() mapped_receptors = self.receptors_expr.copy() mapped_receptors.columns = signal["all"] = mapped_receptors.groupby(by=mapped_receptors.columns, axis=1).sum() subsets["all"] = self.adata elif use_targets: if self.targets_path is not None: with open(self.targets_path, "r") as f: targets = else: targets = self.custom_targets # Check that all targets can be found in the source AnnData object: targets = [t for t in targets if t in self.adata.var_names] targets_expr = pd.DataFrame( self.adata[:, targets].X.A if scipy.sparse.issparse(self.adata.X) else self.adata[:, targets].X, index=self.adata.obs_names, columns=targets, ) signal["all"] = targets_expr subsets["all"] = self.adata elif use_cell_types: if self.mod_type != "niche": raise ValueError( "Cell categories cannot be used because the original specified 'mod_type' does not " "consider cell type. Change 'mod_type' to 'niche' if desired." ) # For downstream analysis through the lens of cell type, we can aid users in creating a downstream # effects model for each cell type: for cell_type in self.cell_categories.columns: ct_subset = self.adata[self.adata.obs[self.group_key] == cell_type, :].copy() subsets[cell_type] = ct_subset if "ligand_set" in locals(): mols = ligand_set elif "receptor_set" in locals(): mols = receptor_set elif "target_set" in locals(): mols = target_set ct_signaling = ct_subset[:, mols].copy() # Find the set of ligands/receptors that are expressed in at least n% of the cells of this cell type sig_expr_percentage = ( np.array((ct_signaling.X > 0).sum(axis=0)).squeeze() / ct_signaling.shape[0] * 100 ) ct_signaling = ct_signaling.var.index[sig_expr_percentage > self.target_expr_threshold] sig_expr = pd.DataFrame( self.adata[:, ct_signaling].X.A if scipy.sparse.issparse(self.adata.X) else self.adata[:, ct_signaling].X, index=self.sample_names, columns=ct_signaling, ) signal[cell_type] = sig_expr else: raise ValueError( "All of 'use_ligands', 'use_receptors', 'use_pathways', and 'use_cell_types' are False. Please set " "at least one to True." ) for subset_key in signal.keys(): signal_values = signal[subset_key].values adata = subsets[subset_key]"Selecting transcription factors for analysis of differential expression.") # Further subset list of additional factors to those that are expressed in at least n% of the cells # that are nonzero in cells of interest (use the user input 'target_expr_threshold'): n_cells_threshold = int(self.target_expr_threshold * adata.n_obs) all_TFs = list(grn.columns) if scipy.sparse.issparse(adata.X): nnz_counts = np.array(adata[:, all_TFs].X.getnnz(axis=0)).flatten() else: nnz_counts = np.array(adata[:, all_TFs].X.getnnz(axis=0)).flatten() all_TFs = [tf for tf, nnz in zip(all_TFs, nnz_counts) if nnz >= n_cells_threshold] if custom_tfs is not None: all_TFs.extend(custom_tfs) # Also add all TFs that can bind these TFs: primary_tf_rows = grn.loc[all_TFs] secondary_TFs = primary_tf_rows.columns[(primary_tf_rows == 1).any()].tolist() if scipy.sparse.issparse(adata.X): nnz_counts = np.array(adata[:, secondary_TFs].X.getnnz(axis=0)).flatten() else: nnz_counts = np.array(adata[:, secondary_TFs].X.getnnz(axis=0)).flatten() secondary_TFs = [ tf for tf, nnz in zip(secondary_TFs, nnz_counts) if nnz >= int(0.5 * n_cells_threshold) ] secondary_TFs = [tf for tf in secondary_TFs if tf not in all_TFs] regulator_features = all_TFs + secondary_TFs # Prioritize those that are most coexpressed with at least one target: regulator_expr = pd.DataFrame( adata[:, regulator_features].X.A, index=signal[subset_key].index, columns=regulator_features ) # Dataframe containing target expression: ds_targets_df = signal[subset_key] def intersection_ratio(signal_col, regulator_col): signal_nonzero = set(signal_col[signal_col != 0].index) regulator_nonzero = set(regulator_col[regulator_col != 0].index) intersection = signal_nonzero.intersection(regulator_nonzero) if len(regulator_nonzero) == 0: return 0 return len(intersection) / len(regulator_nonzero) # Calculating the intersection ratios and finding top 10 regulators for each signal top_regulators = {} for signal_column in ds_targets_df.columns: ratios = { regulator_column: intersection_ratio( ds_targets_df[signal_column], regulator_expr[regulator_column] ) for regulator_column in regulator_expr.columns } sorted_regulators = sorted(ratios, key=ratios.get, reverse=True)[:10] top_regulators[signal_column] = sorted_regulators # Final set of top regulators: regulator_features = list(set(reg for regs in top_regulators.values() for reg in regs)) # If custom TFs were filtered out this way, re-add them: if custom_tfs is not None: regulator_features.extend(custom_tfs) regulator_features = list(set(regulator_features)) f"For this dataset, marked {len(regulator_features)} transcription factors of interest." ) # Take subset of AnnData object corresponding to these regulators: counts = adata[:, regulator_features].copy() # Convert to dataframe: counts_df = pd.DataFrame(counts.X.toarray(), index=counts.obs_names, columns=counts.var_names) # combined_df = pd.concat([counts_df, signal[subset_key]], axis=1) # Store the targets (ligands/receptors) to AnnData object, save to file path: counts_targets = anndata.AnnData(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(signal[subset_key].values)) counts_targets.obs_names = signal[subset_key].index counts_targets.var_names = signal[subset_key].columns targets = signal[subset_key].columns # Make note that certain columns are pathways and not individual molecules that can be found in the # AnnData object: if use_pathways: counts_targets.uns["target_type"] = "pathway" elif use_ligands or (use_cell_types and sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "sender"): counts_targets.uns["target_type"] = "ligands" elif use_receptors or (use_cell_types and sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "receiver"): counts_targets.uns["target_type"] = "receptors" elif use_targets or (use_cell_types and sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "target"): counts_targets.uns["target_type"] = "target_genes" if compute_dim_reduction: # To compute PCA, first need to standardize data: sig_sub_df = signal[subset_key] sig_sub_df = np.log1p(sig_sub_df) sig_sub_df = (sig_sub_df - sig_sub_df.mean()) / sig_sub_df.std() # Optionally, can use dimensionality reduction to aid in computing the nearest neighbors for the # model (cells that are nearby in dimensionally-reduced signaling space will be neighbors in # this scenario). # Compute latent representation of the AnnData subset: # Compute the ideal number of UMAP components to use- use half the number of features as the # max possible number of components:"Computing optimal number of PCA components ...") n_pca_components = find_optimal_pca_components(sig_sub_df.values, TruncatedSVD) # Perform UMAP reduction with the chosen number of components, store in AnnData object: _, X_pca = pca_fit(sig_sub_df.values, TruncatedSVD, n_components=n_pca_components) counts_targets.obsm["X_pca"] = X_pca"Computed dimensionality reduction for gene expression targets.") # Compute the "Jaccard array" (recording expressed/not expressed): counts_targets.obsm["X_jaccard"] = np.where(signal[subset_key].values > 0, 1, 0) cell_types = self.adata.obs.loc[signal[subset_key].index, self.group_key] counts_targets.obs[group_key] = cell_types if self.total_counts_key is not None: counts_targets.obs[self.total_counts_key] = self.adata.obs.loc[ signal[subset_key].index, self.total_counts_key ] # Iterate over regulators: regulators = counts_df.columns # Add each target to AnnData .obs field: for reg in regulators: counts_targets.obs[f"regulator_{reg}"] = counts_df[reg].values if "targets_path" in locals(): # Save to .txt file: with open(targets_path, "w") as file: for t in targets: file.write(t + "\n") else: if use_ligands or (use_cell_types and sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "sender"): targets_path = os.path.join(targets_folder, f"{file_name}_{subset_key}_ligands.txt") elif use_receptors or (use_cell_types and sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "receiver"): targets_path = os.path.join(targets_folder, f"{file_name}_{subset_key}_receptors.txt") elif use_pathways: targets_path = os.path.join(targets_folder, f"{file_name}_{subset_key}_pathways.txt") elif use_targets or (use_cell_types and sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "target"): targets_path = os.path.join(targets_folder, f"{file_name}_{subset_key}_target_genes.txt") with open(targets_path, "w") as file: for t in targets: file.write(t + "\n") if "ligand_set" in locals(): id = "ligand_regulators" elif "receptor_set" in locals(): id = "receptor_regulators" elif "target_set" in locals(): id = "target_gene_regulators" "'CCI_sender_deg_detection'- saving regulatory molecules to test as .h5ad file to the " "directory of the output..." ) counts_targets.write_h5ad( os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_{subset_key}_{id}.h5ad") )
