Source code for spateo.alignment.morpho_alignment

    from typing import Any, List, Literal, Tuple, Union
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from anndata import AnnData

from spateo.logging import logger_manager as lm

from .methods import BA_align, empty_cache
from .transform import BA_transform, BA_transform_and_assignment
from .utils import _iteration, downsampling

[docs]def morpho_align( models: List[AnnData], layer: str = "X", genes: Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray]] = None, spatial_key: str = "spatial", key_added: str = "align_spatial", iter_key_added: Optional[str] = "iter_spatial", vecfld_key_added: str = "VecFld_morpho", mode: Literal["SN-N", "SN-S"] = "SN-S", dissimilarity: str = "kl", max_iter: int = 100, SVI_mode: bool = True, dtype: str = "float32", device: str = "cpu", verbose: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[List[AnnData], List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]: """ Continuous alignment of spatial transcriptomic coordinates based on Morpho. Args: models: List of models (AnnData Object). layer: If ``'X'``, uses ``.X`` to calculate dissimilarity between spots, otherwise uses the representation given by ``.layers[layer]``. genes: Genes used for calculation. If None, use all common genes for calculation. spatial_key: The key in ``.obsm`` that corresponds to the raw spatial coordinate. key_added: ``.obsm`` key under which to add the aligned spatial coordinate. iter_key_added: ``.uns`` key under which to add the result of each iteration of the iterative process. If ``iter_key_added`` is None, the results are not saved. vecfld_key_added: The key that will be used for the vector field key in ``.uns``. If ``vecfld_key_added`` is None, the results are not saved. mode: The method of alignment. Available ``mode`` are: ``'SN-N'``, and ``'SN-S'``. * ``'SN-N'``: use both rigid and non-rigid alignment to keep the overall shape unchanged, while including local non-rigidity, and finally returns a non-rigid aligned result; * ``'SN-S'``: use both rigid and non-rigid alignment to keep the overall shape unchanged, while including local non-rigidity, and finally returns a rigid aligned result. The non-rigid is used here to solve the optimal mapping, thus returning a more accurate rigid transformation. The default is ``'SN-S'``. dissimilarity: Expression dissimilarity measure: ``'kl'`` or ``'euclidean'``. max_iter: Max number of iterations for morpho alignment. SVI_mode: Whether to use stochastic variational inferential (SVI) optimization strategy. dtype: The floating-point number type. Only ``float32`` and ``float64``. device: Equipment used to run the program. You can also set the specified GPU for running. ``E.g.: '0'``. verbose: If ``True``, print progress updates. **kwargs: Additional parameters that will be passed to ``BA_align`` function. Returns: align_models: List of models (AnnData Object) after alignment. pis: List of pi matrices. sigma2s: List of sigma2. """ align_models = [model.copy() for model in models] for m in align_models: m.obsm[key_added] = m.obsm[spatial_key] for m in align_models: m.obsm["Rigid_align_spatial"] = m.obsm[spatial_key] for m in align_models: m.obsm["Nonrigid_align_spatial"] = m.obsm[spatial_key] pis, sigma2s = [], [] progress_name = f"Models alignment based on morpho, mode: {mode}." for i in _iteration(n=len(align_models) - 1, progress_name=progress_name, verbose=True): modelA = align_models[i] modelB = align_models[i + 1] _, P, sigma2 = BA_align( sampleA=modelA, sampleB=modelB, genes=genes, spatial_key=key_added, key_added=key_added, iter_key_added=iter_key_added, vecfld_key_added=vecfld_key_added, layer=layer, dissimilarity=dissimilarity, max_iter=max_iter, dtype=dtype, device=device, inplace=True, verbose=verbose, SVI_mode=SVI_mode, **kwargs, ) if mode == "SN-S": modelB.obsm[key_added] = modelB.obsm["Rigid_align_spatial"] elif mode == "SN-N": modelB.obsm[key_added] = modelB.obsm["Nonrigid_align_spatial"] pis.append(P) sigma2s.append(sigma2) empty_cache(device=device) return align_models, pis, sigma2s
