Source code for

"""Variational inference implementation of a negative binomial mixture model
using Pyro.
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pyro
import pyro.distributions as dist
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from pyro import poutine
from pyro.infer import SVI, TraceEnum_ELBO
from pyro.infer.autoguide import AutoDelta
from pyro.nn import PyroModule, PyroParam
from pyro.optim import Adam
from torch.distributions.utils import logits_to_probs, probs_to_logits
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..errors import SegmentationError

[docs]class NegativeBinomialMixture(PyroModule): def __init__( self, x: np.ndarray, n: int = 2, n_init: int = 5, w: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, mu: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, var: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, zero_inflated: bool = False, seed: Optional[int] = None, ): super().__init__() if not ((w is None) == (mu is None) and (w is None) == (var is None)): raise SegmentationError("All or none of `w`, `mu`, `var` must be provided.") if (w is not None) and (n != len(w) or n != len(mu) or n != len(var)): raise SegmentationError(f"`w`, `mu`, `var` must have length {n}.") if seed is not None: torch.manual_seed(seed) self.zero_inflated = zero_inflated self.x = torch.tensor(x.astype(np.float32)) self.n = n self.scale = torch.median(self.x[self.x > 0]) if w is not None: self.init_mean_variance(w, mu, var) else: self.init_best_params(n_init) self.__optimizer = None
[docs] def assignment(self, train=False): params = self.get_params(train) w = params["w"] return dist.Categorical(logits=w)
[docs] def dist(self, assignment, train=False): params = self.get_params(train) counts, logits = params["counts"], params["logits"] z = params.get("z", probs_to_logits(torch.zeros(self.n))) return dist.ZeroInflatedNegativeBinomial( counts[assignment], logits=logits[assignment], gate_logits=z[assignment], validate_args=False )
[docs] def init_best_params(self, n_init): best_log_prob = -np.inf best_params = None for _ in range(n_init): if self.zero_inflated: self.z = torch.randn(self.n) self.w = torch.randn(self.n) self.counts = torch.randn(self.n) self.logits = torch.randn(self.n) assignment = self.assignment(True).sample(self.x.size()) log_prob = self.dist(assignment, True).log_prob(self.x) if log_prob.sum() > best_log_prob: best_log_prob = log_prob.sum() best_params = self.get_params(True, False) if self.zero_inflated: self.z = PyroParam(best_params["z"]) self.w = PyroParam(best_params["w"]) self.counts = PyroParam(best_params["counts"]) self.logits = PyroParam(best_params["logits"])
[docs] def init_mean_variance(self, w, mu, var): self.w = PyroParam(probs_to_logits(torch.tensor(w).float())) counts = torch.zeros(self.n) logits = torch.zeros(self.n) for i, (m, v) in enumerate(zip(mu, var)): prob = 1 - m / v logits[i] = probs_to_logits(torch.tensor(prob), is_binary=True).item() # Inverse softplus for counts counts[i] = (m * (1 - prob) / prob) / self.scale if counts[i] <= 20: counts[i] = torch.log(torch.exp(counts[i]) - 1) self.counts = PyroParam(counts) self.logits = PyroParam(logits) # Is there a better way to initialize the dropout param? if self.zero_inflated: self.z = PyroParam(probs_to_logits(torch.zeros(self.n).float(), is_binary=True))
[docs] def optimizer(self): if self.__optimizer is None: self.__optimizer = Adam({"lr": 0.01}) return self.__optimizer
[docs] def get_params(self, train=False, transform=True): w, counts, logits = self.w, self.counts, self.logits if self.zero_inflated: z = self.z if transform: counts = F.softplus(self.counts) * self.scale if not train: if self.zero_inflated: z = z.detach().numpy() w = w.detach().numpy() counts = counts.detach().numpy() logits = logits.detach().numpy() params = dict(w=w, counts=counts, logits=logits) if self.zero_inflated: params["z"] = z return params
[docs] def forward(self, x): with pyro.plate("x", size=len(x)): assignment = pyro.sample("assignment", self.assignment(True), infer={"enumerate": "parallel"}) pyro.sample("obs", self.dist(assignment, True), obs=x)
[docs] def train(self, n_epochs: int = 500): optimizer = self.optimizer() elbo = TraceEnum_ELBO(max_plate_nesting=1) guide = AutoDelta(poutine.block(self, expose=list(self.get_params(True).keys()))) svi = SVI(self, guide, optimizer, elbo) with tqdm(total=n_epochs) as pbar: for _ in range(n_epochs): loss = svi.step(self.x) / self.x.numel() pbar.set_description(f"Loss {loss:.4e}") pbar.update(1)
