Source code for spateo.alignment.methods.morpho_sparse_utils

from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import ot
import pandas as pd
import torch
from scipy.sparse import coo_array
from torch import sparse_coo_tensor as SparseTensor

from .utils import _data, _identity, _linalg, _unsqueeze

[docs]def calc_distance( X_A: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], X_B: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], metric: str = "euc", # chunk_num: int = 1, batch_capacity: int = 1, use_sparse: bool = False, sparse_method: str = "topk", threshold: Union[int, float] = 100, return_mask: bool = False, save_to_cpu: bool = False, **kwargs, ): assert metric in [ "euc", "euclidean", "square_euc", "square_euclidean", "kl", ], "``metric`` value is wrong. Available ``metric`` are: ``'euc'``, ``'euclidean'``, ``'square_euc'``, ``'square_euclidean'``, and ``'kl'``." if use_sparse: assert sparse_method in [ "topk", "threshold", ], "``sparse_method`` value is wrong. Available ``metric`` are: ``'topk'`` and ``'threshold'``." if sparse_method == "topk": threshold = int(threshold) NA, NB = X_A.shape[0], X_B.shape[0] D = X_A.shape[1] batch_base = 1e9 split_size = min(int(batch_capacity * batch_base / (NB * D)), NA) split_size = 1 if split_size == 0 else split_size nx = ot.backend.get_backend(X_A, X_B) if metric.lower() == "kl": X_A = X_A + 0.01 X_B = X_B + 0.01 X_A = X_A / nx.sum(X_A, axis=1, keepdims=True) X_B = X_B / nx.sum(X_B, axis=1, keepdims=True) # only chunk X_A X_A_chunks = _split(nx, X_A, split_size, dim=0) if use_sparse: rows, cols, vals = [], [], [] cur_row = 0 for X_A_chunk in X_A_chunks: DistMat = _dist(X_A_chunk, X_B, metric) if sparse_method == "topk": sorted_DistMat, sorted_idx = nx.sort2(DistMat, axis=1) row = _repeat_interleave(nx, nx.arange(X_A_chunk.shape[0], type_as=X_A), threshold, axis=0) + cur_row col = sorted_idx[:, :threshold].reshape(-1) val = sorted_DistMat[:, :threshold].reshape(-1) else: row, col = _where(nx, DistMat < threshold) val = DistMat[row, col] row += cur_row rows.append(row) cols.append(col) vals.append(val) cur_row += X_A_chunk.shape[0] rows = _cat(nx, rows, dim=0) cols = _cat(nx, cols, dim=0) vals = _cat(nx, vals, dim=0) DistMat = _SparseTensor(nx=nx, row=rows, col=cols, value=vals, sparse_sizes=(NA, NB)) if return_mask: vals = nx.ones((vals.shape[0],), type_as=X_A) DistMask = _SparseTensor(nx=nx, row=rows, col=cols, value=vals, sparse_sizes=(NA, NB)) return DistMat, DistMask else: return DistMat else: DistMats = [_dist(X_A_chunk, X_B, metric) for X_A_chunk in X_A_chunks] DistMat = nx.concatenate(DistMats, axis=0) return DistMat
[docs]def get_optimal_R_sparse( coordsA: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], coordsB: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], P: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, SparseTensor], R_init: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], ): """Get the optimal rotation matrix R Args: coordsA (Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]): The first input matrix with shape n x d coordsB (Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]): The second input matrix with shape n x d P (Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]): The optimal transport matrix with shape n x n Returns: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: The optimal rotation matrix R with shape d x d """ nx = ot.backend.get_backend(coordsA, coordsB, R_init) NA, NB, D = coordsA.shape[0], coordsB.shape[0], coordsA.shape[1] Sp = P.sum() K_NA = P.sum(1).to_dense() K_NB = P.sum(0).to_dense() VnA = nx.zeros(coordsA.shape, type_as=coordsA[0, 0]) mu_XnA, mu_VnA, mu_XnB = ( _dot(nx)(K_NA, coordsA) / Sp, _dot(nx)(K_NA, VnA) / Sp, _dot(nx)(K_NB, coordsB) / Sp, ) XnABar, VnABar, XnBBar = coordsA - mu_XnA, VnA - mu_VnA, coordsB - mu_XnB A = -_dot(nx)(nx.einsum("ij,i->ij", VnABar, K_NA).T - _dot(nx)(P, XnBBar).T, XnABar) # get the optimal rotation matrix R svdU, svdS, svdV = _linalg(nx).svd(A) C = _identity(nx, D, type_as=coordsA[0, 0]) C[-1, -1] = _linalg(nx).det(_dot(nx)(svdU, svdV)) R = _dot(nx)(_dot(nx)(svdU, C), svdV) t = mu_XnB - mu_VnA - _dot(nx)(mu_XnA, R.T) optimal_RnA = _dot(nx)(coordsA, R.T) + t return optimal_RnA, R, t
[docs]def _init_guess_sigma2( XA, XB, subsample=2000, ): NA, NB, D = XA.shape[0], XB.shape[0], XA.shape[1] sub_sample_A = np.random.choice(NA, subsample, replace=False) if NA > subsample else np.arange(NA) sub_sample_B = np.random.choice(NB, subsample, replace=False) if NB > subsample else np.arange(NB) SpatialDistMat = calc_distance( X_A=XA[sub_sample_A, :], X_B=XB[sub_sample_B, :], metric="square_euc", use_sparse=False, ) sigma2 = 2 * SpatialDistMat.sum() / (D * sub_sample_A.shape[0] * sub_sample_A.shape[0]) # 2 for 3D return sigma2
