import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scanpy as sc
import scipy
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances, pairwise_distances_chunked
from tqdm import tqdm
from .visualize import link_plot
[docs]def coords2adjacentmat(coords, output_mode="adjacent", strategy_t="convex"):
if strategy_t == "convex": ### slow but may generate more reasonable delaunay graph
from libpysal import weights
from import voronoi_frames
cells, _ = voronoi_frames(coords, clip="convex hull")
delaunay_graph = weights.Rook.from_dataframe(cells).to_networkx()
elif strategy_t == "delaunay": ### fast but may generate long distance edges
from collections import defaultdict
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
tri = Delaunay(coords)
delaunay_graph = nx.Graph()
coords_dict = defaultdict(list)
for i, coord in enumerate(coords):
for simplex in tri.simplices:
for i in range(3):
for node1 in coords_dict[tuple(coords[simplex[i]])]:
for node2 in coords_dict[tuple(coords[simplex[(i + 1) % 3]])]:
if not delaunay_graph.has_edge(node1, node2):
delaunay_graph.add_edge(node1, node2)
if output_mode == "adjacent":
return nx.to_scipy_sparse_array(delaunay_graph).todense()
elif output_mode == "raw":
return delaunay_graph
elif output_mode == "adjacent_sparse":
return nx.to_scipy_sparse_array(delaunay_graph)
[docs]def hv_cutoff(max_col, threshold=2000):
for thres_t in range(0, int(np.max(max_col))):
if np.sum(max_col > thres_t) < threshold:
return thres_t - 1
[docs]def detect_highly_variable_genes(sdata, batch_key="batch", n_top_genes=4000, count_layer="count"):
samples = np.unique(sdata.obs[batch_key])
thres_list = []
max_count_list = []
bool_list = []
for list_t, sample_t in enumerate(samples):
idx_t = sdata.obs[batch_key] == sample_t
if count_layer == ".X":
max_t = sdata[idx_t, :].X.max(0).toarray() if scipy.sparse.issparse(sdata.X) else sdata[idx_t, :].X.max(0)
max_t = (
sdata[idx_t, :].layers[count_layer].max(0).toarray()
if scipy.sparse.issparse(sdata.layers[count_layer])
else sdata[idx_t, :].layers[count_layer].max(0)
thres_list.append(hv_cutoff(max_count_list[list_t], threshold=n_top_genes))
bool_list.append(max_count_list[list_t] > thres_list[list_t])
stack = np.stack(bool_list)
return np.all(stack, axis=0)[0]
[docs]def Harmony_integration(
#### integration based on the Harmony
sdata_inte.X = sdata_inte.layers[scaled_layer].copy()
if ifcombat == True:
sc.pp.combat(sdata_inte, key=batch_key)
print(f"Running PCA based on the layer {scaled_layer}:"), use_highly_variable=use_highly_variable_t, svd_solver="full", n_comps=n_components)
print(f"Running Harmony integration:")
sc.external.pp.harmony_integrate(sdata_inte, batch_key)
print(f"Compute a neighborhood graph based on the {umap_n_neighbors} `n_neighbors`, {umap_n_pcs} `n_pcs`:")
sc.pp.neighbors(sdata_inte, n_neighbors=umap_n_neighbors, n_pcs=umap_n_pcs, use_rep="X_pca_harmony")
print(f"Generate the UMAP based on the {min_dist} `min_dist`, {spread_t} `spread`:"), min_dist=min_dist, spread=spread_t)
sdata_inte.obsm["har_X_umap"] = sdata_inte.obsm["X_umap"].copy()
if ifplot == True:
plt.rcParams.update({"pdf.fonttype": 42})
sc.settings.figdir = output_path
sc.set_figure_params(figsize=(10, 10), facecolor="white", vector_friendly=True, dpi_save=300, fontsize=25), color=[batch_key], size=10, save=f"_har_{umap_n_pcs}pcs_batch.pdf")
sdata_inte, color=[source_sample_ctype_col], size=10, save=f"_har_{umap_n_pcs}pcs_ctype.pdf"
) if source_sample_ctype_col is not None else None
return sdata_inte
[docs]def random_sample(coords_t, nodenum, seed_t=2):
sub_node_idx = np.sort(random.sample(range(coords_t.shape[0]), nodenum))
return sub_node_idx
[docs]def sub_node_sum(coords_t, exp_t, nodenum=1000, vis=True, seed_t=2):
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix as csr
# random.seed(seed_t)
if nodenum > coords_t.shape[0]:
print("The number of nodes is larger than the total number of nodes. Return the original data.")
