from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from pyvista import DataSet, PolyData, UnstructuredGrid
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
from spateo.logging import logger_manager as lm
from spateo.tdr.models import add_model_labels
[docs]def model_morphology(
model: Union[PolyData, UnstructuredGrid],
pc: Optional[PolyData or UnstructuredGrid] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Union[float, Any]]:
Return the basic morphological characteristics of model,
including model volume, model surface area, volume / surface area ratio,etc.
model: A reconstructed surface model or volume model.
pc: A point cloud representing the number of cells.
morphology: A dictionary containing the following model morphological features:
morphology['Length(x)']: Length (x) of model.
morphology['Width(y)']: Width (y) of model.
morphology['Height(z)']: Height (z) of model.
morphology['Surface_area']: Surface area of model.
morphology['Volume']: Volume of model.
morphology['V/SA_ratio']: Volume / surface area ratio of model;
morphology['cell_density']: Cell density of model.
model_surf = model.extract_surface()
morphology = {}
# Length, width and height of model
model_bounds = np.asarray(model.bounds)
model_x = round(abs(model_bounds[1] - model_bounds[0]), 5)
model_y = round(abs(model_bounds[3] - model_bounds[2]), 5)
model_z = round(abs(model_bounds[5] - model_bounds[4]), 5)
morphology["Length(x)"], morphology["Width(y)"], morphology["Height(z)"] = (
lm.main_info(f"Length (x) of model: {morphology['Length(x)']};", indent_level=1)
lm.main_info(f"Width (y) of model: {morphology['Width(y)']};", indent_level=1)
lm.main_info(f"Height (z) of model: {morphology['Height(z)']};", indent_level=1)
# Surface area of model
model_sa = round(model_surf.area, 5)
morphology["Surface_area"] = model_sa
lm.main_info(f"Surface area of model: {morphology['Surface_area']};", indent_level=1)
# Volume of model
model_v = round(model_surf.volume, 5)
morphology["Volume"] = model_v
lm.main_info(f"Volume of model: {morphology['Volume']};", indent_level=1)
# Volume / surface area ratio of model
model_vsa = round(model_v / model_sa, 5)
morphology["V/SA_ratio"] = model_vsa
lm.main_info(f"Volume / surface area ratio of model: {morphology['V/SA_ratio']}.", indent_level=1)
# cell density
if not (pc is None):
model_cd = round(pc.n_points / model_v, 5)
morphology["cell_density"] = model_cd
lm.main_info(f"Cell density of model: {morphology['cell_density']}.", indent_level=1)
return morphology
[docs]def pc_KDE(
pc: PolyData,
key_added: str = "kde",
kernel: str = "gaussian",
bandwidth: float = 1.0,
colormap: Union[str, list, dict] = "hot_r",
alphamap: Union[float, list, dict] = 1.0,
inplace: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[Union[DataSet, PolyData, None], Optional[str]]:
Calculate the kernel density of a 3D point cloud model.
pc: A point cloud model.
key_added: The key under which to add the labels.
kernel: The kernel to use. Available `kernel` are:
* `'gaussian'`
* `'tophat'`
* `'epanechnikov'`
* `'exponential'`
* `'linear'`
* `'cosine'`
bandwidth: The bandwidth of the kernel.
colormap: Colors to use for plotting pcd. The default colormap is `'hot_r'`.
alphamap: The opacity of the colors to use for plotting pcd. The default alphamap is `1.0`.
inplace: Updates model in-place.
pc: Reconstructed 3D point cloud, which contains the following properties:
`pc[key_added]`, the kernel density.
plot_cmap: Recommended colormap parameter values for plotting.
pc = pc.copy() if not inplace else pc
coords = pc.points
pc_kde = KernelDensity(kernel=kernel, bandwidth=bandwidth).fit(coords).score_samples(coords)
_, plot_cmap = add_model_labels(
return pc if not inplace else None, plot_cmap