Source code for spateo.external.CAST.CAST_Stack

import copy
import os
import random
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import torch
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from tqdm import trange

from .visualize import add_scale_bar

#################### Registration ####################
# Parameters class

[docs]class reg_params:
[docs] dataname: str
### affine
[docs] theta_r1: float = 0
[docs] theta_r2: float = 0
[docs] d_list: list[float] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] translation_params: list[float] = None
[docs] mirror_t: list[float] = None
[docs] alpha_basis: list[float] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] iterations: int = 500
[docs] dist_penalty1: float = 0
[docs] attention_params: list[float] = field(default_factory=list)
### BS
[docs] mesh_trans_list: list[float] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] attention_region: list[float] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] attention_params_bs: list[float] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] mesh_weight: list[float] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] iterations_bs: list[float] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] alpha_basis_bs: list[float] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] meshsize: list[float] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] img_size_bs: list[float] = field(default_factory=list) # max_xy
[docs] dist_penalty2: list[float] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] PaddingRate_bs: float = 0
### common
[docs] bleeding: float = 500
[docs] diff_step: float = 5
[docs] min_qr2: float = 0
[docs] mean_q: float = 0
[docs] mean_r: float = 0
[docs] gpu: int = 0
[docs] device: str = field(init=False)
[docs] ifrigid: bool = False
[docs] def __post_init__(self): if self.gpu != -1 and torch.cuda.is_available(): self.device = "cuda:{}".format(self.gpu) else: self.device = "cpu"
[docs]def get_range(sp_coords): yrng = max(sp_coords, key=lambda x: x[1])[1] - min(sp_coords, key=lambda x: x[1])[1] xrng = max(sp_coords, key=lambda x: x[0])[0] - min(sp_coords, key=lambda x: x[0])[0] return xrng, yrng
[docs]def prelocate( coords_q, coords_r, cov_anchor_it, bleeding, output_path, d_list=[1, 2, 3], prefix="test", ifplot=True, index_list=None, translation_params=None, mirror_t=None, ): idx_q = np.ones(coords_q.shape[0], dtype=bool) if index_list is None else index_list[0] idx_r = np.ones(coords_r.shape[0], dtype=bool) if index_list is None else index_list[1] mirror_t = [1, -1] if mirror_t is None else mirror_t theta_t = [] J_t = [] if translation_params is None: translation_x = [0] translation_y = [0] else: xrng, yrng = get_range(coords_r.detach().cpu()) dx_ratio_max, dy_ratio_max, xy_steps = translation_params dx_max = dx_ratio_max * xrng dy_max = dy_ratio_max * yrng translation_x = np.linspace(-dx_max, dx_max, num=int(xy_steps)) # dx translation_y = np.linspace(-dy_max, dy_max, num=int(xy_steps)) # dy for mirror in mirror_t: for dx in translation_x: for dy in translation_y: for d in d_list: for phi in [0, 90, 180, 270]: a = d d = d * mirror theta = torch.Tensor([a, d, phi, dx, dy]).reshape(5, 1).to(coords_q.device) coords_query_it = affine_trans_t(theta, coords_q) try: J_t.append( J_cal(coords_query_it[idx_q], coords_r[idx_r], cov_anchor_it, bleeding).sum().item() ) except: continue theta_t.append(theta) if ifplot: prelocate_loss_plot(J_t, output_path, prefix) return theta_t[np.argmin(J_t)]
