Source code for spateo.plotting.static.three_d_plot.pairwise_align_plots

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

from typing import Optional, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from anndata import AnnData
from pyvista import PolyData
from scipy.sparse import issparse

from ....alignment import get_optimal_mapping_relationship
from ....tdr import (
from .three_dims_plots import three_d_animate, three_d_plot

[docs]def pi_heatmap( pi: np.ndarray, model1_name: str = "model1", model2_name: str = "model2", colormap: str = "hot_r", fig_height: Union[int, float] = 3, robust: bool = False, vmin: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, vmax: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, fontsize: Union[int, float] = 12, filename: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Visualize a heatmap of the pi matrix. Args: pi: The pi matrix obtained by alignment. model1_name: The name/id of model1. model2_name: The name/id of model2. colormap: Colors to use for plotting heatmap. The default colormap is ``'hot_r'``. fig_height: Figure height. robust: If True and vmin or vmax are absent, the colormap range is computed with robust quantiles instead of the extreme values. vmin: Values to anchor the colormap, otherwise they are inferred from the data and other keyword arguments. vmax: Values to anchor the colormap, otherwise they are inferred from the data and other keyword arguments. fontsize: The font size of x label and y label. filename: Filename of output file. **kwargs: Additional parameters that will be passed to ``sns.heatmap`` function. """ sort_pi = pi.T[np.lexsort(pi[::-1, :])].T sort_pi = sort_pi[np.lexsort(sort_pi[:, ::-1].T)] pi_shape = sort_pi.shape aspect_ratio = pi_shape[1] / pi_shape[0] figsize = (fig_height * aspect_ratio, fig_height) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) sns.heatmap(data=sort_pi, cmap=colormap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, robust=robust, ax=ax, **kwargs) ax.set_xticks([]), ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xlabel( xlabel=model2_name, labelpad=5, loc="center", fontsize=fontsize, fontweight="regular", ) ax.set_ylabel( ylabel=model1_name, labelpad=5, loc="center", fontsize=fontsize, fontweight="regular", ) sns.despine(ax=ax, top=False, right=False, left=False, bottom=False) if not (filename is None): fig.savefig(filename, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight") else: return fig
[docs]def pairwise_mapping( idA: str = "sampleA", idB: str = "sampleB", adataA: Optional[AnnData] = None, adataB: Optional[AnnData] = None, pi: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, modelA: Optional[PolyData] = None, modelB: Optional[PolyData] = None, model_lines: Optional[PolyData] = None, layer: str = "X", group_key: Union[str, list] = None, spatial_key: str = "align_spatial", keep_all: bool = False, distance: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 300, direction: Optional[Literal["x", "y", "z"]] = "z", filename: Optional[str] = None, jupyter: Union[bool, Literal["none", "static", "trame"]] = False, off_screen: bool = False, cpo: Optional[Union[str, list]] = "iso", window_size: Optional[tuple] = (1024, 1024), background: str = "black", modelA_cmap: str = "dodgerblue", modelA_amap: Union[float, list] = 1.0, modelB_cmap: str = "red", modelB_amap: Union[float, list] = 1.0, line_color: str = "gainsboro", line_alpha: Union[float, list] = 1.0, ambient: float = 0.3, model_opacity: float = 1, line_opacity: float = 0.03, model_size: Union[float, list] = 6.0, line_size: Union[float, list] = 2.0, show_axes: bool = True, show_legend: bool = True, legend_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, text: Union[bool, str] = True, text_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Visualize the pairing of cells between two models. Args: idA: ID of modelA. idB: ID of modelB. adataA: Anndata object of