import random
import numpy as np
from anndata import AnnData # type: ignore
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import Literal
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from pyvista import PolyData # type: ignore
from spateo.logging import logger_manager as lm
from ..utils import _iteration
from .mesh_correction_utils import (
from .libfastpd import fastpd
except ImportError:
print("fastpd is not installed. If you need mesh correction, please compile the fastpd library.")
# TODO: add str as the input type for the models
[docs]class Mesh_correction:
A class to perform 3D reconstruction correction from slices using a mesh.
slices (List[AnnData]): A list of aligned slices by Spateo or other methods.
z_heights (Union[List, np.ndarray]): The z-coordinates for each slice.
mesh (PolyData): The mesh used for correction.
spatial_key (str): The key to access spatial coordinates in the AnnData objects. The spatial coordinates under this key should be pre-aligned.
key_added (str): The key under which the corrected spatial coordinates will be added.
normalize_spatial (bool): Flag indicating if spatial coordinates will be normalized.
init_rotation (np.ndarray): Initial rotation angles (in degrees) for the correction.
init_translation (np.ndarray): Initial translation vector for the correction.
init_scaling (np.ndarray): Initial scaling factor for the correction.
max_rotation_angle (float): Maximum rotation angle allowed during the correction process.
max_translation_scale (float): Maximum translation scale allowed during the correction process.
max_scaling (float): Maximum scaling factor allowed during the correction process.
label_num (int): Number of labels used for optimization.
fastpd_iter (int): Number of iterations for the fastPD algorithm.
max_iter (int): Maximum number of iterations for the correction process.
anneal_rate (float): Annealing rate for the optimization process.
multi_processing (bool): Flag indicating if multiprocessing will be used for the correction process.
def __init__(
slices: List[AnnData],
z_heights: Union[List, np.ndarray],
mesh: PolyData,
spatial_key: str = "spatial",
key_added: str = "align_spatial",
normalize_spatial: bool = False,
init_rotation: Optional[np.ndarray] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
init_translation: Optional[np.ndarray] = 0.0,
init_scaling: Optional[np.ndarray] = 1.0,
max_rotation_angle: float = 180,
max_translation_scale: float = 0.5,
max_scaling: float = 1.5,
min_rotation_angle: float = 10,
min_translation_scale: float = 1,
min_scaling: float = 1.1,
label_num: int = 15,
fastpd_iter: int = 100,
max_iter: int = 10,
anneal_rate: float = 0.7,
multi_processing: bool = False,
subsample_slices: Optional[int] = None,
verbose: bool = False,
) -> None:
[docs] self.n_slices = len(slices)
# check if all slices have the same spatial key in the ".obsm" attribute
if not all([spatial_key in s.obsm.keys() for s in slices]):
raise ValueError("All slices must have the same spatial key in the '.obsm' attribute.")
[docs] self.slices_spatial = [s.obsm[spatial_key] for s in slices]
# check z_heights are unique and convert to numpy array
if z_heights is None:
raise ValueError("z_heights must be provided.")
[docs] self.z_heights = z_heights if isinstance(z_heights, np.ndarray) else np.array(z_heights)
# z_height must be unique
if len(np.unique(self.z_heights)) != len(self.z_heights):
raise ValueError("z_heights must be unique value.")
# z_height must have the same length as the number of slices
if len(self.z_heights) != self.n_slices:
raise ValueError("z_heights must have the same length as the number of slices.")
[docs] self.mesh = mesh.copy()
[docs] self.key_added = key_added
[docs] self.normalize_spatial = normalize_spatial
self.set_init_parameters(init_rotation, init_translation, init_scaling)
# scale the mesh to the same scale as the slices
[docs] self.max_rotation_angle = max_rotation_angle
[docs] self.max_translation_scale = max_translation_scale
[docs] self.max_scaling = max_scaling
[docs] self.min_rotation_angle = min_rotation_angle
[docs] self.min_translation_scale = min_translation_scale
[docs] self.min_scaling = min_scaling
[docs] self.label_num = label_num
[docs] self.fastpd_iter = fastpd_iter
[docs] self.max_iter = max_iter
[docs] self.anneal_rate = anneal_rate
[docs] self.multi_processing = multi_processing
[docs] self.subsample_slices = subsample_slices
[docs] self.contours = [None] * self.n_slices
[docs] def set_init_parameters(
init_rotation: Optional[np.ndarray] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
init_translation: Optional[np.ndarray] = 0.0,
init_scaling: Optional[np.ndarray] = 1.0,
Sets the initial transformation parameters for the mesh.
init_rotation (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): Initial rotation angles (in degrees) for the mesh. Defaults to np.array([0., 0., 0.]).
init_translation (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): Initial translation vector for the mesh. Defaults to 0.
init_scaling (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): Initial scaling factor for the mesh. Defaults to 1.
self.mesh.points = _transform_points(np.array(self.mesh.points), init_rotation, init_translation, init_scaling)
[docs] def normalize_mesh_spatial_coordinates(
Normalizes the spatial coordinates of the mesh to align with the slices' spatial scale.
