"""Functions to segment regions of a slice by UMI density.
from collections import Counter
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
import cv2
import numpy as np
from anndata import AnnData
from kneed import KneeLocator
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, issparse, lil_matrix, spmatrix
from sklearn import cluster
from typing_extensions import Literal
from ..configuration import SKM
from ..io.utils import bin_matrix
from ..logging import logger_manager as lm
from . import utils
from .label import _replace_labels
[docs]def _create_spatial_adjacency(shape: Tuple[int, int]) -> csr_matrix:
"""Create a sparse adjacency matrix for a 2D grid graph of specified shape.
shape: Shape of grid
A sparse adjacency matrix
n_rows, n_cols = shape
n_nodes = n_rows * n_cols
adjacency = lil_matrix((n_nodes, n_nodes))
for r in range(n_rows):
for c in range(n_cols):
i = r * n_cols + c
# Two inner diagonals
if c > 0:
adjacency[i - 1, i] = adjacency[i, i - 1] = 1
# Two outer diagonals
if r > 0:
adjacency[i - n_cols, i] = adjacency[i, i - n_cols] = 1
return adjacency.tocsr()
[docs]def _schc(X: np.ndarray, distance_threshold: Optional[float] = None) -> np.ndarray:
"""Spatially-constrained hierarchical clustering.
Perform hierarchical clustering with Ward linkage on an array
containing UMI counts per pixel. Spatial constraints are
imposed by limiting the neighbors of each node to immediate 4
pixel neighbors.
This function runs in two steps. First, it computes a Ward linkage tree
by calling :func:`sklearn.cluster.ward_tree`, with `return_distance=True`,
which yields distances between clusters. then, if `distance_threshold` is not
provided, a dynamic threshold is calculated by finding the inflection (knee)
of the distance (x) vs number of clusters (y) line using the top 1000
distances, making the assumption that for the vast majority of cases, there
will be less than 1000 density clusters.
X: UMI counts per pixel
distance_threshold: Distance threshold for the Ward linkage
such that clusters will not be merged if they have
greater than this distance.
Clustering result as a Numpy array of same shape, where clusters are
indicated by integers.
lm.main_debug("Constructing spatial adjacency matrix.")
adjacency = _create_spatial_adjacency(X.shape)
X_flattened = X.flatten()
lm.main_debug("Computing Ward tree.")
children, _, n_leaves, _, distances = cluster.ward_tree(X_flattened, connectivity=adjacency, return_distance=True)
# Find distance threshold if not provided
if not distance_threshold:
lm.main_debug("Finding dynamic distance threshold by using knee of the top 1000 distances.")
x = np.sort(np.unique(distances))[-1000:]
# NOTE: number of clusters needs a +1, as also done in sklearn
# https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/blob/7e1e6d09b/sklearn/cluster/_agglomerative.py#L1017
y = np.array([(distances >= val).sum() + 1 for val in x])
kl = KneeLocator(
x, y, curve="convex", direction="decreasing", online=True, interp_method="polynomial", polynomial_degree=10
distance_threshold = kl.knee
n_clusters = (distances >= distance_threshold).sum() + 1
lm.main_debug("Finding {n_clusters} assignments.")
assignments = cluster._agglomerative._hc_cut(n_clusters, children, n_leaves)
return assignments.reshape(X.shape)
[docs]def _segment_densities(
X: Union[spmatrix, np.ndarray], k: int, dk: int, distance_threshold: Optional[float] = None
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Segment a matrix containing UMI counts into regions by UMI density.
X: UMI counts per pixel
k: Kernel size for Gaussian blur
dk: Kernel size for final dilation
distance_threshold: Distance threshold for the Ward linkage
such that clusters will not be merged if they have
greater than this distance.
Clustering result as a Numpy array of same shape, where clusters are
indicated by positive integers.
# Warn on too large array
if X.size > 5e5:
f"Array has {X.size} elements. This may take a while and a lot of memory. "
"Please consider condensing the array by increasing the binsize."
# Make dense and normalize.
if issparse(X):
lm.main_debug("Converting to dense matrix.")
X = X.toarray()
lm.main_debug("Normalizing matrix.")
X = X / X.max()
lm.main_debug(f"Applying Gaussian blur with k={k}.")