[docs] def CCI_deg_detection( self, group_key: str, cci_dir_path: str, sender_receiver_or_target_degs: Literal["sender", "receiver", "target"] = "sender", use_ligands: bool = True, use_receptors: bool = False, use_pathways: bool = False, use_targets: bool = False, ligand_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, receptor_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, target_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, cell_type: Optional[str] = None, use_dim_reduction: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """Downstream method that when called, creates a separate instance of :class `MuSIC` specifically designed for the downstream task of detecting differentially expressed genes associated w/ ligand expression. Args: group_key: Key in `adata.obs` that corresponds to the cell type (or other grouping) labels cci_dir_path: Path to directory containing all Spateo databases sender_receiver_or_target_degs: Only makes a difference if 'use_pathways' or 'use_cell_types' is specified. Determines whether to compute DEGs for ligands, receptors or target genes. If 'use_pathways' is True, the value of this argument will determine whether ligands or receptors are used to define the model. Note that in either case, differential expression of TFs, binding factors, etc. will be computed in association w/ ligands/receptors/target genes (only valid if 'use_cell_types' and not 'use_pathways' is specified. use_ligands: Use ligand array for differential expression analysis. Will take precedent over receptors and sender/receiver cell types if also provided. Should match the input to :func `CCI_sender_deg_detection_setup`. use_receptors: Use receptor array for differential expression analysis. use_pathways: Use pathway array for differential expression analysis. Will use ligands in these pathways to collectively compute signaling potential score. Will take precedent over sender cell types if also provided. Should match the input to :func `CCI_sender_deg_detection_setup`. use_targets: Use target genes array for differential expression analysis. ligand_subset: Subset of ligands to use for differential expression analysis. If not given, will use all ligands from the upstream model. receptor_subset: Subset of receptors to use for differential expression analysis. If not given, will use all receptors from the upstream model. target_subset: Subset of target genes to use for differential expression analysis. If not given, will use all target genes from the upstream model. cell_type: Cell type to use to use for differential expression analysis. If given, will use the ligand/receptor subset obtained from :func ~`CCI_deg_detection_setup` and cells of the chosen cell type in the model. use_dim_reduction: Whether to use PCA representation of the data to find nearest neighbors. If False, will instead use the Jaccard distance. Defaults to False. Note that this will ultimately fail if dimensionality reduction was not performed in :func ~`CCI_deg_detection_setup`. kwargs: Keyword arguments for any of the Spateo argparse arguments. Should not include 'adata_path', 'custom_lig_path' & 'ligand' or 'custom_pathways_path' & 'pathway' (depending on whether ligands or pathways are being used for the analysis), and should not include 'output_path' (which will be determined by the output path used for the main model). Should also not include any of the other arguments for this function Returns: downstream_model: Fitted model instance that can be used for further downstream applications """ logger = lm.get_main_logger() if use_pathways and self.species != "human": raise ValueError("Pathway analysis is only available for human samples.") if use_ligands: kwargs["mod_type"] = "downstream_ligand" elif use_receptors: kwargs["mod_type"] = "downstream_receptor" elif use_pathways: kwargs["mod_type"] = "downstream_pathway" elif use_targets: kwargs["mod_type"] = "downstream_target" kwargs["cci_dir"] = cci_dir_path kwargs["species"] = self.species kwargs["group_key"] = group_key kwargs["coords_key"] = "X_pca" if use_dim_reduction else "X_jaccard" kwargs["bw_fixed"] = True kwargs["total_counts_threshold"] = self.total_counts_threshold kwargs["total_counts_key"] = self.total_counts_key # Use the same output directory as the main model, add folder demarcating results from downstream task: output_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) output_file_name = os.path.basename(self.output_path) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection")) if use_ligands or use_receptors or use_pathways or use_targets: file_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path).split(".")[0] if use_ligands: id = "ligand_regulators" file_id = "ligand_analysis" elif use_receptors: id = "receptor_regulators" file_id = "receptor_analysis" elif use_pathways and sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "sender": id = "ligand_regulators" file_id = "pathway_analysis_ligands" elif use_pathways and sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "receiver": id = "receptor_regulators" file_id = "pathway_analysis_receptors" elif use_targets: id = "target_gene_regulators" file_id = "target_gene_analysis" if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", file_id)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", file_id)) output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", file_id, output_file_name) kwargs["output_path"] = output_path f"Using AnnData object stored at " f"{os.path.join(output_dir, 'cci_deg_detection', f'{file_name}_all_{id}.h5ad')}." ) kwargs["adata_path"] = os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_all_{id}.h5ad") if use_ligands: if ligand_subset is not None: # Save ligand subset to file: with open( os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_ligand_subset.txt"), "w" ) as file: for l in ligand_subset: file.write(l + "\n") kwargs["custom_lig_path"] = os.path.join( output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_ligand_subset.txt" ) else: kwargs["custom_lig_path"] = os.path.join( output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_all_ligands.txt" )"Using ligands stored at {kwargs['custom_lig_path']}.") elif use_receptors: if receptor_subset is not None: # Save receptor subset to file: with open( os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_receptor_subset.txt"), "w" ) as file: for r in receptor_subset: file.write(r + "\n") kwargs["custom_rec_path"] = os.path.join( output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_receptor_subset.txt" ) else: kwargs["custom_rec_path"] = os.path.join( output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_all_receptors.txt" ) elif use_pathways: kwargs["custom_pathways_path"] = os.path.join( output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_all_pathways.txt" )"Using pathways stored at {kwargs['custom_pathways_path']}.") elif use_targets: if target_subset is not None: # Save target subset to file: with open( os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_target_subset.txt"), "w" ) as file: for t in target_subset: file.write(t + "\n") kwargs["targets_path"] = os.path.join( output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_target_subset.txt" ) else: kwargs["targets_path"] = os.path.join( output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_all_target_genes.txt" )"Using target genes stored at {kwargs['targets_path']}.") else: raise ValueError("One of 'use_ligands', 'use_receptors', 'use_pathways' or 'use_targets' must be True.") # Create new instance of MuSIC: parser, args_list = define_spateo_argparse(**kwargs) downstream_model = MuSIC(parser, args_list) downstream_model._set_up_model() downstream_model.predict_and_save() elif cell_type is not None: # For each cell type, fit a different model: file_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path).split(".")[0] # create output sub-directory for this model: if sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "sender": file_id = "ligand_analysis" elif sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "receiver": file_id = "receptor_analysis" elif sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "target": file_id = "target_gene_analysis" if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", cell_type, file_id)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", cell_type, file_id)) subset_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", cell_type, file_id) # Check if directory already exists, if not create it if not os.path.exists(subset_output_dir):"Output folder for cell type {cell_type} does not exist, creating it now.") os.makedirs(subset_output_dir) output_path = os.path.join(subset_output_dir, output_file_name) kwargs["output_path"] = output_path kwargs["adata_path"] = os.path.join(output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_{cell_type}.h5ad")"Using AnnData object stored at {kwargs['adata_path']}.") if sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "sender": kwargs["custom_lig_path"] = os.path.join( output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_{cell_type}_ligands.txt" )"Using ligands stored at {kwargs['custom_lig_path']}.") elif sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "receiver": kwargs["custom_rec_path"] = os.path.join( output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_{cell_type}_receptors.txt" )"Using receptors stored at {kwargs['custom_rec_path']}.") elif sender_receiver_or_target_degs == "target": kwargs["targets_path"] = os.path.join( output_dir, "cci_deg_detection", f"{file_name}_{cell_type}_target_genes.txt" )"Using target genes stored at {kwargs['targets_path']}.") # Create new instance of MuSIC: parser, args_list = define_spateo_argparse(**kwargs) downstream_model = MuSIC(parser, args_list) downstream_model._set_up_model() downstream_model.predict_and_save() else: raise ValueError("'use_ligands' and 'use_pathways' are both False, and 'cell_type' was not given.")
