Source code for

"""IO utility functions.
import math
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import cv2
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from anndata import AnnData
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, issparse, spmatrix
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
from shapely.geometry import LineString, MultiPolygon, Point, Polygon
from shapely.wkb import dumps
from skimage import measure

[docs]def bin_indices(coords: np.ndarray, coord_min: float, binsize: int = 50) -> int: """Take a DNB coordinate, the mimimum coordinate and the binsize, calculate the index of bins for the current coordinate. Parameters ---------- coord: `float` Current x or y coordinate. coord_min: `float` Minimal value for the current x or y coordinate on the entire tissue slide measured by the spatial transcriptomics. binsize: `float` Size of the bins to aggregate data. Returns ------- num: `int` The bin index for the current coordinate. """ num = np.floor((coords - coord_min) / binsize) return num.astype(np.uint32)
[docs]def centroids(bin_indices: np.ndarray, coord_min: float = 0, binsize: int = 50) -> float: """Take a bin index, the mimimum coordinate and the binsize, calculate the centroid of the current bin. Parameters ---------- bin_ind: `float` The bin index for the current coordinate. coord_min: `float` Minimal value for the current x or y coordinate on the entire tissue slide measured by the spatial transcriptomics. binsize: `int` Size of the bins to aggregate data. Returns ------- num: `int` The bin index for the current coordinate. """ coord_centroids = coord_min + bin_indices * binsize + binsize / 2 return coord_centroids
[docs]def contour_to_geo(contour): """Transfer contours to `shapely.geometry`""" n = contour.shape[0] if n >= 3: geo = Polygon(contour) elif n == 2: geo = LineString(contour) else: geo = Point(contour[0]) geo = dumps(geo, hex=True) # geometry object to hex return geo
[docs]def get_points_props(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Calculate properties of labeled coordinates. Args: data: Pandas Dataframe containing `x`, `y`, `label` columns. Returns: A dataframe with properties and contours indexed by label """ rows = [] for label, _df in data.drop_duplicates(subset=["label", "x", "y"]).groupby("label"): points = _df[["x", "y"]].values.astype(int) min_offset = points.min(axis=0) max_offset = points.max(axis=0) min0, min1 = min_offset max0, max1 = max_offset hull = cv2.convexHull(points, returnPoints=True).squeeze(1) contour = contour_to_geo(hull) moments = cv2.moments(hull) area = moments["m00"] if area > 0: centroid0 = moments["m10"] / area centroid1 = moments["m01"] / area elif hull.shape[0] == 2: line = hull - min_offset mask = cv2.line(np.zeros((max_offset - min_offset + 1)[::-1], dtype=np.uint8), line[0], line[1], color=1).T area = mask.sum() centroid0, centroid1 = hull.mean(axis=0) elif hull.shape[0] == 1: area = 1 centroid0, centroid1 = hull[0] + 0.5 else: raise IOError(f"Convex hull contains {hull.shape[0]} points.") rows.append([str(label), area, min0, min1, max0 + 1, max1 + 1, centroid0, centroid1, contour]) return pd.DataFrame( rows, columns=["label", "area", "bbox-0", "bbox-1", "bbox-2", "bbox-3", "centroid-0", "centroid-1", "contour"] ).set_index("label")
[docs]def get_label_props(labels: np.ndarray) -> pd.DataFrame: """Measure properties of labeled cell regions. Args: labels: cell segmentation label matrix Returns: A dataframe with properties and contours indexed by label """ def contour(mtx): """Get contours of a cell using `cv2.findContours`.""" mtx = mtx.astype(np.uint8) contours = cv2.findContours(mtx, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[0] assert len(contours) == 1 return contours[0].squeeze(1) props = measure.regionprops_table( labels, properties=("label", "area", "bbox", "centroid"), extra_properties=[contour] ) props = pd.DataFrame(props) props["contour"] = props.apply(lambda x: x["contour"] + x[["bbox-0", "bbox-1"]].to_numpy(), axis=1) props["contour"] = props["contour"].apply(contour_to_geo) return props.set_index(props["label"].astype(str)).drop(columns="label")
