from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from anndata import AnnData
from ..configuration import SKM
from ..errors import SegmentationError
from ..logging import logger_manager as lm
[docs]def select_qc_regions(
adata: AnnData,
regions: Union[List[Tuple[int, int]], List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]]] = None,
n: int = 4,
size: int = 2000,
seed: Optional[int] = None,
use_scale: bool = True,
absolute: bool = False,
weight_func: Optional[Callable[[AnnData], float]] = lambda adata: np.log1p(adata.X.sum()),
"""Select regions to use for segmentation quality control purposes.
All coordinates are in terms of "real" coordinates (i.e. the coordinates
in `adata.obs_names` and `adata.var_names`) so that slicing the
AnnData retains the regions correctly.
adata: Input AnnData
regions: List of tuples in the form `(xmin, ymin)` or `(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)`.
If the later, the `size` argument is used to compute the bounding box.
n: Number of regions to select if `regions` is not provided.
size: Width and height, in pixels, of each randomly selected region.
seed: Random seed.
use_scale: Whether or not the provided `regions` are in scale units.
This option only has effect when `regions` are
provided. `False` means the provided coordinates are in terms of
absolute: Whether or not the provided `regions` are in terms of absolute
X and Y coordinates. This option only has effect when `regions` are
provided. `False` means the provided coordinates are relative with
respect to the coordinates in the provided `adata`.
weight_func: Weighting function when `regions` is not provided. The probability of
selecting each `size x size` region will be weighted by this function, which
accepts a single AnnData (the region) as its argument, and returns a single
float weight, such that higher weights mean higher probability. By default,
the log1p of the sum of the counts in the `X` layer is used. Set to `None`
to weight each region equally.
if not regions:
lm.main_info(f"Randomly selecting {n} regions of shape {(size, size)}.")
_regions = np.zeros((n, 4), dtype=int)
# Construct grid indices
indices = np.dstack(
np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, adata.n_obs - size, size), np.arange(0, adata.n_vars - size, size))
).reshape(-1, 2)
if indices.shape[0] == 0:
raise SegmentationError("No possible regions found. This may indicate the `size` argument is to big.")
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
if weight_func is None:
idx = rng.choice(np.arange(indices.shape[0]), n, replace=False)
p = np.zeros(indices.shape[0])
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(indices):
p[i] = weight_func(adata[x : x + size, y : y + size])
idx = rng.choice(np.arange(indices.shape[0]), n, replace=False, p=p / p.sum())
choices = indices[idx]
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(choices):
xmin = int(adata.obs_names[x])
ymin = int(adata.var_names[y])
_regions[i] = [xmin, xmin + size, ymin, ymin + size]
lm.main_info(f"Using regions provided with `regions` argument.")
_regions = np.zeros((len(regions), 4), dtype=int)
adata_bounds = SKM.get_agg_bounds(adata)
binsize = SKM.get_uns_spatial_attribute(adata, SKM.UNS_SPATIAL_BINSIZE_KEY)
scale = SKM.get_uns_spatial_attribute(adata, SKM.UNS_SPATIAL_SCALE_KEY) * binsize
unit = SKM.get_uns_spatial_attribute(adata, SKM.UNS_SPATIAL_SCALE_UNIT_KEY)
for i, region in enumerate(regions):
if len(region) == 4:
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = region
elif len(region) == 2:
xmin, ymin = region
xmax = xmin + size
ymax = ymin + size
raise SegmentationError("`regions` must be a list of 4-element or 2-element tuples.")
if use_scale and unit is not None:
xmin /= scale
xmax /= scale
ymin /= scale
ymax /= scale
# If absolute = False, adjust for anndata bounds
if not absolute:
xmin += adata_bounds[0]
xmax += adata_bounds[0]
ymin += adata_bounds[2]
ymax += adata_bounds[2]
if xmin < adata_bounds[0] or xmax >= adata_bounds[1] or ymin < adata_bounds[2] or ymax >= adata_bounds[3]:
lm.main_warning(f"Region {region} is out of bounds. It will be clipped into bounds.")
xmin = max(xmin, adata_bounds[0])
xmax = min(xmax, adata_bounds[1])
ymin = max(ymin, adata_bounds[2])
ymax = min(ymax, adata_bounds[3])
_regions[i] = (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
_regions = _regions.astype(int)
SKM.set_uns_spatial_attribute(adata, SKM.UNS_SPATIAL_QC_KEY, _regions)
[docs]def _generate_random_labels(shape: Tuple[int, int], areas: List[int], seed: Optional[int] = None) -> np.ndarray:
n =
if sum(areas) > n:
raise SegmentationError("Sum of `areas` exceeds to total area")
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
labels = np.zeros(n, dtype=int)
indices = np.arange(n)
for i, area in enumerate(areas):
label = i + 1
labels[indices[:area]] = label
indices = indices[area:]
return labels.reshape(shape)
[docs]def generate_random_labels(
adata: AnnData,
areas: List[int],
seed: Optional[int] = None,
out_layer: str = "random_labels",
"""Create random labels, usually for benchmarking and QC purposes.
adata: Input Anndata
areas: List of desired areas.
seed: Random seed.
out_layer: Layer to save results.
labels = _generate_random_labels(adata.shape, areas, seed)
SKM.set_layer_data(adata, out_layer, labels)
[docs]def generate_random_labels_like(
adata: AnnData,
layer: str,
seed: Optional[int] = None,
out_layer: str = "random_labels",
"""Create random labels, using another layer as a template.
adata: Input Anndata
layer: Layer containing template labels
seed: Random seed.
out_layer: Layer to save results.
labels = SKM.select_layer_data(adata, layer)
bincount = np.bincount(labels.flatten())
generate_random_labels(adata, bincount[1:], seed=seed, out_layer=out_layer)