This method calculates the scaling factor based on the maximum spatial extent of the slices
and the z-height range, then applies this scaling to the mesh points. It also centers the
mesh points along the z-axis to match the mean z-height of the slices.
# Calculate the scaling factor based on the slices' spatial extent and z-height range
# self.slices_scale = np.max(
# [np.linalg.norm(np.max(spatial, axis=0) - np.min(spatial, axis=0)) for spatial in self.slices_spatial]
# + [self.z_heights.max() - self.z_heights.min()]
# )
self.slices_scale = self.z_heights.max() - self.z_heights.min()
if self.normalize_spatial:
# Calculate the mesh scaling factor
# mesh_scale = np.max(np.max(self.mesh.points, axis=0) - np.min(self.mesh.points, axis=0))
mesh_scale = self.mesh.points[:, 2].max() - self.mesh.points[:, 2].min()
# Calculate the mean of the z-heights of the slices
slices_mean_z = (self.z_heights.max() + self.z_heights.min()) / 2
slices_mean_xy = np.concatenate(self.slices_spatial, axis=0)
slices_mean_xy = (slices_mean_xy.max(axis=0) + slices_mean_xy.min(axis=0)) / 2
# Center the mesh points and apply the scaling factor
# mesh_mean = np.mean(self.mesh.points, axis=0)
mesh_mean = (self.mesh.points.max(axis=0) + self.mesh.points.min(axis=0)) / 2
self.mesh.points = (self.mesh.points - mesh_mean) * self.slices_scale / mesh_scale
# Adjust the z-coordinates to match the mean z-height of the slices
self.mesh.points[:, :2] += slices_mean_xy
self.mesh.points[:, 2] += slices_mean_z
[docs] def run_discrete_optimization(
) -> None:
Runs the discrete optimization process to find the best transformation parameters.
self.max_translation = self.max_translation_scale * self.slices_scale
# subsample the slices for the discrete optimization
if self.subsample_slices is not None and self.subsample_slices < self.n_slices and self.subsample_slices > 0:
self.subsample_slices = np.random.choice(self.n_slices, self.subsample_slices, replace=False)
self.contours_subsample = [self.contours[i] for i in self.subsample_slices]
self.z_heights_subsample = self.z_heights[self.subsample_slices]
self.contours_subsample = self.contours
self.z_heights_subsample = self.z_heights
# run the discrete optimization
self.losses = []
self.transformations = []
self.best_loss = 1e8
self.best_transformation = {"rotation": np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), "translation": 0.0, "scaling": 1.0}
progress_name = "Run discrete optimization."
lm.main_info(message=f"Run discrete optimization on {len(self.contours_subsample)} contours", indent_level=1)
for i in _iteration(n=self.max_iter, progress_name=progress_name, verbose=self.verbose, indent_level=1):
cur_loss, cur_transformation = self.discrete_optimization_step()
if self.verbose:
lm.main_info(message=f"Iteration {i+1}/{self.max_iter}, current loss: {cur_loss}", indent_level=2)
if cur_loss < self.best_loss:
self.best_loss = cur_loss
self.best_transformation = cur_transformation
# anneling
self.max_rotation_angle = max(self.max_rotation_angle * self.anneal_rate, self.min_rotation_angle)
self.max_translation = max(
self.max_translation * self.anneal_rate, self.min_translation_scale * self.slices_scale
self.max_scaling = max(self.max_scaling * self.anneal_rate, self.min_scaling)
# finish the optimization
lm.main_info(message=f"Optimization finished. Best loss: {self.best_loss}", indent_level=1)
[docs] def discrete_optimization_step(
) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]:
Performs a discrete optimization step to find the best transformation.
Tuple[float, np.ndarray]: The loss and the best transformation found.
# generate the transformation labels
transformation_labels = self.generate_labels()
# initialize the evaluation pairs
pairs = _make_pairs()
u = _getUnaries(self.label_num)
barray = _getBinary(
blist = [b for b in barray]
# print(blist)
# run the fastpd algorithm
labels = fastpd(u, blist, pairs, self.fastpd_iter)
# get the best transformation
parameters = np.array([transformation_labels[labels[i], i] for i in range(len(labels))])
# evaluate the loss
loss = _calculate_loss(self.contours_subsample, self.mesh, parameters, self.z_heights_subsample, "ICP")
transformation = {"rotation": parameters[:3], "translation": parameters[3], "scaling": parameters[4]}
return loss, transformation
[docs] def generate_labels(
) -> np.ndarray:
Generates discrete labels for rotation, translation, and scaling.
np.ndarray: An array of discrete transformation labels.
rotation_labels = _generate_labeling(self.max_rotation_angle, self.label_num)
translation_labels = _generate_labeling(self.max_translation, self.label_num)
scaling_labels = _generate_labeling(self.max_scaling, self.label_num, "log")
transformation_labels = np.array(
[rotation_labels, rotation_labels, rotation_labels, translation_labels, scaling_labels]
transformation_labels = _update_parameter(transformation_labels, self.best_transformation)
return transformation_labels