modelA. adataB: Anndata object of modelB. pi: The pi matrix obtained by alignment. modelA: The point cloud model of adataA. modelB: The point cloud model of adataB. model_lines: Cell connection lines between modelA and modelB layer: If ``'X'``, uses ``.X``, otherwise uses the representation given by ``.layers[layer]``. group_key: The key that stores clustering or annotation information in ``.obs``, a gene name or a list of gene names in ``.var``. spatial_key: The key in ``.obsm`` that corresponds to the spatial coordinate of each bucket. keep_all: Whether to retain all the optimal relationships obtained only based on the pi matrix, If ``keep_all`` is False, the optimal relationships obtained based on the pi matrix and the nearest coordinates. distance: Distance between modelA and modelB when visualizing. direction: The direction between modelA and modelB when visualizing. filename: Filename of output file. Writer type is inferred from the extension of the filename. * Output an image file,please enter a filename ending with ``'.png', '.tif', '.tiff', '.bmp', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.svg', '.eps', '.ps', '.pdf', '.tex'``. When ``jupyter=False``, if you want to save '.png' file, please ensure ``off_screen=True``. jupyter: Whether to plot in jupyter notebook. Available ``jupyter`` are: * ``'none'`` - Do not display in the notebook. * ``'trame'`` - Show a trame widget * ``'static'`` - Display a static figure. off_screen: Renders off-screen when True. Useful for automated screenshots. cpo: Camera position of the active render window. Available ``cpo`` are: * Iterable containing position, focal_point, and view up. ``E.g.: [(2.0, 5.0, 13.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (-0.7, -0.5, 0.3)].`` * Iterable containing a view vector. ``E.g.: [-1.0, 2.0, -5.0].`` * A string containing the plane orthogonal to the view direction. ``E.g.: 'xy', 'xz', 'yz', 'yx', 'zx', 'zy', 'iso'.`` window_size: Window size in pixels. The default window_size is ``(1024, 1024)``. background: The background color of the window. modelA_cmap: Colors to use for plotting modelA. The default colormap is ``'dodgerblue'``. modelA_amap: The opacity of the colors to use for plotting modelA. The default alphamap is ``1.0``. modelB_cmap: Colors to use for plotting modelB. The default colormap is ``'red'``. modelB_amap: The opacity of the colors to use for plotting modelB. The default alphamap is ``1.0``. line_color: Colors to use for plotting lines. The default colormap is ``'gainsboro'``. line_alpha: Alpha to use for plotting lines. The default colormap is ``'gainsboro'``. ambient: When lighting is enabled, this is the amount of light in the range of 0 to 1 (default 0.0) that reaches the actor when not directed at the light source emitted from the viewer. model_opacity: Opacity of the modelA and modelB. line_opacity: Opacity of the lines. model_size: The point size of any nodes in the dataset plotted. line_size: The line size of lines in the dataset plotted. show_axes: Whether to add a camera orientation widget to the active renderer. show_legend: whether to add a legend to the plotter. legend_kwargs: A dictionary that will be pass to the ``add_legend`` function. By default, it is an empty dictionary and the ``add_legend`` function will use the ``{"legend_size": None, "legend_loc": None, "legend_size": None, "legend_loc": None, "title_font_size": None, "label_font_size": None, "font_family": "arial", "fmt": "%.2e", "n_labels": 5, "vertical": True}`` as its parameters. Otherwise, you can provide a dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs. text: The text to add the rendering. text_kwargs: A dictionary that will be pass to the ``add_text`` function. By default, it is an empty dictionary and the ``add_legend`` function will use the ``{ "font_family": "arial", "font_size": 12, "font_color": "black", "text_loc": "upper_left"}`` as its parameters. Otherwise, you