[docs]def Affine_GD( coords_query_it_raw, coords_ref_it, cov_anchor_it, output_path, bleeding=500, dist_penalty=0, diff_step=50, alpha_basis=np.reshape(np.array([0, 0, 1 / 5, 2, 2]), [5, 1]), iterations=50, prefix="test", attention_params=[None, 3, 1, 0], scale_t=1, coords_log=False, index_list=None, mid_visual=False, early_stop_thres=1, ifrigid=False, ): idx_q = np.ones(coords_query_it_raw.shape[0], dtype=bool) if index_list is None else index_list[0] idx_r = np.ones(coords_ref_it.shape[0], dtype=bool) if index_list is None else index_list[1] dev = coords_query_it_raw.device theta = torch.Tensor([1, 1, 0, 0, 0]).reshape(5, 1).to(dev) # initial theta, [a,d,phi,t1,t2] coords_query_it = coords_query_it_raw.clone() plot_mid( coords_query_it.cpu() * scale_t, coords_ref_it.cpu() * scale_t, output_path, prefix + "_init", scale_bar_t=None ) if mid_visual else None similarity_score = [ J_cal(coords_query_it[idx_q], coords_ref_it[idx_r], cov_anchor_it, bleeding, dist_penalty, attention_params) .sum() .cpu() .item() ] it_J = [] it_theta = [] coords_q_log = [] delta_similarity_score = [np.inf] * 5 t = trange(iterations, desc="", leave=True) for it in t: alpha = alpha_init(alpha_basis, it, dev) ## de_sscore dJ_dxy_mat = dJ_dt_cal( coords_query_it[idx_q], coords_ref_it[idx_r], diff_step, dev, cov_anchor_it, bleeding, dist_penalty, attention_params, ) dJ_dtheta = dJ_dtheta_cal( coords_query_it[idx_q, 0], coords_query_it[idx_q, 1], dJ_dxy_mat, theta, dev, ifrigid=ifrigid ) theta = theta_renew(theta, dJ_dtheta, alpha, ifrigid=ifrigid) coords_query_it = affine_trans_t(theta, coords_query_it_raw) it_J.append(dJ_dtheta) it_theta.append(theta) if coords_log: coords_q_log.append(coords_query_it.detach().cpu().numpy()) sscore_t = ( J_cal(coords_query_it[idx_q], coords_ref_it[idx_r], cov_anchor_it, bleeding, dist_penalty, attention_params) .sum() .cpu() .item() ) # print(f'Loss: {sscore_t}') t.set_description(f"Loss: {sscore_t:.3f}") t.refresh() similarity_score.append(sscore_t) if mid_visual: if (it % 20 == 0) | (it == 0): plot_mid( coords_query_it.cpu() * scale_t, coords_ref_it.cpu() * scale_t, output_path, prefix + str(int(it / 10 + 0.5)), scale_bar_t=None, ) if early_stop_thres is not None and it > 200: delta_similarity_score.append(similarity_score[-2] - similarity_score[-1]) if np.all(np.array(delta_similarity_score[-5:]) < early_stop_thres): print(f"Early stop at {it}th iteration.") break return [similarity_score, it_J, it_theta, coords_q_log]
[docs]def BSpline_GD( coords_q, coords_r, cov_anchor_it, iterations, output_path, bleeding, dist_penalty=0, alpha_basis=1000, diff_step=50, mesh_size=5, prefix="test", mesh_weight=None, attention_params=[None, 3, 1, 0], scale_t=1, coords_log=False, index_list=None, mid_visual=False, max_xy=None, renew_mesh_trans=True, restriction_t=0.5, ): idx_q = np.ones(coords_q.shape[0], dtype=bool) if index_list is None else index_list[0] idx_r = np.ones(coords_r.shape[0], dtype=bool) if index_list is None else index_list[1] dev = coords_q.device plot_mid( coords_q.cpu() * scale_t, coords_r.cpu() * scale_t, output_path, prefix + "_FFD_initial_" + str(iterations), scale_bar_t=None, ) if mid_visual else None max_xy = coords_q.max(0)[0].cpu() if max_xy is None else max_xy mesh, mesh_weight, kls, dxy_ffd_all, delta = BSpline_GD_preparation(max_xy, mesh_size, dev, mesh_weight) coords_query_it = coords_q.clone() similarity_score = [ J_cal(coords_query_it[idx_q], coords_r[idx_r], cov_anchor_it, bleeding, dist_penalty, attention_params) .sum() .cpu() .item() ] mesh_trans_list = [] coords_q_log = [] mesh_trans = mesh.clone() max_movement = (max_xy / (mesh_size - 1.0) * restriction_t).to(mesh.device).