[docs] def conditionals(params, x, use_weights=False): pyro.clear_param_store() zero_inflated = "z" in params w, counts, logits = params["w"], params["counts"], params["logits"] n = len(w) z = params.get("z", probs_to_logits(torch.zeros(n))) x = torch.tensor(x.astype(np.float32)) dists = [ dist.ZeroInflatedNegativeBinomial(c, logits=l, gate_logits=torch.tensor(_z), validate_args=False) for _z, c, l in zip(z, counts, logits) ] # As of 2022/05/14, Pyro's ZeroInflatedNegativeBinomial model has a bug when calculating the mean of the # distribution when it was initialized with gate_logits. means = [(1 - logits_to_probs(dist.gate_logits, is_binary=True)) * dist.base_dist.mean for dist in dists] weights = dist.Categorical(logits=torch.tensor(w)).probs.numpy() conds = [] for i in sorted(range(len(dists)), key=lambda i: means[i]): cond = torch.exp(dists[i].log_prob(x)).numpy() if use_weights: cond *= weights[i] conds.append(cond) return tuple(conds)
[docs]def conditionals( X: np.ndarray, vi_results: Union[Dict[int, Dict[str, float]], Dict[str, float]], bins: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Compute the conditional probabilities, for each pixel, of observing the observed number of UMIs given that the pixel is background/foreground. Args: X: UMI counts per pixel em_results: Return value of :func:`run_em`. bins: Pixel bins, as was passed to :func:`run_em`. Returns: Two Numpy arrays, the first corresponding to the background conditional probabilities, and the second to the foreground conditional probabilities Raises: SegmentationError: If `em_results` is a dictionary but `bins` was not provided. """ if "counts" not in vi_results: if bins is None: raise SegmentationError("`vi_results` indicate binning was used, but `bins` was not provided") background_cond = np.ones(X.shape) cell_cond = np.zeros(X.shape) for label, params in vi_results.items(): mask = bins == label conditionals = NegativeBinomialMixture.conditionals(params, X[mask]) background_cond[mask], cell_cond[mask] = conditionals[0], conditionals[-1] else: params = vi_results conditionals = NegativeBinomialMixture.conditionals(params, X) background_cond, cell_cond = conditionals[0], conditionals[-1] return background_cond, cell_cond
[docs]def run_vi( X: np.ndarray, downsample: Union[int, float] = 0.01, n_epochs: int = 500, bins: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, params: Union[Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]], Dict[int, Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]]] = dict( w=(0.5, 0.5), mu=(10.0, 300.0), var=(20.0, 400.0) ), zero_inflated: bool = False, seed: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Union[ Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]], Dict[int, Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]]], ]: """Run negative binomial mixture variational inference. Args: X: downsample: n_epochs: bins: params: zero_inflated: seed: Returns: """ samples = {} # key 0 when bins = None if bins is not None: for label in np.unique(bins): if label > 0: samples[label] = X[bins == label] _params = params.get(label, params) if set(_params.keys()) != {"w", "mu", "var"}: raise SegmentationError("`params` must contain exactly the keys `w`, `mu`, `var`.") else: samples[0] = X.flatten() if set(params.keys()) != {"w", "mu", "var"}: raise SegmentationError("`params` must contain exactly the keys `w`, `mu`, `var`.") downsample_scale = True if downsample > 1: downsample_scale = False rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) final_samples = {} total = sum(len(_samples) for _samples in samples.values()) for label, _samples in samples.items(): _downsample = int(len(_samples) * downsample) if downsample_scale else int(downsample * (len(_samples) / total)) if len(_samples) > _downsample: _samples = rng.choice(_samples, _downsample, replace=False) final_samples[label] = np.array(_samples) results = {} for label, _samples in final_samples.items(): pyro.clear_param_store() nbm = NegativeBinomialMixture(_samples, zero_inflated=zero_inflated, seed=seed, **params.get(label, params)) nbm.train(n_epochs) results[label] = nbm.get_params() return results if bins is not None else results[0]