[docs] def deg_effect_barplot( self, target: str, interaction_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, top_n_interactions: Optional[int] = None, fontsize: Union[None, int] = None, figsize: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = None, cmap: str = "Blues", save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return", "both", "all"] = "show", save_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {}, ): """Visualize the proportion of cells expressing a particular target (ligand, receptor, or target gene involved in an upstream CCI model) that are predicted to be affected by each transcription factor, or that are predicted to be affected by each L:R pair/ligand. Args: target: Target gene interaction_subset: Optional, can be used to specify subset of interactions (transcription factors, L:R pairs, etc.) to visualize, e.g. ["Sox2", "Irx3"]. If not given, will default to all TFs, L:R pairs, etc. top_n_interactions: Optional, can be used to specify the top n interactions (transcription factors, L:R pair, ligand, etc.) to visualize. If not given, will default to all TFs, L:R pairs, etc. fontsize: Font size to determine size of the axis labels, ticks, title, etc. figsize: Width and height of plotting window cmap: Name of matplotlib colormap specifying colormap to use. Must be a sequential colormap. save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure. If "both", it will save and plot the figure at the same time. If "all", the figure will be saved, displayed and the associated axis and other object will be return. save_kwargs: A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function. By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'scatter', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise you can provide a dictionary that properly modifies those keys according to your needs. """ if fontsize is None: fontsize = rcParams.get("font.size") if figsize is None: figsize = rcParams.get("figure.figsize") sequential_cmaps = [ "Greys", "Purples", "Blues", "Greens", "Oranges", "Reds", "YlOrBr", "YlOrRd", "OrRd", "PuRd", "RdPu", "BuPu", "GnBu", "PuBu", "YlGnBu", "PuBuGn", "BuGn", "YlGn", "binary", "gist_yarg", "gist_gray", "gray", "bone", "pink", "spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter", "cool", "Wistia", "hot", "afmhot", "gist_heat", "copper", "viridis", "plasma", "inferno", "magma", "cividis", ] sequential_cmaps_r = [f"{c}_r" for c in sequential_cmaps] if cmap not in sequential_cmaps and cmap not in sequential_cmaps_r: raise ValueError(f"Colormap {cmap} is not a sequential colormap.") # Check whether target is a ligand, receptor, or target gene: if target in self.coeffs.keys(): all_coeffs = self.coeffs[target] all_feature_names = [f for f in self.design_matrix.columns] elif target in self.downstream_model_ligand_coeffs.keys(): all_coeffs = self.downstream_model_ligand_coeffs[target] all_feature_names = [ f.replace("regulator_", "") for f in self.downstream_model_ligand_design_matrix.columns ] elif target in self.downstream_model_receptor_coeffs.keys(): all_coeffs = self.downstream_model_receptor_coeffs[target] all_feature_names = [ f.replace("regulator_", "") for f in self.downstream_model_receptor_design_matrix.columns ] elif target in self.downstream_model_target_coeffs.keys(): all_coeffs = self.downstream_model_target_coeffs[target] all_feature_names = [ f.replace("regulator_", "") for f in self.downstream_model_target_design_matrix.columns ] else: raise ValueError(f"Information for target {target} not found. {target} may not have been a model target.") all_coeffs.columns = [f.replace("b_", "") for f in all_coeffs.columns] if interaction_subset is not None: all_feature_names = [f for f in all_feature_names if f in interaction_subset] all_feature_names = [f for f in all_feature_names if f in all_coeffs.columns] all_coeffs = all_coeffs[all_feature_names] output_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) file_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path).split(".")[0] if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")) figure_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures", "temp") if not os.path.exists(figure_folder): os.makedirs(figure_folder) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=figsize) nz_cells = np.where(self.adata[:, target].X.toarray() > 0)[0] proportions = (all_coeffs.iloc[nz_cells] != 0).mean() proportions = proportions.sort_values(ascending=False) if top_n_interactions is None: top_n_interactions = len(proportions) sns.barplot( x=proportions.index[:top_n_interactions], y=proportions[:top_n_interactions], palette=cmap, edgecolor="black", ax=ax, ) plt.xlabel("Transcription factor", fontsize=fontsize * 1.1) plt.ylabel(f"Proportion", fontsize=fontsize * 1.1) plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize, rotation=90) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.title( f"Proportion of cells expressing {target} predicted \nto be affected by transcription factors", fontsize=fontsize * 1.25, ) save_kwargs["ext"] = "png" save_kwargs["dpi"] = 300 if "figure_folder" in locals(): save_kwargs["path"] = figure_folder save_return_show_fig_utils( save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, show_legend=True, background="white", prefix=f"{target}_effect_barplot", save_kwargs=save_kwargs, total_panels=1, fig=fig, axes=ax, return_all=False, return_all_list=None, )
[docs] def deg_effect_heatmap( self, target_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, target_type: Literal["ligand", "receptor", "target_gene", "tf_target"] = "target_gene", to_plot: Literal["proportion", "specificity"] = "proportion", interaction_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, fontsize: Union[None, int] = None, figsize: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = None, cmap: str = "magma", lower_proportion_threshold: float = 0.1, order_interactions: bool = False, order_targets: bool = False, remove_rows_and_cols_threshold: Optional[int] = None, save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return", "both", "all"] = "show", save_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {}, save_df: bool = False, ): """ Visualize the proportion of cells expressing any target (ligand, receptor, or target gene involved in an upstream CCI model) that are predicted to be affected by each transcription factor, or that are predicted to be affected by each L:R pair/ligand, using a heatmap for visualization. Args: target_subset: Optional, can be used to specify subset of targets (ligands, receptors, target genes, or "TF_target" for target genes where the interaction to plot is TF effect) to visualize, e.g. ["Tubb1a", "Tubb1b"]. If not given, will default to all targets. target_type: Type of target gene to visualize. Must be one of "ligand", "receptor", or "target_gene". Defaults to "target_gene". Used to specify where to search for the target genes to process. to_plot: Two options, "proportion" or "specificity": for proportion, plot the proportion of cells expressing the target that are affected by each interaction. For specificity, take the proportion of cells affected by each interaction for which the interaction is predicted to affect a specific target. interaction_subset: Optional, can be used to specify subset of interactions (transcription factors, L:R pairs, etc.) to visualize, e.g. ["Sox2", "Irx3"]. If not given, will default to all TFs, L:R pairs, etc. fontsize: Font size to determine size of the axis labels, ticks, title, etc. figsize: Width and height of plotting window cmap: Name of matplotlib colormap specifying colormap to use. Must be a sequential colormap. lower_proportion_threshold: Proportion threshold below which to set the proportion to 0 in the display. Defaults to 0.1. order_interactions: Whether to hierarchically sort the y-axis/interactions (transcription factors, L:R pairs, etc.). order_targets: Whether to hierarchically sort the x-axis/targets (ligands, receptors, target genes) remove_rows_and_cols_threshold: Optional, can be used to specify the threshold for the number of nonzero interactions/TFs a row/column needs to be displayed. If not given, all rows and columns will be displayed. save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure. If "both", it will save and plot the figure at the same time. If "all", the figure will be saved, displayed and the associated axis and other object will be return. save_kwargs: A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function. By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'scatter', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise you can provide a dictionary that properly modifies those keys according to your needs. save_df: Set True to save the metric dataframe in the end """ if save_df: output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "analyses") if not os.path.exists(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) base_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path) adata_id = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0] if order_interactions or order_targets: from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import leaves_list, linkage from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist if fontsize is None: fontsize = rcParams.get("font.size") if figsize is None: figsize = rcParams.get("figure.figsize") sequential_cmaps = [ "Greys", "Purples", "Blues", "Greens", "Oranges", "Reds", "YlOrBr", "YlOrRd", "OrRd", "PuRd", "RdPu", "BuPu", "GnBu", "PuBu", "YlGnBu", "PuBuGn", "BuGn", "YlGn", "binary", "gist_yarg", "gist_gray", "gray", "bone", "pink", "spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter", "cool", "Wistia", "hot", "afmhot", "gist_heat", "copper", "viridis", "plasma", "inferno", "magma", "cividis", ] sequential_cmaps_r = [f"{c}_r" for c in sequential_cmaps] if cmap not in sequential_cmaps and cmap not in sequential_cmaps_r: raise ValueError(f"Colormap {cmap} is not a sequential colormap.") # Check whether targets are specified to be ligands, receptors, or target genes: if target_type == "ligand": all_coeffs = self.downstream_model_ligand_coeffs dm = self.downstream_model_ligand_design_matrix all_feature_names = [ f.replace("regulator_", "") for f in self.downstream_model_ligand_design_matrix.columns ] elif target_type == "receptor": all_coeffs = self.downstream_model_receptor_coeffs dm = self.downstream_model_receptor_design_matrix all_feature_names = [ f.replace("regulator_", "") for f in self.downstream_model_receptor_design_matrix.columns ] elif target_type == "tf_target": all_coeffs = self.downstream_model_target_coeffs dm = self.downstream_model_target_design_matrix all_feature_names = [f for f in self.downstream_model_target_design_matrix.columns] elif target_type == "target_gene": all_coeffs = self.coeffs dm = self.design_matrix all_feature_names = [f for f in self.design_matrix.columns] else: raise ValueError( f"Target type {target_type} not recognized. Must be one of 'ligand', 'receptor', or 'target'." ) output_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) file_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path).split(".")