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) t = trange(iterations, desc="", leave=True) for it in t: dJ_dxy_mat = dJ_dt_cal( coords_query_it[idx_q], coords_r[idx_r], diff_step, dev, cov_anchor_it, bleeding, dist_penalty, attention_params, ) if renew_mesh_trans or it == 0: uv_raw, ij_raw = BSpline_GD_uv_ij_calculate(coords_query_it, delta, dev) uv = uv_raw[:, idx_q] # 2 * N[idx] ij = ij_raw[:, idx_q] # 2 * N[idx] result_B_t = B_matrix(uv, kls) ## 16 * N[idx] dxy_ffd = get_dxy_ffd(ij, result_B_t, mesh, dJ_dxy_mat, mesh_weight, alpha_basis) if renew_mesh_trans: mesh_trans = mesh + dxy_ffd else: mesh_trans = mesh + torch.clamp(mesh_trans + dxy_ffd - mesh, min=-max_movement, max=max_movement) mesh_trans_list.append(mesh_trans) coords_query_it = BSpline_renew_coords(uv_raw, kls, ij_raw, mesh_trans) if coords_log: coords_q_log.append(coords_query_it.detach().cpu().numpy()) sscore_t = ( J_cal(coords_query_it[idx_q], coords_r[idx_r], cov_anchor_it, bleeding, dist_penalty, attention_params) .sum() .cpu() .item() ) # print(f'Loss: {sscore_t}') t.set_description(f"Loss: {sscore_t:.3f}") t.refresh() similarity_score.append(sscore_t) if mid_visual: if (it % 20 == 0) | (it == 0): plot_mid( coords_query_it.cpu() * scale_t, coords_r.cpu() * scale_t, output_path, prefix + "_FFD_it_" + str(it), scale_bar_t=None, ) mesh_plot(mesh.cpu(), coords_q_t=coords_query_it.cpu(), mesh_trans_t=mesh_trans.cpu()) plt.savefig(f"{output_path}/{prefix}_mesh_plot_it_{it}.pdf") plt.clf() ### visualization plt.figure(figsize=[20, 10]) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.scatter( np.array(coords_q.cpu()[:, 0].tolist()) * scale_t, np.array(coords_q.cpu()[:, 1].tolist()) * scale_t, s=2, edgecolors="none", alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, c="blue", label="Before", ) plt.scatter( np.array(coords_query_it.cpu()[:, 0].tolist()) * scale_t, np.array(coords_query_it.cpu()[:, 1].tolist()) * scale_t, s=2, edgecolors="none", alpha=0.7, rasterized=True, c="#ef233c", label="After", ) plt.xticks(fontsize=20) plt.yticks(fontsize=20) plt.legend(fontsize=15) plt.axis("equal") plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) titles = "loss = " + format(similarity_score[-1], ".1f") plt.scatter(list(range(0, len(similarity_score))), similarity_score, s=5) plt.title(titles, fontsize=20) plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_path, prefix + "_after_Bspline_" + str(iterations) + ".pdf")) return [coords_query_it, mesh_trans_list, dxy_ffd_all, similarity_score, coords_q_log]
[docs]def J_cal(coords_q, coords_r, cov_mat, bleeding=10, dist_penalty=0, attention_params=[None, 3, 1, 0]): attention_region, double_penalty, penalty_inc_all, penalty_inc_both = attention_params bleeding_x = coords_q[:, 0].min() - bleeding, coords_q[:, 0].max() + bleeding bleeding_y = coords_q[:, 1].min() - bleeding, coords_q[:, 1].max() + bleeding sub_ind = ( (coords_r[:, 0] > bleeding_x[0]) & (coords_r[:, 0] < bleeding_x[1]) & (coords_r[:, 1] > bleeding_y[0]) & (coords_r[:, 1] < bleeding_y[1]) ) cov_mat_t = cov_mat[:, sub_ind] dist = torch.cdist(coords_q, coords_r[sub_ind, :]) min_dist_values, close_idx = torch.min(dist, dim=1) tmp1 = torch.stack((torch.arange(coords_q.shape[0], device=coords_q.device), close_idx)).T s_score_mat = cov_mat_t[tmp1[:, 0], tmp1[:, 1]] if dist_penalty != 0: penalty_tres = torch.sqrt( (coords_r[:, 0].max() - coords_r[:, 0].min()) * (coords_r[:, 1].max() - coords_r[:, 1].min()) / coords_r.shape[0] ) dist_d = min_dist_values / penalty_tres if type(attention_region) is np.ndarray: attention_region = torch.tensor(attention_region, device=coords_q.device) dist_d[attention_region] = min_dist_values[attention_region] / (penalty_tres / double_penalty) dist_d[dist_d < 1] = 1 dist_d[dist_d > 1] *= dist_penalty dist_d[attention_region] *= penalty_inc_all dist_d[(dist_d > 1) & attention_region] *= penalty_inc_both / dist_penalty + 1 else: dist_d[dist_d < 1] = 1 dist_d[dist_d > 1] *= dist_penalty return s_score_mat * dist_d return s_score_mat
[docs]def alpha_init(alpha_basis, it, dev): return 5 / torch.pow(torch.Tensor([it / 40 + 1]).to(dev), 0.6) * alpha_basis
