Source code for spateo.preprocessing.auxseg

import math
from typing import Optional

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs]class LiveWireSegmentation(object): def __init__(self, image=None, smooth_image: bool = False, threshold_gradient_image: bool = False): super(LiveWireSegmentation, self).__init__() # init internal containers # container for input image
[docs] self._image = None
# container for the gradient image
[docs] self.edges = None
# stores the image as an undirected graph for shortest path search
[docs] self.G = None
# init parameters # should smooth the original image using bilateral smoothing filter
[docs] self.smooth_image = smooth_image
# should use the thresholded gradient image for shortest path computation
[docs] self.threshold_gradient_image = threshold_gradient_image
# init image # store image and compute the gradient image self.image = image
[docs] self.current_point = None
[docs] self.path = None
[docs] self.current_path_plot = None
[docs] self.point_list = []
[docs] self.point_plot_list = []
[docs] self.path_list = np.empty(shape=[0, 2], dtype="int")
[docs] self.path_plot_list = []
[docs] self.rst = None
[docs] def image(self): return self._image
@image.setter def image(self, value): self._image = value if self._image is not None: if self.smooth_image: self._smooth_image() self._compute_gradient_image() if self.threshold_gradient_image: self._threshold_gradient_image() self._compute_graph() else: self.edges = None self.G = None
[docs] def _smooth_image(self): from skimage import restoration self._image = restoration.denoise_bilateral(self.image)
[docs] def _compute_gradient_image(self): from skimage import filters self.edges = filters.scharr(self._image)
[docs] def _threshold_gradient_image(self): from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu threshold = threshold_otsu(self.edges) self.edges = self.edges > threshold self.edges = self.edges.astype(float)
[docs] def _compute_graph(self): try: from dijkstar import Graph except ImportError: raise ImportError( "You need to install the package `dijkstar`." "\nInstall dijkstar via `pip install --upgrade dijkstar`" ) vertex = self.edges h, w = self.edges.shape[1::-1] graph = Graph(undirected=True) # Iterating over an image and avoiding boundaries for i in range(1, w - 1): for j in range(1, h - 1): G_x = float(vertex[i, j]) - float(vertex[i, j + 1]) # Center - right G_y = float(vertex[i, j]) - float(vertex[i + 1, j]) # Center - bottom G = np.sqrt((G_x) ** 2 + (G_y) ** 2) if G_x > 0 or G_x < 0: theeta = math.atan(G_y / G_x) else: theeta = 0 # Theeta is rotated in clockwise direction (90 degrees) to align with edge theeta_a = theeta + math.pi / 2 G_x_a = abs(G * math.cos(theeta_a)) + 0.00001 G_y_a = abs(G * math.sin(theeta_a)) + 0.00001 # Strongest Edge will have lowest weights W_x = 1 / G_x_a W_y = 1 / G_y_a # Assigning weights graph.add_edge((i, j), (i, j + 1), W_x) # W_x is given to right of current vertex graph.add_edge((i, j), (i + 1, j), W_y) # W_y is given to bottom of current vertex self.G = graph
[docs] def compute_shortest_path(self, startPt, endPt): try: from dijkstar import find_path except ImportError: raise ImportError( "You need to install the package `dijkstar`." "\nInstall dijkstar via `pip install --upgrade dijkstar`" ) if self.image is None: raise AttributeError("Load an image first!") path = find_path(self.G, startPt, endPt)[0] return np.array(path)
[docs] def LineDDA(start, end): start_x = start[0] start_y = start[1] end_x = end[0] end_y = end[1] delta_x = end_x - start_x delta_y = end_y - start_y if abs(delta_x) > abs(delta_y): steps = abs(delta_x) else: steps = abs(delta_y) x_step = delta_x / (steps + 10**-9) y_step = delta_y / (steps + 10**-9) x = start_x y = start_y points = [] while steps >= 0: points.append([round(x), round(y)]) x += x_step y += y_step steps -= 1 return np.array(points)
[docs] def fill_contours(arr): img = np.zeros(shape=[np.max(arr[:, 0]) + 1, np.max(arr[:, 1]) + 1], dtype="uint8") for line in arr: img[line[0], line[1]] = 1 img_full = np.maximum.accumulate(img, 1) & np.maximum.accumulate(img[:, ::-1], 1)[:, ::-1] return np.array(np.where(img_full == 1)).T
[docs] def connect(self): plt.connect("button_release_event", self.button_pressed) plt.connect("motion_notify_event", self.mouse_moved) plt.connect("key_press_event", self.key_pressed)
[docs] def button_pressed(self, event): self.current_point = (int(event.ydata), int(event.xdata)) self.point_list.append(self.current_point) self.point_plot_list.extend(plt.plot([event.xdata], [event.ydata], marker="o", color="k")) if len(self.point_list) > 1: self.path_list = np.row_stack((self.path_list, self.path)) self.path_plot_list.extend(plt.plot(self.path[:, 1], self.path[:, 0])) first_point = self.point_list[0] if np.sum((np.array(self.current_point) - np.array(first_point)) ** 2) ** 0.5 <= 2: path_final = self.compute_shortest_path(self.current_point, first_point) path_rst = np.row_stack((self.path_list, path_final)) path_full = self.fill_contours(path_rst) # np.savetxt('full.txt', path_full, fmt='%d') self.rst = path_full plt.close() plt.draw()
[docs] def mouse_moved(self, event): if self.current_point is not None: mouse_point = (int(event.ydata), int(event.xdata)) if event.key == "s": self.path = self.LineDDA(self.current_point, mouse_point) else: self.path = self.compute_shortest_path(self.current_point, mouse_point) if self.current_path_plot is not None: self.current_path_plot.pop(0).remove() self.current_path_plot = plt.plot(self.path[:, 1], self.path[:, 0]) plt.draw()
[docs] def key_pressed(self, event): if event.key == "ctrl+z": self.point_plot_list.pop(-1).remove() self.path_plot_list.pop(-1).remove() self.point_list.pop(-1) self.current_point = self.point_list[-1]