[docs]def morpho_align_sparse( models: List[AnnData], layer: str = "X", genes: Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray]] = None, spatial_key: str = "spatial", key_added: str = "align_spatial", iter_key_added: Optional[str] = "iter_spatial", vecfld_key_added: str = "VecFld_morpho", mode: Literal["SN-N", "SN-S"] = "SN-S", dissimilarity: str = "kl", max_iter: int = 100, SVI_mode: bool = True, use_label_prior: bool = False, label_key: Optional[str] = "cluster", label_transfer_prior: Optional[dict] = None, dtype: str = "float32", device: str = "0", verbose: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[List[AnnData], List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]: """ Continuous alignment of spatial transcriptomic coordinates based on Morpho. Args: models: List of models (AnnData Object). layer: If ``'X'``, uses ``.X`` to calculate dissimilarity between spots, otherwise uses the representation given by ``.layers[layer]``. genes: Genes used for calculation. If None, use all common genes for calculation. spatial_key: The key in ``.obsm`` that corresponds to the raw spatial coordinate. key_added: ``.obsm`` key under which to add the aligned spatial coordinate. iter_key_added: ``.uns`` key under which to add the result of each iteration of the iterative process. If ``iter_key_added`` is None, the results are not saved. vecfld_key_added: The key that will be used for the vector field key in ``.uns``. If ``vecfld_key_added`` is None, the results are not saved. mode: The method of alignment. Available ``mode`` are: ``'SN-N'``, and ``'SN-S'``. * ``'SN-N'``: use both rigid and non-rigid alignment to keep the overall shape unchanged, while including local non-rigidity, and finally returns a non-rigid aligned result; * ``'SN-S'``: use both rigid and non-rigid alignment to keep the overall shape unchanged, while including local non-rigidity, and finally returns a rigid aligned result. The non-rigid is used here to solve the optimal mapping, thus returning a more accurate rigid transformation. The default is ``'SN-S'``. dissimilarity: Expression dissimilarity measure: ``'kl'`` or ``'euclidean'``. max_iter: Max number of iterations for morpho alignment. SVI_mode: Whether to use stochastic variational inferential (SVI) optimization strategy. dtype: The floating-point number type. Only ``float32`` and ``float64``. device: Equipment used to run the program. You can also set the specified GPU for running. ``E.g.: '0'``. verbose: If ``True``, print progress updates. **kwargs: Additional parameters that will be passed to ``BA_align_sparse`` function. Returns: align_models: List of models (AnnData Object) after alignment. pis: List of pi matrices. sigma2s: List of sigma2. """ import torch from .methods import BA_align_sparse lm.main_warning(message="Currently this function can only be run using GPU.") if not torch.cuda.is_available(): raise Exception(f"The CUDA is not available, please check the CUDA version and GPU device.") align_models = [model.copy() for model in models] for m in align_models: m.obsm[key_added] = m.obsm[spatial_key] for m in align_models: m.obsm[key_added + "_rigid"] = m.obsm[spatial_key] for m in align_models: m.obsm[key_added + "_nonrigid"] = m.obsm[spatial_key] pis, sigma2s = [], [] progress_name = f"Models alignment based on morpho, mode: {mode}." for i in _iteration(n=len(align_models) - 1, progress_name=progress_name, verbose=True): modelA = align_models[i] modelB = align_models[i + 1] _, P, sigma2 = BA_align_sparse( sampleA=modelA, sampleB=modelB, genes=genes, spatial_key=key_added, key_added=key_added, iter_key_added=iter_key_added, vecfld_key_added=vecfld_key_added, layer=layer, dissimilarity=dissimilarity, max_iter=max_iter, dtype=dtype, device=device, inplace=True, verbose=verbose, SVI_mode=SVI_mode, use_label_prior=use_label_prior, label_key=label_key, label_transfer_prior=label_transfer_prior, **kwargs, ) if mode == "SN-S": modelB.obsm[key_added] = modelB.obsm[key_added + "_rigid"] elif mode == "SN-N": modelB.obsm[key_added] = modelB.obsm[key_added + "_nonrigid"] modelB.uns[vecfld_key_added]["X"] = modelB.obsm[spatial_key] pis.append(P) sigma2s.append(sigma2) empty_cache(device=device) return align_models, pis, sigma2s
[docs]def morpho_align_ref( models: List[AnnData], models_ref: Optional[List[AnnData]] = None, n_sampling: Optional[int] = 2000, sampling_method: str = "trn", layer: str = "X", genes: Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray]] = None, spatial_key: str = "spatial", key_added: str = "align_spatial", iter_key_added: Optional[str] = "iter_spatial", vecfld_key_added: Optional[str] = "VecFld_morpho", mode: Literal["SN-N", "SN-S"] = "SN-S", dissimilarity: str = "kl", max_iter: int = 100, SVI_mode: bool = True, return_full_assignment: bool = False, dtype: str = "float32", device: str = "cpu", verbose: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[List[AnnData], List[AnnData], List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]: """ Continuous alignment of spatial transcriptomic coordinates with the reference models based on Morpho. Args: models: List of models (AnnData Object). models_ref: Another list of models (AnnData Object). n_sampling: When ``models_ref`` is None, new data containing n_sampling