[0] if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")) figure_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures", "temp") if not os.path.exists(figure_folder): os.makedirs(figure_folder) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=figsize) all_plot_values = pd.DataFrame() for target in all_coeffs.keys(): all_coeffs_target = all_coeffs[target] all_coeffs_target.columns = [f.replace("b_", "") for f in all_coeffs_target.columns] # Fill in missing columns with 0s: all_coeffs_target = all_coeffs_target.reindex(all_feature_names, axis=1).fillna(0) if interaction_subset is not None: all_feature_names = [f for f in all_feature_names if f in interaction_subset] all_feature_names = [f for f in all_feature_names if f in all_coeffs_target.columns] all_coeffs_target = all_coeffs_target[all_feature_names] if to_plot == "proportion": nz_cells = np.where(self.adata[:, target].X.toarray() > 0)[0] for interaction in all_feature_names: proportions = (all_coeffs_target.iloc[nz_cells][interaction] != 0).mean() all_plot_values.loc[interaction, target] = proportions elif to_plot == "specificity": for interaction in all_feature_names: if target_type in ["ligand", "receptor", "tf_target"]: all_cells_affected = dm[dm[f"regulator_{interaction}"] > 0] else: all_cells_affected = dm[dm[interaction] > 0] specificity = (all_coeffs_target.loc[all_cells_affected.index, interaction] != 0).mean() all_plot_values.loc[interaction, target] = specificity all_plot_values.index = [replace_col_with_collagens(f) for f in all_plot_values.index] all_plot_values.index = [replace_hla_with_hlas(f) for f in all_plot_values.index] if order_interactions: interaction_dist_mat = pdist(all_plot_values.values, metric="euclidean") interaction_linkage = linkage(interaction_dist_mat, method="ward") interaction_order = leaves_list(interaction_linkage) all_proportions = all_plot_values.iloc[interaction_order] if order_targets: target_dist_mat = pdist(all_plot_values.T.values, metric="euclidean") target_linkage = linkage(target_dist_mat, method="ward") target_order = leaves_list(target_linkage) all_plot_values = all_plot_values.T.iloc[target_order].T if remove_rows_and_cols_threshold is not None: # Keep rows/columns with any values above the threshold rows_above_threshold = (all_plot_values > lower_proportion_threshold).sum( axis=1 ) >= remove_rows_and_cols_threshold cols_above_threshold = (all_plot_values > lower_proportion_threshold).sum( axis=0 ) >= remove_rows_and_cols_threshold all_plot_values = all_plot_values.loc[rows_above_threshold, cols_above_threshold]"Number of remaining rows: {len(all_plot_values.index)}")"Number of remaining columns: {len(all_plot_values.columns)}") thickness = 0.5 * figsize[0] / 10 mask = np.abs(all_plot_values) < lower_proportion_threshold ax.set_facecolor("white") m = sns.heatmap( all_plot_values, square=True, linecolor="grey", linewidths=thickness, cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=all_plot_values.max().max(), mask=mask, ax=ax, cbar=False, ) # Outer frame: for _, spine in m.spines.items(): spine.set_visible(True) spine.set_linewidth(thickness * 2.5) # Adjust colorbar settings: divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # Append axes to the top of the plot, where the colorbar will be placed if all_plot_values.shape[0] > all_plot_values.shape[1]: cax = divider.append_axes("top", size="30%", pad=0) else: cax = divider.append_axes("top", size="30%", pad="30%") # Create the colorbar manually in the appended axes cbar = plt.colorbar(m.collections[0], cax=cax, orientation="horizontal") cbar.set_label(to_plot.title(), fontsize=fontsize * 1.5, labelpad=10)"top") # Move ticks to the top"top") # Move the label (title) to the top * 1.5) if target_type == "ligand": x_label = "Ligand" elif target_type == "receptor": x_label = "Receptor" elif target_type == "target_gene" or target_type == "tf_target": x_label = "Target Gene" y_label = "L:R interaction" if target_type == "target_gene" else "Transcription factor" id = "L:R interaction" if target_type == "target_gene" else "TF" ax.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=fontsize * 2) ax.set_ylabel(y_label, fontsize=fontsize * 2) ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize, rotation=90) ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize) title_fontsize = fontsize * 2.25 if figsize[0] > 20 else fontsize * 2 title = ( f"Proportion of target-expressing cells \naffected by each {id}" if to_plot == "proportion" else f"Specificity of each {id}" ) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=title_fontsize, pad=20) prefix = "heatmap" if save_df: all_plot_values.to_csv( os.path.join( output_folder, f"{prefix}_{adata_id}_proportion_affected_by_interaction.csv", ) ) f"Saving {to_plot} dataframe to " f"{os.path.join(output_folder,f'{prefix}_{adata_id}_proportion_affected_by_interaction.csv')}" ) if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: save_kwargs["ext"] = "png" save_kwargs["dpi"] = 300 if "figure_folder" in locals(): save_kwargs["path"] = figure_folder # Save figure: save_return_show_fig_utils( save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, show_legend=False, background="white", prefix=prefix, save_kwargs=save_kwargs, total_panels=1, fig=fig, axes=ax, return_all=False, return_all_list=None, )
[docs] def top_target_barplot( self, interaction: str, target_subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, use_ligand_targets: bool = False, use_receptor_targets: bool = False, use_target_gene_targets: bool = True, top_n_targets: Optional[int] = None, fontsize: Union[None, int] = None, figsize: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = None, cmap: str = "Blues", save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return", "both", "all"] = "show", save_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {}, ): """Visualize the proportion of cells expressing each target (ligand, receptor, or target gene involved in an upstream CCI model) that are predicted to be affected by a given interaction, i.e. transcription factor, L:R pair/ligand. Args: interaction: The interaction to investigate, in the form specified in the design matrix, e.g. "Sox9" or "Igf1:Igf1r". target_subset: Optional, specify subset of target genes to visualize. If not given, defaults to all targets. use_ligand_targets: Whether ligands should be used as targets, i.e. if "interaction" is a TF and the target genes being influenced by the TF are ligands. If True, will ignore "use_receptor_targets" and "use_target_gene_targets". use_receptor_targets: Whether receptors should be used as targets, i.e. if "interaction" is a TF and the target genes being influenced by the TF are receptors. If True, will ignore "use_target_gene_targets". use_target_gene_targets: Whether target genes should be used as targets, i.e. if "interaction" is a TF and the target genes being influenced by the TF are target genes (that are not ligands or receptors). top_n_targets: Number of top targets to visualize. Defaults to 10. fontsize: Font size to determine size of the axis labels, ticks, title, etc. figsize: Width and height of plotting window cmap: Name of matplotlib colormap specifying colormap to use. Must be a sequential colormap. save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure. If "both", it will save and plot the figure at the same time. If "all", the figure will be saved, displayed and the associated axis and other object will be return. save_kwargs: A dictionary that will passed to the save_fig function. By default it is an empty dictionary and the save_fig function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'scatter', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise you can provide a dictionary that properly modifies those keys according to your needs. """ if fontsize is None: fontsize = rcParams.get("font.size") if figsize is None: figsize = rcParams.get("figure.figsize") sequential_cmaps = [ "Greys", "Purples", "Blues", "Greens", "Oranges", "Reds", "YlOrBr", "YlOrRd", "OrRd", "PuRd", "RdPu", "BuPu", "GnBu", "PuBu", "YlGnBu", "PuBuGn", "BuGn", "YlGn", "binary", "gist_yarg", "gist_gray", "gray", "bone", "pink", "spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter", "cool", "Wistia", "hot", "afmhot", "gist_heat", "copper", "viridis", "plasma", "inferno", "magma", "cividis", ] sequential_cmaps_r = [f"{c}_r" for c in sequential_cmaps] if cmap not in sequential_cmaps and cmap not in sequential_cmaps_r: raise ValueError(f"Colormap {cmap} is not a sequential colormap.") # Check if interaction is present in the design matrix: if use_ligand_targets: if f"regulator_{interaction}" not in self.downstream_model_ligand_design_matrix.columns: raise ValueError(f"Feature {interaction} not found in design matrix.") all_coeffs = self.downstream_model_ligand_coeffs elif use_receptor_targets: if f"regulator_{interaction}" not in self.downstream_model_receptor_design_matrix.columns: raise ValueError(f"Feature {interaction} not found in design matrix.") all_coeffs = self.downstream_model_receptor_coeffs # For target genes, the regulating features can be ligand/L:R, or TFs: elif use_target_gene_targets and interaction in self.design_matrix.columns: all_coeffs = self.coeffs elif ( use_target_gene_targets and f"regulator_{interaction}" in self.downstream_model_target_design_matrix.columns ): all_coeffs = self.downstream_model_target_coeffs else: raise ValueError(f"Feature {interaction} not found in design matrix.") if target_subset is not None: all_coeffs = {k: all_coeffs[k] for k in all_coeffs.keys() if k in target_subset} prop_effects = {} for target, df in all_coeffs.items(): feats = [f.replace("b_", "") for f in df.columns] if interaction in feats: # Target-expressing cells predicted to be effected by interaction: nz_cells = np.where(self.adata[:, target].X.toarray() > 0)[0] prop_effects[target] = (df[f"b_{interaction}"].iloc[nz_cells] != 0).mean() prop_effects = pd.Series(prop_effects) prop_effects = prop_effects.sort_values(ascending=False) if top_n_targets is None: top_n_targets = len(prop_effects) output_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) file_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path).split(".")[0] if save_show_or_return in ["save", "both", "all"]: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures")) figure_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "figures", "temp") if not os.path.exists(figure_folder): os.makedirs(figure_folder) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=figsize) sns.barplot( x=prop_effects.index[:top_n_targets], y=prop_effects[:top_n_targets], palette=cmap, edgecolor="black", ax=ax ) plt.xlabel("Target Gene", fontsize=fontsize * 1.1) plt.ylabel("Proportion", fontsize=fontsize * 1.1) plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize, rotation=90) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.title(f"Proportion of cells expressing target \naffected by {interaction}", fontsize=fontsize * 1.25) save_kwargs["ext"] = "png" save_kwargs["dpi"] = 300 if "figure_folder" in locals(): save_kwargs["path"] = figure_folder save_return_show_fig_utils( save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, show_legend=True, background="white", prefix=f"effect_barplot_for_{interaction}", save_kwargs=save_kwargs, total_panels=1, fig=fig, axes=ax, return_all=False, return_all_list=None, )