sub_node_idx = np.arange(coords_t.shape[0])
if scipy.sparse.issparse(exp_t):
return exp_t, sub_node_idx
return csr(exp_t), sub_node_idx
# sub_node_idx = np.sort(random.sample(range(coords_t.shape[0]),nodenum))
sub_node_idx = random_sample(coords_t, nodenum, seed_t=seed_t)
coords_t_sub = coords_t[sub_node_idx, :].copy()
close_idx = nearest_neighbors_idx(coords_t_sub, coords_t)
A = np.zeros([coords_t_sub.shape[0], coords_t.shape[0]])
for ind, i in enumerate(close_idx.tolist()):
A[i, ind] = 1
csr_A = csr(A)
if scipy.sparse.issparse(exp_t):
exp_t_sub =
exp_t_sub =
if vis == True:
link_plot(close_idx, coords_t, coords_t_sub, k=1)
return exp_t_sub, sub_node_idx
[docs]def nearest_neighbors_idx(coord1, coord2, mode_t="knn"): ### coord1 is the reference, coord2 is the target
if mode_t == "knn":
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
knn_classifier = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1, metric="euclidean"), np.zeros(coord1.shape[0])) # Use dummy labels, since we only care about distances
# Find nearest neighbors
_, close_idx = knn_classifier.kneighbors(coord2)
return close_idx
result = []
dists = pairwise_distances_chunked(coord2, coord1, working_memory=100, metric="euclidean", n_jobs=-1)
for chunk in tqdm(dists): # for each chunk (minibatch)
knn_ind = np.argpartition(chunk, 0, axis=-1)[
:, 0
] # introsort to get indices of top k neighbors according to the distance matrix [n_query, k]
close_idx = np.concatenate(result)
return np.expand_dims(close_idx, axis=1)
[docs]def non_zero_center_scale(sdata_t_X):
std_nocenter = np.sqrt(np.square(sdata_t_X).sum(0) / (sdata_t_X.shape[0] - 1))
return sdata_t_X / std_nocenter
[docs]def preprocess_fast(sdata1, mode="customized", target_sum=1e4, base=2, zero_center=True, regressout=False):
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix as csr
if "raw" in sdata1.layers:
if type(sdata1.layers["raw"]) != scipy.sparse._csr.csr_matrix:
sdata1.layers["raw"] = csr(sdata1.layers["raw"].copy())
sdata1.X = sdata1.layers["raw"].copy()
if type(sdata1.X) != scipy.sparse._csr.csr_matrix:
sdata1.X = csr(sdata1.X.copy())
sdata1.layers["raw"] = sdata1.X.copy()
if mode == "default":
sdata1.layers["norm"] = csr(sdata1.X.copy())
sdata1.layers["log1p_norm"] = csr(sdata1.X.copy())
sc.pp.scale(sdata1, zero_center=zero_center)
if scipy.sparse.issparse(
): #### automatically change to non csr matrix (zero_center == True, the .X would be sparce)
sdata1.X = sdata1.X.toarray().copy()
sdata1.layers["log1p_norm_scaled"] = sdata1.X.copy()
if regressout:
sdata1.obs["total_counts"] = sdata1.layers["raw"].toarray().sum(axis=1)
sc.pp.regress_out(sdata1, ["total_counts"])
sdata1.layers["log1p_norm_scaled"] = sdata1.X.copy()
return sdata1 #### sdata1.X is sdata1.layers['log1p_norm_scaled']
elif mode == "customized":
if target_sum == 1e4:
target_sum_str = "1e4"
target_sum_str = str(target_sum)
sc.pp.normalize_total(sdata1, target_sum=target_sum)
sdata1.layers[f"norm{target_sum_str}"] = csr(sdata1.X.copy())
sc.pp.log1p(sdata1, base=base)
sdata1.layers[f"log{str(base)}_norm{target_sum_str}"] = csr(sdata1.X.copy())
sc.pp.scale(sdata1, zero_center=zero_center)
if scipy.sparse.issparse(
): #### automatically change to non csr matrix (zero_center == True, the .X would be sparce)
sdata1.X = sdata1.X.toarray().copy()
sdata1.layers[f"log{str(base)}_norm{target_sum_str}_scaled"] = sdata1.X.copy()
if regressout:
sdata1.obs["total_counts"] = sdata1.layers["raw"].toarray().sum(axis=1)
sc.pp.regress_out(sdata1, ["total_counts"])
sdata1.layers[f"log{str(base)}_norm{target_sum_str}_scaled"] = sdata1.X.copy()
return sdata1 #### sdata1.X is sdata1.layers[f'log{str(base)}_norm{target_sum_str}_scaled']
print('Please set the `mode` as one of the {"default", "customized"}.')
