import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse as sp
import seaborn as sns
import sklearn.neighbors
import torch
[docs]def Transfer_pytorch_Data(adata):
from import Data
G_df = adata.uns["Spatial_Net"].copy()
cells = np.array(adata.obs_names)
cells_id_tran = dict(zip(cells, range(cells.shape[0])))
G_df["Cell1"] = G_df["Cell1"].map(cells_id_tran)
G_df["Cell2"] = G_df["Cell2"].map(cells_id_tran)
G = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(G_df.shape[0]), (G_df["Cell1"], G_df["Cell2"])), shape=(adata.n_obs, adata.n_obs))
G = G + sp.eye(G.shape[0])
edgeList = np.nonzero(G)
if type(adata.X) == np.ndarray:
data = Data(
edge_index=torch.LongTensor(np.array([edgeList[0], edgeList[1]])), x=torch.FloatTensor(adata.X)
) # .todense()
data = Data(
edge_index=torch.LongTensor(np.array([edgeList[0], edgeList[1]])), x=torch.FloatTensor(adata.X.todense())
) # .todense()
return data
[docs]def Batch_Data(adata, num_batch_x, num_batch_y, spatial_key=["X", "Y"], plot_Stats=False):
Sp_df = adata.obs.loc[:, spatial_key].copy()
Sp_df = np.array(Sp_df)
batch_x_coor = [np.percentile(Sp_df[:, 0], (1 / num_batch_x) * x * 100) for x in range(num_batch_x + 1)]
batch_y_coor = [np.percentile(Sp_df[:, 1], (1 / num_batch_y) * x * 100) for x in range(num_batch_y + 1)]
Batch_list = []
for it_x in range(num_batch_x):
for it_y in range(num_batch_y):
min_x = batch_x_coor[it_x]
max_x = batch_x_coor[it_x + 1]
min_y = batch_y_coor[it_y]
max_y = batch_y_coor[it_y + 1]
temp_adata = adata.copy()
temp_adata = temp_adata[temp_adata.obs[spatial_key[0]].map(lambda x: min_x <= x <= max_x)]
temp_adata = temp_adata[temp_adata.obs[spatial_key[1]].map(lambda y: min_y <= y <= max_y)]
if plot_Stats:
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(1, 3))
plot_df = pd.DataFrame([x.shape[0] for x in Batch_list], columns=["#spot/batch"])
sns.boxplot(y="#spot/batch", data=plot_df, ax=ax)
sns.stripplot(y="#spot/batch", data=plot_df, ax=ax, color="red", size=5)
return Batch_list
[docs]def Cal_Spatial_Net(adata, rad_cutoff=None, k_cutoff=None, model="Radius", verbose=True):
Construct the spatial neighbor networks.
AnnData object of scanpy package.
radius cutoff when model='Radius'
The number of nearest neighbors when model='KNN'
The network construction model. When model=='Radius', the spot is connected to spots whose distance is less than rad_cutoff. When model=='KNN', the spot is connected to its first k_cutoff nearest neighbors.
The spatial networks are saved in adata.uns['Spatial_Net']
assert model in ["Radius", "KNN"]
if verbose:
print("------Calculating spatial graph...")
coor = pd.DataFrame(adata.obsm["spatial"])
coor.index = adata.obs.index
coor.columns = ["imagerow", "imagecol"]
if model == "Radius":
nbrs = sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors(radius=rad_cutoff).fit(coor)
distances, indices = nbrs.radius_neighbors(coor, return_distance=True)
KNN_list = []
for it in range(indices.shape[0]):
KNN_list.append(pd.DataFrame(zip([it] * indices[it].shape[0], indices[it], distances[it])))
if model == "KNN":
nbrs = sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k_cutoff + 1).fit(coor)
distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(coor)
KNN_list = []
for it in range(indices.shape[0]):
KNN_list.append(pd.DataFrame(zip([it] * indices.shape[1], indices[it, :], distances[it, :])))
KNN_df = pd.concat(KNN_list)
KNN_df.columns = ["Cell1", "Cell2", "Distance"]
Spatial_Net = KNN_df.copy()
Spatial_Net = Spatial_Net.loc[
Spatial_Net["Distance"] > 0,
id_cell_trans = dict(
Spatial_Net["Cell1"] = Spatial_Net["Cell1"].map(id_cell_trans)
Spatial_Net["Cell2"] = Spatial_Net["Cell2"].map(id_cell_trans)
if verbose:
print("The graph contains %d edges, %d cells." % (Spatial_Net.shape[0], adata.n_obs))
print("%.4f neighbors per cell on average." % (Spatial_Net.shape[0] / adata.n_obs))
adata.uns["Spatial_Net"] = Spatial_Net
[docs]def Cal_Spatial_Net_3D(
adata, rad_cutoff_2D, rad_cutoff_Zaxis, key_section="Section_id", section_order=None, verbose=True
Construct the spatial neighbor networks.