[docs]def dJ_dt_cal(coords_q, coords_r, diff_step, dev, cov_anchor_it, bleeding, dist_penalty, attention_params): dJ_dy = ( J_cal( coords_q + torch.tensor([0, diff_step], device=dev), coords_r, cov_anchor_it, bleeding, dist_penalty, attention_params, ) - J_cal( coords_q + torch.tensor([0, -diff_step], device=dev), coords_r, cov_anchor_it, bleeding, dist_penalty, attention_params, ) ) / (2 * diff_step) dJ_dx = ( J_cal( coords_q + torch.tensor([diff_step, 0], device=dev), coords_r, cov_anchor_it, bleeding, dist_penalty, attention_params, ) - J_cal( coords_q + torch.tensor([-diff_step, 0], device=dev), coords_r, cov_anchor_it, bleeding, dist_penalty, attention_params, ) ) / (2 * diff_step) dJ_dxy_mat = torch.vstack((dJ_dx, dJ_dy)) # [dJ_{i}/dx_{i},dJ_{i}/dy_{i}] (2 * N) return dJ_dxy_mat
[docs]def dJ_dtheta_cal(xi, yi, dJ_dxy_mat, theta, dev, ifrigid=False): """ #dxy_da: #{x * cos(rad_phi), x * sin(rad_phi)} #dxy_dd: #{-y * sin(rad_phi), y * cos(rad_phi)} #dxy_dphi: #{-d * y * cos(rad_phi) - a * x * sin(rad_phi), a * x * cos(rad_phi) - d * y * sin(rad_phi)} #dxy_dt1: #{1, 0} #dxy_dt2: #{0, 1} # when we set d = a (rigid): #dxy_da #{x * cos(rad_phi) - y * sin(rad_phi), y * cos(rad_phi) + x * sin(rad_phi)} #dxy_dd - set as the same value as dxy_da #{x * cos(rad_phi) - y * sin(rad_phi), y * cos(rad_phi) + x * sin(rad_phi)} #dxy_dphi #{-a * y * cos(rad_phi) - a * x * sin(rad_phi), a * x * cos(rad_phi) - a * y * sin(rad_phi)} """ N = xi.shape[0] rad_phi = theta[2, 0].deg2rad() cos_rad_phi = rad_phi.cos() sin_rad_phi = rad_phi.sin() ones = torch.ones(N, device=dev) zeros = torch.zeros(N, device=dev) if ifrigid: #### let d = a, only allow scaling, rotation and translation (Similarity transformation) #### If we want to use pure rigid transformation, just set `alpha_basis` as `[0,0,x,x,x]`, then the theta[0] will be always 1. dxy_dtheta = torch.stack( [ torch.stack( [ xi * cos_rad_phi - yi * sin_rad_phi, # dxy_da (rigid) xi * cos_rad_phi - yi * sin_rad_phi, # dxy_dd - won't use (rigid) -theta[0] * cos_rad_phi * yi - theta[0] * xi * sin_rad_phi, # dxy_dphi ones, # dxy_dt1 zeros, ] ), # dxy_dt2 torch.stack( [ yi * cos_rad_phi + xi * sin_rad_phi, # dxy_da (rigid) yi * cos_rad_phi + xi * sin_rad_phi, # dxy_dd - won't use (rigid) theta[0] * xi * cos_rad_phi - theta[0] * yi * sin_rad_phi, # dxy_dphi zeros, # dxy_dt1 ones, ] ), ] ) # dxy_dt2 else: dxy_dtheta = torch.stack( [ torch.stack( [ xi * cos_rad_phi, # dxy_da -yi * sin_rad_phi, # dxy_dd -theta[1] * cos_rad_phi * yi - theta[0] * xi * sin_rad_phi, # dxy_dphi ones, # dxy_dt1 zeros, ] ), # dxy_dt2 torch.stack( [ xi * sin_rad_phi, # dxy_da yi * cos_rad_phi, # dxy_dd theta[0] * xi * cos_rad_phi - theta[1] * yi * sin_rad_phi, # dxy_dphi zeros, # dxy_dt1 ones, ] ), ] ) # dxy_dt2 dJ_dtheta = torch.bmm( dxy_dtheta.permute(2, 1, 0), dJ_dxy_mat.transpose(0, 1).unsqueeze(-1) ### [N,5,2] ### [N,2,1] ).squeeze( 2 ) # [dJ_{i}/dtheta_{k}] (N * 5) dJ_dtheta = dJ_dtheta.sum(0) return dJ_dtheta
[docs]def theta_renew(theta, dJ_dtheta, alpha, ifrigid=False): alpha_dJ = alpha * dJ_dtheta.reshape(5, 1) alpha_dJ[0:3] = alpha_dJ[0:3] / 1000 # avoid dtheta_{abcd} change a lot of x and y if ifrigid & (theta[0] == -theta[1]): # only when the rigid transformation is allowed, we should check the value of d and a if they are mirrored. # if d and a are mirrored (setting in the prelocate `d = d * mirror``), we should set alpha_dJ[1] as the `-alpha_dJ[1]`. alpha_dJ[1] = -alpha_dJ[1] theta_new = theta - alpha_dJ return theta_new
[docs]def affine_trans_t(theta, coords_t): rad_phi = theta[2, 0].deg2rad() cos_rad_phi = rad_phi.cos() sin_rad_phi = rad_phi.sin() A = torch.Tensor( [ [theta[0, 0] * cos_rad_phi, -theta[1, 0] * sin_rad_phi], [theta[0, 0] * sin_rad_phi, theta[1, 0] * cos_rad_phi], ] ).to(theta.device) t_vec = theta[3:5, :] coords_t1 =, coords_t.T) + t_vec coords_t1 = coords_t1.T return coords_t1
[docs]def torch_Bspline(uv, kl): return torch.where( kl == 0, (1 - uv) ** 3 / 6, torch.where( kl == 1, uv**3 / 2 - uv**2 + 2 / 3, torch.where( kl == 2, (-3 * uv**3 + 3 * uv**2 + 3 * uv + 1) / 6, torch.where(kl == 3, uv**3 / 6, torch.zeros_like(uv)), ), ), )