[docs]def cell_select(coords_t, s=0.5, c=None, output_path_t=None):
Select cells by drawing a polygon on the plot.
Click the "Finish Polygon" button to finish drawing the polygon.
Click the "Clear Polygon" button to clear the polygon.
import ipywidgets as widgets
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry import Polygon as ShapelyPolygon
indices = np.arange(coords_t.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1)
coords = np.hstack((coords_t, indices))
global poly_coords, polygon_patch, selected_cell_ids
poly_coords = []
polygon_patch = None
selected_cell_ids = []
def process_selected_ids(selected_ids):
# Inner function to process the selected cell IDs
print("Selected Cell IDs:", selected_ids)
# Additional processing can be done here
def on_click(event):
global poly_coords, polygon_patch
if event.inaxes is not ax or event.button != 1:
poly_coords.append((event.xdata, event.ydata))
if polygon_patch:
polygon_patch = Polygon(poly_coords, closed=False, color="blue", alpha=0.3)
def finish_polygon(b):
global poly_coords, polygon_patch, selected_cell_ids
if polygon_patch:
shapely_poly = ShapelyPolygon(poly_coords)
selected_cell_ids = [int(id) for x, y, id in coords if shapely_poly.contains(Point(x, y))]
if output_path_t is not None:
def clear_polygon(b):
global poly_coords, polygon_patch
if polygon_patch:
polygon_patch = None
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[10, 10])
x, y, ids = zip(*coords)
ax.scatter(x, y, s=s, c=c)
ax.set_aspect("equal", adjustable="box")
finish_button = widgets.Button(description="Finish Polygon")
clear_button = widgets.Button(description="Clear Polygon")
display(widgets.HBox([finish_button, clear_button]))
fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", on_click)
#### Delta analysis
[docs]def get_neighborhood_rad(coords_centroids, coords_candidate, radius_px, dist=None):
if dist is None:
dist = pairwise_distances(coords_centroids, coords_candidate, metric="euclidean", n_jobs=-1)
rad_mask = dist < radius_px
return rad_mask
[docs]def delta_cell_cal(coords_tgt, coords_ref, ctype_tgt, ctype_ref, radius_px):
coords_tgt: coordinates of niche centroids (target cells).
coords_ref: coordinates of reference cells.
ctype_tgt: cell type of niche centroids.
ctype_ref: cell type of reference cells.
radius_px: radius of neighborhood.
return: delta_cell_tgt, delta_cell_ref, delta_cell.
coords_tgt = coords_final['injured']
coords_ref = coords_final['normal']
ctype_tgt = sdata.obs['Annotation'][right_idx]
ctype_ref = sdata.obs['Annotation'][left_idx]
radius_px = 1000
df_delta_cell_tgt,df_delta_cell_ref,df_delta_cell = delta_cell(coords_tgt,coords_ref,ctype_tgt,ctype_ref,radius_px)
##### 1. generate nbhd_mask_tgt and nbhd_mask_ref.
# nbhd_mask_tgt: coords_tgt vs coords_tgt itself.
# nbhd_mask_ref: coords_tgt vs coords_ref.
nbhd_mask_tgt = get_neighborhood_rad(coords_tgt, coords_tgt, radius_px)
nbhd_mask_ref = get_neighborhood_rad(coords_tgt, coords_ref, radius_px)
##### 2. generate ctype_one_hot_array
# ctype_one_hot_array: one-hot encoding of cell types.
# To make the order of columns consistent, we stack the two labels together.
ctype_all = np.hstack([ctype_tgt, ctype_ref])
idx_ctype_tgt = np.arange(len(ctype_tgt))
idx_ctype_ref = np.arange(len(ctype_tgt), len(ctype_tgt) + len(ctype_ref))
ctype_one_hot = pd.get_dummies(ctype_all)
ctype_one_hot_cols = ctype_one_hot.columns
ctype_one_hot_tgt = ctype_one_hot.values[idx_ctype_tgt]
ctype_one_hot_ref = ctype_one_hot.values[idx_ctype_ref]
##### 3. generate delta_cell_tgt, delta_cell_ref and delta_cell
# delta_cell_tgt: raw cell type counts of target cells given niche centroids.
# delta_cell_ref: raw cell type counts of reference cells given niche centroids.
# delta_cell: delta_cell_tgt - delta_cell_ref.
d_cell_tgt = nbhd_mask_tgt.astype(int).dot(ctype_one_hot_tgt.astype(int))
d_cell_ref = nbhd_mask_ref.astype(int).dot(ctype_one_hot_ref.astype(int))
d_cell = d_cell_tgt - d_cell_ref
return (
pd.DataFrame(d_cell_tgt, columns=ctype_one_hot_cols),
pd.DataFrame(d_cell_ref, columns=ctype_one_hot_cols),
pd.DataFrame(d_cell, columns=ctype_one_hot_cols),
[docs]def delta_exp_cal(coords_tgt, coords_ref, exp_tgt, exp_ref, radius_px, valid_tgt_idx=None, valid_ref_idx=None):
coords_tgt: coordinates of niche centroids (target cells).
