================== .. py:module:: .. autoapi-nested-parse:: IO functions for SeqScope technology. Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: read_seqscope_as_anndata(matrix_dir: str) -> anndata.AnnData Read SeqScope matrix directory as AnnData. :param matrix_dir: Path to directory containing matrix files. :returns: AnnData of barcode x genes. .. py:function:: read_seqscope_positions_as_dataframe(path: str) -> pandas.DataFrame Read SeqScope barcode positions CSV as dataframe. :param path: Path to file :returns: DataFrame containing barcode positions. .. py:function:: read_seqscope(matrix_dir: str, positions_path: str, binsize: Optional[int] = 1, add_props: bool = True, version: Literal['seqscope'] = 'seqscope') -> anndata.AnnData Read SeqScope data as AnnData. :param matrix_dir: Directory containing matrix files (barcodes.tsv.gz, features.tsv.gz, matrix.mtx.gz) :param positions_path: Path to CSV containing spatial coordinates :param binsize: Size of pixel bins :param add_props: Whether or not to compute label properties, such as area, bounding box, centroid, etc. :param version: SeqScope technology version. Currently only used to set the scale and scale units of each unit coordinate. This may change in the future.