[docs]def BSpline_GD_preparation(max_xy, mesh_size, dev, mesh_weight): delta = max_xy / (mesh_size - 1.0) mesh = np.ones((2, mesh_size + 3, mesh_size + 3)) ## 2 * (mesh_size + 3) * (mesh_size + 3) for i in range(mesh_size + 3): for j in range(mesh_size + 3): mesh[:, i, j] = [ (i - 1) * delta[0], (j - 1) * delta[1], ] ## 0 - -delta, 1 - 0, 2 - delta, ..., 6 - delta * 5, 7 - delta * 6 (last row) mesh = torch.tensor(mesh).to(dev) mesh_weight = torch.tensor(mesh_weight).to(dev) if type(mesh_weight) is np.ndarray else 1 kls = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(4), torch.arange(4))).flatten(1).to(dev) ## 2 * 16 dxy_ffd_all = torch.zeros(mesh.shape, device=dev) ## 2 * (mesh_size + 3) * (mesh_size + 3) return mesh, mesh_weight, kls, dxy_ffd_all, delta
[docs]def BSpline_GD_uv_ij_calculate(coords_query_it, delta, dev): pos_reg = coords_query_it.T / delta.reshape(2, 1).to(dev) # 2 * N pos_floor = pos_reg.floor().long() # 2 * N uv_raw = pos_reg - pos_floor # 2 * N ij_raw = pos_floor - 1 # 2 * N return uv_raw, ij_raw
[docs]def B_matrix(uv_t, kls_t): result_B_list = [] for kl in kls_t.T: B = torch_Bspline(uv_t, kl.view(2, 1)) # 2 * N[idx] result_B_list.append(, keepdim=True) ) # 1 * N[idx] ; .prod() - product of all elements in the tensor along a given dimension (0 - reduce along rows, 1 - reduce along columns) return, 0) # 16 * N[idx]
[docs]def get_dxy_ffd(ij, result_B_t, mesh, dJ_dxy_mat, mesh_weight, alpha_basis): dxy_ffd_t = torch.zeros(mesh.shape, device=result_B_t.device) ij_0 = ij[0] + 1 ij_1 = ij[1] + 1 for k in range(dxy_ffd_t.shape[1]): for l in range(dxy_ffd_t.shape[2]): mask = (ij_0 <= k) & (k <= ij_0 + 3) & (ij_1 <= l) & (l <= ij_1 + 3) if mask.any(): # check if there is any True in the mask idx_kl = mask.nonzero().flatten() ij_t = torch.tensor([k, l], device=ij.device) - (ij[:, idx_kl].T + 1) keys = ij_t[:, 0] * 4 + ij_t[:, 1] t33 = result_B_t[keys, idx_kl] dxy_ffd_t[:, k, l] -= torch.matmul(dJ_dxy_mat[:, idx_kl], t33.unsqueeze(1).float()).squeeze(1) dxy_ffd_t *= mesh_weight dxy_ffd_t = dxy_ffd_t * alpha_basis return dxy_ffd_t
[docs]def BSpline_renew_coords(uv_t, kls_t, ij_t, mesh_trans): result_tt = torch.zeros_like(uv_t, dtype=torch.float32) for kl in kls_t.T: B = torch_Bspline(uv_t, kl.view(2, 1)) pivots = (ij_t + 1 + kl.view(2, 1)).clamp(0, mesh_trans.size(-1) - 1) mesh_t = mesh_trans[:, pivots[0], pivots[1]] result_tt +=, keepdim=True) * mesh_t return result_tt.T
[docs]def reg_total_t(coords_q, coords_r, params_dist): dev = params_dist.device mean_q = coords_q.mean(0) mean_r = coords_r.mean(0) coords_q_t = torch.tensor(np.array(coords_q) - mean_q).float().to(dev) ## Initial location coords_q_r1 = affine_trans_t(params_dist.theta_r1, coords_q_t) ## Prelocation 1st Affine coords_q_r2 = affine_trans_t(params_dist.theta_r2, coords_q_r1) ## Affine transformation 2st Affine if params_dist.mesh_trans_list != [] and params_dist.mesh_trans_list != [[]]: coords_q_r3 = coords_q_r2.clone() for round_t in range(len(params_dist.mesh_trans_list)): coords_q_r3 = coords_q_r3.clone() - params_dist.min_qr2[round_t] coords_q_r3 = FFD_Bspline_apply_t(coords_q_r3.clone(), params_dist, round_t) coords_q_r3 = coords_q_r3.clone() + params_dist.min_qr2[round_t] coords_q_f = coords_q_r3.clone() else: coords_q_f = coords_q_r2 coords_q_reconstruct = coords_q_f + torch.tensor(mean_r).to(dev) coords_q_reconstruct = coords_q_reconstruct.float() return coords_q_f, coords_q_reconstruct