[docs]def _init_guess_beta2( nx, XA, XB, dissimilarity="kl", partial_robust_level=1, beta2=None, beta2_end=None, subsample=2000, ): NA, NB, D = XA.shape[0], XB.shape[0], XA.shape[1] sub_sample_A = np.random.choice(NA, subsample, replace=False) if NA > subsample else np.arange(NA) sub_sample_B = np.random.choice(NB, subsample, replace=False) if NB > subsample else np.arange(NB) GeneDistMat = calc_distance( X_A=XA[sub_sample_A, :], X_B=XB[sub_sample_B, :], metric=dissimilarity, use_sparse=False, ) minGeneDistMat = nx.min(GeneDistMat, 1) if beta2 is None: beta2 = minGeneDistMat[nx.argsort(minGeneDistMat)[int(sub_sample_A.shape[0] * 0.05)]] / 5 else: beta2 = _data(nx, beta2, XA) if beta2_end is None: beta2_end = nx.max(minGeneDistMat) / nx.sqrt(_data(nx, partial_robust_level, XA)) else: beta2_end = _data(nx, beta2_end, XA) beta2 = nx.maximum(beta2, _data(nx, 1e-2, XA)) print("beta2: {} --> {}".format(beta2, beta2_end)) return beta2, beta2_end
[docs]def _construct_label_mask(labelA, labelB, label_transfer_prior): label_mask = np.zeros((labelB.shape[0], labelA.shape[0])) for k in label_transfer_prior.keys(): idx = np.where((labelB == k))[0] cur_P =[k]).values label_mask[idx, :] = cur_P return label_mask
## Sparse operation
[docs]def _dense_to_sparse( mat: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], sparse_method: str = "topk", threshold: Union[int, float] = 100, axis: int = 0, descending=False, ): assert sparse_method in [ "topk", "threshold", ], "``sparse_method`` value is wrong. Available ``sparse_method`` are: ``'topk'`` and ``'threshold'``." threshold = int(threshold) if sparse_method == "topk" else threshold nx = ot.backend.get_backend(mat) NA, NB = mat.shape[0], mat.shape[1] if sparse_method == "topk": sorted_mat, sorted_idx = _sort(nx, mat, axis=axis, descending=descending) if axis == 0: col = _repeat_interleave(nx, nx.arange(NB, type_as=mat), threshold, axis=0) row = sorted_idx[:threshold, :].T.reshape(-1) val = sorted_mat[:threshold, :].T.reshape(-1) elif axis == 1: col = sorted_idx[:, :threshold].reshape(-1) row = _repeat_interleave(nx, nx.arange(NA, type_as=mat), threshold, axis=0) val = sorted_mat[:, :threshold].reshape(-1) elif sparse_method == "threshold": row, col = _where(nx, DistMat < threshold) val = DistMat[row, col] results = _SparseTensor(nx=nx, row=row, col=col, value=val, sparse_sizes=(NA, NB)) return results
[docs]def _SparseTensor(nx, row, col, value, sparse_sizes): if nx_torch(nx): return SparseTensor(indices=torch.vstack((row, col)), values=value, size=sparse_sizes) else: return coo_array((value, (row, col)), shape=sparse_sizes)
[docs]def _dist( mat1: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], mat2: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], metric: str = "euc", ) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: assert metric in [ "euc", "euclidean", "square_euc", "square_euclidean", "kl", ], "``metric`` value is wrong. Available ``metric`` are: ``'euc'``, ``'euclidean'``, ``'square_euc'``, ``'square_euclidean'``, and ``'kl'``." nx = ot.backend.get_backend(mat1, mat2) if ( metric.lower() == "euc" or metric.lower() == "euclidean" or metric.lower() == "square_euc" or metric.lower() == "square_euclidean" ): distMat = nx.sum(mat1**2, 1)[:, None] + nx.sum(mat2**2, 1)[None, :] - 2 * _dot(nx)(mat1, mat2.T) if metric.lower() == "euc" or metric.lower() == "euclidean": distMat = nx.sqrt(distMat) elif metric.lower() == "kl": if mat1.min() == 0: mat1 = mat1 + 0.01 mat2 = mat2 + 0.01 mat1 = mat1 / nx.sum(mat1, 1)[:, None] mat2 = mat2 / nx.sum(mat2, 1)[:, None] distMat = ( nx.sum(mat1 * nx.log(mat1), 1)[:, None] + nx.sum(mat2 * nx.log(mat2), 1)[None, :] - _dot(nx)(mat1, nx.log(mat2).T) - _dot(nx)(mat2, nx.log(mat1).T).T ) / 2 return distMat
# Check if nx is a torch backend
[docs]nx_torch = lambda nx: True if isinstance(nx, ot.backend.TorchBackend) else False
[docs]_cat = lambda nx, x, dim:, dim=dim) if nx_torch(nx) else np.concatenate(x, axis=dim)
[docs]_dot = lambda nx: torch.matmul if nx_torch(nx) else
[docs]_split = ( lambda nx, x, chunk_size, dim: torch.split(x, chunk_size, dim) if nx_torch(nx) else np.array_split(x, chunk_size, axis=dim) )
[docs]_where = lambda nx, condition: torch.where(condition) if nx_torch(nx) else np.where(condition)
[docs]_repeat_interleave = ( lambda nx, x, repeats, axis: torch.repeat_interleave(x, repeats, dim=axis) if nx_torch(nx) else np.repeat(x, repeats, axis) )
[docs]def _sort(nx, arr, axis=-1, descending=False): if not descending: sorted_arr, sorted_idx = nx.sort2(arr, axis=axis) else: sorted_arr, sorted_idx = nx.sort2(-arr, axis=axis) sorted_arr = -sorted_arr return sorted_arr, sorted_idx