coordinate points will be automatically generated for alignment. sampling_method: The method to sample data points, can be one of ``["trn", "kmeans", "random"]``. layer: If ``'X'``, uses ``.X`` to calculate dissimilarity between spots, otherwise uses the representation given by ``.layers[layer]``. genes: Genes used for calculation. If None, use all common genes for calculation. spatial_key: The key in ``.obsm`` that corresponds to the raw spatial coordinate. key_added: ``.obsm`` key under which to add the aligned spatial coordinate. iter_key_added: ``.uns`` key under which to add the result of each iteration of the iterative process. If ``iter_key_added`` is None, the results are not saved. vecfld_key_added: The key that will be used for the vector field key in ``.uns``. If ``vecfld_key_added`` is None, the results are not saved. mode: The method of alignment. Available ``mode`` are: ``'SN-N'``, and ``'SN-S'``. * ``'SN-N'``: use both rigid and non-rigid alignment to keep the overall shape unchanged, while including local non-rigidity, and finally returns a non-rigid aligned result; * ``'SN-S'``: use both rigid and non-rigid alignment to keep the overall shape unchanged, while including local non-rigidity, and finally returns a rigid aligned result. The non-rigid is used here to solve the optimal mapping, thus returning a more accurate rigid transformation. The default is ``'SN-S'``. dissimilarity: Expression dissimilarity measure: ``'kl'`` or ``'euclidean'``. max_iter: Max number of iterations for morpho alignment. SVI_mode: Whether to use stochastic variational inferential (SVI) optimization strategy. dtype: The floating-point number type. Only ``float32`` and ``float64``. device: Equipment used to run the program. You can also set the specified GPU for running. ``E.g.: '0'``. verbose: If ``True``, print progress updates. **kwargs: Additional parameters that will be passed to ``BA_align`` function. Returns: align_models: List of models (AnnData Object) after alignment. align_models_ref: List of models_ref (AnnData Object) after alignment. pis: List of pi matrices for models. pis_ref: List of pi matrices for models_ref. sigma2s: List of sigma2. """ # Downsampling if models_ref is None: models_sampling = [model.copy() for model in models] models_ref = downsampling( models=models_sampling, n_sampling=n_sampling, sampling_method=sampling_method, spatial_key=spatial_key, ) pis, pis_ref, sigma2s = [], [], [] align_models = [model.copy() for model in models] for model in align_models: model.obsm[key_added] = model.obsm[spatial_key] model.obsm["Rigid_align_spatial"] = model.obsm[spatial_key] model.obsm["Nonrigid_align_spatial"] = model.obsm[spatial_key] align_models_ref = [model.copy() for model in models_ref] for model in align_models_ref: model.obsm[key_added] = model.obsm[spatial_key] model.obsm["Rigid_align_spatial"] = model.obsm[spatial_key] model.obsm["Nonrigid_align_spatial"] = model.obsm[spatial_key] progress_name = f"Models alignment with ref-models based on morpho, mode: {mode}." for i in _iteration(n=len(align_models) - 1, progress_name=progress_name, verbose=True): modelA_ref = align_models_ref[i] modelB_ref = align_models_ref[i + 1] _, P, sigma2 = BA_align( sampleA=modelA_ref, sampleB=modelB_ref, genes=genes, spatial_key=key_added, key_added=key_added, iter_key_added=iter_key_added, vecfld_key_added=vecfld_key_added, layer=layer, dissimilarity=dissimilarity, max_iter=max_iter, SVI_mode=SVI_mode, dtype=dtype, device=device, inplace=True, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, ) if mode == "SN-S": modelB_ref.obsm[key_added] = modelB_ref.obsm["Rigid_align_spatial"] elif mode == "SN-N": modelB_ref.obsm[key_added] = modelB_ref.obsm["Nonrigid_align_spatial"] align_models_ref[i + 1] = modelB_ref pis_ref.append(P) sigma2s.append(sigma2) modelA, modelB = align_models[i], align_models[i + 1] modelB.uns[vecfld_key_added] = modelB_ref.uns[vecfld_key_added] if return_full_assignment: ( modelB.obsm["Nonrigid_align_spatial"], _, modelB.obsm["Rigid_align_spatial"], P, ) = BA_transform_and_assignment( samples=[modelB, modelA], vecfld=modelB_ref.uns[vecfld_key_added], genes=genes, layer=layer, spatial_key=spatial_key, device=device, dtype=dtype, **kwargs, ) else: modelB.obsm["Nonrigid_align_spatial"], _, modelB.obsm["Rigid_align_spatial"] = BA_transform( vecfld=modelB_ref.uns[vecfld_key_added], quary_points=modelB.obsm[spatial_key], device=device, dtype=dtype, ) if mode == "SN-S": modelB.obsm[key_added] = modelB.obsm["Rigid_align_spatial"] elif mode == "SN-N": modelB.obsm[key_added] = modelB.obsm["Nonrigid_align_spatial"] pis.append(P) return align_models, align_models_ref, pis, pis_ref, sigma2s