[docs] def visualize_intercellular_network( self, lr_model_output_dir: str, target_subset: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, top_n_targets: Optional[int] = 3, ligand_subset: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, receptor_subset: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, regulator_subset: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, include_tf_ligand: bool = False, include_tf_target: bool = True, cell_subset: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, select_n_lr: int = 5, select_n_tf: int = 3, effect_size_threshold: float = 0.2, coexpression_threshold: float = 0.2, aggregate_method: Literal["mean", "median", "sum"] = "mean", cmap_neighbors: str = "autumn", cmap_default: str = "winter", scale_factor: float = 3, layout: Literal["random", "circular", "kamada", "planar", "spring", "spectral", "spiral"] = "planar", node_fontsize: int = 8, edge_fontsize: int = 8, arrow_size: int = 1, node_label_position: str = "middle center", edge_label_position: str = "middle center", upper_margin: float = 40, lower_margin: float = 20, left_margin: float = 50, right_margin: float = 50, title: Optional[str] = None, save_path: Optional[str] = None, save_id: Optional[str] = None, save_ext: str = "png", dpi: int = 300, ): """After fitting model, construct and visualize the inferred intercellular regulatory network. Effect sizes ( edge values) will be averaged over cells specified by "cell_subset", otherwise all cells will be used. Args: lr_model_output_dir: Path to directory containing the outputs of the L:R model. This function will assume :attr `output_path` is the output path for the downstream model, i.e. connecting regulatory factors/TFs to ligands/receptors/targets. target_subset: Optional, can be used to specify target genes downstream of signaling interactions of interest. If not given, will use all targets used for the model. top_n_targets: Optional, can be used to specify the number of top targets to include in the network instead of providing full list of custom targets ("top" judged by fraction of the chosen subset of cells each target is expressed in). ligand_subset: Optional, can be used to specify subset of ligands. If not given, will use all ligands present in any of the interactions for the model. receptor_subset: Optional, can be used to specify subset of receptors. If not given, will use all receptors present in any of the interactions for the model. regulator_subset: Optional, can be used to specify subset of regulators (transcription factors, etc.). If not given, will use all regulatory molecules used in fitting the downstream model(s). include_tf_ligand: Whether to include TF-ligand interactions in the network. While providing more information, this can make it more difficult to interpret the plot. Defaults to False. include_tf_target: Whether to include TF-target interactions in the network. While providing more information, this can make it more difficult to interpret the plot. Defaults to True. cell_subset: Optional, can be used to specify subset of cells to use for averaging effect sizes. If not given, will use all cells. Can be either: - A list of cell IDs (must be in the same format as the cell IDs in the adata object) - Cell type label(s) select_n_lr: Threshold for filtering out edges with low effect sizes, by selecting up to the top n L:R interactions per target (fewer can be selected if the top n are all zero). Default is 5. select_n_tf: Threshold for filtering out edges with low effect sizes, by selecting up to the top n TFs. For TF-ligand edges, will select the top n for each receptor (with a theoretical maximum of n * number of receptors in the graph). coexpression_threshold: For receptor-target, TF-ligand, TF-receptor links, only draw edges if the molecule pairs in question are coexpressed in > threshold number of cells. aggregate_method: Only used when "include_tf_ligand" is True. For the TF-ligand array, each row will be replaced by the mean, median or sum of the neighboring rows. Defaults to "mean". cmap_neighbors: Colormap to use for nodes belonging to "source"/receiver cells. Defaults to yellow-orange-red. cmap_default: Colormap to use for nodes belonging to "neighbor"/sender cells. Defaults to purple-blue-green. scale_factor: Adjust to modify the size of the nodes layout: Used for positioning nodes on the plot. Options: - "random": Randomly positions nodes ini the unit square. - "circular": Positions nodes on a circle. - "kamada": Positions nodes using Kamada-Kawai path-length cost-function. - "planar": Positions nodes without edge intersections, if possible. - "spring": Positions nodes using Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm. - "spectral": Positions nodes using eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian. - "spiral": Positions nodes in a spiral layout. node_fontsize: Font size for node labels edge_fontsize: Font size for edge labels arrow_size: Size of the arrow for directed graphs, by default 1 node_label_position: Position of node labels. Options: 'top left', 'top center', 'top right', 'middle left', 'middle center', 'middle right', 'bottom left', 'bottom center', 'bottom right' edge_label_position: Position of edge labels. Options: 'top left', 'top center', 'top right', 'middle left', 'middle center', 'middle right', 'bottom left', 'bottom center', 'bottom right' title: Optional, title for the plot. If not given, will use the AnnData object path to derive this. upper_margin: Margin between top of the plot and top of the figure lower_margin: Margin between bottom of the plot and bottom of the figure left_margin: Margin between left of the plot and left of the figure right_margin: Margin between right of the plot and right of the figure save_path: Optional, directory to save figure to. If not given, will save to the parent folder of the path provided for :attr `output_path` in the argument specification. save_id: Optional unique identifier that can be used in saving. If not given, will use the AnnData object path to derive this. save_ext: File extension to save figure as. Default is "png". dpi: Resolution to save figure at. Default is 300. Returns: G: Graph object, such that it can be separately plotted in interactive window. sizing_list: List of node sizes, for use in interactive window. color_list: List of node colors, for use in interactive window. """ logger = lm.get_main_logger() config_spateo_rcParams() # Set display DPI: plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = dpi # Check that self.output_path corresponds to the downstream model if "regulator_subset" is given: downstream_model_output_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) if ( not os.path.exists(os.path.join(downstream_model_output_dir, "cci_deg_detection")) and regulator_subset is not None ): raise FileNotFoundError( "No downstream model was ever constructed, however this is necessary to include " "regulatory factors in the network." ) # Check that lr_model_output_dir points to the correct folder for the L:R model- to do this check for # predictions file directly in the folder (for downstream models, predictions are further nested in the # "cci_deg_detection" derived subdirectories): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(lr_model_output_dir, "predictions.csv")): raise FileNotFoundError( "Check that provided `lr_model_output_dir` points to the correct folder for the " "L:R model. For example, if the specified model output path is " "outer/folder/results.csv, this should be outer/folder." ) lr_model_output_files = os.listdir(lr_model_output_dir) # Get L:R names from the design matrix: for file in lr_model_output_files: path = os.path.join(lr_model_output_dir, file) if os.path.isdir(path): if file not in ["analyses", "significance", "networks", ".ipynb_checkpoints"]: design_mat = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, "design_matrix", "design_matrix.csv"), index_col=0) lr_to_target_feature_names = design_mat.columns.tolist() # Get spatial weights- only needed if "include_tf_ligand" is True: if include_tf_ligand: for file in lr_model_output_files: path = os.path.join(lr_model_output_dir, file) if os.path.isdir(path): if file not in ["analyses", "significance", "networks", ".ipynb_checkpoints"]: spatial_weights_membrane_bound_obj = np.load( os.path.join(path, "spatial_weights", "spatial_weights_membrane_bound.npz") ) membrane_bound_data = spatial_weights_membrane_bound_obj["data"] membrane_bound_indices = spatial_weights_membrane_bound_obj["indices"] membrane_bound_indptr = spatial_weights_membrane_bound_obj["indptr"] membrane_bound_shape = spatial_weights_membrane_bound_obj["shape"] spatial_weights_membrane_bound = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( (membrane_bound_data, membrane_bound_indices, membrane_bound_indptr), shape=membrane_bound_shape, ) # Row and column indices of nonzero elements: rows, cols = spatial_weights_membrane_bound.nonzero() all_pairs_membrane_bound = collections.defaultdict(list) for i, j in zip(rows, cols): all_pairs_membrane_bound[i].append(j) spatial_weights_secreted = np.load( os.path.join(path, "spatial_weights", "spatial_weights_secreted.npz") ) secreted_data = spatial_weights_secreted["data"] secreted_indices = spatial_weights_secreted["indices"] secreted_indptr = spatial_weights_secreted["indptr"] secreted_shape = spatial_weights_secreted["shape"] spatial_weights_secreted = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( (secreted_data, secreted_indices, secreted_indptr), shape=secreted_shape ) # Row and column indices of nonzero elements: rows, cols = spatial_weights_secreted.nonzero() all_pairs_secreted = collections.defaultdict(list) for i, j in zip(rows, cols): all_pairs_secreted[i].append(j) # If subset for ligands and/or receptors is not specified, use all