can provide a dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs. **kwargs: Additional parameters that will be passed to ``three_d_plot`` function. Returns: pcA: The point cloud models of adataA. pcB: The point cloud models of adataB. model_lines: Cell mapping lines between modelA and modelB. """ # Check the spatial coordinates if adataA is not None and adataA.obsm[spatial_key].shape[1] == 2: z = np.zeros(shape=(adataA.obsm[spatial_key].shape[0], 1)) adataA.obsm[spatial_key] = np.c_[adataA.obsm[spatial_key], z] if adataB is not None and adataB.obsm[spatial_key].shape[1] == 2: z = np.zeros(shape=(adataB.obsm[spatial_key].shape[0], 1)) adataB.obsm[spatial_key] = np.c_[adataB.obsm[spatial_key], z] if direction == "x": models_distance = np.asarray([-distance, 0, 0]) elif direction == "y": models_distance = np.asarray([0, -distance, 0]) else: models_distance = np.asarray([0, 0, -distance]) # Construct lines if model_lines is None: assert adataA is not None, "If ``model_lines`` is None, ``adataA`` cannot be None." assert adataB is not None, "If ``model_lines`` is None, ``adataB`` cannot be None." assert pi is not None, "If ``model_lines`` is None, ``pi`` cannot be None." # Obtain the optimal mapping connections between two samples max_index, pi_value, _, _ = get_optimal_mapping_relationship( X=adataA.obsm[spatial_key].copy(), Y=adataB.obsm[spatial_key].copy(), pi=pi, keep_all=keep_all, ) mapping_data = pd.DataFrame( np.concatenate([max_index, pi_value], axis=1), columns=["index_x", "index_y", "pi_value"], ).astype( dtype={ "index_x": np.int64, "index_y": np.int64, "pi_value": np.float64, } ) mapping_data.sort_values(by=["index_x", "pi_value"], ascending=[True, False], inplace=True) mapping_data.drop_duplicates(subset=["index_x"], keep="first", inplace=True) model_lines, plot_cmapL = construct_align_lines( model1_points=adataA.obsm[spatial_key].copy(), model2_points=adataB.obsm[spatial_key][mapping_data["index_y"].values] + models_distance, key_added="mapping", label="lines", color=line_color, alpha=line_alpha, ) else: model_lines, plot_cmapL = add_model_labels( model=model_lines, labels=np.asarray(["lines"] * model_lines.n_points), key_added="mapping", where="point_data", colormap=line_color, alphamap=line_alpha, inplace=False, ) # Construct point cloud models pc_models, plot_cmaps = [], [] for _adata, _model, _cmap, _amap, _id, _name in zip( [adataA, adataB], [modelA, modelB], [modelA_cmap, modelB_cmap], [modelA_amap, modelB_amap], [idA, idB], ["A", "B"], ): if _adata is None: assert _model != None, f"If ``adata{_name}`` is None, ``model{_name}`` cannot be None." pc_model, plot_cmapPC = add_model_labels( model=_model, labels=np.asarray([_id] * _model.n_points), key_added="mapping", where="point_data", colormap=_cmap, alphamap=_amap, inplace=False, ) else: _adata.obs["id"] = _id group_key = "id" if group_key is None else group_key if _model is None: pc_model, plot_cmapPC = construct_pc( adata=_adata.copy(), layer=layer, spatial_key=spatial_key, groupby=group_key, key_added="mapping", colormap=_cmap, alphamap=_amap, ) else: if group_key in _adata.obs_keys(): labels_arr = _adata.obs[group_key] elif group_key in _adata.var_names: _adata.X = _adata.X if layer == "X" else _adata.layers[layer] labels_arr = ( _adata[:, group_key].X.todense().flatten() if issparse(_adata.X) else _adata[:, group_key].X.flatten() ) else: raise ValueError("`group_key` value is wrong.") pc_model, plot_cmapPC = add_model_labels( model=_model, labels=labels_arr, key_added="mapping", where="point_data", colormap=_cmap, alphamap=_amap, inplace=False, ) if _name == "B": pc_model.points = pc_model.points + models_distance pc_models.append(pc_model) plot_cmaps.append(plot_cmapPC) # Visualization return three_d_plot( model=collect_models([model_lines, merge_models(pc_models)]), key="mapping", filename=filename, jupyter=jupyter, off_screen=off_screen, cpo=cpo, background=background, window_size=window_size, ambient=ambient, opacity=[line_opacity, model_opacity], colormap=None if plot_cmaps[0] is None else [plot_cmapL, plot_cmaps[0]], model_style=["wireframe", "points"], model_size=[line_size, model_size], show_axes=show_axes, show_legend=show_legend, legend_kwargs=legend_kwargs, text=f"\nModels id: {idA} & {idB}" if text is True else text, text_kwargs=text_kwargs, **kwargs, )