X = utils.conv2d(X, k, mode="gauss")
# Add 1 because 0 should indicate background!
bins = _schc(X, distance_threshold=distance_threshold) + 1
lm.main_debug("Dilating labels in ascending mean density order.")
dilated = np.zeros_like(bins)
labels = np.unique(bins)
for label in sorted(labels, key=lambda label: X[bins == label].mean()):
mask = bins == label
dilate = cv2.dilate(mask.astype(np.uint8), utils.circle(dk))
dilated[utils.mclose_mopen(dilate, dk) > 0] = label
return dilated
[docs]def segment_densities(
adata: AnnData,
layer: str,
binsize: int,
k: int,
dk: int,
distance_threshold: Optional[float] = None,
background: Optional[Union[Tuple[int, int], Literal[False]]] = None,
out_layer: Optional[str] = None,
"""Segment into regions by UMI density.
The tissue is segmented into UMI density bins according to the following
1. The UMI matrix is binned according to `binsize` (recommended >= 20).
2. The binned UMI matrix (from the previous step) is Gaussian blurred with
kernel size `k`. Note that `k` is in terms of bins, not pixels.
3. The elements of the blurred, binned UMI matrix is hierarchically clustered
with Ward linkage, distance threshold `distance_threshold`, and spatial
constraints (immediate neighbors). This yields pixel density bins
(a.k.a. labels) the same shape as the binned matrix.
4. Each density bin is diluted with kernel size `dk`, starting from the
bin with the smallest mean UMI (a.k.a. least dense) and going to
the bin with the largest mean UMI (a.k.a. most dense). This is done in
an effort to mitigate RNA diffusion and "choppy" borders in subsequent
5. If `background` is not provided, the density bin that is most common in the
perimeter of the matrix is selected to be background, and thus its label
is changed to take a value of 0. A pixel can be manually selected to be
background by providing a `(x, y)` tuple instead. This feature can be
turned off by providing `False`.
6. The density bin matrix is resized to be the same size as the original UMI
adata: Input Anndata
layer: Layer that contains UMI counts to segment based on.
binsize: Size of bins to use. For density segmentation, pixels are binned
to reduce runtime. 20 is usually a good starting point. Note that this
value is relative to the original binsize used to read in the
k: Kernel size for Gaussian blur, in bins
dk: Kernel size for final dilation, in bins
distance_threshold: Distance threshold for the Ward linkage
such that clusters will not be merged if they have
greater than this distance.
background: Pixel that should be categorized as background. By
default, the bin that is most assigned to the outermost pixels are
categorized as background. Set to False to turn off background detection.
out_layer: Layer to put resulting bins. Defaults to `{layer}_bins`.
X = SKM.select_layer_data(adata, layer, make_dense=binsize == 1)
if binsize > 1:
lm.main_debug(f"Binning matrix with binsize={binsize}.")
X = bin_matrix(X, binsize)
if issparse(X):
lm.main_debug("Converting to dense matrix.")
X = X.toarray()
lm.main_info("Finding density bins.")
bins = _segment_densities(X, k, dk, distance_threshold)
if background is not False:
lm.main_info("Setting background pixels.")
if background is not None:
x, y = background
background_label = bins[x, y]
counts = Counter(bins[0]) + Counter(bins[-1]) + Counter(bins[:, 0]) + Counter(bins[:, -1])
background_label = counts.most_common(1)[0][0]
bins[bins == background_label] = 0
bins[bins > background_label] -= 1
if binsize > 1:
# Expand back
bins = cv2.resize(bins, adata.shape[::-1], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
out_layer = out_layer or SKM.gen_new_layer_key(layer, SKM.BINS_SUFFIX)
SKM.set_layer_data(adata, out_layer, bins)
[docs]def merge_densities(
adata: AnnData,
layer: str,
mapping: Optional[Dict[int, int]] = None,
out_layer: Optional[str] = None,
"""Merge density bins either using an explicit mapping or in a semi-supervised
adata: Input Anndata
layer: Layer that was used to generate density bins. Defaults to
using `{layer}_bins`. If not present, will be taken as a literal.
mapping: Mapping to use to transform bins
out_layer: Layer to store results. Defaults to same layer as input.
# TODO: implement semi-supervised way of merging density bins
_layer = SKM.gen_new_layer_key(layer, SKM.BINS_SUFFIX)
if _layer not in adata.layers:
_layer = layer
bins = SKM.select_layer_data(adata, _layer)
lm.main_info(f"Merging densities with mapping {mapping}.")
replaced = _replace_labels(bins, mapping)
SKM.set_layer_data(adata, out_layer or _layer, replaced)