[docs]def FFD_Bspline_apply_t(coords_q, params_dist, round_t=0): mesh_trans_list = params_dist.mesh_trans_list[round_t] dev = coords_q.device img_size = params_dist.img_size_bs[round_t] mesh_size = mesh_trans_list[0].shape[2] - 3 delta = img_size / (mesh_size - 1.0) coords_query_it = copy.deepcopy(coords_q) for it in trange(len(mesh_trans_list), desc="", leave=True): mesh_trans = mesh_trans_list[it] pos_reg = coords_query_it.T / delta.reshape(2, 1).to(dev) pos_floor = pos_reg.floor().long() uv = pos_reg - pos_floor ij = pos_floor - 1 kls = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(4), torch.arange(4))).flatten(1).to(dev) result_tt = torch.zeros_like(uv).float() for kl in kls.T: B = torch_Bspline(uv, kl.view(2, 1)) pivots = (ij + 1 + kl.view(2, 1)).clamp(0, mesh_trans.size(-1) - 1) mesh_t = mesh_trans[:, pivots[0], pivots[1]] result_tt +=, keepdim=True) * mesh_t coords_query_it = result_tt.T return coords_query_it
[docs]def rescale_coords(coords_raw, graph_list, rescale=False): rescale_factor = 1 if rescale: coords_raw = coords_raw.copy() for sample_t in graph_list: rescale_factor_t = 22340 / np.abs(coords_raw[sample_t]).max() coords_raw[sample_t] = coords_raw[sample_t].copy() * rescale_factor_t if sample_t == graph_list[1]: rescale_factor = rescale_factor_t return coords_raw, rescale_factor
#################### Visualization ####################
[docs]def mesh_plot(mesh_t, coords_q_t, mesh_trans_t=None): mesh_no_last_row = mesh_t[:, :, :].numpy() plt.figure(figsize=[10, 10]) plt.plot(mesh_no_last_row[0], mesh_no_last_row[1], "blue") plt.plot(mesh_no_last_row.T[..., 0], mesh_no_last_row.T[..., 1], "blue") if type(mesh_trans_t) is not type(None): mesh_trans_no_last_row = mesh_trans_t[:, :, :].numpy() plt.plot(mesh_trans_no_last_row[0], mesh_trans_no_last_row[1], "orange") plt.plot(mesh_trans_no_last_row.T[..., 0], mesh_trans_no_last_row.T[..., 1], "orange") plt.scatter(coords_q_t.T[0, :], coords_q_t.T[1, :], c="blue", s=0.5, alpha=0.5, rasterized=True)
[docs]def plot_mid(coords_q, coords_r, output_path="", filename=None, title_t=["ref", "query"], s_t=8, scale_bar_t=None): plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 30, "axes.titlesize": 30, "pdf.fonttype": 42, "legend.markerscale": 5}) plt.figure(figsize=[10, 12]) plt.scatter( np.array(coords_r)[:, 0].tolist(), np.array(coords_r)[:, 1].tolist(), s=s_t, edgecolors="none", alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, c="#9295CA", label=title_t[0], ) plt.scatter( np.array(coords_q)[:, 0].tolist(), np.array(coords_q)[:, 1].tolist(), s=s_t, edgecolors="none", alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, c="#E66665", label=title_t[1], ) plt.legend(fontsize=15) plt.axis("equal") if type(scale_bar_t) != type(None): add_scale_bar(scale_bar_t[0], scale_bar_t[1]) if filename != None: plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_path, filename + ".pdf"), dpi=100)
[docs]def corr_heat( coords_q, coords_r, corr, output_path, title_t=["Corr in ref", "Anchor in query"], filename=None, scale_bar_t=None ): plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 20, "axes.titlesize": 20, "pdf.fonttype": 42}) random.seed(2) sampled_points = np.sort(random.sample(list(range(0, coords_q.shape[0])), 20)) plt.figure(figsize=((40, 25))) for t in range(0, len(sampled_points)): plt_ind = t * 2 ins_cell_idx = sampled_points[t] col_value = corr[ins_cell_idx, :] col_value_bg = [0] * coords_q.shape[0] col_value_bg[ins_cell_idx] = 1 size_value_bg = [5] * coords_q.shape[0] size_value_bg[ins_cell_idx] = 30 plt.subplot(5, 8, plt_ind + 1) plt.scatter( np.array(coords_r[:, 0]), np.array(coords_r[:, 1]), s=5, edgecolors="none", c=col_value, cmap="vlag", vmin=-1, vmax=1, rasterized=True, ) plt.title(title_t[0]) plt.axis("equal") if type(scale_bar_t) != type(None): add_scale_bar(scale_bar_t[0], scale_bar_t[1]) plt.subplot(5, 8, plt_ind + 2) plt.scatter( np.array(coords_q[:, 0]), np.array(coords_q[:, 1]), s=size_value_bg, edgecolors="none", c=col_value_bg, cmap="vlag", vmin=-1, vmax=1, rasterized=True, ) plt.scatter( np.array(coords_q[ins_cell_idx, 0]), np.array(coords_q[ins_cell_idx, 1]), s=size_value_bg[ins_cell_idx], edgecolors="none", c=col_value_bg[ins_cell_idx], cmap="vlag", vmin=-1, vmax=1, rasterized=True, ) plt.title(title_t[1]) plt.axis("equal") if type(scale_bar_t) != type(None): add_scale_bar(scale_bar_t[0], scale_bar_t[1]) plt.tight_layout() plt.colorbar() if filename != None: plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_path, filename + ".pdf"), dpi=100, transparent=True)