""" def pairwise_exp_similarity( adataA: AnnData, adataB: AnnData, cells: Union[int, str, list], layer: str = "X", spatial_key: str = "spatial", id_key: str = "slices", dissimilarity: Literal["euc", "kl", "both"] = "both", beta2: Union[int, float] = 0.5, normalize_c: bool = True, normalize_g: bool = False, select_high_exp_genes: Union[bool, float, int] = False, center_zero: bool = True, filename: Optional[str] = None, jupyter: Union[ bool, Literal["panel", "none", "pythreejs", "static", "ipygany"] ] = False, off_screen: bool = False, cpo: Union[str, list] = "xy", shape: Union[str, list, tuple] = None, window_size: Optional[tuple] = None, background: str = "black", cell_color: str = "dodgerblue", star_cell_color: str = "red", colormap: Union[str, list, dict] = "viridis", alphamap: Union[float, list, dict] = 1.0, ambient: Union[float, list] = 0.2, opacity: Union[float, np.ndarray, list] = 1.0, model_size: float = 5.0, star_cell_size: float = 12.0, show_legend: bool = True, legend_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, text: Union[bool, str] = True, text_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs, ): # Preprocessing adataA, adataB = adataA.copy(), adataB.copy() ( nx, type_as, new_samples, exp_matrices, spatial_coords, normalize_scale, normalize_mean_list, ) = align_preprocess( samples=[adataA.copy(), adataB.copy()], spatial_key=spatial_key, normalize_c=normalize_c, normalize_g=normalize_g, select_high_exp_genes=select_high_exp_genes, dtype="float64", device="cpu", verbose=False, ) X_A, X_B = exp_matrices[1], exp_matrices[0] # Calculate expression dissimilarity if dissimilarity in ["euc", "both"]: EucGeneDistMat = calc_exp_dissimilarity( X_A=X_A.copy(), X_B=X_B.copy(), dissimilarity="euc" ) # EucGeneDistMinusMat = EucGeneDistMat - nx.min(EucGeneDistMat, axis=1, keepdims=True) EucGeneAssignmentMat = np.exp(-EucGeneDistMat / (2 * beta2)) if dissimilarity in ["kl", "both"]: KLGeneDistMat = calc_exp_dissimilarity( X_A=X_A.copy(), X_B=X_B.copy(), dissimilarity="kl" ) # KLGeneDistMinusMat = KLGeneDistMat - nx.min(KLGeneDistMat, axis=1, keepdims=True) KLGeneAssignmentMat = np.exp(-KLGeneDistMat / (2 * beta2)) # Select Cells cells = cells if isinstance(cells, list) else [cells] adataA_cells = np.asarray(adataA.obs.index.tolist()) if isinstance(cells[0], str): cell_indices = np.argwhere(np.isin(adataA_cells, cells)).flatten() cell_names = cells.copy() else: cell_indices = np.asarray(cells) cell_names = adataA_cells[cell_indices] # Construct a point cloud model if adataA.obsm[spatial_key].shape[1] == 2: z = np.zeros(shape=(adataA.obsm[spatial_key].shape[0], 1)) adataA.obsm[spatial_key] = np.c_[adataA.obsm[spatial_key], z] if adataB.obsm[spatial_key].shape[1] == 2: z = np.zeros(shape=(adataB.obsm[spatial_key].shape[0], 1)) adataB.obsm[spatial_key] = np.c_[adataB.obsm[spatial_key], z] adataA_id = str(adataA.obs[id_key].unique().tolist()[0]) adataB_id = str(adataB.obs[id_key].unique().tolist()[0]) pcA, plot_campA = construct_pc( adata=adataA, layer=layer, spatial_key=spatial_key, groupby=id_key, key_added="cell", colormap=cell_color, ) pcB, plot_cmapB = construct_pc( adata=adataB, layer=layer, spatial_key=spatial_key, groupby=id_key, key_added="cell", colormap=cell_color, ) if center_zero is True: center_to_zero(model=pcA, inplace=True) center_to_zero(model=pcB, inplace=True) pcs, ids, mss, cmaps, keys = [], [], [], [], [] for cell_ind, cell_name in zip(cell_indices, cell_names): star_cell = pv.PolyData(pcA.points[[cell_ind], :]) _, star_plot_cmap = add_model_labels( model=star_cell, labels=np.asarray(["star cell"]), key_added="cell", where="point_data", colormap=star_cell_color, alphamap=alphamap, inplace=True, ) pcs.append(collect_models([pcA.copy(), star_cell])) ids.append(adataA_id) mss.append([model_size, star_cell_size]) cmaps.append(star_plot_cmap) keys.append("cell") if dissimilarity in ["euc", "both"]: npcB, B_plot_cmap = add_model_labels( model=pcB.copy(), labels=np.asarray(EucGeneAssignmentMat[:, cell_ind].flatten()), key_added=f"{cell_ind}-euc", where="point_data", colormap=colormap, alphamap=alphamap, inplace=False, ) pcs.append(npcB) ids.append(f"{adataB_id}, EUC") mss.append(model_size) cmaps.append(B_plot_cmap) keys.append(f"{cell_ind}-euc") if dissimilarity in ["kl", "both"]: npcB, B_plot_cmap = add_model_labels( model=pcB.copy(), labels=np.asarray(KLGeneAssignmentMat[:, cell_ind].flatten()), key_added=f"{cell_ind}-kl", where="point_data", colormap=colormap, alphamap=alphamap, inplace=False, ) pcs.append(npcB.copy()) ids.append(f"{adataB_id}, KL") mss.append(model_size) cmaps.append(B_plot_cmap) keys.append(f"{cell_ind}-kl") # Check the shared cpo again cpo = _check_cpos_in_multi_plot(models=[pcA, pcB], window_size=window_size, cpo=cpo) # Visualization. three_d_multi_plot( model=collect_models(pcs), key=keys, filename=filename, jupyter=jupyter, off_screen=off_screen, shape=shape, window_size=window_size, background=background, ambient=ambient, opacity=opacity, colormap=cmaps, cpo=[cpo], model_style=["points"], model_size=mss, show_legend=show_legend, legend_kwargs=legend_kwargs, text=[f"\nModel id: {id}" for id in ids] if text is True else text, text_kwargs=text_kwargs, **kwargs, ) """
[docs]def pairwise_iteration( adataA: AnnData, adataB: AnnData, layer: str = "X", group_key: Union[str, list] = None, spatial_key: str = "align_spatial", iter_key: str = "iter_spatial", id_key: str = "slices", filename: str = "animate.mp4", jupyter: Union[bool, Literal["none", "static", "trame"]] = False, off_screen: bool = False, cpo: Optional[Union[str, list]] = None, window_size: Optional[tuple] = None, background: str = "black", modelA_cmap: str = "dodgerblue", modelB_cmap: str = "red", ambient: Union[int, float] = 0.3, modelA_opacity: Union[int, float] = 0.8, modelB_opacity: Union[int, float] = 1.0, model_size: Union[float, list] = 6.0, show_axes: bool = True, show_legend: bool = True, legend_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, text: Union[bool, str] = True, text_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, framerate: int = 6, **kwargs, ): """ Visualize the results of each iteration in the alignment process. Args: adataA: Anndata object of modelA. adataB: Anndata object of modelB. layer: If ``'X'``, uses ``.X``, otherwise uses the representation given by ``.layers[layer]``. group_key: The key that stores clustering or annotation information in ``.obs``, a gene name or a list of gene names in ``.var``. spatial_key: The key in ``.obsm`` that corresponds to the spatial coordinate of each bucket. iter_key: The key in ``.uns`` that corresponds to the result of each iteration of the iterative process. id_key: The key in ``.obs`` that corresponds to the model id of each bucket. filename: Filename of output file. Writer type is inferred from the extension of the filename. * Output a gif file, please enter a filename ending with ``.gif``. * Output a mp4 file, please enter a filename ending with ``.mp4``. jupyter: Whether to plot in jupyter notebook. Available ``jupyter`` are: * ``'none'`` - Do not display in the notebook. * ``'trame'`` - Show a trame widget * ``'static'`` - Display a static figure. off_screen: Renders off-screen when True. Useful for automated screenshots. cpo: Camera position of the active render window. Available ``cpo`` are: * Iterable containing position, focal_point, and view up. ``E.g.: [(2.0, 5.0, 13.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (-0.7, -0.5, 0.3)].