Source code for spateo.alignment.methods.morpho

import random

import numpy as np
import ot
import torch
from anndata import AnnData

    from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from spateo.logging import logger_manager as lm

from .utils import (

[docs]def con_K( X: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], Y: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], beta: Union[int, float] = 0.01, use_chunk: bool = False, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: """con_K constructs the Squared Exponential (SE) kernel, where K(i,j)=k(X_i,Y_j)=exp(-beta*||X_i-Y_j||^2). Args: X: The first vector X\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times d} Y: The second vector X\in\mathbb{R}^{M\times d} beta: The length-scale of the SE kernel. use_chunk (bool, optional): Whether to use chunk to reduce the GPU memory usage. Note that if set to ``True'' it will slow down the calculation. Defaults to False. Returns: K: The kernel K\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times M} """ assert X.shape[1] == Y.shape[1], "X and Y do not have the same number of features." nx = ot.backend.get_backend(X, Y) K = cal_dist(X, Y) K = nx.exp(-beta * K) return K
############ # BioAlign # ############
[docs]def get_P( XnAHat: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], XnB: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], sigma2: Union[int, float, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], beta2: Union[int, float, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], alpha: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], gamma: Union[float, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], Sigma: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], GeneDistMat: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], SpatialDistMat: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], samples_s: Optional[List[float]] = None, outlier_variance: float = None, ) -> Tuple[Any, Any, Any]: """Calculating the generating probability matrix P. Args: XAHat: Current spatial coordinate of sample A. Shape: N x D. XnB : spatial coordinate of sample B (reference sample). Shape: M x D. sigma2: The spatial coordinate noise. beta2: The gene expression noise. alpha: A vector that encoding each probability generated by the spots of sample A. Shape: N x 1. gamma: Inlier proportion of sample A. Sigma: The posterior covariance matrix of Gaussian process. Shape: N x N or N x 1. GeneDistMat: The gene expression distance matrix between sample A and sample B. Shape: N x M. SpatialDistMat: The spatial coordinate distance matrix between sample A and sample B. Shape: N x M. samples_s: The space size of each sample. Area size for 2D samples and volume size for 3D samples. Returns: P: Generating probability matrix P. Shape: N x M. """ assert XnAHat.shape[1] == XnB.shape[1], "XnAHat and XnB do not have the same number of features." assert XnAHat.shape[0] == alpha.shape[0], "XnAHat and alpha do not have the same length." assert XnAHat.shape[0] == Sigma.shape[0], "XnAHat and Sigma do not have the same length." nx = ot.backend.get_backend(XnAHat, XnB) NA, NB, D = XnAHat.shape[0], XnB.shape[0], XnAHat.shape[1] if samples_s is None: samples_s = nx.maximum( _prod(nx)(nx.max(XnAHat, axis=0) - nx.min(XnAHat, axis=0)), _prod(nx)(nx.max(XnB, axis=0) - nx.min(XnB, axis=0)), ) outlier_s = samples_s * NA if outlier_variance is None: exp_SpatialMat = nx.exp(-SpatialDistMat / (2 * sigma2)) else: exp_SpatialMat = nx.exp(-SpatialDistMat / (2 * sigma2 / outlier_variance)) spatial_term1 = nx.einsum( "ij,i->ij", exp_SpatialMat, (_mul(nx)(alpha, nx.exp(-Sigma / sigma2))), ) spatial_outlier = _power(nx)((2 * _pi(nx) * sigma2), _data(nx, D / 2, XnAHat)) * (1 - gamma) / (gamma * outlier_s) spatial_term2 = spatial_outlier + nx.einsum("ij->j", spatial_term1) spatial_P = spatial_term1 / _unsqueeze(nx)(spatial_term2, 0) spatial_inlier = 1 - spatial_outlier / (spatial_outlier + nx.einsum("ij->j", exp_SpatialMat)) term1 = nx.einsum( "ij,i->ij", _mul(nx)(nx.exp(-SpatialDistMat / (2 * sigma2)), nx.exp(-GeneDistMat / (2 * beta2))), (_mul(nx)(alpha, nx.exp(-Sigma / sigma2))), ) P = term1 / (_unsqueeze(nx)(nx.einsum("ij->j", term1), 0) + 1e-8) P = nx.einsum("j,ij->ij", spatial_inlier, P) term1 = nx.einsum( "ij,i->ij", nx.exp(-SpatialDistMat / (2 * sigma2)), (_mul(nx)(alpha, nx.exp(-Sigma / sigma2))), ) sigma2_P = term1 / (_unsqueeze(nx)(nx.einsum("ij->j", term1), 0) + 1e-8) sigma2_P = nx.einsum("j,ij->ij", spatial_inlier, sigma2_P) return P, spatial_P, sigma2_P
[docs]def get_P_chunk( XnAHat: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], XnB: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], X_A: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], X_B: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], sigma2: Union[int, float, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], beta2: Union[int, float, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], alpha: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], gamma: Union[float, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], Sigma: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], samples_s: Optional[List[float]] = None, outlier_variance: float = None, chunk_size: int = 1000, dissimilarity: str = "kl", ) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: """Calculating the generating probability matrix P. Args: XAHat: Current spatial coordinate of sample A. Shape """ # Get the number of cells in each sample NA, NB = XnAHat.shape[0], XnB.shape[0] # Get the number of genes G = X_A.shape[1] # Get the number of spatial dimensions D = XnAHat.shape[1] chunk_num = int(np.ceil(NA / chunk_size)) assert XnAHat.shape[1] == XnB.shape[1], "XnAHat and XnB do not have the same number of features." assert XnAHat.shape[0] == alpha.shape[0], "XnAHat and alpha do not have the same length." assert XnAHat.shape[0] == Sigma.shape[0], "XnAHat and Sigma do not have the same length." nx = ot.backend.get_backend(XnAHat, XnB) if samples_s is None: samples_s = nx.maximum( _prod(nx)(nx.max(XnAHat, axis=0) - nx.min(XnAHat, axis=0)), _prod(nx)(nx.max(XnB, axis=0) - nx.min(XnB, axis=0)), ) outlier_s = samples_s * NA # chunk X_Bs = _chunk(nx, X_B, chunk_num, dim=0) XnBs = _chunk(nx, XnB, chunk_num, dim=0) Ps = [] for x_Bs, xnBs in zip(X_Bs, XnBs): SpatialDistMat = cal_dist(XnAHat, xnBs) GeneDistMat = calc_exp_dissimilarity(X_A=X_A, X_B=x_Bs, dissimilarity=dissimilarity) if outlier_variance is None: exp_SpatialMat = nx.exp(-SpatialDistMat / (2 * sigma2)) else: exp_SpatialMat = nx.exp(-SpatialDistMat / (2 * sigma2 / outlier_variance)) spatial_term1 = nx.einsum( "ij,i->ij", exp_SpatialMat, (_mul(nx)(alpha, nx.exp(-Sigma / sigma2))), ) spatial_outlier = ( _power(nx)((2 * _pi(nx) * sigma2), _data(nx, D / 2, XnAHat)) * (1 - gamma) / (gamma * outlier_s) ) spatial_inlier = 1 - spatial_outlier / (spatial_outlier + nx.einsum("ij->j", exp_SpatialMat)) term1 = nx.einsum( "ij,i->ij", _mul(nx)(nx.exp(-SpatialDistMat / (2 * sigma2)), nx.exp(-GeneDistMat / (2 * beta2))), (_mul(nx)(alpha, nx.exp(-Sigma / sigma2))), ) P = term1 / (_unsqueeze(nx)(nx.einsum("ij->j", term1), 0) + 1e-8) P = nx.einsum("j,ij->ij", spatial_inlier, P) Ps.append(P) P = nx.concatenate(Ps, axis=1) return P
[docs]def BA_align( sampleA: AnnData, sampleB: AnnData, genes: Optional[Union[List, torch.Tensor]] = None, spatial_key: str = "spatial", key_added: str = "align_spatial", iter_key_added: Optional[str] = "iter_spatial", vecfld_key_added: Optional[str] = "VecFld_morpho", layer: str = "X", dissimilarity: str = "kl", keep_size: bool = False, max_iter: int = 200, lambdaVF: Union[int, float] = 1e2, beta: Union[int, float] = 0.01, K: Union[int, float] = 15, normalize_c: bool = True, normalize_g: bool = True, select_high_exp_genes: Union[bool, float, int] = False, dtype: str = "float32", device: str = "cpu", inplace: bool = True, verbose: bool = True, nn_init: bool = True, SVI_mode: bool = True, batch_size: int = 1000, partial_robust_level: float = 25, ) -> Tuple[Optional[Tuple[AnnData, AnnData]], np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """_summary_ Args: sampleA: Sample A that acts as reference. sampleB: Sample B that performs alignment. genes: Genes used for calculation. If None, use all common genes for calculation. spatial_key: The key in ``.obsm`` that corresponds to the raw spatial coordinate. key_added: ``.obsm`` key under which to add the aligned spatial coordinate. iter_key_added: ``.uns`` key under which to add the result of each iteration of the iterative process. If ``iter_key_added`` is None, the results are not saved. vecfld_key_added: The key that will be used for the vector field key in ``.uns``. If ``vecfld_key_added`` is None, the results are not saved. layer: If ``'X'``, uses ``.X`` to calculate dissimilarity between spots, otherwise uses the representation given by ``.layers[layer]``. dissimilarity: Expression dissimilarity measure: ``'kl'`` or ``'euclidean'``. small_variance: When approximating the assignment matrix, if True, we use small sigma2 (0.001) rather than the infered sigma2 max_iter: Max number of iterations for morpho alignment. lambdaVF : Hyperparameter that controls the non-rigid distortion degree. Smaller means more flexibility. beta: The length-scale of the SE kernel. Higher means more flexibility. K: The number of sparse inducing points used for Nystr ̈om approximation. Smaller means faster but less accurate. normalize_c: Whether to normalize spatial coordinates. normalize_g: Whether to normalize gene expression. If ``dissimilarity`` == ``'kl'``, ``normalize_g`` must be False. select_high_exp_genes: Whether to select genes with high differences in gene expression. samples_s: The space size of each sample. Area size for 2D samples and volume size for 3D samples. dtype: The