Source code for spateo.digitization.borderline

"""Written by @Jinerhal, adapted by @Xiaojieqiu.

from typing import List

import cv2
import numpy as np
from anndata import AnnData

from ..configuration import SKM
from ..logging import logger_manager as lm
from .contour import *
from .utils import *

[docs]def get_borderline( adata: AnnData, cluster_key: str, source_clusters: int, target_clusters: int, bin_size: int = 1, spatial_key: str = "spatial", borderline_key: str = "borderline", k_size: int = 8, min_area: int = 30, dilate_k_size: int = 3, ) -> np.ndarray: """Identify the borderline at the interface of the source and target cell clusters. The borderline will be identified by first retrieving the outline/contour formed by the source clusters, which will then be cleaned up to retrieve the borderline by masking with the expanded contours formed by the target clusters. Args: adata: The adata object to be used for identifying the borderline. cluster_key: The key name of the spatial cluster in `adata.obs` source_clusters: The source cluster(s) that will interface with the target clusters. target_clusters: The target cluster(s) that will interface with the source clusters. bin_size: The size of the binning. spatial_key: The key name of the spatial coordinates in `adata.obs` borderline_key: The key name in `adata.obs` that will be used to store the borderline. k_size: Kernel size of the elliptic structuring element. min_area: Minimal area threshold corresponding to the resulting contour(s). dilate_k_size: Kernel size of the cv2.dilate function. Returns: borderline_img: The matrix that stores the image information of the borderline between the source and target cluster(s). Note that the adata object will also be updated with the `boundary_line` key that stores the information about whether the bucket is on the borderline. """ lm.main_info(f"Setting up source and target area.") adata_tmp = adata.copy() adata_tmp.obs["tmp_borderline"] = 0 adata_tmp.obs["tmp_borderline"][adata_tmp.obs[cluster_key].isin(source_clusters)] = 1 adata_tmp.obs["tmp_borderline"][adata_tmp.obs[cluster_key].isin(target_clusters)] = 2 lm.main_info(f"Produce a joint cluster image formed by source and target clusters.") boundary_img = gen_cluster_image(adata_tmp, bin_size, spatial_key, "tmp_borderline", show=False) lm.main_info(f"Retrieve the cluster label belong to either the source or target clusters.") source_label = np.unique( adata_tmp[ np.isin( adata_tmp.obs["tmp_borderline"], [ 1, ], ), :, ].obs["cluster_img_label"] ) target_label = np.unique( adata_tmp[ np.isin( adata_tmp.obs["tmp_borderline"], [ 2, ], ), :, ].obs["cluster_img_label"] ) lm.main_info(f"Retrieve the contour belong to either the source or target clusters.") _, _, ctr_img = extract_cluster_contours( boundary_img, source_label, bin_size=bin_size, k_size=k_size, min_area=min_area, show=False ) _, tgt_img, _ = extract_cluster_contours( boundary_img, target_label, bin_size=bin_size, k_size=k_size, min_area=min_area, show=False ) lm.main_info(f"Dilate target filled contour image.") dilate_kernel = np.ones((dilate_k_size, dilate_k_size), np.uint8) tgt_img = cv2.dilate(tgt_img, dilate_kernel, iterations=1) lm.main_info(f"Get borderline by masking expanded target contour filling with source contour.") borderline_img = np.where(tgt_img != 0, ctr_img, 0) lm.main_info(f"Saving borderline into adata.obs['{borderline_key}'] for visualization.") adata.obs[borderline_key] = " " for i in range(len(adata)): if borderline_img[int(adata.obsm[spatial_key][i, 0]), int(adata.obsm[spatial_key][i, 1])] != 0: adata.obs[borderline_key][i] = "Borderline" return borderline_img.astype(np.uint8)
[docs]def grid_borderline( adata: AnnData, borderline_img: np.ndarray, borderline_list: List, layer_num: int = 3, column_num: int = 25, layer_width: int = 10, spatial_key: str = "spatial", init: bool = False, ) -> None: """Extend the borderline to either interior or exterior side to each create `layer_num` layers, and segment such layers to `column_num` columns. Args: adata: The adata object to be used for identifying the interior/exterior layers and columns. borderline_img: The matrix that stores the image information of the borderline between the source and target cluster(s). borderline_list: An order list of np.arrays of coordinates of the borderlines. layer_num: Number of layers to extend on either interior or exterior side. column_num: Number of columns to segment for each layer. layer_width: Layer/column boundary width. This only affects grid_label. spatial_key: The key name in `adata.obsm` of the spatial coordinates. Default to "spatial". Passed to `fill_grid_label` function. init: Whether to generate (and potentially overwrite) the `layer_label_key` and `column_label_key` in `fill_grid_label` function. Returns: Nothing but update the adata object with following keys in `.obs`: 1. layer_label_key: this key points to layer labels. 2. column_label_key: this key points to column labels. """ lm.main_info(f"Segment the initial borderline.") bdl_seg_ori = segment_bd_line(borderline_list, column_num) bdl_seg_inner_list = [] bdl_seg_outer_list = [] lm.main_info(f"Prepare lists of interior/exterior line segments.") for i_layer in range(layer_num): curr_layer = i_layer + 1 extend_width = layer_width * curr_layer img_ex, ext_bdl_list = extend_layer(borderline_img, borderline_list, extend_width=extend_width) ext_bdl_list_tmp = ext_bdl_list.copy() ext_bdl_list_tmp.append(ext_bdl_list_tmp[0]) # because it is a loop # store the indices of four end points of the interior and exterior borderlines. end_points_indices = [] for i in range(len(ext_bdl_list_tmp) - 1): max_bdl_dist = max( abs(ext_bdl_list_tmp[i][0] - ext_bdl_list_tmp[i + 1][0]), abs(ext_bdl_list_tmp[i][1] - ext_bdl_list_tmp[i + 1][1]), ) # the consecutive points on the borderlines should be smaller than 1. if max_bdl_dist > 1: end_points_indices.append(i) # the interior and exterior borders are arrranged accordingly in the ext_bdl_list. ext_bdl_inner = ext_bdl_list[end_points_indices[0] + 1 : end_points_indices[1] + 1] ext_bdl_outer = ext_bdl_list[end_points_indices[1] + 1 :] + ext_bdl_list[: end_points_indices[0] + 1] # inverse ext_bdl_outer, so that interior and exterior are ordered in the same orientation. ext_bdl_outer = ext_bdl_outer[::-1] # segment and appended interior lines ext_bdl_inner_seg = segment_bd_line(ext_bdl_inner, column_num) bdl_seg_inner_list.append(ext_bdl_inner_seg) # segment and appended exterior line ext_bdl_outer_seg = segment_bd_line(ext_bdl_outer, column_num) bdl_seg_outer_list.append(ext_bdl_outer_seg) lm.main_info(f"Assign the interior/exterior layers and columns, and grid labels for each bucket.") # order borderlines from the most inside to most outside. bdl_seg_all_list = bdl_seg_inner_list[::-1] + [bdl_seg_ori] + bdl_seg_outer_list for i_layer in range(layer_num * 2): curr_layer_num = i_layer % layer_num + 1 curr_sign = (-1) ** (i_layer // layer_num + 1) # interior layers will have negative values. seg_grid_img = draw_seg_grid(borderline_img, bdl_seg_all_list[i_layer], bdl_seg_all_list[i_layer + 1]) # this function returns layer_grid_img, column_grid_img fill_grid_label( adata, spatial_key, seg_grid_img, bdl_seg_all_list[i_layer], bdl_seg_all_list[i_layer + 1], curr_layer_num, curr_sign, init=init and (i_layer == 0), )