that were included in the model: if ligand_subset is None: ligand_subset = [] if receptor_subset is None: receptor_subset = [] for lig_rec in lr_to_target_feature_names: lig, rec = lig_rec.split(":") lig_split = lig.split("/") for l in lig_split: if l not in ligand_subset: ligand_subset.append(l) if rec not in receptor_subset: receptor_subset.append(rec) downstream_model_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_path) # Get the names of target genes from the L:R-to-target model from input to lr_model_output_dir: all_targets = [] target_to_file = {} for file in lr_model_output_files: if file.endswith(".csv") and "predictions" not in file: parts = file.split("_") target_str = parts[-1].replace(".csv", "") # And map the target to the file name: target_to_file[target_str] = os.path.join(lr_model_output_dir, file) all_targets.append(target_str) # Check if any downstream models exist (TF-ligand, TF-receptor, or TF-target): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(downstream_model_dir, "cci_deg_detection")): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(downstream_model_dir, "cci_deg_detection", "ligand_analysis")): # Get the names of target genes from the TF-to-ligand model by looking within the output directory # containing :attr `output_path`: all_modeled_ligands = [] ligand_to_file = {} ligand_folder = os.path.join(downstream_model_dir, "cci_deg_detection", "ligand_analysis") ligand_files = os.listdir(ligand_folder) for file in ligand_files: if file.endswith(".csv"): parts = file.split("_") ligand_str = parts[-1].replace(".csv", "") # And map the ligand to the file name: ligand_to_file[ligand_str] = os.path.join(ligand_folder, file) all_modeled_ligands.append(ligand_str) # Get TF names from the design matrix: for file in ligand_files: path = os.path.join(ligand_folder, file) if file != ".ipynb_checkpoints": if os.path.isdir(path): design_mat = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(path, "downstream_design_matrix", "design_matrix.csv"), index_col=0 ) tf_to_ligand_feature_names = [col.replace("regulator_", "") for col in design_mat.columns] if os.path.exists(os.path.join(downstream_model_dir, "cci_deg_detection", "target_gene_analysis")): # Get the names of target genes from the TF-to-target model by looking within the output directory # containing :attr `output_path`: all_modeled_targets = [] modeled_target_to_file = {} target_folder = os.path.join(downstream_model_dir, "cci_deg_detection", "target_gene_analysis") target_files = os.listdir(target_folder) for file in target_files: if file.endswith(".csv"): parts = file.split("_") target_str = parts[-1].replace(".csv", "") # And map the target to the file name: modeled_target_to_file[target_str] = os.path.join(target_folder, file) all_modeled_targets.append(target_str) # Get TF names from the design matrix: for file in target_files: path = os.path.join(target_folder, file) if file != ".ipynb_checkpoints": if os.path.isdir(path): design_mat = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(path, "downstream_design_matrix", "design_matrix.csv"), index_col=0 ) tf_to_target_feature_names = [col.replace("regulator_", "") for col in design_mat.columns] if save_path is not None: save_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(save_path), "networks") else: save_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.output_path), "networks") if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) if cell_subset is not None: if not isinstance(cell_subset, list): cell_subset = [cell_subset] if all(label in set(self.adata.obs[self.group_key]) for label in cell_subset): adata = self.adata[self.adata.obs[self.group_key].isin(cell_subset)].copy() # Get numerical indices corresponding to cells in the subset: cell_ids = [i for i, name in enumerate(self.adata.obs_names) if name in adata.obs_names] else: adata = self.adata[cell_subset, :].copy() cell_ids = [i for i, name in enumerate(self.adata.obs_names) if name in adata.obs_names] else: adata = self.adata.copy() cell_ids = [i for i, name in enumerate(self.adata.obs_names)] targets = all_targets if target_subset is None else target_subset # Check for existing dataframes that will be used to construct the network: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(save_folder, "lr_to_target.csv")): lr_to_target_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(save_folder, "lr_to_target.csv"), index_col=0) else: # Construct L:R-to-target dataframe: lr_to_target_df = pd.DataFrame(0, index=lr_to_target_feature_names, columns=targets) for target in targets: # Load file corresponding to this target: file_name = target_to_file[target] file_path = os.path.join(lr_model_output_dir, file_name) target_df = pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col=0) target_df = target_df.loc[:, [col for col in target_df.columns if col.startswith("b_")]] # Compute average predicted absolute value effect size over the chosen cell subset to populate # L:R-to-target dataframe: target_df.columns = [col.replace("b_", "") for col in target_df.columns if col.startswith("b_")] lr_to_target_df.loc[:, target] = target_df.iloc[cell_ids, :].abs().mean(axis=0) # Save L:R-to-target dataframe: lr_to_target_df.to_csv(os.path.join(save_folder, "lr_to_target.csv")) # Graph construction: G = nx.DiGraph() # Identify nodes and edges from L:R-to-target dataframe: for target in targets: top_n_lr = lr_to_target_df.nlargest(n=select_n_lr, columns=target).index.tolist() # Or check if any of the top n should reasonably not be included- compare to :attr target_expr_threshold # of the maximum in the array (because these values can be variable): reference_value = lr_to_target_df.max().max() top_n_lr = [ lr for lr in top_n_lr if lr_to_target_df.loc[lr, target] >= (self.target_expr_threshold * reference_value) ] target_label = f"Target: {target}" if not G.has_node(target_label): G.add_node(target_label, ID=target_label) for lr in top_n_lr: ligand_receptor_pair = lr ligands, receptor = ligand_receptor_pair.split(":") # Check if ligands and receptors are in their respective subsets if receptor in receptor_subset and any(lig in ligand_subset for lig in ligands.split("/")): # For ligands separated by "/", check expression of each individual ligand in the AnnData object, # keep ligands that are sufficiently expressed in the specified cell subset: for lig in ligands.split("/"): num_expr = (adata[:, lig].X > 0).sum() expr_percent = num_expr / adata.shape[0] pass_threshold = expr_percent >= self.target_expr_threshold if lig in ligand_subset and pass_threshold: # For the intents of this network, the ligand refers to ligand expressed in neighboring # cells: lig = f"Neighbor {lig}" if not G.has_node(lig): G.add_node(lig, ID=lig) if not G.has_node(receptor): G.add_node(receptor, ID=receptor) G.add_edge(lig, receptor, Type="L:R", Coexpression=None) # Check if receptor and target are coexpressed enough to draw connection: receptor_expression = (adata[:, receptor].X > 0).toarray().flatten() target_expression = (adata[:, target].X > 0).toarray().flatten() coexpression = np.sum(receptor_expression * target_expression) # Threshold based on proportion of cells expressing receptor: num_coexpressed_threshold = coexpression_threshold * np.sum(receptor_expression) if coexpression >= num_coexpressed_threshold: G.add_edge( receptor, target_label, Type="L:R effect", Coexpression=coexpression / np.sum(receptor_expression), ) # Incorporate TF-to-ligand connections based on existing L:R-target links: if "tf_to_ligand_feature_names" in locals() and include_tf_ligand: # Intersection between graph ligands and modeled ligands: graph_ligands = [node.replace("Neighbor ", "") for node in G.nodes if node.startswith("Neighbor")] valid_ligands = [lig for lig in graph_ligands if lig in all_modeled_ligands] if len(valid_ligands) == 0: raise ValueError( "No modeled ligands are included among the graph ligands. We recommend " "re-running the downstream model with a new set of ligands, taken from the " "L:R interactions used for the L:R-to-target model." ) for ligand in valid_ligands: ligand_expression_mask = (adata[:, ligand].X > 0).toarray().flatten() file_name = ligand_to_file[ligand] file_path = os.path.join(downstream_model_dir, "cci_deg_detection", "ligand_analysis", file_name) ligand_df = pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col=0) ligand_df = ligand_df.loc[:, [col for col in ligand_df.columns if col.startswith("b_")]] ligand_df.columns = [col.replace("b_", "") for col in ligand_df.columns if col.startswith("b_")] if regulator_subset is not None: ligand_df = ligand_df.loc[:, [col for col in ligand_df.columns if col in regulator_subset]] # For each ligand in the L:R-to-target DF, consider the subset of cells expressing the receptor # the ligand is associated with- # Construct the TF-to-ligand DF based only on the subset of cells that are neighbors for cells # expressing the receptor and that also express the ligand. # First determine whether the ligand is secreted or membrane-bound: matching_rows = self.lr_db[self.lr_db["from"] == ligand] is_secreted = ( matching_rows["type"].str.contains("Secreted Signaling").any() or matching_rows["type"].str.contains("ECM-Receptor").any() ) # Select the appropriate dictionary of neighboring cells neighbors_dict = all_pairs_secreted if is_secreted else all_pairs_membrane_bound # Get receptors on the other end of edges corresponding to this ligand: receptors = set([edge[1] for edge in G.edges if edge[0] == f"Neighbor {ligand}"]) # Find the top n TFs for each receptor (connections will be made from TF to ligand to receptor, # so the primary node might be slightly different for each receptor): for receptor in receptors: # Indices of cells expressing the receptor: receptor_expression_mask = (adata[:, receptor].X > 0).toarray().flatten() receptor_expressing_cells_indices = np.where(receptor_expression_mask)[0] mean_values_temp = pd.DataFrame( index=range(len(receptor_expressing_cells_indices)), columns=ligand_df.columns ) # Processing of ligand_df - rather than measuring TF-ligand connection for each cell, # mean_values_temp will instead reflect the average TF-ligand connection over all neighbors of that # cell. # This is necessary because the network is an intercellular network, so the receptor-target edge # and TF-ligand edge coming from the same cell would be misleading: ligand_df_mod = ligand_df.iloc[receptor_expressing_cells_indices, :] # Get the neighboring cells for each receptor-expressing cell: for i, idx in enumerate(receptor_expressing_cells_indices): # Get neighboring indices for each index from neighbors_dict neighboring_indices = neighbors_dict.get(idx, []) if neighboring_indices: mean_vals_over_neighbors = ligand_df.loc[neighboring_indices, :].mean(axis=0) mean_values_temp.iloc[i, :] = mean_vals_over_neighbors # Get top TFs for this receptor: # First, take mean effect size for each column: mean_tf_ligand_effect_size = mean_values_temp.mean(axis=0) top_n_tf = mean_tf_ligand_effect_size.sort_values(ascending=False).index[:select_n_tf] # For each TF in top_n, if TF and ligand pass coexpression threshold (optional), check if node # exists for TF (if not create it) and add edge from TF to ligand: for tf in top_n_tf: if coexpression_threshold is not None: tf_expression = (adata[:, tf].X > 0).toarray().flatten() coexpression = np.sum(tf_expression * ligand_expression_mask) # Threshold based on proportion of cells expressing ligand: num_coexpressed_threshold = coexpression_threshold * np.sum(ligand_expression_mask) if coexpression < coexpression_threshold: continue tf = f"Neighbor TF: {tf}" if not G.has_node(tf): G.add_node(tf, ID=tf) G.add_edge( tf, f"Neighbor {ligand}", Type="TF:L", Coexpression=coexpression / np.sum(ligand_expression_mask), ) # Add TF-to-target connections: if "tf_to_target_feature_names" in locals() and include_tf_target: graph_targets = [node.replace("Target: ", "") for node in G.nodes if node.startswith("Target")] valid_targets = [target for target in graph_targets if target in all_modeled_targets] if len(valid_targets) == 0: raise ValueError( "No modeled targets are included among the graph targets. We recommend " "re-running the downstream model with a new set of targets, taken from the " "targets used for the L:R-to-target model." ) # Construct TF to target dataframe: tf_to_target_df = pd.DataFrame(0, index=tf_to_target_feature_names, columns=valid_targets) for target in valid_targets: target_expression_mask = (adata[:, target].X > 0).toarray().flatten() file_name = modeled_target_to_file[target] file_path = os.path.join(downstream_model_dir, "cci_deg_detection", "target_gene_analysis", file_name) target_df = pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col=0) target_df = target_df.loc[:, [col for col in target_df.columns if col.startswith("b_")]] target_df.columns = [col.replace("b_", "") for col in target_df.columns if col.startswith("b_")] if regulator_subset is not None: target_df = target_df.loc[:, [col for col in target_df.columns if col in regulator_subset]] # Compute average predicted effect size over the chosen cell subset to populate the TF-to-target # dataframe: tf_to_target_df.loc[:, target] = target_df.iloc[cell_ids, :].mean(axis=0) # Add edges from TFs to targets: top_n_tf = tf_to_target_df.nlargest(n=select_n_tf, columns=target).index.tolist() for tf in top_n_tf: if coexpression_threshold is not None: tf_expression = (adata[:, tf].X > 0).toarray().flatten() coexpression = np.sum(tf_expression * target_expression_mask) # Threshold based on proportion of cells expressing target: num_coexpressed_threshold = coexpression_threshold * np.sum(target_expression_mask) if coexpression < coexpression_threshold: continue if not G.has_node(f"TF: {tf}"): G.add_node(f"TF: {tf}", ID=f"TF: {tf}") G.add_edge( f"TF: {tf}", f"Target: {target}", Type="TF:T", Coexpression=coexpression / np.sum(target_expression_mask), ) # Set colors for nodes- for neighboring cell ligands + TFs, use a distinct colormap (and same w/ receptors, # targets and TFs for source cells)- color both on gradient based on number of connections: color_list = [] sizing_list = [] sizing_neighbor = {} sizing_nonneighbor = {} cmap_neighbor = cmap_non_neighbor = # Calculate node degrees and set color and size based on the degree and label n_nodes = len(G.nodes()) for node in G.nodes(): degree = # Add degree as property: G.nodes[node]["Connections"] = degree if degree < 3: base = 2 else: base = degree if n_nodes < 20: size_and_color = base * scale_factor else: size_and_color = np.sqrt(degree) * scale_factor # Add size to sizing_list if "Neighbor" in node: sizing_neighbor[node] = size_and_color else: sizing_nonneighbor[node] = size_and_color for node in G.nodes(): if "Neighbor" in node: color = matplotlib.colors.to_hex(cmap_neighbor(sizing_neighbor[node] / max(sizing_neighbor.values()))) sizing_list.append(sizing_neighbor[node]) else: color = matplotlib.colors.to_hex( cmap_non_neighbor(sizing_nonneighbor[node] / max(sizing_nonneighbor.values())) ) sizing_list.append(sizing_nonneighbor[node]) color_list.append(color) if layout == "planar": is_planar, _ = nx.check_planarity(G) if not is_planar:"Graph is not planar, using spring layout instead.") layout = "spring" # Draw graph: if title is None: title = f"{os.path.basename(self.adata_path).split('.')[0]} Regulatory Correlation Network" f = plot_network( G, title=title, size_method=sizing_list, color_method=color_list, node_text=["Connections"], node_label="ID", nodefont_size=node_fontsize, node_label_position=node_label_position, edge_text=["Type", "Coexpression"], edge_label="Type", edge_label_position=node_label_position, edgefont_size=edge_fontsize, edge_thickness_attr="Coexpression", layout=layout, arrow_size=arrow_size, upper_margin=upper_margin, lower_margin=lower_margin, left_margin=left_margin, right_margin=right_margin, show_colorbar=False, ) # Save graph: if save_id is None: save_id = os.path.basename(self.adata_path).split(".")[0] if save_path is None: save_path = save_folder full_save_path = os.path.join(save_path, f"{save_id}_network.{save_ext}")"Writing network to {full_save_path}...") fig = plotly.graph_objects.Figure(f) # The default is 100 DPI fig.write_image(full_save_path, scale=dpi / 100) return G, sizing_list, color_list
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Permutation testing # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def permutation_test(self, gene: str, n_permutations: int = 100, permute_nonzeros_only: bool = False, **kwargs): """Sets up permutation test for determination of statistical significance of model diagnostics. Can be used to identify true/the strongest signal-responsive expression patterns. Args: gene: Target gene to perform permutation test on. n_permutations: Number of permutations of the gene expression to perform. Default is 100. permute_nonzeros_only: Whether to only perform the permutation over the gene-expressing cells kwargs: Keyword arguments for any of the Spateo argparse arguments. Should not include 'adata_path', 'target_path', or 'output_path' (which will be determined by the output path used for the main model). Also should not include 'custom_lig_path', 'custom_rec_path', 'mod_type', 'bw_fixed' or 'kernel' (which will be determined by the initial model instantiation). """ # Set up storage folder: # Check if the array of additional molecules to query has already been created: parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.adata_path) file_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path).split(".")[0] if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(parent_dir, "permutation_test")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(parent_dir, "permutation_test")) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(parent_dir, "permutation_test_inputs")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(parent_dir, "permutation_test_inputs")) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(parent_dir, f"permutation_test_outputs_{gene}")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(parent_dir, f"permutation_test_outputs_{gene}")) gene_idx = self.adata.var_names.tolist().index(gene) gene_data = np.array(self.adata.X[:, gene_idx].todense()) permuted_data_list = [gene_data] perm_names = [f"{gene}_nonpermuted"] # Set save name for AnnData object and output file depending on whether all cells or only gene-expressing # cells are permuted: if permute_nonzeros_only: adata_path = os.path.join( parent_dir, "permutation_test", f"{file_name}_{gene}_permuted_expressing_subset.h5ad" ) output_path = os.path.join( parent_dir, "permutation_test_outputs", f"{file_name}_{gene}_permuted_expressing_subset.csv" ) self.permuted_nonzeros_only = True else: adata_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, "permutation_test", f"{file_name}_{gene}_permuted.h5ad") output_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, "permutation_test_outputs", f"{file_name}_{gene}_permuted.csv") self.permuted_nonzeros_only = False if permute_nonzeros_only:"Performing permutation by scrambling expression for all cells...") for i in range(n_permutations): perm_name = f"{gene}_permuted_{i}" permuted_data = np.random.permutation(gene_data) # Convert to sparse matrix permuted_data_sparse = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(permuted_data) # Store back in the AnnData object permuted_data_list.append(permuted_data_sparse) perm_names.append(perm_name) else: "Performing permutation by scrambling expression only for the subset of cells that " "express the gene of interest..." ) for i in range(n_permutations): perm_name = f"{gene}_permuted_{i}" # Separate non-zero rows and zero rows: nonzero_indices = np.where(gene_data != 0)[0] zero_indices = np.where(gene_data == 0)[0] non_zero_rows = gene_data[gene_data != 0] zero_rows = gene_data[gene_data == 0] # Permute non-zero rows: permuted_non_zero_rows = np.random.permutation(non_zero_rows) # Recombine permuted non-zero rows and zero rows: permuted_gene_data = np.zeros_like(gene_data) permuted_gene_data[nonzero_indices] = permuted_non_zero_rows.reshape(-1, 1) permuted_gene_data[zero_indices] = zero_rows.reshape(-1, 1) # Convert to sparse matrix permuted_gene_data_sparse = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(permuted_gene_data) # Store back in the AnnData object permuted_data_list.append(permuted_gene_data_sparse) perm_names.append(perm_name) # Concatenate the original and permuted data: all_data_sparse = scipy.sparse.hstack([self.adata.X] + permuted_data_list) all_data_sparse = all_data_sparse.tocsr() all_names = list(self.adata.var_names.tolist() + perm_names) # Create new AnnData object, keeping the cell type annotations, original "__type" entry, and all .obsm # entries (including spatial coordinates): adata_permuted = anndata.AnnData(X=all_data_sparse) adata_permuted.obs_names = self.adata.obs_names adata_permuted.var_names = all_names adata_permuted.obsm = self.adata.obsm adata_permuted.obs[self.group_key] = self.adata.obs[self.group_key] adata_permuted.obs["__type"] = self.adata.obs["__type"] # Save list of targets: targets = [v for v in adata_permuted.var_names if "permuted" in v] target_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, "permutation_test_inputs", f"{gene}_permutation_targets.txt") with open(target_path, "w") as f: for target in targets: f.write(f"{target}\n") # Save the permuted AnnData object: adata_permuted.write(adata_path) # Fitting permutation model: kwargs["adata_path"] = adata_path kwargs["output_path"] = output_path kwargs["cci_dir"] = self.cci_dir if hasattr(self, "custom_receptors_path") and self.mod_type.isin(["receptor", "lr"]): kwargs["custom_rec_path"] = self.custom_receptors_path elif hasattr(self, "custom_pathways_path") and self.mod_type.isin(["receptor", "lr"]): kwargs["custom_pathways_path"] = self.custom_pathways_path else: raise ValueError("For permutation testing, receptors/pathways must be given from .txt file.") if hasattr(self, "custom_lig_path") and self.mod_type.isin(["ligand", "lr"]): kwargs["custom_lig_path"] = self.custom_ligands_path elif hasattr(self, "custom_pathways_path") and self.mod_type.isin(["ligand", "lr"]): kwargs["custom_pathways_path"] = self.custom_pathways_path else: raise ValueError("For permutation testing, ligands/pathways must be given from .txt file.") kwargs["targets_path"] = target_path kwargs["mod_type"] = self.mod_type kwargs["distance_secreted"] = self.distance_secreted kwargs["distance_membrane_bound"] = self.distance_membrane_bound kwargs["bw_fixed"] = self.bw_fixed kwargs["kernel"] = self.kernel parser, args_list = define_spateo_argparse(**kwargs) permutation_model = MuSIC(parser, args_list) permutation_model._set_up_model() permutation_model.predict_and_save()