floating-point number type. Only ``float32`` and ``float64``. device: Equipment used to run the program. You can also set the specified GPU for running. ``E.g.: '0'``. inplace: Whether to copy adata or modify it inplace. verbose: If ``True``, print progress updates. nn_init: If ``True``, use nearest neighbor matching to initialize the alignment. SVI_mode: Whether to use stochastic variational inferential (SVI) optimization strategy. batch_size: The size of the mini-batch of SVI. If set smaller, the calculation will be faster, but it will affect the accuracy, and vice versa. If not set, it is automatically set to one-tenth of the data size. partial_robust_level: The robust level of partial alignment. The larger the value, the more robust the alignment to partial cases is. Recommended setting from 1 to 50. """ empty_cache(device=device) # Preprocessing normalize_g = False if dissimilarity == "kl" else normalize_g sampleA, sampleB = (sampleA, sampleB) if inplace else (sampleA.copy(), sampleB.copy()) ( nx, type_as, new_samples, exp_matrices, spatial_coords, normalize_scale_list, normalize_mean_list, ) = align_preprocess( samples=[sampleA, sampleB], layer=layer, genes=genes, spatial_key=spatial_key, normalize_c=normalize_c, normalize_g=normalize_g, select_high_exp_genes=select_high_exp_genes, dtype=dtype, device=device, verbose=verbose, ) coordsA, coordsB = spatial_coords[1], spatial_coords[0] X_A, X_B = exp_matrices[1], exp_matrices[0] del spatial_coords, exp_matrices NA, NB, D, G = coordsA.shape[0], coordsB.shape[0], coordsA.shape[1], X_A.shape[1] sub_sample = False sub_sample_num = 15000 if SVI_mode and (NA > sub_sample_num or NB > sub_sample_num): if NA > sub_sample_num: sub_idx_A = np.random.choice(NA, sub_sample_num, replace=False) sub_coordsA = coordsA[sub_idx_A, :] sub_X_A = X_A[sub_idx_A, :] else: sub_coordsA = coordsA sub_X_A = X_A if NB > sub_sample_num: sub_idx_B = np.random.choice(NB, sub_sample_num, replace=False) sub_coordsB = coordsB[sub_idx_B, :] sub_X_B = X_B[sub_idx_B, :] else: sub_coordsB = coordsB sub_X_B = X_B GeneDistMat = calc_exp_dissimilarity(X_A=sub_X_A, X_B=sub_X_B, dissimilarity=dissimilarity) sub_sample = True else: GeneDistMat = calc_exp_dissimilarity(X_A=X_A, X_B=X_B, dissimilarity=dissimilarity) area = _prod(nx)(nx.max(coordsA, axis=0) - nx.min(coordsA, axis=0)) if nn_init: # perform coarse rigid alignment if sub_sample: _cra_kwargs = dict( coordsA=sub_coordsA, coordsB=sub_coordsB, X_A=sub_X_A, X_B=sub_X_B, transformed_points=coordsA, ) else: _cra_kwargs = dict( coordsA=coordsA, coordsB=coordsB, X_A=X_A, X_B=X_B, transformed_points=None, ) coordsA, inlier_A, inlier_B, inlier_P, init_R, init_t = coarse_rigid_alignment( dissimilarity=dissimilarity, top_K=10, verbose=verbose, **_cra_kwargs ) empty_cache(device=device) coordsA = _data(nx, coordsA, type_as) inlier_A = _data(nx, inlier_A, type_as) inlier_B = _data(nx, inlier_B, type_as) inlier_P = _data(nx, inlier_P, type_as) coarse_alignment = coordsA # Random select control points Unique_coordsA = _unique(nx, coordsA, 0) idx = random.sample(range(Unique_coordsA.shape[0]), min(K, Unique_coordsA.shape[0])) ctrl_pts = Unique_coordsA[idx, :] K = ctrl_pts.shape[0] # construct the kernel GammaSparse = con_K(ctrl_pts, ctrl_pts, beta) U = con_K(coordsA, ctrl_pts, beta) kappa = nx.ones((NA), type_as=type_as) alpha = nx.ones((NA), type_as=type_as) VnA = nx.zeros(coordsA.shape, type_as=type_as) Coff = nx.zeros(ctrl_pts.shape, type_as=type_as) gamma, gamma_a, gamma_b = ( _data(nx, 0.5, type_as), _data(nx, 1.0, type_as), _data(nx, 1.0, type_as), ) minP, sigma2_terc, erc = ( _data(nx, 1e-5, type_as), _data(nx, 1, type_as), _data(nx, 1e-4, type_as), ) SigmaDiag = nx.zeros((NA), type_as=type_as) XAHat, RnA = coordsA, coordsA if sub_sample: SpatialDistMat = cal_dist(sub_coordsA, sub_coordsB) del sub_coordsA, sub_coordsB else: SpatialDistMat = cal_dist(XAHat, coordsB) sigma2 = 0.1 * nx.sum(SpatialDistMat) / (D * NA * NB) # 2 for 3D s = _data(nx, 1, type_as) R = _identity(nx, D, type_as) minGeneDistMat = nx.min(GeneDistMat, 1) # Automatically determine the value of beta2 beta2 = minGeneDistMat[nx.argsort(minGeneDistMat)[int(GeneDistMat.shape[0] * 0.05)]] / 5 beta2_end = nx.max(minGeneDistMat) / 5 del minGeneDistMat if sub_sample: del sub_X_A, sub_X_B, GeneDistMat # The value of beta2 becomes progressively larger beta2 = nx.maximum(beta2, _data(nx, 1e-2, type_as)) beta2_decrease = _power(nx)(beta2_end / beta2, 1 / (50)) # Use smaller spatial variance to reduce tails outlier_variance = 1 max_outlier_variance = partial_robust_level # 20 outlier_variance_decrease = _power(nx)(_data(nx, max_outlier_variance, type_as), 1 / (max_iter / 2)) if SVI_mode: SVI_deacy = _data(nx, 10.0, type_as) # Select a random subset of data batch_size = min(max(int(NB / 10), batch_size), NB) randomidx = _randperm(nx)(NB) randIdx = randomidx[:batch_size] randomIdx = _roll(nx)(randomidx, batch_size) randcoordsB = coordsB[randIdx, :] # batch_size x D if sub_sample: randGeneDistMat = calc_exp_dissimilarity(X_A=X_A, X_B=X_B[randIdx, :], dissimilarity=dissimilarity) SpatialDistMat = cal_dist(coordsA, randcoordsB) else: randGeneDistMat = GeneDistMat[:, randIdx] # NA x batch_size SpatialDistMat = SpatialDistMat[:, randIdx] # NA x batch_size Sp, Sp_spatial, Sp_sigma2 = 0, 0, 0 SigmaInv = nx.zeros((K, K), type_as=type_as) # K x K PXB_term = nx.zeros((NA, D), type_as=type_as) # NA x D iteration = ( lm.progress_logger(range(max_iter), progress_name="Start morpho alignment") if verbose else range(max_iter) ) if iter_key_added is not None: sampleB.uns[iter_key_added] = dict() sampleB.uns[iter_key_added][key_added] = {} sampleB.uns[iter_key_added]["sigma2"] = {} sampleB.uns[iter_key_added]["beta2"] = {} sampleB.uns[iter_key_added]["scale"] = {} for iter in iteration: if iter_key_added is not None: iter_XAHat = XAHat * normalize_scale_list[0] + normalize_mean_list[0] if normalize_c else XAHat sampleB.uns[iter_key_added][key_added][iter] = nx.to_numpy(iter_XAHat) sampleB.uns[iter_key_added]["sigma2"][iter] = nx.to_numpy(sigma2) sampleB.uns[iter_key_added]["beta2"][iter] = nx.to_numpy(beta2) sampleB.uns[iter_key_added]["scale"][iter] = nx.to_numpy(s) if SVI_mode: step_size = nx.minimum(_data(nx, 1.0, type_as), SVI_deacy / (iter + 1.0)) P, spatial_P, sigma2_P = get_P( XnAHat=XAHat, XnB=randcoordsB, sigma2=sigma2, beta2=beta2, alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma, Sigma=SigmaDiag, GeneDistMat=randGeneDistMat, SpatialDistMat=SpatialDistMat, outlier_variance=outlier_variance, ) else: P, spatial_P, sigma2_P = get_P( XnAHat=XAHat, XnB=coordsB, sigma2=sigma2, beta2=beta2, alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma, Sigma=SigmaDiag, GeneDistMat=GeneDistMat, SpatialDistMat=SpatialDistMat, outlier_variance=outlier_variance, ) if iter > 5: beta2 = ( nx.maximum(beta2 * beta2_decrease, beta2_end) if beta2_decrease < 1 else nx.minimum(beta2 * beta2_decrease, beta2_end) ) outlier_variance = nx.minimum(outlier_variance * outlier_variance_decrease, max_outlier_variance) K_NA = nx.einsum("ij->i", P) K_NB = nx.einsum("ij->j", P) K_NA_spatial = nx.einsum("ij->i", spatial_P) K_NB_spatial = nx.einsum("ij->j", spatial_P) K_NA_sigma2 = nx.einsum("ij->i", sigma2_P) K_NB_sigma2 = nx.einsum("ij->j", sigma2_P) # Update gamma if SVI_mode: Sp = step_size * nx.einsum("ij->", P) + (1 - step_size) * Sp Sp_spatial = step_size * nx.einsum("ij->", spatial_P) + (1 - step_size) * Sp_spatial Sp_sigma2 = step_size * nx.einsum("ij->", sigma2_P) + (1 - step_size) * Sp_sigma2 gamma = nx.exp(_psi(nx)(gamma_a + Sp_spatial) - _psi(nx)(gamma_a + gamma_b + batch_size)) else: Sp = nx.einsum("ij->", P) Sp_spatial = nx.einsum("ij->", spatial_P) Sp_sigma2 = nx.einsum("ij->", sigma2_P) gamma = nx.exp(_psi(nx)(gamma_a + Sp_spatial) - _psi(nx)(gamma_a + gamma_b + NB)) gamma = _data(nx, 0.99, type_as) if gamma > 0.99 else gamma gamma = _data(nx, 0.01, type_as) if gamma < 0.01 else gamma # Update alpha alpha = nx.exp(_psi(nx)(kappa + K_NA_spatial) - _psi(nx)(kappa * NA + Sp_spatial)) # Update VnA if (sigma2 < 0.015 and s > 0.95) or (iter > 80): if SVI_mode: SigmaInv = ( step_size * (sigma2 * lambdaVF * GammaSparse + _dot(nx)(U.T, nx.einsum("ij,i->ij", U, K_NA))) + (1 - step_size) * SigmaInv ) term1 = _dot(nx)(_pinv(nx)(SigmaInv), U.T) PXB_term = ( step_size * (_dot(nx)(P, randcoordsB) - nx.einsum("ij,i->ij", RnA, K_NA)) + (1 - step_size) * PXB_term ) Coff = _dot(nx)(term1, PXB_term) VnA = _dot(nx)( U, Coff, ) SigmaDiag = sigma2 * nx.einsum("ij->i", nx.einsum("ij,ji->ij", U, term1)) else: term1 = _dot(nx)( _pinv(nx)(sigma2 * lambdaVF * GammaSparse + _dot(nx)(U.T, nx.einsum("ij,i->ij", U, K_NA))), U.T, ) SigmaDiag = sigma2 * nx.einsum("ij->i", nx.einsum("ij,ji->ij", U, term1)) Coff = _dot(nx)(term1, (_dot(nx)(P, coordsB) - nx.einsum("ij,i->ij", RnA, K_NA))) VnA = _dot(nx)( U, Coff, ) # Update R() lambdaReg = 1e0 * Sp / nx.sum(inlier_P) if SVI_mode: PXA, PVA, PXB = ( _dot(nx)(K_NA, coordsA)[None, :], _dot(nx)(K_NA, VnA)[None, :], _dot(nx)(K_NB, randcoordsB)[None, :], ) else: PXA, PVA, PXB = ( _dot(nx)(K_NA, coordsA)[None, :], _dot(nx)(K_NA, VnA)[None, :], _dot(nx)(K_NB, coordsB)[None, :], ) PCYC, PCXC = _dot(nx)(inlier_P.T, inlier_B), _dot(nx)(inlier_P.T, inlier_A) if SVI_mode and iter > 1: t = ( step_size * ( ((PXB - PVA - _dot(nx)(PXA, R.T)) + 2 * lambdaReg * sigma2 * (PCYC - _dot(nx)(PCXC, R.T))) / (Sp + 2 * lambdaReg * sigma2 * nx.sum(inlier_P)) ) + (1 - step_size) * t ) else: t = ((PXB - PVA - _dot(nx)(PXA, R.T)) + 2 * lambdaReg * sigma2 * (PCYC - _dot(nx)(PCXC, R.T))) / ( Sp + 2 * lambdaReg * sigma2 * nx.sum(inlier_P) ) if SVI_mode: A = -( _dot(nx)(PXA.T, t) + _dot(nx)(coordsA.T, nx.einsum("ij,i->ij", VnA, K_NA) - _dot(nx)(P, randcoordsB)) + 2 * lambdaReg * sigma2 * (_dot(nx)(PCXC.T, t) - _dot(nx)(nx.einsum("ij,i->ij", inlier_A, inlier_P[:, 0]).T, inlier_B)) ).T else: A = -( _dot(nx)(PXA.T, t) + _dot(nx)(coordsA.T, nx.einsum("ij,i->ij", VnA, K_NA) - _dot(nx)(P, coordsB)) + 2 * lambdaReg * sigma2 * (_dot(nx)(PCXC.T, t) - _dot(nx)(nx.einsum("ij,i->ij", inlier_A, inlier_P[:, 0]).T, inlier_B)) ).T svdU, svdS, svdV = _linalg(nx).svd(A) C = _identity(nx, D, type_as) C[-1, -1] = _linalg(nx).det(_dot(nx)(svdU, svdV)) if SVI_mode and iter > 1: R = step_size * (_dot(nx)(_dot(nx)(svdU, C), svdV)) + (1 - step_size) * R else: R = _dot(nx)(_dot(nx)(svdU, C), svdV) RnA = s * _dot(nx)(coordsA, R.T) + t XAHat = RnA + VnA # Update sigma2 and beta2 if SVI_mode: SpatialDistMat = cal_dist(XAHat, randcoordsB) else: SpatialDistMat = cal_dist(XAHat, coordsB) sigma2_old = sigma2 sigma2 = nx.maximum( ( nx.einsum("ij,ij", sigma2_P, SpatialDistMat) / (D * Sp_sigma2) + nx.einsum("i,i", K_NA_sigma2, SigmaDiag) / Sp_sigma2 ), _data(nx, 1e-3, type_as), ) sigma2_terc = nx.abs((sigma2 - sigma2_old) / sigma2) # Next batch if SVI_mode and iter < max_iter - 1: randIdx = randomidx[:batch_size] randomidx = _roll(nx)(randomidx, batch_size) randcoordsB = coordsB[randIdx, :] if sub_sample: randGeneDistMat = calc_exp_dissimilarity(X_A=X_A, X_B=X_B[randIdx, :], dissimilarity=dissimilarity) else: randGeneDistMat = GeneDistMat[:, randIdx] # NA x batch_size SpatialDistMat = cal_dist(XAHat, randcoordsB) empty_cache(device=device) # full data if SVI_mode: P = get_P_chunk( XnAHat=XAHat, XnB=coordsB, X_A=X_A, X_B=X_B, sigma2=sigma2, beta2=beta2, alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma, Sigma=SigmaDiag, outlier_variance=outlier_variance, ) # Get optimal Rigid transformation optimal_RnA, optimal_R, optimal_t = get_optimal_R( coordsA=coordsA, coordsB=coordsB, P=P, R_init=R, ) if verbose: lm.main_info(f"Key Parameters: gamma: {gamma}; beta2: {beta2}; sigma2: {sigma2}") if keep_size: area_after = _prod(nx)(nx.max(XAHat, axis=0) - nx.min(XAHat, axis=0)) XAHat = XAHat * (area / area_after) if normalize_c: XAHat = XAHat * normalize_scale_list[0] + normalize_mean_list[0] RnA = RnA * normalize_scale_list[0] + normalize_mean_list[0] optimal_RnA = optimal_RnA * normalize_scale_list[0] + normalize_mean_list[0] coarse_alignment = coarse_alignment * normalize_scale_list[0] + normalize_mean_list[0] # Save aligned coordinates sampleB.obsm["Nonrigid_align_spatial"] = nx.to_numpy(XAHat).copy() sampleB.obsm["Rigid_align_spatial"] = nx.to_numpy(optimal_RnA).copy() # save vector field and other parameters if not (vecfld_key_added is None): sampleB.uns[vecfld_key_added] = { "s": nx.to_numpy(s), "R": nx.to_numpy(R), "t": nx.to_numpy(t), "optimal_R": nx.to_numpy(optimal_R), "optimal_t": nx.to_numpy(optimal_t), "init_R": init_R, "init_t": init_t, "beta": beta, "Coff": nx.to_numpy(Coff), "ctrl_pts": nx.to_numpy(ctrl_pts), "normalize_scale": nx.to_numpy(normalize_scale_list[0]) if normalize_c else None, "normalize_mean_list": [nx.to_numpy(normalize_mean) for normalize_mean in normalize_mean_list] if normalize_c else None, "normalize_c": normalize_c, "dissimilarity": dissimilarity, "beta2": nx.to_numpy(sigma2), "sigma2": nx.to_numpy(sigma2), "gamma": nx.to_numpy(gamma), "NA": NA, "outlier_variance": nx.to_numpy(outlier_variance), } empty_cache(device=device) return ( None if inplace else (sampleA, sampleB), nx.to_numpy(P.T), nx.to_numpy(sigma2), )