This page was generated from 6_layer_column_digitization.ipynb. Interactive online version: . Some tutorial content may look better in light mode.
6.Layer & column digitization¶
This notebook demonstrates how to divide a predefined spatial area into layers and columns.
import spateo as st
import dynamo as dyn
import numpy as np
import as px
%matplotlib inline
2022-11-13 22:52:29.181679: I tensorflow/core/util/] oneDNN custom operations are on. You may see slightly different numerical results due to floating-point round-off errors from different computation orders. To turn them off, set the environment variable `TF_ENABLE_ONEDNN_OPTS=0`. (36): The next major release of pysal/spaghetti (2.0.0) will drop support for all ```` geometries. This change is a first step in refactoring ``spaghetti`` that is expected to result in dramatically reduced runtimes for network instantiation and operations. Users currently requiring network and point pattern input as ```` geometries should prepare for this simply by converting to ``shapely`` geometries.
|-----> setting visualization default mode in dynamo. Your customized matplotlib settings might be overritten.
Data source¶
# Load annotated binning data
fname_bin60 = "mousebrain_bin60_clustered.h5ad"
adata_bin60 = st.sample_data.mousebrain(fname_bin60)
# Load higher resolution binning data (optional)
fname_bin30 = "mousebrain_bin30.h5ad"
adata_bin30 = st.sample_data.mousebrain(fname_bin30)
adata_bin60, adata_bin30
(AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 7765 × 21667
obs: 'area', 'n_counts', 'Size_Factor', 'initial_cell_size', 'louvain', 'scc', 'scc_anno'
var: 'pass_basic_filter'
uns: '__type', 'louvain', 'louvain_colors', 'neighbors', 'pp', 'scc', 'scc_anno_colors', 'scc_colors', 'spatial', 'spatial_neighbors'
obsm: 'X_pca', 'X_spatial', 'bbox', 'contour', 'spatial'
layers: 'count', 'spliced', 'unspliced'
obsp: 'connectivities', 'distances', 'spatial_connectivities', 'spatial_distances',
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 31040 × 25691
obs: 'area'
uns: '__type', 'pp', 'spatial'
obsm: 'X_spatial', 'bbox', 'contour', 'spatial'
layers: 'count', 'spliced', 'unspliced')
Data preparation¶
# Extract spatial domains from SCC clusters.
# Transfer domain annotation to higher resolution anndata object for better visualization (optional).
|-----> Generate the cluster label image with `gen_cluster_image`.
|-----> Set up the color for the clusters with the tab20 colormap.
|-----> Saving integer labels for clusters into adata.obs['cluster_img_label'].
|-----> Prepare a mask image and assign each pixel to the corresponding cluster id.
|-----> Iterate through each cluster and identify contours with `extract_cluster_contours`.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 13.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 13.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 7.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 7.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 5.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 5.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 1.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 1.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 12.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 12.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 9.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 9.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 6.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 6.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 8.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 8.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 10.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 10.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 17.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 17.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 3.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 3.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 15.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 15.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 11.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 11.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 14.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 14.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 4.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 4.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 2.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 2.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 16.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 16.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): 18.
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster 18.
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.
# Visualize transfered spatial domain
show_legend="upper left",
figsize=(4, 3.5),
Extract region of interest¶
# Extract an area of interest
adata_bin30.obsm['spatial_bin30'] = adata_bin30.obsm['spatial']//30
cluster_label_image_lowres = st.dd.gen_cluster_image(adata_bin30, bin_size=1, spatial_key="spatial_bin30", cluster_key='domain_scc_anno', show=False)
cluster_label_list = np.unique(adata_bin30[adata_bin30.obs['domain_scc_anno'].isin(['Isocortex L4','Isocortex L5']), :].obs["cluster_img_label"])
contours, cluster_image_close, cluster_image_contour = st.dd.extract_cluster_contours(cluster_label_image_lowres, cluster_label_list, bin_size=1, k_size=6, show=False)
px.imshow(cluster_image_contour, width=500, height=500)
|-----> Set up the color for the clusters with the tab20 colormap.
|-----> Saving integer labels for clusters into adata.obs['cluster_img_label'].
|-----> Prepare a mask image and assign each pixel to the corresponding cluster id.
|-----> Get selected areas with label id(s): [11 12].
|-----> Close morphology of the area formed by cluster [11 12].
|-----> Remove small region(s).
|-----> Extract contours.