[docs] def eval_permutation_test(self, gene: str): """Evaluation function for permutation tests. Will compute multiple metrics (correlation coefficients, F1 scores, AUROC in the case that all cells were permuted, etc.) to compare true and model-predicted gene expression vectors. Args: gene: Target gene for which to evaluate permutation test """ parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.adata_path) file_name = os.path.basename(self.adata_path).split(".")[0] output_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, f"permutation_test_outputs_{gene}") if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_dir, "diagnostics")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, "diagnostics")) if self.permuted_nonzeros_only: adata_permuted = anndata.read_h5ad( os.path.join(parent_dir, "permutation_test", f"{file_name}_{gene}_permuted_expressing_subset.h5ad") ) else: adata_permuted = anndata.read_h5ad( os.path.join(parent_dir, "permutation_test", f"{file_name}_{gene}_permuted.h5ad") ) predictions = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, "predictions.csv"), index_col=0) original_column_names = predictions.columns.tolist() # Create a dictionary to map integer column names to new permutation names column_name_map = {} for column_name in original_column_names: if column_name != "nonpermuted": column_name_map[column_name] = f"permutation_{column_name}" # Rename the columns in the dataframe using the created dictionary predictions.rename(columns=column_name_map, inplace=True) if not self.permuted_nonzeros_only: # Instantiate metric storage variables: all_pearson_correlations = {} all_spearman_correlations = {} all_f1_scores = {} all_auroc_scores = {} all_rmse_scores = {} # For the nonzero subset- will be used both in the case that permutation occurred across all cells and # across only gene-expressing cells: all_pearson_correlations_nz = {} all_spearman_correlations_nz = {} all_f1_scores_nz = {} all_auroc_scores_nz = {} all_rmse_scores_nz = {} for col in predictions.columns: if "_" in col: perm_no = col.split("_")[1] y = adata_permuted[:, f"{gene}_permuted_{perm_no}"].X.toarray().reshape(-1) else: y = adata_permuted[:, f"{gene}_{col}"].X.toarray().reshape(-1) y_binary = (y > 0).astype(int) y_pred = predictions[col].values.reshape(-1) y_pred_binary = (y_pred > 0).astype(int) # Compute metrics for the subset of rows that are nonzero: nonzero_indices = np.nonzero(y)[0] y_nonzero = y[nonzero_indices] y_pred_nonzero = y_pred[nonzero_indices] y_binary_nonzero = y_binary[nonzero_indices] y_pred_binary_nonzero = y_pred_binary[nonzero_indices] rp, _ = pearsonr(y_nonzero, y_pred_nonzero) r, _ = spearmanr(y_nonzero, y_pred_nonzero) f1 = f1_score(y_binary_nonzero, y_pred_binary_nonzero) auroc = roc_auc_score(y_binary_nonzero, y_pred_binary_nonzero) rmse = mean_squared_error(y_nonzero, y_pred_nonzero, squared=False) all_pearson_correlations_nz[col] = rp all_spearman_correlations_nz[col] = r all_f1_scores_nz[col] = f1 all_auroc_scores_nz[col] = auroc all_rmse_scores_nz[col] = rmse # Additionally calculate metrics for all cells if permutation occurred over all cells: if not self.permuted_nonzeros_only: rp, _ = pearsonr(y, y_pred) r, _ = spearmanr(y, y_pred) f1 = f1_score(y_binary, y_pred_binary) auroc = roc_auc_score(y_binary, y_pred_binary) rmse = mean_squared_error(y, y_pred, squared=False) all_pearson_correlations[col] = rp all_spearman_correlations[col] = r all_f1_scores[col] = f1 all_auroc_scores[col] = auroc all_rmse_scores[col] = rmse # Collect all diagnostics in dataframe form: if not self.permuted_nonzeros_only: results = pd.DataFrame( { "Pearson correlation": all_pearson_correlations, "Spearman correlation": all_spearman_correlations, "F1 score": all_f1_scores, "AUROC": all_auroc_scores, "RMSE": all_rmse_scores, "Pearson correlation (expressing subset)": all_pearson_correlations_nz, "Spearman correlation (expressing subset)": all_spearman_correlations_nz, "F1 score (expressing subset)": all_f1_scores_nz, "AUROC (expressing subset)": all_auroc_scores_nz, "RMSE (expressing subset)": all_rmse_scores_nz, } ) # Without nonpermuted scores: results_permuted = results.loc[[r for r in results.index if r != "nonpermuted"], :]"Average permutation metrics for all cells: ")"Average Pearson correlation: {results_permuted['Pearson correlation'].mean()}")"Average Spearman correlation: {results_permuted['Spearman correlation'].mean()}")"Average F1 score: {results_permuted['F1 score'].mean()}")"Average AUROC: {results_permuted['AUROC'].mean()}")"Average RMSE: {results_permuted['RMSE'].mean()}")"Average permutation metrics for expressing cells: ") f"Average Pearson correlation: " f"{results_permuted['Pearson correlation (expressing subset)'].mean()}" ) f"Average Spearman correlation: " f"{results_permuted['Spearman correlation (expressing subset)'].mean()}" )"Average F1 score: {results_permuted['F1 score (expressing subset)'].mean()}")"Average AUROC: {results_permuted['AUROC (expressing subset)'].mean()}")"Average RMSE: {results_permuted['RMSE (expressing subset)'].mean()}") diagnostic_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "diagnostics", f"{gene}_permutations_diagnostics.csv") else: results = pd.DataFrame( { "Pearson correlation (expressing subset)": all_pearson_correlations_nz, "Spearman correlation (expressing subset)": all_spearman_correlations_nz, "F1 score (expressing subset)": all_f1_scores_nz, "AUROC (expressing subset)": all_auroc_scores_nz, "RMSE (expressing subset)": all_rmse_scores_nz, } ) # Without nonpermuted scores: results_permuted = results.loc[[r for r in results.index if r != "nonpermuted"], :]"Average permutation metrics for expressing cells: ") f"Average Pearson correlation: " f"{results_permuted['Pearson correlation (expressing subset)'].mean()}" ) f"Average Spearman correlation: " f"{results_permuted['Spearman correlation (expressing subset)'].mean()}" )"Average F1 score: {results_permuted['F1 score (expressing subset)'].mean()}")"Average AUROC: {results_permuted['AUROC (expressing subset)'].mean()}")"Average RMSE: {results_permuted['RMSE (expressing subset)'].mean()}") diagnostic_path = os.path.join( output_dir, "diagnostics", f"{gene}_nonzero_subset_permutations_diagnostics.csv" ) # Significance testing: nonpermuted_values = results.loc["nonpermuted"] # Create dictionaries to store the t-statistics, p-values, and significance indicators: t_statistics, pvals, significance = {}, {}, {} # Iterate over the columns of the DataFrame for col in results_permuted.columns: column_data = results_permuted[col] # Perform one-sample t-test: t_stat, pval = ttest_1samp(column_data, nonpermuted_values[col]) # Store the t-statistic, p-value, and significance indicator t_statistics[col] = t_stat pvals[col] = pval significance[col] = "yes" if pval < 0.05 else "no" # Store the t-statistics, p-values, and significance indicators in the results DataFrame: results.loc["t-statistic"] = t_statistics results.loc["p-value"] = pvals results.loc["significant"] = significance # Save results: results.to_csv(diagnostic_path)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Formatting functions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def replace_col_with_collagens(string): # Split the string at the colon (if any) parts = string.split(":") # Split the first part of the string at slashes elements = parts[0].split("/") # Flag to check if we've encountered a "COL" element or a "Collagens" element encountered_col = False # Process each element for i, element in enumerate(elements): # If the element starts with "COL" or "b_COL", or if it is "Collagens" or "b_Collagens" if ( element.startswith("COL") or element.startswith("b_COL") or element.startswith("Col") or element.startswith("b_Col") or element in ["Collagens", "b_Collagens"] ): # If we've already encountered a "COL" or "Collagens" element, remove this one if encountered_col: elements[i] = None # Otherwise, replace it with "Collagens" or "b_Collagens" as appropriate else: if element.startswith("b_COL") or element.startswith("b_Col") or element == "b_Collagens": elements[i] = "b_Collagens" else: elements[i] = "Collagens" encountered_col = True # Remove None elements and join the rest with slashes replaced_part = "/".join([element for element in elements if element is not None]) # If there's a second part, add it back if len(parts) > 1: replaced_string = replaced_part + ":" + parts[1] else: replaced_string = replaced_part return replaced_string
[docs]def replace_hla_with_hlas(string): # Split the string at the colon (if any) parts = string.split(":") # Split the first part of the string at slashes elements = parts[0].split("/") # Flag to check if we've encountered an "HLA" element or an "HLAs" element encountered_hla = False # Process each element for i, element in enumerate(elements): # If the element starts with "HLA" or "b_HLA", or if it is "HLAs" or "b_HLAs" if element.startswith("HLA") or element.startswith("b_HLA") or element in ["HLAs", "b_HLAs"]: # If we've already encountered an "HLA" or "HLAs" element, remove this one if encountered_hla: elements[i] = None # Otherwise, replace it with "HLAs" or "b_HLAs" as appropriate else: if element.startswith("b_HLA") or element == "b_HLAs": elements[i] = "b_HLAs" else: elements[i] = "HLAs" encountered_hla = True # Remove None elements and join the rest with slashes replaced_part = "/".join([element for element in elements if element is not None]) # If there's a second part, add it back if len(parts) > 1: replaced_string = replaced_part + ":" + parts[1] else: replaced_string = replaced_part return replaced_string