`` * Iterable containing a view vector. ``E.g.: [-1.0, 2.0, -5.0].`` * A string containing the plane orthogonal to the view direction. ``E.g.: 'xy', 'xz', 'yz', 'yx', 'zx', 'zy', 'iso'.`` window_size: Window size in pixels. The default window_size is ``[512, 512]``. background: The background color of the window. modelA_cmap: Colors to use for plotting modelA. The default colormap is ``'dodgerblue'``. modelB_cmap: Colors to use for plotting modelB. The default colormap is ``'red'``. ambient: When lighting is enabled, this is the amount of light in the range of 0 to 1 (default 0.0) that reaches the actor when not directed at the light source emitted from the viewer. modelA_opacity: Opacity of the modelA. modelB_opacity: Opacity of the modelB. model_size: The point size of any nodes in the dataset plotted. show_axes: Whether to add a camera orientation widget to the active renderer. show_legend: whether to add a legend to the plotter. legend_kwargs: A dictionary that will be pass to the ``add_legend`` function. By default, it is an empty dictionary and the ``add_legend`` function will use the ``{"legend_size": None, "legend_loc": None, "legend_size": None, "legend_loc": None, "title_font_size": None, "label_font_size": None, "font_family": "arial", "fmt": "%.2e", "n_labels": 5, "vertical": True}`` as its parameters. Otherwise, you can provide a dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs. text: The text to add the rendering. text_kwargs: A dictionary that will be pass to the ``add_text`` function. By default, it is an empty dictionary and the ``add_legend`` function will use the ``{ "font_family": "arial", "font_size": 12, "font_color": "black", "text_loc": "upper_left"}`` as its parameters. Otherwise, you can provide a dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs. framerate: Frames per second. **kwargs: Additional parameters that will be passed to ``three_d_animate`` function. """ adataA, adataB = adataA.copy(), adataB.copy() group_key = id_key if group_key is None else group_key idA = str(adataA.obs[id_key].unique().tolist()[0]) idB = str(adataB.obs[id_key].unique().tolist()[0]) spatialA_dims = adataA.obsm[spatial_key].shape[1] spatialB_dims = adataB.obsm[spatial_key].shape[1] if cpo is None: cpo = "xy" if spatialA_dims == 2 else "iso" # Check the spatial coordinates if spatialA_dims == 2: z = np.zeros(shape=(adataA.obsm[spatial_key].shape[0], 1)) adataA.obsm[spatial_key] = np.c_[adataA.obsm[spatial_key], z] if spatialB_dims == 2: z = np.zeros(shape=(adataB.obsm[spatial_key].shape[0], 1)) adataB.obsm[spatial_key] = np.c_[adataB.obsm[spatial_key], z] # Construct point cloud models stable_pc, _ = construct_pc( adata=adataA.copy(), layer=layer, spatial_key=spatial_key, groupby=group_key, key_added="iter", colormap=modelA_cmap, ) iter_pcs = [] iteration_coords = adataB.uns[iter_key][spatial_key] for iter_key in iteration_coords.keys(): coords = iteration_coords[iter_key] if spatialB_dims == 2: coords = np.c_[coords, np.zeros(shape=(coords.shape[0], 1))] adataB.obsm["iter_spatial"] = coords iter_pc, _ = construct_pc( adata=adataB.copy(), layer=layer, spatial_key="iter_spatial", groupby=group_key, key_added="iter", colormap=modelB_cmap, ) iter_pcs.append(iter_pc) # Animation three_d_animate( models=collect_models(iter_pcs), stable_model=stable_pc, stable_kwargs=dict( key="iter", ambient=ambient, opacity=modelA_opacity, model_style="points", model_size=model_size, background=background, show_legend=show_legend, legend_kwargs=legend_kwargs, ), key="iter", filename=filename, jupyter=jupyter, off_screen=off_screen, window_size=window_size, background=background, cpo=cpo, ambient=ambient, opacity=modelB_opacity, model_style="points", model_size=model_size, show_axes=show_axes, show_legend=show_legend, legend_kwargs=legend_kwargs, text=f"\nModels id: {idA} & {idB}" if text is True else text, text_kwargs=text_kwargs, framerate=framerate, **kwargs, )