[docs]def get_bin_props(data: pd.DataFrame, binsize: int) -> pd.DataFrame: """Simulate properties of bin regions. Args: data: Pandas dataframe containing binned x, y, and cell labels. There should not be any duplicate cell labels. binsize: Bin size used Returns: A dataframe with properties and contours indexed by cell label """ def create_geo(row): x, y = row["x"] * binsize, row["y"] * binsize if binsize > 1: geo = Polygon( [ (x, y), (x + binsize, y), (x + binsize, y + binsize), (x, y + binsize), (x, y), ] ) else: geo = Point((x, y)) geo = dumps(geo, hex=True) # geometry object to hex return geo props = pd.DataFrame( { "label": data["label"].copy(), "contour": data.apply(create_geo, axis=1), "centroid-0": centroids(data["x"], 0, binsize), "centroid-1": centroids(data["y"], 0, binsize), } ) props["area"] = binsize**2 props["bbox-0"] = data["x"] * binsize props["bbox-1"] = data["y"] * binsize props["bbox-2"] = (data["x"] + 1) * binsize + 1 props["bbox-3"] = (data["y"] + 1) * binsize + 1 return props.set_index("label")
[docs]def in_concave_hull(p: np.ndarray, concave_hull: Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon]) -> np.ndarray: """Test if points in `p` are in `concave_hull` using scipy.spatial Delaunay's find_simplex. Args: p: a `Nx2` coordinates of `N` points in `K` dimensions concave_hull: A polygon returned from the concave_hull function (the first value). Returns: """ assert p.shape[1] == 2, "this function only works for two dimensional data points." res = [concave_hull.intersects(Point(i)) for i in p] return np.array(res)
[docs]def in_convex_hull(p: np.ndarray, convex_hull: Union[Delaunay, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Test if points in `p` are in `convex_hull` using scipy.spatial Delaunay's find_simplex. Args: p: a `NxK` coordinates of `N` points in `K` dimensions convex_hull: either a scipy.spatial.Delaunay object or the `MxK` array of the coordinates of `M` points in `K` dimensions for which Delaunay triangulation will be computed. Returns: """ assert p.shape[1] == convex_hull.shape[1], "the second dimension of p and hull must be the same." if not isinstance(convex_hull, Delaunay): hull = Delaunay(convex_hull) return hull.find_simplex(p) >= 0
[docs]def bin_matrix(X: Union[np.ndarray, spmatrix], binsize: int) -> Union[np.ndarray, csr_matrix]: """Bin a matrix. Args: X: Dense or sparse matrix. binsize: Bin size Returns: Dense or spares matrix, depending on what the input was. """ shape = (math.ceil(X.shape[0] / binsize), math.ceil(X.shape[1] / binsize)) def _bin_sparse(X): nz = X.nonzero() x, y = nz data = X[nz].A.flatten() x_bin = bin_indices(x, 0, binsize) y_bin = bin_indices(y, 0, binsize) return csr_matrix((data, (x_bin, y_bin)), shape=shape, dtype=X.dtype) def _bin_dense(X): binned = np.zeros(shape, dtype=X.dtype) for x in range(X.shape[0]): x_bin = bin_indices(x, 0, binsize) for y in range(X.shape[1]): y_bin = bin_indices(y, 0, binsize) binned[x_bin, y_bin] += X[x, y] return binned if issparse(X): return _bin_sparse(X) return _bin_dense(X)
[docs]def get_coords_labels(labels: np.ndarray) -> pd.DataFrame: """Convert labels into sparse-format dataframe. Args: labels: cell segmentation labels matrix. Returns: A DataFrame of columns "x", "y", and "label". The coordinates are relative to the labels matrix. """ nz = labels.nonzero() x, y = nz data = labels[nz] values = np.vstack((x, y, data)).T return pd.DataFrame(values, columns=["x", "y", "label"])