coords_ref: coordinates of reference cells.
exp_tgt: gene expression of target cells.
exp_ref: gene expression of reference cells.
radius_px: radius of neighborhood.
return: delta_exp_tgt, delta_exp_ref, delta_exp.
##### 0. generate valid_tgt_idx and valid_ref_idx. For the cell type specific analysis, we only consider the cells in the given cell type.
valid_tgt_idx = np.arange(len(coords_tgt)) if valid_tgt_idx is None else valid_tgt_idx
valid_ref_idx = np.arange(len(coords_ref)) if valid_ref_idx is None else valid_ref_idx
##### 1. generate nbhd_mask_tgt and nbhd_mask_ref.
# nbhd_mask_tgt: coords_tgt vs coords_tgt itself.
# nbhd_mask_ref: coords_tgt vs coords_ref.
nbhd_mask_tgt = get_neighborhood_rad(coords_tgt, coords_tgt[valid_tgt_idx], radius_px)
nbhd_mask_ref = get_neighborhood_rad(coords_tgt, coords_ref[valid_ref_idx], radius_px)
##### 2. generate delta_cell_tgt, delta_cell_ref and delta_cell
# delta_exp_tgt: Average gene expression of target cells given niche centroids.
# delta_exp_ref: Average gene expression of reference cells given niche centroids.
# delta_exp: delta_exp_tgt - delta_exp_ref.
d_exp_tgt =[valid_tgt_idx]).astype(float) / nbhd_mask_tgt.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
d_exp_ref =[valid_ref_idx]).astype(float) / nbhd_mask_ref.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
### if the nbhd_mask_tgt.sum(axis=1)[:,None] is 0, then the d_exp_tgt, d_exp_ref will be nan. We set it to 0.
d_exp_tgt[np.isnan(d_exp_tgt)] = 0
d_exp_ref[np.isnan(d_exp_ref)] = 0
d_exp = d_exp_tgt - d_exp_ref
return d_exp_tgt, d_exp_ref, d_exp
[docs]def delta_exp_sigplot(p_values, avg_differences, abs_10logp_cutoff=None, abs_avg_diff_cutoff=None, sig=True):
y_t = np.array(-np.log10(p_values))
x_t = np.array(avg_differences)
abs_10logp_cutoff = np.quantile(np.abs(y_t), 0.95) if abs_10logp_cutoff is None else abs_10logp_cutoff
abs_avg_diff_cutoff = np.quantile(np.abs(x_t), 0.95) if abs_avg_diff_cutoff is None else abs_avg_diff_cutoff
idx_sig = (
(np.abs(y_t) > abs_10logp_cutoff) & (np.abs(x_t) > abs_avg_diff_cutoff)
if sig
else np.zeros(len(y_t), dtype=bool)
idx_sig_up = (y_t > abs_10logp_cutoff) & (x_t > abs_avg_diff_cutoff) if sig else np.zeros(len(y_t), dtype=bool)
idx_sig_down = (y_t > abs_10logp_cutoff) & (x_t < -abs_avg_diff_cutoff) if sig else np.zeros(len(y_t), dtype=bool)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.scatter(x_t, y_t, s=2, c="black", rasterized=True)
plt.scatter(x_t[idx_sig], y_t[idx_sig], s=5, c="red", rasterized=True)
plt.xlabel("Average difference")
return idx_sig, idx_sig_up, idx_sig_down
[docs]def delta_exp_statistics(delta_exp_tgt, delta_exp_ref):
from scipy.stats import ranksums
from tqdm import tqdm
p_values = []
avg_differences = []
for i in tqdm(range(delta_exp_tgt.shape[1])):
# Calculate the rank-sum p-value
p_value = ranksums(delta_exp_tgt[:, i], delta_exp_ref[:, i]).pvalue
# Calculate the average of the differences
avg_difference = np.mean(delta_exp_tgt[:, i] - delta_exp_ref[:, i])
return p_values, avg_differences