[docs]def prelocate_loss_plot(J_t, output_path, prefix="test"): plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 15}) plt.figure(figsize=[5, 5]) plt.scatter(x=list(range(0, len(J_t))), y=J_t) plt.savefig(f"{output_path}/{prefix}_prelocate_loss.pdf")
[docs]def register_result( coords_q, coords_r, cov_anchor_t, bleeding, embed_stack, output_path, k=8, prefix="test", scale_t=1, index_list=None ): idx_q = np.ones(coords_q.shape[0], dtype=bool) if index_list is None else index_list[0] idx_r = np.ones(coords_r.shape[0], dtype=bool) if index_list is None else index_list[1] coords_q = coords_q * scale_t coords_r = coords_r * scale_t kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=0).fit(embed_stack) cell_label = kmeans.labels_ cluster_pl = sns.color_palette("tab20", len(np.unique(cell_label))) ### panel 1 ### plot_mid(coords_q[idx_q], coords_r[idx_r], output_path, f"{prefix}_Results_1", scale_bar_t=None) ### panel 2 ### plt.figure(figsize=[10, 12]) plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 10, "axes.titlesize": 20, "pdf.fonttype": 42}) col = coords_q[idx_q, 0] row = coords_q[idx_q, 1] cell_type_t = cell_label[0 : coords_q[idx_q].shape[0]] for i in set(cell_type_t): plt.scatter( np.array(col)[cell_type_t == i], np.array(row)[cell_type_t == i], s=12, edgecolors="none", alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, c=np.array(cluster_pl)[cell_type_t[cell_type_t == i]], label=str(i), ) col = coords_r[idx_r, 0] row = coords_r[idx_r, 1] cell_type_t = cell_label[coords_q[idx_q].shape[0] :] for i in set(cell_type_t): plt.scatter( np.array(col)[cell_type_t == i], np.array(row)[cell_type_t == i], s=12, edgecolors="none", alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, c=np.array(cluster_pl)[cell_type_t[cell_type_t == i]], label=str(i), ) plt.axis("equal") plt.xticks(fontsize=20) plt.yticks(fontsize=20) plt.title("K means (k = " + str(k) + ")", fontsize=30) add_scale_bar(200, "200 µm") plt.savefig(f"{output_path}/{prefix}_Results_2.pdf", dpi=300) ### panel 3 ### plt.figure(figsize=[20, 12]) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) t_score = J_cal(torch.from_numpy(coords_q[idx_q]), torch.from_numpy(coords_r[idx_r]), cov_anchor_t, bleeding) plt.scatter( coords_q[idx_q, 0], coords_q[idx_q, 1], c=1 - t_score, cmap="vlag", vmin=-1, vmax=1, s=15, edgecolors="none", alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ) add_scale_bar(200, "200 µm") plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.scatter(coords_q[0, 0], coords_q[0, 1], c=[0], cmap="vlag", vmin=-1, vmax=1, s=15, alpha=0.5) plt.axis("off") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(f"{output_path}/{prefix}_Results_3.pdf", dpi=300)
[docs]def affine_reg_params(it_theta, similarity_score, iterations, output_path, prefix="test"): plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 15, "axes.titlesize": 15, "pdf.fonttype": 42}) similarity_score_t = copy.deepcopy(similarity_score) titles = ["a", "d", "φ", "t1", "t2", "loss = " + format(similarity_score[-1], ".1f")] plt.figure(figsize=[15, 8]) for i in range(0, 6): plt.subplot(2, 4, i + 1) if i == 5: plt.scatter(list(range(0, len(similarity_score_t))), similarity_score_t, s=5) else: # plt.scatter(x = range(0,iterations),y=np.array(it_theta)[:,i,0],s = 5) plt.scatter(x=range(1, len(similarity_score_t)), y=np.array(it_theta)[:, i, 0], s=5) plt.title(titles[i], fontsize=20) plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_path, prefix + "_params_Affine_GD_" + str(iterations) + "its.pdf"))
