Source code for spateo.segmentation.moran

"""Cell masking using Moran's I metric.

Adapted from code written by @HailinPan.
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import cv2
import numpy as np
from anndata import AnnData
from scipy import signal, stats
from skimage.filters import sobel, threshold_otsu
from skimage.segmentation import watershed

from ..configuration import SKM
from ..logging import logger_manager as lm
from . import utils

[docs]def moranI( X: np.ndarray, kernel: np.ndarray, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Compute Moran's I for cell masking. Args: X: Numpy array containing (possibly smoothed) UMI counts or binarized values. kernel: 2D kernel containing weights mask: If provided, only consider pixels within the mask Returns: A 4-element tuple containing (z, c, i, pvalue). """ masked_X = X n = X.size if mask is not None: masked_X = X[mask] n = mask.sum() x_bar = masked_X.sum() / n z = X - x_bar z_masked = z if mask is None else z[mask] m2 = (z_masked**2).sum() / n c = signal.convolve2d(z, kernel, boundary="symm", mode="same") i = z / m2 * c ei = -kernel.sum() / (n - 1) wi2 = (kernel**2).sum() m4 = (z_masked**4).sum() / n b2 = m4 / (m2**2) tow_wikh = (kernel.reshape(-1, 1) * kernel.reshape(1, -1)).sum() vari = wi2 * (n - b2) / (n - 1) + tow_wikh * (2 * b2 - n) / ((n - 1) * (n - 2)) - kernel.sum() ** 2 / (n - 1) ** 2 zscore = (i - ei) / vari**0.5 pvalue = stats.norm.sf(abs(zscore)) * 2 return z, c, i, pvalue
[docs]def run_moran(X: np.ndarray, k: int = 7, p_threshold: float = 0.05, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> np.ndarray: """Compute scores using Moran's I method. Args: X: Numpy array containing (possibly smoothed) UMI counts or binarized values. k: Kernel size p_threshold: P-value threshold. Test. Test Test mask: If provided, only consider pixels within the mask Returns: A 2D Numpy array indicating pixel scores """ # Create Gaussian kernel kx = cv2.getGaussianKernel(k, 0) ky = cv2.getGaussianKernel(k, 0) kernel = (ky * kx.T) * kernel[(k - 1) // 2, (k - 1) // 2] = 0 z, c, i, pvalue = moranI(X, kernel, mask=mask) # Set pixels whose p values are < p_threshold to zero, which indicate # no spatial correlation. c[pvalue >= p_threshold] = 0 return c
[docs]def run_moran_and_mask_pixels( adata: AnnData, layer: str, k: int = 7, method: str = "edge-watershed", mk: int = 3, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, mask_layer: Optional[str] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Compute scores using Moran's I method. Args: adata: Input Anndata layer: Layer that contains UMI counts to use k: Kernel size method: Method used for generating cell mask based on p value of Moran's I. 'edge-watershed' or 'otsu' mk: Kernel size of morphological open and close operations to reduce noise in the mask. mask: If provided, only consider pixels within the mask mask_layer: Layer to save the final mask. Defaults to `{layer}_mask`. Returns: A boolean mask. """ # Create Gaussian kernel kx = cv2.getGaussianKernel(k, 0) ky = cv2.getGaussianKernel(k, 0) kernel = (ky * kx.T) * kernel[(k - 1) // 2, (k - 1) // 2] = 0 X = SKM.select_layer_data(adata, layer, make_dense=True) lm.main_info(f"run Moran’s I.") z, c, i, pvalue = moranI(X, kernel, mask=mask) if mask is not None: m = binary_morani_result(c, pvalue, method=method, tissue_mask=mask) else: m = binary_morani_result(c, pvalue, method=method) m = utils.mclose_mopen(m, mk) mask_layer = mask_layer or SKM.gen_new_layer_key(layer, SKM.MASK_SUFFIX) SKM.set_layer_data(adata, mask_layer, m)
[docs]def binary_morani_result( c: np.ndarray, p: np.ndarray, pvalue_cutoff: float = None, method: str = "edge-watershed", # edge-detection and watershed 'edge-watershed' or 'otsu' c_cutoff: float = None, tissue_mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Generate cell mask based on Moran's I.""" if pvalue_cutoff == None: if method == "otsu": p = (p * 255).astype(np.uint8) if isinstance(tissue_mask, np.ndarray): p2 = p[tissue_mask > 0] else: p2 = p.flatten() pvalue_cutoff = threshold_otsu(hist=(np.bincount(p2), np.arange(len(np.bincount(p2))))) # print(f'pvalue_cutoff: {pvalue_cutoff}') p_cell_mask = np.where(p <= pvalue_cutoff, 255, 0).astype(np.uint8) if method == "edge-watershed": edges = sobel(p) markers = np.zeros_like(p, np.int8) foreground, background = 1, 2 markers[p > 0.95] = background markers[p < 1e-5] = foreground ws = watershed(edges, markers) # np.int32 p_cell_mask = np.where(ws == 1, 255, 0).astype(np.uint8) # cv2.imwrite("p_cell_mask.tif", p_cell_mask) else: # pvalue_cutoff = 0.05 p_cell_mask = np.where(p <= pvalue_cutoff, 255, 0).astype(np.uint8) if c_cutoff == None: c = ((c - np.min(c)) / (np.max(c) - np.min(c)) * 255).astype(np.uint8) if isinstance(tissue_mask, np.ndarray): c2 = c[(p_cell_mask == 255) & (tissue_mask > 0)] else: c2 = c[p_cell_mask == 255] counts = np.bincount(c2) if counts[0] == 0: counts[0] = 1 if counts[-1] == 0: counts[-1] = 1 c_cutoff = threshold_otsu(hist=(counts, np.arange(256))) # for i in counts: # print(i) # print(f'c_cutoff after adjust to 0-255: {c_cutoff}') # cv2.imwrite("c_255.tif", c) # out if isinstance(tissue_mask, np.ndarray): cell_mask = np.where((p_cell_mask == 255) & (c >= c_cutoff) & (tissue_mask > 0), 255, 0).astype(np.uint8) else: cell_mask = np.where((p_cell_mask == 255) & (c >= c_cutoff), 255, 0).astype(np.uint8) return cell_mask.astype(np.bool)