AnnData object of scanpy package.
radius cutoff for 2D SNN construction.
radius cutoff for 2D SNN construction for consturcting SNNs between adjacent sections.
The columns names of section_ID in adata.obs.
The order of sections. The SNNs between adjacent sections are constructed according to this order.
The 3D spatial networks are saved in adata.uns['Spatial_Net'].
adata.uns["Spatial_Net_2D"] = pd.DataFrame()
adata.uns["Spatial_Net_Zaxis"] = pd.DataFrame()
num_section = np.unique(adata.obs[key_section]).shape[0]
if verbose:
print("Radius used for 2D SNN:", rad_cutoff_2D)
print("Radius used for SNN between sections:", rad_cutoff_Zaxis)
for temp_section in np.unique(adata.obs[key_section]):
if verbose:
print("------Calculating 2D SNN of section ", temp_section)
temp_adata = adata[
adata.obs[key_section] == temp_section,
Cal_Spatial_Net(temp_adata, rad_cutoff=rad_cutoff_2D, verbose=False)
temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"]["SNN"] = temp_section
if verbose:
"This graph contains %d edges, %d cells." % (temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"].shape[0], temp_adata.n_obs)
print("%.4f neighbors per cell on average." % (temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"].shape[0] / temp_adata.n_obs))
adata.uns["Spatial_Net_2D"] = pd.concat([adata.uns["Spatial_Net_2D"], temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"]])
for it in range(num_section - 1):
section_1 = section_order[it]
section_2 = section_order[it + 1]
if verbose:
print("------Calculating SNN between adjacent section %s and %s." % (section_1, section_2))
Z_Net_ID = section_1 + "-" + section_2
temp_adata = adata[
adata.obs[key_section].isin([section_1, section_2]),
Cal_Spatial_Net(temp_adata, rad_cutoff=rad_cutoff_Zaxis, verbose=False)
spot_section_trans = dict(zip(temp_adata.obs.index, temp_adata.obs[key_section]))
temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"]["Section_id_1"] = temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"]["Cell1"].map(spot_section_trans)
temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"]["Section_id_2"] = temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"]["Cell2"].map(spot_section_trans)
used_edge = temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"].apply(lambda x: x["Section_id_1"] != x["Section_id_2"], axis=1)
temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"] = temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"].loc[
temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"] = temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"].loc[:, ["Cell1", "Cell2", "Distance"]]
temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"]["SNN"] = Z_Net_ID
if verbose:
"This graph contains %d edges, %d cells." % (temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"].shape[0], temp_adata.n_obs)
print("%.4f neighbors per cell on average." % (temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"].shape[0] / temp_adata.n_obs))
adata.uns["Spatial_Net_Zaxis"] = pd.concat([adata.uns["Spatial_Net_Zaxis"], temp_adata.uns["Spatial_Net"]])
adata.uns["Spatial_Net"] = pd.concat([adata.uns["Spatial_Net_2D"], adata.uns["Spatial_Net_Zaxis"]])
if verbose:
print("3D SNN contains %d edges, %d cells." % (adata.uns["Spatial_Net"].shape[0], adata.n_obs))
print("%.4f neighbors per cell on average." % (adata.uns["Spatial_Net"].shape[0] / adata.n_obs))
[docs]def Stats_Spatial_Net(adata):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Num_edge = adata.uns["Spatial_Net"]["Cell1"].shape[0]
Mean_edge = Num_edge / adata.shape[0]
plot_df = pd.value_counts(pd.value_counts(adata.uns["Spatial_Net"]["Cell1"]))
plot_df = plot_df / adata.shape[0]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[3, 2])
plt.title("Number of Neighbors (Mean=%.2f)" % Mean_edge), plot_df)
[docs]def mclust_R(adata, num_cluster, modelNames="EEE", used_obsm="STAGATE", random_seed=2020):
Clustering using the mclust algorithm.
The parameters are the same as those in the R package mclust.
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
import rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri
r_random_seed = robjects.r["set.seed"]
rmclust = robjects.r["Mclust"]
res = rmclust(rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri.numpy2rpy(adata.obsm[used_obsm]), num_cluster, modelNames)
mclust_res = np.array(res[-2])
adata.obs["mclust"] = mclust_res
adata.obs["mclust"] = adata.obs["mclust"].astype("int")
adata.obs["mclust"] = adata.obs["mclust"].astype("category")
return adata