[docs]def CAST_STACK_rough(coords_raw_list, ifsquare=True, if_max_xy=True, percentile=None): """ coords_raw_list: list of numpy arrays, each array is the coordinates of a layer ifsquare: if True, the coordinates will be scaled to a square if_max_xy: if True, the coordinates will be scaled to the max value of the `max_range_x` and `max_range_y`, respectively (if ifsquare is False), or the max value of [max_range_x,max_range_y] (if ifsquare is True) percentile: if not None, the min and max will be calculated based on the percentile of the coordinates for each slice. """ # Convert list of arrays to a single numpy array for easier processing all_coords = np.concatenate(coords_raw_list) # Finding the global min and max for both x and y if percentile is None: min_x, min_y = np.min(all_coords, axis=0) max_x, max_y = np.max(all_coords, axis=0) else: min_x_list, min_y_list, max_x_list, max_y_list = [], [], [], [] for coords_t in coords_raw_list: min_x_list.append(np.percentile(coords_t[:, 0], percentile)) min_y_list.append(np.percentile(coords_t[:, 1], percentile)) max_x_list.append(np.percentile(coords_t[:, 0], 100 - percentile)) max_y_list.append(np.percentile(coords_t[:, 1], 100 - percentile)) min_x, min_y = np.min(min_x_list), np.min(min_y_list) max_x, max_y = np.max(max_x_list), np.max(max_y_list) max_xy = np.array([max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y]) scaled_coords_list = [] for coords_t in coords_raw_list: coords_t2 = (coords_t - coords_t.min(axis=0)) / np.ptp(coords_t, axis=0) if if_max_xy: max_xy_scale = max_xy else: max_xy_scale = max_xy / np.max(max_xy) scaled_coords = coords_t2 * np.max(max_xy_scale) if ifsquare else coords_t2 * max_xy_scale scaled_coords_list.append(scaled_coords) return scaled_coords_list
#################### Calculation ####################
[docs]def coords_minus_mean(coord_t): return np.array(coord_t) - np.mean(np.array(coord_t), axis=0)
[docs]def coords_minus_min(coord_t): return np.array(coord_t) - np.min(np.array(coord_t), axis=0)
[docs]def max_minus_value(corr): return np.max(corr) - corr
[docs]def coords_minus_min_t(coord_t): return coord_t - coord_t.min(0)[0]
[docs]def max_minus_value_t(corr): return corr.max() - corr
[docs]def corr_dist(query_np, ref_np, nan_as="min"): from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances_chunked def chunked_callback(dist_matrix, start): return 1 - dist_matrix chunks = pairwise_distances_chunked( query_np, ref_np, metric="correlation", n_jobs=-1, working_memory=1024, reduce_func=chunked_callback ) corr_q_r = np.vstack(list(chunks)) if nan_as == "min": corr_q_r[np.isnan(corr_q_r)] = np.nanmin(corr_q_r) return corr_q_r
[docs]def region_detect(embed_dict_t, coords0, k=20): plot_row = int(np.floor((k + 1) / 4) + 1) kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=0).fit(embed_dict_t) cell_label = kmeans.labels_ cluster_pl = sns.color_palette("tab20", len(np.unique(cell_label))) plt.figure(figsize=((20, 5 * plot_row))) plt.subplot(plot_row, 4, 1) cell_label_idx = 0 col = coords0[:, 0].tolist() row = coords0[:, 1].tolist() cell_type_t = cell_label[cell_label_idx : (cell_label_idx + coords0.shape[0])] cell_label_idx += coords0.shape[0] for i in set(cell_type_t): plt.scatter( np.array(col)[cell_type_t == i], np.array(row)[cell_type_t == i], s=5, edgecolors="none", c=np.array(cluster_pl)[cell_type_t[cell_type_t == i]], label=str(i), ) plt.title(" (KMeans, k = " + str(k) + ")", fontsize=20) plt.xticks(fontsize=20) plt.yticks(fontsize=20) plt.axis("equal") for j, i in enumerate(set(cell_type_t)): plt.subplot(plot_row, 4, j + 2) plt.scatter(np.array(col), np.array(row), s=3, c="#DDDDDD") plt.scatter( np.array(col)[cell_type_t == i], np.array(row)[cell_type_t == i], s=5, edgecolors="none", c=np.array(cluster_pl)[cell_type_t[cell_type_t == i]], label=str(i), ) plt.title(str(i), fontsize=20) plt.axis("equal") return cell_label